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首次把潜科学用于物理教育,并作为“系统工程”来研究,构造了潜科学在物理教育中应用研究的理论体系框架.首次系统、全面的探讨了潜科学的科学教育功能;对物理学体系、学派、重大实验,进行潜科学分析,拓宽潜科学研究领域;对科学发现、技术发明、科学论争、科学失误的潜科学分析方法进行了系统的理论总结与升华.将潜科学引入编辑学研究领域,提出潜科学与编辑学的交叉学科研究新方向.开设“物理学的潜科学与分析”课程,创立了理论框架,出版了专著,把潜科学用于基础物理学各门课程的教学,更新了教学内容,改革了教学方法,在教改实践中独创性地给出一整套把潜科学融入课堂教学的理论与方法,并在数学、化学、生物学的教学中推广应用.在研究与实践中,通过对物理学体系、学派、发现、发明、蒙难、论争、实验、成败、伯乐、前沿的潜科学分析,集科学学、科学方法论、科学史、自然辩证法、人才学、逻辑学、社会学等为一体,有机地融于物理教学,开辟了全面培养学生的能力、提高学生整体素质的新途径.  相似文献   

首次给出了对科学学派进行潜科学分析的方法,研究了对科学学派进行潜科学分析的作用和意义.  相似文献   

首次给出对科学失误进行潜科学分析的方法,并从理论上分析杰出物理学家产生失误的各种原因,探讨了失败与成功的关系、如何确立科学的成败现以及失败的潜科学价值.  相似文献   

潜科学作为一门新兴学科,对于科学的发展具有重要意义。把潜科学引入编辑学研究领域,对编辑活动进行潜科学分析,可以看出编辑活动的主体、编辑活动的过程、编辑活动的结果,都具有明显的潜科学性质。这一研究活动开辟了编辑学研究的新领域。  相似文献   

为讨论潜科学分析教学思想与大学物理教学的结合,以科学家迈尔的蒙难为例,对热力学第一定律教学进行潜科学分析,阐述了迈尔在发现热力学第一定律过程中的蒙难及其使用的研究方法,为利用潜科学分析思想进行大学物理教学的可行性提供了论证。  相似文献   

“潜科学”这一概念是1979年11月由中国学者首次提出的。潜科学是指处于研究过程中的科学,它具有不确定性和潜在性,与发展成熟、为社会公认的科学即“显科学”相对。潜科学包括理论潜科学与应用潜科学两个方面.但长期以来学者们偏重于理论潜科学的研究,忽略了应用潜科学的研究。1992年。作者在潜科学界首次提出了开展应用潜科学研究的问题,并且对应用潜科学的内涵、研究方法等学术问题都做了比较详细的阐述。  相似文献   

利用潜科学的思想方法,研究了科学潜能的蕴藏方式和开发的途径,探讨了潜科学的培育客观、实证、进取精神和陶冶科学道德等科学教育功能,给出了把潜科学融入科学教育的方法和途径.  相似文献   

给出了对技术发明进行潜科学分析的方法,讨论了对技术发明进行潜科学分析的作用和意义.  相似文献   

给出了对物理学实验进行潜科学分析的方法,探讨了物理学实验在物理学发展中的重要作用以及与理论的关系,揭示了物理学实验的潜科学特征,并阐释了对物理学实验进行潜科学分析的重要意义.  相似文献   

徐明忠 《商丘师范学院学报》2007,23(6):128-128,F0003
简述了学术期刊的固有特性以及潜科学的基本含义,详细论述了学术期刊对“潜”、“显”科学的相互转化,科学新人才的培养,科学新思想的培育以及科学论争的倡导的潜科学功能.  相似文献   

首次将潜科学引入编辑学的研究领域,提出了“潜科学与编辑学”交叉学科研究的新方向,着重探讨了编辑与学术期刊在科技成果由“潜”到“显”转化过程中的重大作用,以及编辑应具备的潜科学意识.  相似文献   

