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基础教育改革走向及其对师范教育的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基础教育与师范教育密切相关。基础教育的改革走向牵动着师范教育的发展模式,师范教育的培养规格又拉引着基础教育的发展水平。一、基础教育的改革走向我国的基础教育自20世纪80年代以来进行的改革,涉及到了基础教育的宏观、中观和微观领域的许多问题,已形成了一定的走向和趋势。(一)基础教育价值观的科学定位基础教育价值观要回答的问题是:基础教育最重要的价值是什么?这是一个关系到基础教育定向和定位的问题,成为当前教育改革中探讨的热点。关于教育的价值,存在着两种十分明确而又对立的观点:一是从人本身的完善化来评论教育价值…  相似文献   

In developing countries, the trend has been for government to assume gradual control of schools run by religious organisations, while allowing them to retain their religious affiliation. In the Caribbean, the relationship between church and state educational systems has generally been cordial. This is particularly so in Trinidad and Tobago, where almost three quarters of the primary schools are denominational: Roman Catholic, other Christian, Hindu and Muslim. However, a significant proportion of pupils do not adhere to the host faith. Demographic trends and internal migration have disturbed the previous pattern of population, but the most important factor is the influence of the Common Entrance Examination, which controls entry to secondary education. Certain primary schools achieve high pass rates and attract large numbers of applicants from all sectors of society, while School Boards and principals accept over-population and set entry criteria other than religious affiliation. Variation in curricula is limited by recently drafted requirements, the government provides the bulk of school funds, and regularly inspects all schools. Such controls may enable the present government to fulfil its intention of deemphasising the Common Entrance Examination, but it thereby runs the risk of endangering the religious tolerance engendered by the present multidenominational nature of religious schools.
Zusammenfassung In Entwicklungsländern ging das Bestreben der Regierung dahin, allmählich die Kontrolle über die von religiösen Organisationen geführten Schulen zu übernehmen und ihnen dabei ihre religiöse Bindung zu belassen. In der Karibik bestand bisher im allgemeinen ein herzliches Verhätnis zwischen Kirche und staatlichen Erziehungseinrichtungen. Dies gilt besonders für Trinidad und Tobago, wo fast drei Viertel der Grundschulen Konfessionsschulen sind: römisch-katholisch, anderweitig christlich, hinduistisch und moslemisch. Eine große Anzahl von Schülern gehört allerdings nicht der Glaubensrichtung der Schule an. Demografische Trends und Bevölkerungsfluktuation haben frühere Bevölkerungsmuster verändert, aber der wichtigste Punkt ist der Einfluß der allgemeinen Aufnahmeprüfung, die den Eintritt in die weiterführenden Schulen reguliert.Einige Grundschulen haben hohe Erfolgsraten und ziehen dadurch viele Bewerber aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten an, wobei Schulbehörden und Schulleiter eine Überbelegung akzeptieren und andere Aufnahmekriterien als religiöse Zugehörigkeit festsetzen. Änderungsmöglichkeiten im Curriculum sind durch kürzlich herausgegebene Anforderungsrichtlinien eingeschränkt; die Regierung zahlt den größten Teil der Schulmittel und inspiziert regelmäßig alle Schulen. Diese Kontrollen mögen es zwar der gegenwärtigen Regierung ermöglichen, ihre Absicht, die Bedeutung der allgemeinen Aufnahmeprüfung zu schwächen, zu verwirklichen, aber sie riskiert gleichzeitig, die durch die gegenwärtigen multikonfessionellen Religionsschulen ausgelöste religiöse Toleranz zu gefährden.

