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In the series Change in Mathematics Eduation Since the Late 1950's-Ideas and Realisation which appeared in Education Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 9, Ohuche (1978) surveyed the achievements, trials and tribulations of school mathematics in Nigeria for the period 1957 to 1977. Here we complement his paper by considering the current problems of school and university mathematics as they relate to teachers.  相似文献   

This research examined the effect of visual media on attitude formation and attitude change in nursing education from 1960 through 1982. Meta-analysis was used to obtain a quantitative index of effect. Screening of over 700 sources resulted in 70 potentially useful studies. Analysis of these studies, according to the established criteria, yielded a final pool of 16 studies. An estimate of the effect magnitude was calculated for each study, then averaged to determine the overall effect size index. Visual media had an effect size of 1.27 standard deviations —a large effect. In addition, several studies had assessed attitude retention; there was an effect size gain of.34 standard deviations. A number of conclusions may be drawn pertaining to the effect of visual media on attitude change and attitude change retention and the theoretical frameworks around which to design instruction, particularly visual media.  相似文献   

数学反映的不仅是一种现实世界的空间形式和数量关系,数学还是一种文化。当前初中生数学教学的形式化、功利化,导致数学文化缺失,针对这些现状,努力提升初中生数学文化素养的策略具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

从数学活动论的角度去阐述21世纪在素质教育意义下的数学教育思想或模式的转变。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of metacognitive instruction on mathematics achievement and attitude towards mathematics of low mathematics achievers at a middle school in the North‐West Province of South Africa. Forty standard (std) 7 pupils were identified whose non‐verbal general ability and previous mathematics achievements were significantly lower than those of other std 7 pupils. These subjects were randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control group. Metacognitive strategies in solving mathematical problems related to four mathematics topics were individually taught to the members of the experimental group, while the pupils in the control group were taught the four mathematics topics through the conventional method of teaching mathematics. The comparisons of pretest and posttest measures of general ability, metacognitive awareness, attitude towards mathematics, and mathematics achievement revealed that the posttest scores of all the four variables for the experimental group were significantly higher than those for the control group.  相似文献   

A re-analysis of the cross-national data gathered by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) was undertaken to determine the magnitude, direction, and nature of differences in 17-year-old boys' and girls' attitudes and achievement in mathematics. A 10-item attitude scale and a 70-item achievement test were administered to 13,056 students attending school in ten countries. Sex differences in both attitude and achievement were small, but with few exceptions they favored males. Considerable variation existed between countries in the extent to which the achievement of boys exceeded that of girls, and in many cases, the magnitude of the differences was associated with psychosocial patterns found in the diverse cultures.  相似文献   

“Sometimes the teacher will say, ‘Read to the bottom of the page,’ and I try but I fall behind. Then she asks questions and a whole bunch of kids can answer the questions but I can’t. I try to keep up with everything but it's really hard. Sarah; 6th grade social studies student”.
This paper presents the results of a review of the research into content area teachers’ attitudes and beliefs about the teaching of reading within their subject area(s). As exemplified in the quote above, the ability to read and learn from text written to provide information can be difficult and frustrating for students who lack the skills. Content area teachers have been encouraged for decades to incorporate reading into their area of instruction, but have often chosen not to do this for a variety of reasons. In addition, teacher educators have attempted to work with content area teachers to help them consider how to incorporate reading instruction into their classroom.This paper takes a closer look at the reasons that motivate pre- and in-service content area teachers in grades 6–12 to either teach or not teach reading. It also examines the ways in which teacher educators have worked to help content area teachers learn how to teach reading and the degree to which these interventions have been successful. In doing so I argue that (a) our approaches to working with content area teachers on this topic have been limited and (b) simply creating positive attitudes towards teaching reading is not necessarily enough.This paper begins with a brief discussion of what it means to teach reading in the content areas. Next I present a general introduction to teacher beliefs and how they may influence the instructional decisions teachers make. Then I discuss the methodology for my review. This is followed by the results of my review with implications for how teacher educators might consider addressing this issue in the future.  相似文献   

A sample of Australian secondary school students was used to explore the relationships among a set of standardised Year 7 numeracy and literacy tests, measures taken at Year 10 of mathematics attitude and schoolwork effort, and Mathematics and English scores in a state-wide Year 10 examination. Additionally, the predictive capacity of the numeracy and literacy tests, together with the attitude and effort measures, were examined in relation to the Mathematics and English scores. A correlation analysis showed that the numeracy and literacy tests were positively and significantly related and had similar relationships with the two Year 10 examination scores. Mathematics attitude was significantly associated with Year 10 Mathematics but effort did not correlate significantly with either of the Year 10 examination scores. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that the relevant Year 7 test results contributed to a considerable amount of the total variance in the two Year 10 examination scores. A sub-sample of the students was interviewed and four case studies were selected to interrogate the notions of achievement, mathematics attitude, and effort. Although these case studies act as a source of qualitative evidence to supplement the quantitative findings, they also indicate that effort, in particular, is a notion worthy of further investigation. Other implications for researchers, as well as school personnel, are noted.  相似文献   