Cognitive science has the potential for offering explanatory models for many of the findings of empirical research in science education. In this paper, I use recent editions of international journals of science education to produce a categorisation of types of science education research, and what possible contributions each might make to cognitive science or the potential of results from cognitive science for enriching the science education research accounts. In a short, final section, the relationship of our own cognitive work to cognitive science is explored.  相似文献   

Recent research in science and technology studies changed the way we understand science as it is practiced—that is, how scientific knowledge emerges from social, natural, social, political, cultural, historical, and economic contingencies of scientific work. Many science educators agree that students should learn not only science but also about science. In this article, we (a) outline important findings, research methods, and ways of reporting research that emerged from science and technology studies; and (b) show how familiarity with science and technology studies research can provide science educators with valuable insights about curriculum design and research on learning. We conclude that science and technology studies can serve as a resource to science education and that there is a potential for conducting collaborative work between science education and science and technology studies. Such collaborations have the potential to yield better theories about how people become competent in science from childhood to adulthood. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 213–235, 1998.  相似文献   

This research consisted of studying the characteristics of interaction and investigation potential present in museum or science center exhibits. Categories (strong and weak) for the characteristics of interaction potential and investigation potential were established. Fifteen exhibits were chosen from the Museum of Science (Ottawa) and from two science centers (Sudbury and Toronto); these were representative of the established characteristics and categories. A test was constructed that measured the interest in an exhibit in a museum or a science center. The final analysis of the test (20 items) reflects a coefficient of homogeneity (Cronbach alpha) of 0.97 (n = 278). In terms of the characteristics of interaction potential and investigation potential, a significant difference among the ranks of interest was not found once they were regrouped under the categories of strong and weak. The hypothesis of a relationship between the interaction potential and visitors' interest in an exhibit in a museum or science center and the hypothesis of a relationship between the investigation potential and the interest aroused were both rejected. In regards to the interaction potential, median ranks of interest in exhibits of 8.6 for the strong category and of 7.5 for the weak category were observed. In terms of the investigation potential, median ranks of interest of 7.0 for the strong category and of 9.1 for the weak category were observed. In the case of investigation potential, even if the difference is not significant, there is an indication that the strong investigation potential seems to have the effect of creating disinterest in the presentation of an exhibit in a museum or in a science center. In the context of new museum and science centers, the view of developing exhibits which are primarily objects which stimulate interest must be maintained. If this is done with exhibits that arc interactive and have an investigative approach, it is necessary for those in charge of museums and science centers to consider other characteristics in order to ensure capturing visitors' interest.  相似文献   

首次把潜科学应用于化学教学,结合化学教学内容,对化学进行潜科学分析,把潜科学的理论和方法融入化学课堂教学,在传授知识的同时,起到了开发潜能、启迪思维、开阔视野、培养素质、揭示规律、提高能力的作用,教学效果显著,创造性地给出了一套把潜科学溶入化学教学的理论方法.  相似文献   

科学自身不能定义什么是"科学"。"科学"概念已非科学范畴,而是哲学范畴。科学与非科学没有明确的分界线,所以"伪科学"与科学也没有明确的分界线。"伪科学"缺乏"可操作性"。不具"可操作性"的概念或命题不应该列入法律条文,否则将使法律失去应有的尊严。所谓"伪科学"实际上是科学发展链条中"潜科学"阶段的产物,应该谨慎对待。  相似文献   

I argue that there is potential for collaborative work between science educators and citizenship educators. However, following comments about that potential, I raise a number of challenges. Those challenges relate to the public perception of science, narrow academic perspectives of some science educators, and problematic attempts to develop a form of science education that, at times, some have claimed is relevant to — or, even, a form of — citizenship education. The latter point is considered with reference to some science educators’ perceptions concerning the nature of citizenship and citizenship education. I argue that the perceptions of some science educators seem to suggest significant differences in understanding from at least some of those who would regard themselves as citizenship education specialists. In the final main section of the article, I suggest, briefly, some ways in which further work to develop collaboration between science educators and citizenship educators could be considered.  相似文献   

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