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Rapid advances in mobile technologies and devices have made mobile banking increasingly important in mobile commerce and financial services. Using innovation diffusion theory and knowledge-based trust literature, this study develops a research model to examine the effect of innovation attributes (perceived relative advantage, ease of use and compatibility) and knowledge-based trust (perceived competence, benevolence and integrity) on attitude and behavioral intention about adopting (or continuing to use) mobile banking across potential and repeat customers. Based on a survey of 368 participants (177 for potential customers and 191 for repeat customers), this study uses a structural equation modeling approach to investigate the research model. The results indicate that perceived relative advantage, ease of use, compatibility, competence and integrity significantly influence attitude, which in turn lead to behavioral intention to adopt (or continue-to-use) mobile banking. Additionally, by using multi-group analysis with t-statistics, the results found that the antecedents of attitude toward mobile banking differ between potential and repeat customers. The implications for research and practice and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Mobile banking is one of the most promising technologies that has emerged in recent years and could prove to have considerable value to both banks and customers. Thus, this study recognises the need to test the main factors that could predict the use of mobile banking as well as how using such a system could contribute to both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The conceptual model of this study combines two models (i.e. UTAUT2 and the D&M IS Success Model). A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the required data from convenience sampling of Saudi bank customers. The main factors – performance expectancy, price value, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, habit, system quality and service quality – were found to have a significant impact on actual use behaviour. This study was cross-sectional, therefore future studies should implement longitudinal studies in order to re-collect the findings. Further, this study adopted convenience sampling of Saudi M-Banking users. This may adversely impact the issue of generalisability to the whole population. The gap in the M-Banking literature in Saudi Arabia would be bridged by proposing a comprehensive conceptual model that scrupulously clarifies the use of M-Banking from the perspective of Saudi users. Furthermore, this study would consider the adoption of numeric data in order to inferentially analyse them using SEM. This in turn would assist in generalising the findings to the whole Saudi population.  相似文献   

Banks seem to be one of the most business that are really interested in such systems to provide their customers better services as well as to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency. However, the successful implementation of Mobile banking largely depends on the extent of how much customers are fully motivated to adopt it. In fact, over the Jordanian context, the adoption rate of mobile banking is very low and quite few studies that have examined the related issues of mobile banking. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing behavioural intention and adoption of Mobile banking by customers of Jordanian banks. The proposed model has assimilated factors from the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) along with trust. Data was collected by conducting a field survey questionnaire completed by 343 participants. The results mainly showed that behavioural intention is significantly and positively influenced by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, price value and trust. This study also looking forward to providing the Jordanian banks with applicable guidelines for effectively implementing and designing Mobile banking. Furthermore, research limitations and future directions will be discussed further in the last section.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which users in developing countries innovate, the factors that enable these innovations and whether they are meaningful on a global stage. To study this issue, we conducted an empirical investigation into the origin and types of innovations in financial services offered via mobile phones, a global, multi-billion-dollar industry in which developing economies play an important role. We used the complete list of mobile financial services, as reported by the GSM Association, and collected detailed histories of the development of the services and their innovation process. Our analysis, the first of its kind, shows that 85% of the innovations in this field originated in developing countries. We also conclude that, at least 50% of all mobile financial services were pioneered by users, approximately 45% by producers, and the remaining were jointly developed by users and producers. The main factors contributing to these innovations to occur in developing countries are the high levels of need, the existence of flexible platforms, in combination with increased access to information and communication technology. Additionally, services developed by users diffused at more than double the rate of producer-innovations. Finally, we observe that three-quarters of the innovations that originated in non-OECD countries have already diffused to OECD countries, and that the (user) innovations are therefore globally meaningful. This study suggests that the traditional North-to-South diffusion framework fails to explain these new sources of innovation and may require re-examination.  相似文献   

