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每个人都心怀梦想,每个人都想开拓一番不同寻常的事业,于是,我们在不同的路上向理想进发。每一次创业都会伴随着一个不同寻常的故事,不论是开办工厂,还是建立公司;不论是筹建一个大商场,还是撑起一个不起眼的小店,我们都在向自己心中的理想进发。当然,创业并非会向你想像中的那样顺风顺水。前赴后继放飞梦想的,梦想很轻;迫不及待启动航程的,桅杆易折;在春天播下希望的种子,秋天收获的可能是瑟瑟秋风和飘零的枯叶。到底什么人能够取得创业的成功?有人说,这是一个没有答案的问题,如果真有一把能够打开成功之门的万能钥匙,真有一套创业成功准则,创业也就失去了它迷人的魅力。但似乎有一点可以达成共识:创业,让无力者变得有力,让绝望者看到希望,让平淡的人生变得更加充实丰饶……  相似文献   

一个刚出校门没几年的职高生,不拿父母一分钱,白手起家创造了巨额资产。这就是张丽,一个优秀的服装设计师。张丽从小就表现出对美术的巨大兴趣。4岁时,从来没学过画画的她竟画了一本白雪公主的连环画,线条流畅,栩栩如生,爸妈十分惊讶,把她送进美术兴趣班。但她去了几天就不去了。因为她不想遵循老师严格的要求,总是随心所欲地干自己喜欢的事。张丽从小就标新立异。上课时老师给他们讲了“画蛇添足”的故事,同学们都笑那个人太愚蠢,她却在角落里“语惊四座”:“‘画蛇添足’有什么不好?‘如虎添翼’是件好事,那么‘画蛇添足’又有什么不行呢?…  相似文献   

很少有人会不喜欢财富.出于对财富的追求,有人热衷于赌博、买彩票;也有人在认真考察创业的可能性.在创业的路上,一些人走了下去,一些人停了下来,更多的人这一步始终没能迈出去.  相似文献   

如果你想创业。或者你正在创业中。那么你不妨看看创业留言篇里的留言。因为它们是创业者们成功的绝密经验。你看后不要声张哈。泄露了他们的秘诀,我会被他们痛扁.啊呜!  相似文献   

你拥有创业的欲望吗?你真的想为自己工作吗?走上创业这条路一定要有很多的理由,还要自信能够满足市场的需求.除此之外,你是否问过你自己:我的创业能力如何呢?我具备创业者的素质吗?自主创业的确是一个很有吸引力的选择,尽管如此,你仍应该在慎重思考之后再作决定.  相似文献   

不久前结束的数千大学生参与的“易趣杯”首届全国电子商务大赛,使大学生网上创业的风潮更加引人注目。记采访了策划此活动的该网站首席财务官郑锡贵。以下是郑锡贵的自述。  相似文献   

加拿大多伦多Spin Master玩具公司的创始人是3位年轻人.拉比28岁,哈拉里27岁,瓦拉迪29岁。学绘画艺术专业的哈拉里和拉比,在招贴画创作上非常有创意。一次校园活动中,他俩的一张招贴画卖了5美元。数目虽小.却让他俩意识到.自己除了有艺术创作能力外.还具有一定的商业能力。大学毕业后,他俩用卖招贴画所挣的1万美元开了家玩具公司,推出一种独特的玻璃头饰.上市后即大受欢迎,  相似文献   

笔者在一篇报道中了解到,某公司在应聘的大学生中选取150名进行岗前培训,培训后却有1/5的人没有来报到,又有1/3的人在试用一个星期后离去,最后只剩下3个人,其中有一位被提升为主管,二年以后,只剩下当初被提升为主管的这位.以后几年中这位主管除了在原公司被晋升外,还拥有了自己的产业.简单的一篇报道,却说明了不少问题.  相似文献   

针对目前的金融危机,高校毕业生面临的就业形势更加严峻,国家和地方相继出台了鼓励高校毕业生自主创业的政策,以拓展就业范围。本文结合实际工作,提出了高校毕业生选择自主创业的原因,影响创业的因素,对策与建议,以期为毕业生选择自主创业提供帮助。  相似文献   

自幼就有经商天赋的叶进博理所当然地投身创业,初次"下海",叶进博就出手不乏,顺风顺水,轻而易举地掘到第一桶金,进而开始营造自己的智慧鸟连锁王国.大获成功的叶进博有自己独到的生意经:"创造财富,不如制造老板,因为老板是财富之母."  相似文献   