Implementing change in mathematics education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper outlines the results of a survey into the effects, during the 2 years following publication, of an official report--Improving Mathematics Education 5-14--on teaching and learning mathematics in Scottish schools. The purpose of the survey was to examine how the process of implementation worked its way down to the classroom and pupil level, to document the effect (at least in the short term) the report had on classroom organization, classroom methodology, and pupil learning and attitude, and to provide a snapshot of curriculum development at work in a particular educational, geographical, and time context. The survey revealed that the process of this curriculum change was a mixture of central direction and local individuality, and that the main thrust of the changes was accepted by teachers with little overt dis-sent. The survey also provided further evidence that curriculum change in Scotland tends to proceed without much consideration of general questions of purpose and motivation.  相似文献   

Sources of self-efficacy in mathematics: A validation study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate items with which to assess A. Bandura’s (1997) theorized sources of self-efficacy among middle school mathematics students. Results from Phase 1 (N = 1111) were used to develop and refine items for subsequent use. In Phase 2 of the study (N = 824), a 39-item, four-factor exploratory model fit best. Items were revised to strengthen psychometric properties. In Phase 3 (N = 803), a 24-item, four-factor confirmatory factor model fit best. This final model was invariant across gender and ethnicity. Subscales correlated with self-efficacy, self-concept, mastery goals, and optimism. Results suggest that the sources scale is psychometrically sound and could be adapted for use in other domains.  相似文献   

Attitudes and values of academic staff in a Scottish polytechnic were measured by means of a survey and a Q sort. Seven significant factors emerged from the rotated factor analysis, which represented groupings of staff who shared attitudes (I = Pro- student autonomy (student focus), II = Traditionalists, III = Pro- student autonomy (staff focus), IV = Staff under pressure, V = Seniors, VI = The Professionals and VII = Defensive Traditionalists). Innovators were found to share certain characteristics, and tended to be concentrated in factor groups I and V. All groups valued and enjoyed teaching, though other aspects of the academic role were valued by one or two groups only. Senior lecturers tended to enjoy course development and administration. Gender differences were not marked, though women were over represented in the factor I group. Faculty differences were also small, but pointed to Science faculty staff being somewhat more traditional than others. Furthermore, science faculty staff endorsed the higher levels of intellectual and ethical development less strongly than staff from other faculties. Results are discussed in the light of professional and institutional changes taking place in higher education in the U.K. at present.  相似文献   

This study examined a large, nationally-representative sample of eighth-grade students in the US to assess how the frequency of group learning activity in mathematics classrooms was associated with mathematics achievement and three measures of attitudes toward mathematics. Results showed that moderate amounts of group work in class had positive effects on mathematics achievement scores. Moreover, a significant interactive effect was evident, with girls showing greater achievement benefits from group work than boys. Increased levels of group work were also associated with more positive attitudes toward mathematics.  相似文献   

Many strategies used to induce the occurrence of desirable science-related beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors involve the use of persuasive messages. Science educators need to become acquainted with persuasion in the context of social influence and learning theory to be able to evaluate its usefulness in the science education milieu. Persuasion is the conscious attempt to bring about a jointly developed mental state common to both source and receiver through the use of symbolic cues, and it can be distinguished from other forms of social influence. Propaganda is a type of persuasion directed toward a mass audience. Coercion relies on reinforcement control, whereas persuasion is prompted by information. Brainwashing involves coercive techniques used to obtain cooperation and compliance. Persuasion and instruction are much alike; both require conscious cognitive activity by the recipient and involve communication which includes giving arguments and evidence for the purpose of getting someone to do something or to believe something. Persuasion research is anchored in learning theory. Early efforts were based on information processing. Studies following an information process approach focused on the effect of the variables harbored within the question “Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect?” on belief and attitude change. Cognitive processing and social exchange approaches to persuasion represent extensions to information process. Cognitive processing is concerned specifically with how people personally process the arguments presented in a persuasive message. Social exchange emphasizes the interchange that takes place between the message source and recipient. These approaches seem to be fruitful areas for future persuasion research in science education. Science educators' unfamiliarity with persuasion research stems from the fact that it is largely reported in the social psychology literature and has not been integrated into a framework familiar to educators.  相似文献   

Although the literature documents the potential impact of teachers on the achievement of young women in science and math, few studies investigate teacher attitudes and the use of teacher interventions. A survey containing both fixed-response and open-ended questions was administered to 56 teachers from eight high schools. Open-ended questions were content analyzed, and log-linear modeling and chi-square tests of independence were used to analyze relationships between categorical variables representing demographic characteristics, teacher attitudes, and teacher use of interventions. Results provide evidence that teachers, regardless of demographic characteristics, are concerned about gender inequity in their classrooms, although they are generally not familiar with the wide range of possible causes (including their own actions). Reported interventions are consistent with those recommended in the literature, although teachers are not familiar with the effectiveness of their interventions, and numerous teachers feel that attempting interventions is a form of reverse discrimination. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Solving arithmetic word problems such as “Mary has 25 marbles. She has 5 more marbles than John. How many marbles does John have?”, in which the relational term (more than) interferes with the arithmetic operation (subtraction), relies in part on the ability to inhibit an overlearned ‘add if more or subtract if less’ heuristic in children, adolescents and adults. Here, we used a negative priming (NP) paradigm to investigate whether experts in mathematics need to inhibit this heuristic when solving this type of arithmetic word problem. We found NP effects in experts in mathematics, but with a smaller amplitude than those in non-experts (N = 40). We replicate these results in a second experiment (N = 62) in which we matched experts and non-experts on general intelligence and inhibitory control ability. This suggests that experts also need to inhibit the ‘add if more or subtract if less’ heuristic to solve such problems but were more efficient at inhibiting the heuristic than non-experts.  相似文献   

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