Mobile banking (mBanking) enables customers to carry out their banking tasks via mobile devices. We advance the extant body of knowledge about mBanking adoption by proposing a model for understanding the importance and relationship between the user perception of mBanking, initial trust in mBanking services, and the fit between the technology and mBanking task characteristics. We synergistically combine the strengths of three IS theories – task technology fit (TTF) model, unified theory of acceptance and usage of technology (UTAUT), and initial trust model (ITM). The model was tested in a study conducted in Portugal, one of the European Union (EU) countries with the highest mobile phone adoption. Based on the sample of 194 individuals we applied partial least squares (PLS) to test the conceptual model propose. The path significance levels were estimated using the bootstrapping method (500 resamples). The study found that facilitating conditions and behavioral intentions directly influence mBanking adoption. Initial trust, performance expectancy, technology characteristics, and task technology fit have total effect on behavioral intention. The paper offers valuable insights to decision-makers involved in the implementation and deployment of mBanking services. For researchers, the paper highlights the usefulness of integrating TTF, UTAUT and ITM in the development of a decision support framework to study the adoption of new technologies.  相似文献   

With the prevalence of social media and social networking, social commerce is becoming increasingly popular in both business and research areas. As in other types of e-commerce context, trust is also indispensable in social commerce. In this study, two types of trust have been discussed. This study represents an initial attempt to provide an integrated view of particularized trust in social commerce, including particularized trust antecedents, trust transfer and trust performance, so as to promote trust formation in social commerce. Using data collected from 614 social commerce users, we demonstrate that trust disposition, quality-assured shared information, familiarity and endorsement by other members are four antecedents of particularized trust. The results also indicate particularized trust can be transferred into system trust, and particularized trust only exerts positive effect on social WOM intention while system trust only exerts positive effect on social shopping intention. Furthermore, we prove perceived similarity can strengthen the relationship between trust disposition and particularized trust as well as the relationship between quality-assured shared information and particularized trust.  相似文献   

As we can see in recent studies on mobile banking, there is an increasing number of papers addressing this new technology. Mobile banking contributes to the quality of life of people living in both developed countries, and also in emerging economies. In this context, we develop this paper in order to compare the determinants of mobile banking use between respondents from two countries with different levels of development: Brazil and the United States. Our theoretical model includes six variables as determinant factors of mobile banking use. In order to analyze path coefficients and test the six hypotheses, we employed a structural equation model. We also employed a quantitative test (multi-group analysis) to analyze the difference of path coefficients between the models of the two countries. The main results indicate similarities among the perceptions of the respondents that participated in the survey, but differences in coefficient magnitude.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of mobile technology and large usage rates of mobile phones, mobile instant message (MIM) services have been widely adopted in China. Although previous studies on the adoption of mobile services are quite extensive, few focus on customer satisfaction and loyalty to MIM in China. In this study, we examine the determinants of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The findings confirm that trust, perceived service quality, perceived customer value, including functional value and emotional value, contribute to generating customer satisfaction with MIM. The results also show that trust, customer satisfaction and switching cost directly enhance customer loyalty. Additionally, this study finds that age, gender, and usage time have moderating effects. Finally, implications for the marketing of MIM are discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper explores the relationship between nature of Facebook usage, non-directional comparisons and depressive syndromes. The extant research on linkage between social media usage and mental health is inconclusive. The paper uses data collected through an online survey of 399 Facebook users in the UK. A Facebook frequency rating scale was developed and validated as a part of the study. The Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure was modified and used to measure social comparison. The depressive syndromes were captured by the modified Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. The Rank Theory of Depression was used a guiding framework. The data collection had focused on the 20–29 year olds, as justified by the literature.The study found a negative relationship between active Facebook use and non-directional social comparisons. The relationship was reversed in the case of passive usage. There is small but significant causal linkage between increased non-directional social comparisons and depressive symptoms among the users.  相似文献   

Measuring the success of mobile government (m-government) is a significant challenge faced by the public sector today, as governments are increasingly using mobile technology to provide public services to citizens and m-government endeavors have often fallen short of their potential. To address this gap, we draw on DeLone and McLean’s (2003) updated information systems (IS) success model in order to develop an m-government success model that theorizes service quality as comprising online and offline service quality and further uses perceived value to measure net benefits. The results of a survey of 286 m-government users in China indicate that information quality and online service quality, but not system quality, are positively associated with citizen satisfaction, which in turn is positively associated with perceived value. The results also show that the relationship between online service quality and citizen satisfaction is positively moderated by offline service quality, while citizen satisfaction partially mediates the relationships between information quality/online service quality (but not system quality) and perceived value. This study extends the updated IS success model by differentiating between online and offline service quality, as well as by introducing the notion of perceived value. Our results provide guidance to researchers and practitioners regarding the role of service quality and perceived value in measuring m-government system success.  相似文献   

