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In our life we often pay no attention towhat isn’t striking but quite im portant.W hen you have lost it and realized w hat anim portant role it plays in your life,however,it’s next to im possible to get it back.W hata pity。Take m yself for exam ple. O …  相似文献   

The first school day is marked by strangeness: strange children and strange parents in a relatively strange institution and meet up with strange adults in the guise of teachers. What happens in this encounter between strangers? Is it reasonable to expect that strong and lasting relations are about to develop? Does the feeling of strangeness gradually disappear, or does this initial sense of strangeness frustrate the teacher's pedagogical understanding of the students? A critical pedagogical analysis and a phenomenological interpretation of a teacher's welcoming talk to children and parents on the first day of school are presented and compared.  相似文献   

Latent inhibition (LI), the retardation of Pavlovian acquisition after nonreinforced preexposure to the conditioned stimulus, is a popular paradigm for studying basic attentional and memory processes from both behavioral and neurobiological perspectives. It is argued that whether LI emerges depends on the behavioral measure used to index conditioning. An experiment with rats demonstrates that stimulus preexposure retards the development of sign-tracking responses directed at the stimulus, but not the development of goal-tracking responses directed at the site of food delivery. These results are consistent with models that explain LI in terms of a deficit in retrieval.  相似文献   

gn,but now w     
榇嬖谟谥参镎谏さ淖橹驼诔墒斓墓道?已相继在拟南芥、番茄、草莓、棉花、水稻、烟草、玉米等多种植物中发现扩张蛋白[11-17]。植物生长发育的不同阶段,不同的扩张蛋白基因很可能在不同类型的细胞中发挥着不同的作用。研究表明,在植物细胞生长、果实成熟、形态建成、  相似文献   

This study provides an extension of analysis concerned with adult questioning carried out in the Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years (REPEY) study. The REPEY study drew on robust quantitative data provided by the Effective Provision of Pre‐School Education (EPPE) project to identify the particular pedagogical strategies being applied by more effective pre‐school settings to support the development of the skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable their children to make a good start at school. Following a line of investigation identified in the EPPE analysis, and supported by previous studies, REPEY included a preliminary analysis of the forms of questioning applied by early childhood practitioners. These findings were based on 1967 adult questions identified in a random sample of four half‐day observations drawn from each of the 12 pre‐school settings that were identified by EPPE as more ‘effective’. In this extension of the analysis a text search of the N‐Vivo database identified a total of 5808 questions across the full 400 hours of observations of 28 staff that were recorded in 2000–2001. The aim of the research has been to provide a more thorough analysis of the forms of questioning applied, and to investigate the possibility that the use of open‐ended forms of questioning might be particularly supportive in early childhood development. Surprisingly, it was found that 94.5% of all the questions asked by the early childhood staff were closed questions that required a recall of fact, experience or expected behaviour, decision between a limited selection of choices or no response at all. Only 5.5% were open‐ended questions, which provided for increased encouragement (to speculate and trial and error) and/or potential for sustained, shared thinking/talking. This article provides an account of the analysis and the authors' coding and rationale for the seven types of closed questions and four types of open‐ended questions that are most commonly asked by early years staff.  相似文献   

可爱的小雨不仅体验了innisfree上海旗舰店的魅力,她还亲身为Easy读者推荐了两款品牌热销好用的明星产品,让肌肤呈现健康自然的新生状态!  相似文献   

Only you     
西天归来,唐僧就想改行。可心愿千年之后才得实现。他先后当过律师、外科医生、教师、词作家,涉足演艺界、政券、房地产。西天之行留在血液的冒险精神,使他忍不住又要四海为家。长生不老,不选择一种火山口上的生活方式如何捱得过去?最终,他当了一名足球教练。  相似文献   

Only you     
杨波 《今日中学生》2006,(4):F0003-F0003

Thank you     
五岁那年为了音乐偷了生平第一台录音机,六岁时进入Guildhall School of Music(伦敦盖德霍尔音乐学校)学习音乐,十岁已经精通钢琴和小提琴的演奏——这就是Dido,英国一位创作型才女。Dido,1971年出生于英国伦敦,从小就和出色的舞曲制作人、哥哥Rollo一起参与录制音乐唱片。"Thank you"是Dido第一张专辑"No Angel"的成名作。专辑中,除了她哥哥Rollo等人的部分制作外,歌曲创作几乎由Di-do一人独自完成。一年后,说唱天王Eminem采用"Thank You",创作了2001年格莱美奖的压轴曲"Stan"。  相似文献   