Résumé Dans les pays en développement, le gouvernement assume habituellement le contrôle continu des écoles régies par les organisations religieuses, tout en leur permettant de conserver leur adhésion religieuse. Aux Caraïbes, la relation entre les systèmes éducatifs publics et religieux est généralement cordiale. C'est particulièrement le cas à Trinité-et-Tobago, où presque les trois quarts des écoles primaires sont des écoles confessionnelles: catholiques romaines, diverses écoles chrétiennes, écoles hindoues et musulmanes. Cependant, un nombre important d'élèves n'adhère pas à la religion de l'école. Les tendances démographiques et la migration interne ont changé l'ancienne structure de la population, mais le facteur majeur reste l'influence de l'Examen général d'entrée, qui réglemente l'entrée dans le secondaire. Certaines écoles primaires ont un taux de réussite élevé et attirent de nombreux candidats issus de tous les secteurs de la société, tandis que les conseils et les directeurs d'écoles acceptent une surpopulation et fixent d'autres critères d'admission que ceux d'appartenance religieuse. La diversité des programmes d'études est limitée par des contraintes mises en place récemment, le gouvernement octroie l'ensemble des crédits à l'éducation et inspecte régulièrement tous les établissements scolaires. Pareils contrôles peuvent permettre au présent gouvernement d'imposer sa volonté pour diminuer l'importance de l'Examen général d'entrée, mails ils risquent en même temps de mettre en danger la tolérance religieuse engendrée aujourd'hui par la nature multiconfessionnelle des écoles religieuses.

In this paper I seek to address a series of tensions in the ways we think, write and speak about gender in classrooms and playgrounds, and in the language we use to describe children and their behaviour. I shall examine some of the concepts we use for describing gender relations among children and consider the extent to which they are still useful. My main focus is on hegemonic masculinity; the female as Other; and ‘doing’ boy or girl, masculinity or femininity. I conclude that we need to take the language we use extremely seriously, and that in our work we need to primarily be focused on ensuring that all children are able to have ‘livable lives’ in school and elsewhere.  相似文献   

近年来,中国的市场经济体制逐渐建立并完善起来,然而与此同时,各社会阶层间的差距也在日渐扩大.这使得中国的政府部门、学术研究者、普通民众都更为关心社会公平性和代际流动水平.教育是人力资本投资的基本形式,因此教育的代际流动水平将对收入等方面的代际流动水平有着重要的影响,进而关系到社会公平性.那么,中国的教育代际流动水平如何?父母和子女的教育程度之间是否存在因果效应?对2005年中国1%人口抽样调查数据的实证研究发现:1978至1982年的延长中小学年限的学制改革,使得适龄人口的平均教育年限增加了;但改革有个意料之外的影响——适龄人口上过初中的比例有所下降,其中女性下降的比男性多,因而女性平均教育年限增加的比男性少.进一步,针对教育可能与遗传能力等遗漏变量相关的内生性问题,以此学制改革作为父母教育年限的工具变量的2SLS估计结果表明:控制其他条件不变时,父母的教育年限分别每增加1年,子女的教育年限分别相应地增加0.36年、0.59年,可见母亲的教育年限的影响较大.上述结果表明,基础教育会显著地影响底层人群,政府应该通过教育改革促进代际流动水平乃至社会公平性,例如制定并贯彻延长义务教育年限、增加公共教育投入、资助贫困家庭子女就学等政策.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the educational opportunities available to rural migrant children in Beijing. On the basis of fieldwork conducted in migrant communities in 2004–2005, I conclude that administrative and financial barriers, as well as discrimination, prevent migrant children from entering state schools. I discuss the quality of education available in unlicensed private schools, followed by an analysis of the possible reasons for the state's exclusion of migrant children from state schools and its hostility to migrants’ self-provision of education.  相似文献   

齐放 《教育学报》2001,(1):42-45
本文试图以国外面向21世纪的初等教育课程改革为基本视点,从课程实践的角度,就其基本趋势及其规律性特点进行分析和描述.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine current status, issues, and visions of higher education reform in Korea by focusing on ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21). ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21), is a major higher education reform project initiated by the South Korean government to prepare Korean human resources for the 21st century. ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21) aims at fostering world-class graduate schools and high quality scholars by providing funds to higher education institutions. In this paper, societal, economic and educational changes which led to the initiation of BK 21 and its implementation processes are described first. Then, some resistance and controversies against BK 21 are discussed. Major achievements of BK 21 are highlighted and future directions of higher education reform in South Korea are addressed.  相似文献   

I estimate the effect of schooling on the propensity to migrate by exploiting variation in schooling due to compulsory schooling laws (CSLs) in the United States. I obtain negative estimates of this effect among those with relatively little schooling. In contrast, previous research estimates positive schooling effects on migration at higher levels of schooling. I speculate that additional schooling at low levels enhances local labor market contacts and thereby increases the opportunity cost of migration (leaving those contacts behind).  相似文献   

