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PROBLEM: Increased calls to "do something" about child protective services (CPS) have resulted in proposals or new "paradigms" for services to at-risk or abusive families. These new paradigms call for the reform or revamping of CPS through the development of a community-based alternative response to some reports of child abuse and/or neglect. METHOD: This article reports on outcomes for 1,263 "low" risk CPS referrals diverted to a community-based alternative response system. Data on child, family, and case characteristics and services provided are presented as well as outcomes associated with re-referral and placement post service provision. RESULTS: The risk level and severity of some of the referrals to alternative response systems seems inappropriately high. The rates of re-referral were similar for families who did or did not engage in assessment services, and were highest for families where domestic violence was present. CONCLUSIONS: Criteria for diversion to community alternatives to CPS must be clearly articulated and applied. Both CPS and alternative response system workers must have the skills required to address a family's recognition of the problem and degree of motivation to engage in problem resolution, and to understand their relationship to continued risk of CA/N.  相似文献   

In the early 70s when a parent with abuse problems named Jolly K. sought help to stop her abusive behavior, there were no services for parents. Today, nearly two decades later, there has not been much improvement with regard to the provision of services for parents. Our belief is that the dichotomy which occurred early in the field's development between those who were for the child, and those (such as Parents Anonymous) who sought to provide services to parents and were presumed to be for the parent and implicitly against the child is largely responsible for an ever more punitive approach to the problem. The solution lies in shifting our focus away from the exclusive mandate to protect the child towards support for the family unit. Such a shift should include expanding the knowledge base of the field by the inclusion of information from fields such as alcoholism, spouse abuse, and eating disorders, as well as by advocating for services which support the family. Research into the part that neuro-chemistry plays in violence should also be undertaken. The impetus for change within the field cannot come from the child protective services (CPS) system, which, as a creature of the law, can only be reactive, not pro-active. Professionals working outside the CPS system must take responsibility for change if it is to occur.  相似文献   

We compared parent-reported problems and competencies for national samples of 2,600 4-16-year-olds assessed at intake into mental health services and 2,600 demographically matched nonreferred children assessed in a home interview survey. Parents responded to the ACQ Behavior Checklist, which includes 23 competence items, three competence scales, 216 problem items, eight syndrome scales, Internalizing, Externalizing, and total competence and problem scores. Most items and scales discriminated significantly (p less than .01) between referred and nonreferred samples. There were important sex and age differences in problem patterns, but regional and ethnic differences were minimal. Somewhat more problems and fewer competencies were reported for lower- than upper-socioeconomic-status children. Referral rates were similar in the most urban and rural areas, but they were significantly higher in areas of intermediate urbanization. Correlations of problem scores with those obtained 10 years earlier in a regional survey and with surveys in other countries showed considerable consistency in the rank order of prevalence rates among specific problems. Apparently owing to its more differentiated response scales, the ACQ was susceptible to respondent characteristics that reduced its discriminative power below that of the Child Behavior Checklist. Comparisons of procedures for discriminating between the normal and the clinical range supported the value of a borderline category for children who are neither clearly normal nor clearly deviant. Interview data from the survey sample yielded significantly higher ACQ problem scores for children who had fewer related adults in their homes, those who had more unrelated adults in their homes, those whose biological parents were unmarried, separated, or divorced, those whose families received public assistance, and those whose household or family members had received mental health services. Children who scored higher on Externalizing than Internalizing problems tended to have unmarried, separated, or divorced parents and to come from families receiving public assistance. However, among children whose household or family members had received mental health services, there were greater proportions of both Externalizing and Internalizing patterns than among other children.  相似文献   

Families with complex needs related to domestic violence, mental health, and substance use have some of the worst child protective services (CPS) outcomes. Although many of these families are identified during a CPS investigation and subsequently referred to home-based postinvestigation services (HBPS), many are re-reported to CPS, so it is important to understand the postinvestigation experiences of this vulnerable group. Therefore, this study compared families with and without complex needs to understand their uniquedemographics, needs, and postinvestigation outcomes.The sample consisted of 2008 caregivers who received HBPS following an initial CPS investigation. The Family Assessment Form (FAF) was used to measure family functioning in eight domains using a 1–5 scale with higher ratings representing worse functioning. Complex needs were indicated by a mean FAF score of 3 or higher for either domestic violence, mental health, or substance use. Using Pearson chi-square analyses and two-sample t-tests, comparisons were made between families with (n = 836) and without (n = 1172) complex needs. Half of caregivers with complex needs had a history of abuse, 25% had three to five needs, and nearly half had six to eight needs; 90% of caregivers without complex needs had zero to two needs. Furthermore, caregivers with complex needs had higher mean scores for concrete, educational, and clinical needs. These findings highlight the importance of recognizing variation among families referred to HBPS and accurate screening to ensure that families with complex needs are offered and receive services matched to their unique characteristics and needs.  相似文献   

