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New models of scientific publishing and new ways of practicing peer review have injected a recent dynamism into the scholarly communication system. In this article, we delineate the context of the traditional peer-review model, reflect on some of the first experiences with open peer review, and forecast some of the challenges that new models for peer review will have to meet. Our findings suggest that the peer-review function has the potential to be divorced from the journal system, so that the responsibility to judge the significance of a paper may no longer fall exclusively to formal reviewers, but may be assessed by the whole readership community.  相似文献   

Starting New     
New leaders have unique challenges in orienting themselves to a new position and likely a new department or organization. There are some actions an individual can undertake that will ease the transition and build relationships, create an understanding of the new organization, and build confidence of the employees in the leader. There are issues to be aware of as a new leader adjusts to a new position and awareness will facilitate the transition in working within a new department or organization.  相似文献   

世界传播新格局下中国传媒面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪中叶以来世界传媒业发生了一些新变化,突出表现为传媒业的迅 速发展以及发达国家与发展中国家的差距不断拉大。在世界传播的这种新格局下,中 国传媒业迅猛崛起,在总量方面和人均量方面都实现了快速追赶,缩小了与发达国家的 差距。中国传媒业发展的战略目标是:成为世界传媒强国,并在国家发展中发挥重要作 用。根据这一战略目标,结合中国发展的新环境和新任务,笔者提出中国传媒业所面临三大机遇和三大挑战。  相似文献   

Abstract Museum professionals face unprecedented challenges in the digital world of the twenty‐first century. How will we meet those challenges and who will lead us to the new shore of our future? We need museum professionals who act as ferrymen, guiding the museum community and its constituents through the troubled waters of our age to cultural reform that leads us to the essential purpose of art: love.  相似文献   

移动图书馆作为一种新兴的图书馆服务形式,它的出现必然带来新的问题和新的挑战,只有正确客观地看待这些问题,这种新的服务形式才能更好地被我们接受和使用。  相似文献   

The new Swedish Law on legal deposit of electronic documents went into full effect on January 1, 2015. The sheer volume of documents in a wide variety of media types delivered by thousands of publishers (suppliers), such as government agencies, online news media, and publishing houses, poses an exceptional challenge for the National Library of Sweden (NLS). This requires a high level of automation in the data processing, from ingest to validation, transformation, enrichment, and storage, while at the same time attaining metadata of the best possible quality. To meet the challenges encountered the NLS has developed new electronic systems and workflows that will be explained in this article. We will also touch on what we learned from our initial experiences with e-deposit and some of the issues that appear on the horizon.  相似文献   

泛在学习是伴随信息技术的发展而产生的一种新的学习范式,泛在学习环境下的信息检索课教学将面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。为此,在分析泛在学习理论内涵的基础上,针对泛在学习的特征,着重探讨泛在学习环境下文献信息检索教学的相关问题。  相似文献   

Transparency is one of the main challenges for public administrations in the information society to bring the public administrations closer to citizens and finally, to improve their democratic legitimacy. The article focuses on new tools to regulate the diffusion of public sector information and it also contributes some elements which will improve it. This analysis will be done, firstly by examining the various regulations approved in Spain on the diffusion of public sector information through electronic means. In particular, the scope of the Spanish e-Government Act will be analyzed in relation to the diffusion of public sector information through electronic means. Finally, some landmarks will be proposed which can serve to guide the formulation of new regulations on the use of electronic means for diffusing public sector information not only by Spanish public authorities but also by other authorities who intend to pass a regulation in this field to improve transparency.  相似文献   

刘冰  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2012,24(4):364-367
未来的媒体将会越来越个人化、社会化,博客(微博)是迄今为止最能展现自媒体魅力的媒介。文章介绍国内外医学领域自媒体的应用实践,结合中华医学会系列杂志初步应用博客的体会,探讨医学期刊如何借助自媒体的发展加强期刊信息的传播,进而提升期刊的影响力。  相似文献   

在传统图书馆向数字化图书馆转型过程中,图书馆的服务模式发生了转变,个性化知识服务成为图书馆信息服务的主流。服务理念与服务方式的变化无论从思想上,还是从专业知识技能上,都对馆员提出了新的要求。图书馆应转变管理理念,采取各种措施提高馆员的服务能力与水平,以满足用户的需求。  相似文献   