大学生创业调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着各级政府对高校毕业生自主创业的重视程度不断提高,大多数大学生基本认同了创业是实现自身理想与价值的重要途径。当前高校创业教育薄弱,加强大学生创业指导,创造机会和营造氛围,培养学生的创业精神与创业能力是当前高校创业教育亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

基于WEB的学生模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文在传统ICAI的认知模型的基础上,探讨了基于WEB的学生模型的设计思想,详细阐述了基于WEB的学生模型的逻辑结构、构建方法,并提出了一种实用的基于WEB的学生模型,最后提出了该领域研究中的难点和存在的问题。  相似文献   

财务管理在企业管理中处于重要地位.入世后企业财务管理环境的变化对财务管理产生极大的影响.中国企业财务管理应全方位更新企业财务管理观念,全面提升财务管理层次,建立独立高效的财务管理组织,全面提高财务管理人员素质.  相似文献   

建设有中国特色社会主义企业文化,应当立足于我国企业的现实状况.选择企业决策行为的科学化、民主化作为切入点,具有现实和深远的意义,反应了目前企业在改革与发展中理论上和实践上的必然要求.  相似文献   

Emily M. Slager and D'Arcy J. Oaks describe the coaching philosophy that helped the Student Life departments at The Ohio State University excel at the sometimes daunting process of outcomes‐based assessment.  相似文献   


The authors introduce a model for estimating the amount of revenue a typical student will bring to an institution of higher education. The model uses event history analysis to analyze the length of time typical student will remain enrolled, accounting for the possibilities that the student will drop out, be disqualified by the university, graduate “on time,” or even take more time than the traditional eight semesters to complete a degree program. Once the pattern of enrollment has been estimated, it is a relatively simple matter to estimate the revenue impact of a student during a specific semester by multiplying the per-semester tuition rates by the probability that a student will be enrolled that semester. Finally, the discounted present value of the individual semester revenues provides an estimate of a student's revenue impact over the life of his or her academic career.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study develops, operationalizes, and tests a new conceptual model of community college student engagement. Themes emerging from participant observations and semistructured interviews with 30 adult students enrolled at a Large Best Practices Community College (LBPCC) over the 2005–2006 academic year are used to guide selection of Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985 Deci , E. L. & Ryan , R. M. ( 1985 ). Intrinsic motivation and self-direction behavior . New York : Plenum .[Crossref] [Google Scholar], 2000 Deci , E. L. & Ryan , R. M. ( 2000 ). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definitions and new directions . Contemporary Educational Psychology , 25 , 5467 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2002 Deci , E. L. & Ryan , R. M. ( 2002 ). Handbook of self-determination research . Rochester , NY : University of Rochester . [Google Scholar]) to frame the new conceptual model. Structural equation modeling techniques confirm that variables and relationships proposed by the new model represent a good fit with data from over 1,000 students surveyed in the Community College Survey of Student Engagement. Findings from this study suggest that community college engagement and related outcomes can be fostered by tuning campus policies, practices, and climates to promote students' senses of belonging, competence, and autonomy.  相似文献   


For 8 years Washington State has operated a performance funding policy, the Student Achievement Initiative (SAI). The policy allocates appropriations to the state’s 34 community and technical colleges based on points earned through student achievement of college-readiness, retention, and completion milestones. Grounded in a conceptual framework of principal-agent theory, this study explored one community college case to examine knowledge of, perspectives on, and responses to the SAI. Through semi-structured interviews with seven faculty, administrators, and staff, combined with document analysis, five themes emerged: information transmission, initiating the initiative, the point of the point, consequences of imperfect data, and faculty skepticism. This study concludes with implications and recommendations for practice and policy.  相似文献   


In this meta-analysis, the authors attempted to develop a parsimonious model of factors that account for the significant variability in the findings on the effects of within-class grouping on student achievement. Two weighted least squares regression models were tested using 103 independent findings from 51 studies at elementary through postsecondary grades. Results indicate that the most important study features that accounted for 48% of the total variance include outcome measure source, teacher training equivalence, grouping basis, type of small-group instruction method, grade level, and relative ability of students. Goodness-of-fit statistics indicate that the model fits the data and that the remaining variance may be explained by sampling errors.  相似文献   

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