This study examines the use of supportive techniques to increase compliance with licensing standards among family child care providers. A statewide sample of 842 urban and rural family child care providers was selected using a multistage stratified random sampling design. Half received technical assistance during unannounced licensing inspections to clarify rules and to offer support to achieve compliance. The control group received routine, unannounced inspections without technical assistance. Both groups demonstrated significant gains on the posttest compliance measure (p = .000). Providers who received technical assistance scored significantly higher on the posttest compliance measure when compared to those in the control group (p = .000). Furthermore, providers who scored the lowest on the pretest compliance score made the greatest gains on the posttest measure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate a primary prevention effort in child maltreatment, the focus of which was a community-wide endeavor (i.e., subjects were not prescreened for risk potential). Specific components of the planned intervention addressed four causal levels of maltreatment: individual, family, community, and cultural factors. That assessment was intended to build strengths in those parenting areas which are predictive of abusive or neglectful outcomes. Target areas included knowledge of child development, child-rearing attitudes, mother-infant interaction patterns, and parenting skills. A posttest-only control group design was employed. The control postpartum mothers received traditional or routine hospital services; experimental mothers received special in-hospital and after-care services by trained student nurse volunteers. These volunteers functioned in a dual educative/supportive role. Experimental mothers reported more realistic expectations of behavior, embraced more democratic child-rearing principles, providing more verbal stimulation to their infants (reflecting an increased sensitivity), and displayed increased problem-solving abilities.  相似文献   

More than one million cases of child abuse and neglect come to attention of child protection agencies each year. During the course of investigating these cases, social workers are charged with protecting the child while assessing whether or not abuse or neglect has actually occurred. Child welfare philosophy also dictates that at the same time the investigation is being conducted, the social worker strives to maintain the family intact, if at all possible. One way to address this dual responsibility of protecting the child while working towards family stability is through the provision of services during the investigation. The purpose of this paper is to identify the services that are provided during the course of a child abuse and/or neglect case investigation. The paper also identifies the barriers that exist both within an agency and within the external community that discourage the provision of services to children and families. The findings of this research show that in the majority of cases services are not provided during the investigation. In those case investigations where services are provided, a much broader range of services are considered for provision than are actually delivered. The research also found that placement is the most frequently provided service; however, only one-third of those children in placement receive any clinical services while in placement. Finally, this study found that the greatest barrier to service provision is a lack of evidence necessary to intervene in the home situation.  相似文献   


We focus on transition from school or employment to university and analyze how social network characteristics and the quantity of social capital (SC) influence the assessment of help in selecting a program of study. We analyze data of undergraduate students at a German university and find that SC has an amount and a context effect. First, we assume that in networks where students find a lot of SC, they also receive helpful advice. Second, a social network close to academia offers useful help. Our multivariate analyses support the context effect, but also indicate a marginal utility of SC. Students with academically educated parents rate their parents’ help as more useful, and students with studying friends rate their friends’ advice as helpful. However, students who are rich in SC among family and friends rate their help lower than students who are rich in SC among only one part of their network.  相似文献   

The provision of educational services to students who are deaf or hard of hearing in the compulsory school years in Australia has seen a shift from exclusive, isolated settings in the 1970s to an inclusive approach personalized to cater to the diversity of those students requiring educational support. Universities that undertake specific programs to train teachers of the deaf need to respond proactively to ensure that graduates are able to provide services in all types of school environments. The present study concerns the evaluation of preservice teachers of the deaf by their university, by their teacher mentors, and through their own assessment of the skills required to be a teacher of the deaf. The study's overall conclusion is that programs for preservice teachers of the deaf can produce high-quality graduates and that graduates undertake postgraduate study after some years of teaching.  相似文献   