The advent of new information technology has radically changed the end-user computing environment over the past decade. To enhance their management decision-making capability, many organizations have made significant investments in business intelligence (BI) systems. The realization of business benefits from BI investments depends on supporting effective use of BI systems and satisfying their end user requirements. Even though a lot of attention has been paid to the decision-making benefits of BI systems in practice, there is still a limited amount of empirical research that explores the nature of end-user satisfaction with BI systems. End-user satisfaction and system usage have been recognized by many researchers as critical determinants of the success of information systems (IS). As an increasing number of companies have adopted BI systems, there is a need to understand their impact on an individual end-user's performance. In recent years, researchers have considered assessing individual performance effects from IS use as a key area of concern. Therefore, this study aims to empirically test a framework identifying the relationships between end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS), system usage, and individual performance. Data gathered from 330 end users of BI systems in the Taiwanese electronics industry were used to test the relationships proposed in the framework using the structural equation modeling approach. The results provide strong support for our model. Our results indicate that higher levels of EUCS can lead to increased BI system usage and improved individual performance, and that higher levels of BI system usage will lead to higher levels of individual performance. In addition, this study's findings, consistent with DeLone and McLean's IS success model, confirm that there exists a significant positive relationship between EUCS and system usage. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Organizations face significant challenges in capturing value from their investments in strategic information systems such as enterprise systems (ES). Managers are a powerful source of influence shaping the post-adoption attitudes and behaviors of users and the success of ES. However, the extant IS literature has focused primarily on the role of top management and theoretical explanations of the role of supervisors in fostering continuing usage of ES are lacking. Drawing on transformational leadership theory and the IS continuance (ISC) model, this paper conceptualizes a theoretical model differentiating the influence mechanisms through which different types of leadership behaviors influence the success of ES. Data collected from 192 users of ES confirms our theorization. We find that transformational leadership behaviors of supervisors influence users’ evaluations of satisfaction and perceived usefulness, while their transactional leadership behaviors influence users’ ES continuance intention by moderating the effects of user satisfaction and perceived usefulness on ES continuance intention. This study advances research on the role of leadership behaviors of supervisors in capturing value from enterprise systems. The research also contributes to practice by suggesting effective strategies for promoting continued usage of mission critical systems such as enterprise systems and delivering value from firms’ IT investments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to elaborate an evolutionary perspective on the process of structural change that has characterized the banking industry in the United Kingdom (UK). For this purpose, the evolution of retail financial services is contrasted against the backdrop of the implementation and development of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The paper delves into the sources and the effects of technological change in banking over a long-term perspective (1840s-1990s) to point out the significance of the opportunities and the constraints that have shaped the growth and development of this industry. This is interpreted as a three-stage evolutionary process driven by intertemporal coordination across several complementary domains, including activities of production, business organization, consumption and the underlying regulatory setting. It is concluded that the evolution of UK retail banking displays the characteristics of a distributed process of innovation in which developers of technologies, service suppliers and customers contribute to the process of structural change of the industry.  相似文献   

The adoption and diffusion of electronic government is often impeded by many social and individual factors relating to citizens. In this respect, intermediaries have emerged as a new model for delivering e-government services to overcome such obstacles. This study aims to examine the role of intermediaries in facilitating e-government adoption and diffusion using a survey based empirical study of 502 participants in Madinah City in Saudi Arabia. An extended UTAUT model is used as the theoretical basis utilizing trust in the Internet and Intermediaries. The results of this study show that there are significant relationships among the factors that influence intention to use e-government, namely, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and trust of intermediary. In addition, the findings show that there is a significant relationship between facilitating conditions and usage behavior proving that intermediaries can influence adoption of e-government services.  相似文献   

Most firms today are served by specialized IT service providers for the development and maintenance of their business information systems. During the IT service encounter, service providers and clients interact throughout the project, exchanging information, sharing knowledge and making critical decisions. From the IT service provider's viewpoint, it is important to raise the level of clients’ relationship commitment during this service encounter as their business continuity depends upon clients assessment. Intuitively, effective communication and effective service quality, mediated by trust, are critical factors in raising the level of relationship commitment. This study proposes an empirical model consisting of four critical antecedents of relationship commitment (communication effectiveness, technical service quality, functional service quality and trust) and then tests the model using data points solicited from two global firms. Study results revealed that trust is a strong mediator for relationship commitment while functional, rather than technical, service quality is a stronger mediator in forming the clients’ trust.  相似文献   

