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This article describes the design and implementation of a dog therapy outreach program through the counseling center at West Chester University in Pennsylvania. Two main goals were identified for this program: (a) provide stress relief and comfort to students across campus, and (b) increase potential access to counseling services and improve perceptions of the department by providing students with the opportunity to interact with department members outside of the office. Collected student responses appear to support the stated goals. Recommendations for other counseling centers are provided in developing this type of outreach programming.  相似文献   

There is wide agreement among career counselors that there should not be a dichotomy between personal and career themes in career counseling. This article offers a Developmental Career Counseling (DCC) model that incorporates Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP) principles, specifically, James Mann's (1973) model, into a career counseling process. Common principles of STDP and their relation to principles of DCC are discussed: developmental life-span approach, limited time, importance of working alliance, rapid and early assessment, central focus, active and directive counselor participation, therapeutic flexibility, dealing with termination and specific criteria for client suitability to work in STDP and DCC. The model is illustrated through a DCC case of 8 sessions that focused on issues of self-esteem. The implementation of insights, techniques, and processes, borrowed from STDP and incorporated into career counseling, are demonstrated and implications for the practice of DCC are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents an integrative framework for using cognitive behavior therapy through the lens of relational cultural theory. The authors provide an overview of cognitive behavior therapy and relational cultural theory, followed by suggestions on how to facilitate cognitive behavior therapy using the principles of relational cultural theory in college counseling. A case illustration is used to demonstrate the integration of cognitive behavior therapy and relational cultural theory.  相似文献   

Significant numbers of college students experience negative consequences due to their misuse of alcohol and other drugs. For far too many, some of these effects are ruinous of their lives, and for well more than a thousand each year, life ending. This article first provides an overview of the scope of this problem. It then covers both assessment and intervention starting with brief and standard assessment inventories followed by a perspective on comprehensive focused counseling that incorporates an assessment of multiple life areas. A case is made that many students have substance use disorders issues either as primary problems or auxiliary to other concerns. Treatment planning based on a comprehensive approach to change, and the role of ongoing utilization of change measures, is then discussed. A basic premise of the article is that due to a lack of education, training, and exposure, many college mental health practitioners underdiagnose and underattend to the presence of substance use disorders problems. Many clinical staff members have never taken an academic course focused on this treatment issue or have done little by way of continuing education on this topic, so they may lack the knowledge, skills, and aptitudes related to the provision of helpful comprehensive care and consequently make the error of focusing exclusively on the substance use disorders related behaviors.  相似文献   

Given the potential negative effects of vicarious racism, we sought to examine the impact of vicarious racism via the media on college students of color. Using a sample of 217 college students of color, we analyzed positive and negative affect and craving for alcohol and marijuana before and after exposure to media stimuli. Split‐plot analysis of variance results revealed a statistically significant interaction effect between time and group for negative affect, but not cravings for substances.  相似文献   

团体心理辅导对大学生人际交往能力的促进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:考察团体心理辅导对于改善大学生人际交往的敏感、信任、焦虑等方面问题的短期与长期效果。方法:在设置实验组与正常对照组的基础上,通过为期6周的人际关系团体心理辅导,考察团体心理辅导对大学生人际交往能力的作用。同时采用SCL-90症状自评量表的焦虑和人际敏感因子、ITS人际信任量表、IAS交往焦虑量表分别在实验前、实验后与实验结束三个月后对研究被试的人际交往能力进行评估。结果:(1)实验组被试验后在交往焦虑、人际敏感、人际焦虑和人际信任四方面显著优于实验前。(2)实验组在实验结束三个月后在以上四方面与结束时无显著性差异。结论:团体心理辅导能够显著提高大学生应对人际交往中的敏感、信任、焦虑等能力,且具有长期效果。  相似文献   

A university counseling center engaged a therapy dog program for an outreach activity to reduce stress as students prepare for final exams at a large culturally diverse university. This article describes the rationale, planning, and implementation of the activity; presents an evaluation summary; and provides recommendations and implications for counselors interested in using a similar activity. A large and diverse student population attended the activity and gave primarily positive feedback for this low‐cost group activity.  相似文献   

Education plays an important role in community development initiatives. A movement toward an increased linkage between the two arenas has emerged. Two major theories undergird this movement: economic/investment and the ecology of community revitalization. The Clinton administration's Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community program offers a concrete example of a community development initiative. Preliminary reports on educational components from sites nationwide are highlighted. In addition, a review of the literature reveals several major issues that surround these community development activities, including values conflicts, economic sustainability, school improvement, trust, and administrative issues. Overall, the purpose of this paper is to bring into focus the major theoretical and practical issues that community development efforts confront in attempting to improve the lives of Americans in need.  相似文献   

基于全面质量管理(TQM)的教辅类报纸质量提高途径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教辅类报纸是经国家有关部门批准发行,面向全国亿万大中小学师生,具有知识性、科学性和文化品位的课外辅导读物,它以广大青少年为读者对象,其质量对基础教育事业和提高青少年科学文化素质有很大影响.为了促进教辅类报纸质量的可持续提高,探讨如何将全面质量管理的理论和方法应用于教辅类报纸质量管理的问题是必要的.  相似文献   

从文化价值取向与思维模式等不同角度,对跨文化商务交际中美两国空间语言中人际距离及方位座次这两个方面进行了对比研究,以期通过对“空间语言”跨国界的对比分析及建议,达到引导商务交际、减少文化冲突的目的。  相似文献   

该文对高校人才英语使用能力形成的三个过程进行了深层次的探究。首先,作者综述了语言学界对学习者英语使用能力培养的一些观点和看法;其次,诠释了高校学习者英语使用能力的形成过程,其中重点阐释了英语知识与能力形成的自动化过程、英语使用能力的重构过程及英语表现能力实践运作过程。最后,文章指出高校人才英语使用能力的培养需经历这三个形成过程。  相似文献   

宅基地使用权是我国所特有的一种用益物权形态。我国现行法律法规包括新颁布的《物权法》对农村宅基地使用权实行转让限制,在实际生活中引发诸多问题。在经济发达区农村和市郊农村先行试点推行有偿转让制度,完善相关配套措施,是解决农村宅基地使用权转让问题的有效举措。  相似文献   

师范院校人才培养模式变革已经是世界潮流,地方高等师范院校传统的培养模式还有很多不足,改革势在必行.从人才培养的层面看,顶岗实习已经开辟了地方高师人才培养模式的新方向,是地方高师人才培养模式转换诉求的实现.顶岗实习已经实现大学生职业生涯辅导从教师的说教式到职业实践中的体悟式转换,从职业的外推式辅导到职业的内悟武辅导转换.  相似文献   

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