The thesis of this article is that child abuse can be most effectively prevented by recasting it as a part of a larger problem of inadequately parented families. Services for these families may be offered for voluntary participation. They need not be thought of as treatments since they would be designed to prevent rather than treat injuries. The goal of the services would be to improve the childrearing experiences of children in two ways: by helping their parents to function more effectively and providing whatever elements of parental functioning (nurture, education, discipline, or protection) which the natural parents could not give. The proposed facilities would provide supplemental parenting and other services for children as necessary. Facilities would include outreach into the homes, family drop-in centers, family half-way houses for parents who can take care of their children only with onsite supervision, and residential facilities and foster homes at which natural parents would be encouraged to visit and participate. The majority of child abuses occur when there is stress on parents who are inadequate because they themselves have received deficient parenting. The proposed services would relieve stress on parents. This sharing of parental responsibilities between the natural parents and the sharing parents encountered in the proposed facilities would provide children with more adequate parenting than they could receive from their natural parents alone. This would give them a chance to grow into adequate, nonabusive parents and thus interrupt the generational cycle of abuse.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study examined program outcomes of student problem behavior and social skills, based on teachers' perspectives, before and after early behavioral intervention services. The study targeted students in kindergarten through grade 5 who were identified by the school system as being at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders. Students identified received early intervention services based on individualized positive behavior supports (i.e. social skills training, functional behavioral assessment, and team collaboration). The results indicate that early intervention services that teach social skills and use functional behavioral assessments to deal with problem behaviors are beneficial to children displaying behavioral challenges.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(9):1487-1495
Pediatric abusive head trauma causes significant cognitive and behavioral morbidity, yet very few post-acute interventions exist to facilitate long-term recovery. To meet the needs of this vulnerable population, we piloted a web-based intervention with live coaching designed to improve positive parenting and child behavior. The efficacy of this parenting skills intervention was compared with access to Internet resources on brain injury. Participants included seven families (four randomized to the parenting intervention and three randomized to receive Internet resources). Parenting skills were observed and child behavior was rated at baseline and intervention completion. At completion, parents who received the parenting skills intervention showed significantly more positive parenting behaviors and fewer undesirable behaviors during play than parents who received access to Internet resources. Additionally, during play, children in the parenting skills intervention group were more compliant following parent commands than children in the Internet resources group. Lastly, parents who received the parenting intervention reported less intense oppositional and conduct behavior problems in their children post-intervention than did parents in the Internet resources group. These findings provide preliminary evidence for the use of this web-based positive parenting skills intervention to improve parenting skills and child behavior following abusive head trauma.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to estimate the risk of a first recurrence over a five-year period following initial child protective services (CPS) intervention and identify the characteristics associated with the risk of recurrence for three different age groups. Recurrence is defined as the first substantiated report within the observation period after initial services have ended. The study involved a cohort of 25,897 Quebec children who received postinvestigation services for the first time and whose cases were closed between 2005 and 2009. Survival analysis was used to estimate the five-year risk of recurrence and Cox regression to model the risk of recurrence for three age groups. The covariates introduced into the regression analyses were characteristics of the child and initial services. The risk of recurrence in the five years following termination of initial CPS services was 36% for the entire cohort and varied depending on the child's age at the time of case closure. Children aged 6–11 when their cases were closed had the highest risk of recurrence. Although Aboriginal descent and prior CPS investigations have a consistent effect on the risk of recurrence in all three age groups, the effects of other covariates, such as out-of-home placement and court involvement, vary or are even reversed, depending on the child's age. These findings highlight the need to adopt a differential approach that takes into account the child's age, both in the provision of protective services and in research involving the population receiving such services.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Using data from a nationally representative panel study, the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW), we address the following questions: (a) What are the youth, family, community, and child welfare system risk factors that place youth (ages 11-14 years) living at home, who are referred for maltreatment, at increased risk of delinquent behaviors over time? and (b) What promotive factors at the youth, family, community, and child welfare system levels appear to minimize the risk of delinquent behaviors for these youth over time? METHODS: The study uses the NSCAW data collected at baseline (Wave 1) and 18 months later (Wave 3). The multivariate analyses were conducted using a tobit model adjusted for longitudinal data and a complex survey sample. RESULTS: Several significant risk and promotive factors were found to influence the risk of delinquent behaviors over time. Older youth were more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors than younger youth. Girls were less likely to engage in delinquent behaviors than boys. Race or ethnicity did not have a statistically significant relationship with engaging in delinquent behaviors. Compared with neglected youth, youth who were physically abused were more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors. Increases in caregiver monitoring and in the quality of relationship with caregivers were associated with decreases in delinquent behaviors. Youth at greatest risk and those who engaged in more delinquent behaviors received more child welfare services then youth who did not engage in delinquent behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: The current child welfare delivery system emphasizes provision of services to youth experiencing the more serious problems and less on preventive services. The study findings suggest that preventive services when youth first enter the child welfare system that focus on enhancing caregiver skills in building positive relationships with their youth and increased monitoring of the youth's activity may alter the pathway to delinquent behaviors for these youth.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Banking Time is a set of techniques designed to promote positive, supportive relationships through 1-on-1 interactions between teachers and children. Web-based training resources were made available to 252 preschool teachers who received different levels of support as a component of a professional development intervention, and the purpose of this study was to examine teachers' implementation of Banking Time. Teachers with greater levels of professional development support were more likely to implement Banking Time with children in their classes. Teachers were more likely to choose to implement Banking Time with children who had lower social-emotional skills (e.g., more problem behaviors). Teachers developed greater relational closeness with children who participated in Banking Time than with children who did not participate. Practice or Policy: The implications of these preliminary findings for fostering supportive teacher–child relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of Early Intervention for children with Autism has been established however little attention has been given to the role of the parent and their perspective (Griffin & Shevlin, 2011). Research on Early Intervention has proliferated and innovative research on involving parents as partners has emerged (Carpenter, 2007; Hornby, 2011), however parents’ experiences of assessment, diagnosis and education have received little attention. This study investigated parental perceptions of Early Intervention services for children with significant disabilities. The purpose of this article is to describe how parents experience assessment, diagnosis and education, exploring the potential of utulising a parental lens in grasping these perspectives. It explored parents’ need to negotiate services and the difficulties surrounding their children's education in mainstream settings. Through qualitative, longitudinal, in‐depth case studies, parents (n 6) were interviewed over a fifteen month period. Interviews coincided with school terms. A major point of difference is the presence of parent voice. This research is dedicated to eliciting parents’ voice and exploring how this may influence current understandings of Early Intervention in Ireland. This research suggests that we need to explore what is needed by parents according to those parents, by acknowledging parent voice. Early Intervention and school settings may be a site of reconfiguration of parenthood where mutually, supportive mechanisms may confront the obscurities associated with their role and the fact that they are seldom heard.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore school psychologists’ use of evidence‐based practices (EBP), specifically in the area of social skills training, for students with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Participants were 220 school psychologists practicing in public school settings who provided social skills training to students with ASD. Participants were recruited through e‐mail solicitations and completed surveys administered on‐line. Results indicated that 47% of the participants reported that their graduate program did not provide courses including content addressing social skills training for students with ASD, and 58% did not receive training on the topic during their internship. The most and least frequently endorsed EBP reported were the provision of clear and measurable treatment objectives and regular communication with parents, respectively. Greater use of EBP was reported when school districts perceived implementing EBP as important. Implications of findings for training programs of school psychologists, school districts, and individual school psychologists are discussed, as well as implications for future research.  相似文献   