Mobile health (mHealth) applications have become an important tool to support public health, especially in times of increased health awareness in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is still uncertainty about what factors determine successful mHealth services from the users’ perspective. Based on the results of a systematic literature review, a qualitative content analysis of available apps and semi-structured user and expert interviews, we derive a structural model with antecedents on user attitudes towards mHealth and user satisfaction with the mHealth application. These variables determine users’ intention to continue using the application and their intention to recommend it to others. For verification, we tested the model with a sample of 249 German mHealth users from the “MyFitnessPal” community using structural equation modelling and found that all derived path relations have significant coefficients.  相似文献   

Growing evidence shows that mobile commerce will increase consumers’ impulse buying behavior. However, existing study examining the impact factors on individuals’ impulse buying in mobile commerce is limited. Drawing on stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) paradigm, this study focuses on situation factors and reaction factors in mobile commerce to examine impulse buying. Building on prior literature of browsing and motivation theory, this study views hedonic browsing and utilitarian browsing as two key drivers on impulse buying in mobile commerce. This study adopts partial least squares estimation to analyze the data obtained from an online questionnaire. Two main findings emerge. First, three situation factors (portability, visual appeal and interpersonal influence) differently affect hedonic browsing and utilitarian browsing. Second, hedonic browsing directly and positively influences consumers’ urge to buy impulsively, whereas utilitarian browsing indirectly influences consumers’ urge to buy impulsively through hedonic browsing. Discussions, limitations, and implications are also presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Mobile health (mHealth) services support the continuous health-related monitoring, feedback, and behavior modification of individuals and populations through the use of personal mobile communication devices. Poor service quality is a major reason why many users have discontinued using mHealth services. However, only a few studies have identified the critical quality components for continuance intention. The current study aims to identify the crucial quality dimensions for users’ continuance intention in an mHealth service called Onecare. This service provides various forms of support for the day-to-day health behavior monitoring of college students by utilizing daily behavior data. In this research, five major quality dimensions of mHealth services, namely, content quality, engagement, reliability, usability, and privacy, were derived from existing studies. The effect of each quality dimension on continuance intention was estimated by analyzing the survey responses of 191 Onecare service users. The quality dimension with the most considerable effect on continuance intention was determined to be engagement followed by content quality and reliability. By contrast, the effects of usability and privacy on continuance intention were insignificant. Furthermore, this study found that the optimal quality management strategy can change depending on the objective, i.e., to increase continuance intention or satisfaction. These results will help mHealth service managers allocate their limited resources to effectively and efficiently improve continuance intention. Future research is required to verify if the findings of this study are generalizable to any population because the sample used in this work was specific to Korean college students.  相似文献   

Engineers face a wide range of gaps when trying to identify, acquire, and utilize information from the Web. To be able to avoid creating such gaps, it is essential to understand them in detail. This paper reports the results of a study of the real life gaps in information usage processes of 17 engineers. Using the critical incident interviewing technique, 65 examples of information usage processes were uncovered. An inductive analysis of these data, using the constant comparison method, yields five classes of identification gaps, of acquisition gaps, and of utilization gaps. Within these fifteen gap classes, 79 types of information usage gaps are identified. The results of this study confirm and extend existing studies on information usage gaps. Future research should examine whether such gaps need to be bridged and, if so, how they could be bridged.  相似文献   

Message routing in mobile delay tolerant networks inherently relies on the cooperation between nodes. In most existing routing protocols, the participation of nodes in the routing process is taken as granted. However, in reality, nodes can be unwilling to participate. We first show in this paper the impact of the unwillingness of nodes to participate in existing routing protocols through a set of experiments. Results show that in the presence of even a small proportion of nodes that do not forward messages, performance is heavily degraded. We then analyze two major reasons of the unwillingness of nodes to participate, i.e., their rational behavior (also called selfishness) and their wariness of disclosing private mobility information.  相似文献   

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