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3月5日,2007-2008冠军联赛1/8决赛次回合进行了一场焦点比赛,AC米兰坐镇圣西罗主场迎战英超领头羊阿森纳,上半场第34分钟法布雷加斯曾击中横梁,下半场第84分钟,他的远射反弹后入网,补时阶段沃尔科特助攻阿德巴约破门,最终阿森纳客场2:0击败AC米兰,以总比分2:0晋级欧冠8强,而卫冕冠军AC米兰惨遭淘汰。 相似文献
英国足球历史上第157次曼彻斯特德比终于正式打响,本次德比与往年不一样,这次可是号称"43年来实力最接近的曼彻斯特德比"。更是在近年来也已经成为了可以与米兰德比或者是罗马德比能够相提并论的比赛。曼联与曼城,一个红得像火,一个蓝得似海;一个是老牌强队,一个是初生新贵。与此同时,如今的曼城已经不是昔日的吴下阿蒙,在酋长的金钱风暴的影响下,蓝月亮已经拥有了问鼎联赛冠军的实力,假以时日,当球队磨合成型,冠军可以说是指日可待了。不过,即使如此,在梦剧场面对老豪门红魔的时候,还是有些稍欠火候,因为酋长再有钱,也不能买到一个豪门底蕴,这就是豪门与伪豪门的区别。革命尚未成功,蓝月亮还需努力! 相似文献
从皮亚琴察到亚特兰大,再到尤文图斯,英扎吉从未在一支球队效力四年以上。皮亚琴察一年,莱费一年,维罗纳一年,再回到皮亚琴察还是一年,帕尔马和亚特兰大也各有一年。单从这份履历表上来看,英扎吉真是一个典型的浪子。即便是在他曾想死心塌地效忠的斑马军团,合约也仅仅维持了四个赛季。2001年夏天,菲利普离开了在他心中已成一片苍白的都灵,来到繁华而陌生的米兰城,披上了9号红黑剑条衫。这一次,曾经的浪子收住了心神,他和米兰的美满情缘,一续再续,如今,七年时光逝去,但英扎吉在米兰城依然如鱼得水,七年不痒,他们的情缘,还将继续下去。英扎吉将其职业生涯最绚烂的留给了米兰,而米兰也用数个重要的冠军头衔,回馈着英扎吉的这份信任,他们之间的合作,亲密无间并富有成效。 相似文献
通过录像观察、比较法和统计分析法,对参加2015年世界体操锦标赛中国男子竞技体操团体比赛成绩和日本队男子体操团体比赛成绩的相关数据进行了归纳和分析.结果表明,中国男子竞技体操后备人才处于一个匮乏的状态,要延续中国男子竞技体操的辉煌,进一步加强后备人才培养是一个重中之重的问题,所以必须对目前男子竞技体操后备人才培养发展的方向、存在的问题和产生的原因进行探究.最后提出战略目标:(1)制定本省市的竞技体操发展规划;(2)解决好运动员后备人才的可持续发展跟加强社会创造有利空间和大环境;(3)后备人才开发必须按照市场经济规律;(4)加大对教练员实施再教育和培训力度;(5)加大后备人才科技投入现状和科技成果的应用. 相似文献
Gordon Chalmers 《Sports biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports》2013,12(2):239-249
Introductory textbooks commonly state that Golgi tendon organs (GTOs) are responsible for a reflex response that inhibits a muscle producing dangerously high tension (autogenic inhibition). Review of the relevant data from animal studies demonstrates that there is wide variability in the magnitude of, and even the presence of, GTO autogenic effects among locomotor hindlimb muscles, and that data on GTO effects under conditions of voluntary maximal muscle activation are lacking. A single available study on GTO function in humans, during a moderate contraction, surprisingly shows a reduction in autogenic inhibition during muscle‐force production. Further, it is not possible to find experimental evidence supporting the idea that strength training may produce a decrease in GTO mediated autogenic inhibition, allowing greater muscle activation levels and hence greater force production. 相似文献
Gordon Chalmers 《Sports biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports》2013,12(1):159-183
Literature concerning the theoretical role of spinal reflex circuits and their sensorimotor signals in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) muscle stretching techniques was examined. Reviewed data do not support the assertion commonly made in PNF literature that contraction of a stretched muscle prior to further stretch, or contraction of opposing muscles during muscle stretch, produces relaxation of the stretched muscle. Further, following contraction of a stretched muscle, inhibition of the stretch reflex response lasts only 1 s. Studies examined suggested that decreases in the response amplitude of the Hoffmann