The goal of current national and state legislation on welfare reform is to decrease the number of people who are dependent on public assistance, most of whom are mothers and their young children. Mothers' patterns of welfare receipt in the 3 years following the birth of a child were examined vis-à-vis their associations with maternal emotional distress (General Health Questionnaire), provision of learning experiences (Home Observation of the Measurement of the Environment), parenting behavior, and the child's cognitive test score (Stanford-Binet) in the third year of life. The data set was the Infant Health and Development Program, an eight-site randomized clinical trial designed to test the efficacy of educational and family support services in reducing developmental delays in low-birthweight, preterm infants (N = 833). Strong negative associations were found between receiving welfare and parenting behavior and child outcomes at age 3 years. Outcomes varied depending on when the mother received public assistance (earlier or later in her child's first 3 years) and family poverty status on leaving welfare. The parenting behavior of mothers who had left welfare by their child's third birthday was more likely to be authoritarian if she had left public assistance without also leaving poverty. Implications of these findings for the well-being of children in low-income families are discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundAn important obstacle for family reunification following child placement in residential care and other temporary out-of-home care services is the lack of engagement among parents.ObjectiveThe aim of this meta-analysis is to identify the most effective interventions to promote parental engagement and family reunification.Method and participantsEight studies, for a total of 2996 families, were used to conduct two series of meta-analyses. Each study examined the effectiveness of a goal-oriented parental engagement intervention, relative to a control group made up of parents who received standard services. Six moderators were analyzed: type of clinical modality, number of clinical strategies, sources of motivation for intervention, focus on the child care staff-parent relationship, child care staff training, and strategies to promote access to intervention.ResultsResults indicate that parents exposed to goal-oriented engagement interventions showed greater engagement (effect size d = 0.71, CI: 0.35–1.07, p < 0.001) and likelihood of reunification (effect size OR = 2.49, CI: 1.22–5.10, p < 0.05) than parents who received standard services. In particular, moderator analysis showed that parents who specifically participated in a family-focused intervention showed the highest engagement in comparison to parents involved in other types of interventions or who received standard services (effect size d = 1.08, CI: 0.58–1.59, p < 0.001). No moderators significantly explained heterogeneity of studies on family reunification.ConclusionOverall, the results underline the effectiveness of family-focused interventions to promote parental engagement. Nevertheless, greater knowledge on the mechanisms by which interventions can increase parents’ engagement and family reunification is still needed.  相似文献   

In an effort to explore the value and feasibility of teaching the principles behind developmentally appropriate practices to parents, 53 families with young children were studied. Parents were randomly assigned to participate or not participate in a three month-long, weekly, parent training program. Following completion of the program members of participating families were less likely to engage in conflict during a puzzle solving task than were members of nonparticipating families. Parents who participated were more likely to take a supportive leadership role and have age-appropriate expectations during a puzzle solving task than were nonparticipating parents. Children in participating families showed better social skills than children in nonparticipating families. Portions of the increase in social skills were related to reductions in family conflict and to the development of a task orientation that was more appropriately focused on process than outcome. Lower family conflict was also related to better gross motor skills in children.  相似文献   

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