图书情报专业硕士学位教育的开展,将给我国图书情报高级人才培养带来新的挑战,包括:如何坚持学位教育的"职业性与学术性的统一";如何引导学生合理定位;如何满足用人单位、社会群体、学生个人各方的多元价值期待;如何避免"穿新鞋,走老路".本文论述了学位教育学术性和专业性的内涵与区别,探索了两者在培养目标、课程设置、教学方式、学位论文和师资队伍方面的区别,强调管理的作用.呼吁在推进专业硕士学位的同时,注意处理好两者的关系.参考文献11.  相似文献   

信息时代图书馆赠送交换工作面临的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆的赠送交换工作已日益成为馆藏建设的一个重要组成部分,但信息时代来自图书馆内部和外部的因素使赠送交换工作面临着一些问题,该文就这些问题作了一些探讨,并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

E-learning时代高校教育环境、学术交流的新发展对高校图书馆原有的工作和服务模式提出了新挑战。基于对ACRL未来研究报告的解读,分析高校图书馆未来15年可能要面对的新变化,对高校图书馆如何结合环境变化和用户需求,确定业务定位,制定战略目标,规划教学、科研信息服务的未来发展,调整组织结构、工作模式等提出参考意见。  相似文献   


A virtual reference service is likely to attract both on-campus and off-campus students and providing one service for all users can extend the hours of availability to all students. The needs of these two student populations may differ and off-campus users may present some specific challenges to the reference staff. While some libraries do have a specified distance education librarian, it is unlikely at many institutions that there will be reference staff dedicated only to answering questions from off-campus students. Reference services for off-campus students do present special issues about which general reference staff may not be aware. With awareness of these challenges and proper training, an existing virtual reference service can be extended (or improved) to help off-campus students, or a new chat service can be developed with the objective to assist all user groups with equal success.  相似文献   

Abstract As museum professionals become more aware of their institutional ability to promote the realization of human rights, so too are the missions, exhibitions, and programming initiatives of many museums around the globe responding to an evolving human rights culture. Here, we will briefly discuss the museum institution’s past relationship with the concept of rights, and identify some of its challenges in taking up a more activist role.  相似文献   

新媒体环境下的突发事件报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着新媒体技术的发展,突发事件报道的信息来源系统发生大的改变。在全世界范围内.“草根记者”在重大突发现场发布的新闻一次次产生了全球性的轰动效应。本文通过分析新的传播环境对我国现有突发事件报道机制的挑战,提出了一些加强和改进突发事件报道对策和建议。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):69-76

Adult students face several challenges in their encounters with the new computerized library of today. Having been out of school for several years many adult students are unfamiliar with the computerized revolution that has taken place within the library. Reference librarians on the other hand, face several challenges in helping adult students become familiarized with the new technologies. This article discusses some of the challenges both adult students and reference librarians face at Cuesta College, a mid-size community college in San Luis Obispo, California. Successful techniques for addressing some of these challenges are also exemplified.  相似文献   

网络时代图书馆如何做好参考咨询工作   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李晓霞  王宁 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(1):116-118
在网络时代,图书馆的发展面临着新的挑战。参考咨询工作将成为推动图书馆发展的一个动力,在图书馆工作中占有越来越重要的地位,成为促进现代化图书馆发展的核心力量。现代通讯技术和网络技术的发展为图书馆和参考咨询工作的发展提供了新的契机。如何利用现代化的手段更好地做好参考咨询工作是我们努力的方向。  相似文献   

COVID-19 has forced staff in academic libraries across the world to pivot from face-to-face workdays and services to fully remote (and, in some cases, back again) with very little time or notice. This new reality has presented new challenges in the remote management of staff that may also be working remotely, or in the building. This column explores some of those challenges and presents possible solutions for those at all levels of library management.  相似文献   


The effect of digital technology on special collections has been profound and ongoing. The purpose of this article is to explore the effect born digital materials, digitization, and intellectual property have had on special collections in the 21st century. In particular this study will focus on how archival materials have been significantly transformed by interacting with digital technology—providing both challenges in management and opportunities for new online environments to expose this content worldwide. Finally, a research experiment underway at the University of Virginia Library offers a framework that may help highlight some strategies for exploiting new opportunities going forward.  相似文献   

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