The concept of equality in education cannot be regarded as universally valid, although education per se is often viewed as potential social equalizer and/or an instrument for boosting economic growth. The present paper summarizes a section of the empirical evidence from a national evaluation educational survey of equality of educational opportunity at primary level in a multicultural society of the developing world-Mauritius.In Mauritius as elsewhere, education is viewed as a panacea for existing social, economic, ethnic and regional inequalities. In the Mauritian survey (Chinapah, 1983), equality of educational opportunity was examined from the standpoints of school participation and scholastic performance of primary school children differing in age, sex, ethnic and socioeconomic characteristics and belonging to four distinct educational settings: Government Rural, Government Urban, Aided Rural, and Aided Urban. The overriding thesis in the survey is the extent to which differential access to primary schooling may promote or hinder equality of educational opportunity in a complex, multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual society like Mauritius.Access to education as viewed from the numbers game, does not guarantee equal treatment in schools. For example, the explosive increases in participation in the 1950s and 60s in the OECD countries, and in the 1970s and 80s in the developing nations, have domonstrated that imbalances between ethnic/racial and socioeconomic strata tend to persist.Evidence from the survey shows that school alone cannot reduce inequalities along sex, ethnic, socioeconomic, and regional lines without a genuine effort to redress the overall problem of social, ethnic, and economic stratification which the school system quite often tends to maintain and reproduce. This paper provides the basis for a discussion of the prospects for and limitations of cross-cultural counselling in education.  相似文献   

By means of a regression-discontinuity approach with multiple cut-off points, the effects of age and schooling on learning gains in English primary schools are estimated. The analyses relate to over 3,500 pupils in 20, predominantly independently funded, schools and focus on 4 different learning outcomes. In order to take into account delayed and accelerated school careers, an intention-to-treat analysis was applied. The findings reveal substantial effects of schooling, which in line with previous studies in English primary education account for about 40% of the total learning gains. The year-to-year gains show a declining trend as the school career progresses. The analyses produce evidence for both decreasing effects of schooling on achievement and a weakening age?achievement relationship in the higher years of primary education.  相似文献   

In this article, we present results from an international research study on biodiversity education in pre‐service education of primary school teachers. The study was carried out between 2004–2006 in four teacher education institutions in Cyprus, England, Switzerland and Germany. We used document analyses and in‐depth interviews with 27 teacher educators and 22 student teachers to examine the integration of biodiversity into the pre‐service teacher education programmes, and the student teachers’ satisfaction with their respective education. In all teacher education institutions, aspects of biodiversity education were integrated mostly in the natural science modules which provided students at least with some information on the scientific aspects of biodiversity. Few modules included aspects of the controversial nature of biodiversity conservation in relation to economics, ethics, social and political concerns, and methodological approaches on how to deal with this. In the institutions in Cyprus, England and Germany the teaching focus was content‐oriented, whereas in Switzerland a situated method‐oriented approach was used. The student teachers in Switzerland felt more confident to teach about biodiversity in school. All interviewees thought it necessary to prepare primary school student teachers on how to address biodiversity in schools, and strategies on how best to achieve this are critically discussed.  相似文献   

文章运用系统论要素分析的方法,对基础教育阶段和高等教育阶段的课堂教学作了比较分析,在借鉴基础教育课程改革经验的基础上,就如何突破高校课堂教学改革的瓶颈,解决关键问题,提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Even though most children in Bangladesh are enrolled in school, the country faces enormous challenges in ensuring that children complete primary education, and learn an acceptable amount. Multiple providers—state, quasi-state, and non-state—have helped to raise the initial enrolment rate and improve the gender balance. The critical question is how the multiplicity and diversity of provision can contribute to achieving truly universal primary education with high completion rates and acceptable levels of learning. A range of sub-questions relate to this critical question, including what is meant by multiple provision and how a diversity of provisions can be shaped into a system that serves the goal of effective and equitable access. This article addresses the above questions in the context of the history and educational development in Bangladesh. They are particularly significant at present, as the government is about to implement a new national education policy and design a five-year national development plan (2011–2015), which would have a decisive impact on progress towards achieving the EFA goal of universal primary education by 2015.  相似文献   

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