人称代词you除指第二人称,表示“你”、“你们”意义外,它还具有以下一些特殊意义及用法。一、you在大多数情况下可与one通用,表示“任何人”的意义,常译为“一个人”、“人们”、“任何人”等。例如:  相似文献   

尚晋 《教学考试》2024,(21):63-66
<正>在现代社会,我们一天24小时在线,时刻感觉自己被工作需要,被家人需要,被朋友需要,好像只要手机一关机就与全世界失去了联系。我们害怕孤独,害怕失去。但你是否真的反思过这样匆忙地生活确实是自己想要的吗?你真的了解自己吗?你上次独处是什么时候?你有多久没有关掉手机和电脑,与自己的心灵开启一场真正的对话了?  相似文献   

The British Educational Research Association (BERA) was established 44 years ago, in 1974, at the height of the postwar expansion of education, and at the onset of a long period of controversy and reform of education that has continued ever since. The presidential address for 2017 looks back to reflect on the birth and early years of BERA, on its founding principles and the circumstances in which it grew. It does so to identify the ideals that motivated and helped to shape the nascent organisation, and to ask how relevant and useful these are at a very different time, charting our future in the twenty‐first century. More broadly, this address moves beyond an institutional history and a history of ideas, to contribute to a social history of educational research based on a wide range of documentary and archival evidence. In considering our past, we must attempt to resist an uncritical and functional approach in favour of a critical and reflective outlook that is alert to unresolved issues and problems, no less than it is to success and progress in our collective endeavours. This is necessary partly in order to reconstruct our historical experience in a robust manner, but also to address our present situation in an effective way. In 1977, the historian Brian Simon framed his presidential address to BERA around the key question ‘Educational research: which way?’ Forty years on, we can appraise how BERA has approached this question, and also ask at the same time: which way now?  相似文献   

"ARE you hungry?"还是"DO you hungry?",在课堂上我无数次看到同学们为此而凌乱. 首先要告诉大家正确的是:Are you hungry?!(强烈建议感觉凌乱的同学大声读该句3~5遍."以正压邪"永远都是改正错误的最佳方法.)接着是个令大家更凌乱的问题: "为什么用'Are'?"  相似文献   

Here you are     
同学们,当你把东西递给别人时,常说:“Hereyouare.”这里,“Hereyouare”是“给你”的意思。这句话还有别的含义吗?我们一起来看看吧!Hereyou/weare原意是“这就是你们(或我们)所需要的东西,或要到达的目的地”。在不同的场合用这句话,它就表示不同的意思。如:当几个朋友一道乘车,车进站停车时,乘务员对他们说:“Hereyouare”,意思是:“你们到站了。”如果他们当中有人说:“Hereweare”意思是:“我们到达目的地了。”如果你上车时或进影剧院时对检票员说:“Hereyouare”,意思是:“你要检的票在这儿。”如果在商店里营业员对顾客说:“Here…  相似文献   

News for you     
想知道国外同龄人用的是什么学习资料吗?想知道他们做的题难度怎么样吗?看看下边这份资料吧,它是本刊从美国引进的原汁原味的学习资料,包括试题设置!由于版面有限,试题和Teacher’s Guide我们会放到本刊网站www.esl23.com上,别忘了去试试。不过,文章末尾的words puzzle是值得尝试的。做完了别忘了把答案寄回编辑部,说不定会有惊喜等你哦。  相似文献   

Do you know     
A dragonfly(蜻蜓)has a life span(跨度)of 24 hours.蜻蜓的生命跨度是24小时。A duck's quack doesn't echo(回声),and no one knows why.鸭子的嘎嘎声没有回声,没人知道是为什么。A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.金鱼的记忆跨度是3秒钟。A shark(鲨鱼)is the only fish that can blink(眨眼)with both eyes.鲨鱼是可以用两只眼睛同时眨眼的唯一的一种鱼。Do you know…  相似文献   

Are you driving     
truck卡车Areyoudriving?你在开车吗?Yes,Iam.Yes,Iam.是的,是的。Iamdriving.Iamdriving.我在开车。我在开车。busstop公共汽车站bus公共汽车motorcycle摩托车bicycle自行车Are you driving@尚尚 @开云  相似文献   

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