and muscle stretch reflexes following a contraction of a stretched muscle are not due to the activation of Golgi tendon organs, as commonly purported, but instead may be due to presynaptic inhibition of the muscle spindle sensory signal. The current view on the complex manner by which the spinal cord processes proprioceptive signals was discussed. The ability of acute PNF stretching procedures to often produce a joint range of motion greater than that observed with static stretching must be explained by mechanisms other than the spinal processing of proprioceptive information. Studies reviewed indicate that changes in the ability to tolerate stretch and/or the vis‐coelastic properties of the stretched muscle, induced by PNF procedures, are possible mechanisms. 相似文献
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从运动训练学、运动解剖学、运动生物力学等角度,分析传统力量训练特点及存在问题,并解析了核心力量训练的特点。认为核心力量训练与传统力量训练的本质不同在于,核心力量训练中增加了一个"不稳定因素",就是为了提高运动员身体的平衡稳定性,不仅增加了力量训练的难度,而且为传统力量训练增添了鲜活的因素。核心力量训练理念的引入更新了传统力量训练理念,创新了训练方法和手段,弥补了传统力量训练在提高运动员协调、灵敏和平衡等能力方面的不足。今后如何将基础性的核心力量训练与专项训练相融合,将有待于理论和实践的深入研究。 相似文献
核心区力量及其训练研究进展 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6
赵佳 《天津体育学院学报》2009,24(3):218-220
根据国际上核心区训练研究最新进展,结合当前我们在核心区力量训练认识方面存在的不足和误区,采用文献综述的方法,力求将核心区力量训练的概念、内涵、外延阐释清楚,以体现该研究的国际最新动向,并解决目前我国在核心区力量训练方面存在的概念模糊、内涵不清的问题.研究结果显示:核心区力量包含核心稳定性力量和核心动力性力量,是一个二元概念;在影响稳定性的三个子系统,即控制子系统、主动子系统、被动子系统之外还有一个调节子系统--呼吸系统;核心庆力量训练分为静力性力量训练和动力性力量训练两种,在运动训练实践中,这两种方法要紧密结合. 相似文献
Michael Stone Steven Plisk David Collins 《Sports biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports》2013,12(1):79-103
Current information and evidence indicate that for most activities free weight training can produce superior results compared to training with machines, particularly when the free weight training involves complex, multi‐joint exercises. A number of reasons can account for the superiority of free weights; the major factor deals with mechanical specificity. Mechanical specificity is concerned with appropriate movement patterns, force application and velocity of movement. Considering the available evidence that adherence to the concept of specificity of exercise and training can result in a greater transfer of training effect then free weights should produce a more effective training transfer. Therefore, the majority of resistance exercises making up a training programme should include of free weight exercises with emphasis on mechanical specificity (i.e. large muscle mass exercises, appropriate velocity, contraction type etc.). Generally, machines should be used as an adjunct to free weight training and, depending upon the sport, can be used to a greater or lesser extent during various phases of the training period (preparation, pre‐competition, competition). 相似文献
力量训练须符合专项力量的性质 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
力量素质是运动员所有身体素质的基础素质。任何竞技运动项目的运动员只有具备了很好的力量素质,才可能获得优异的运动成绩。但是,不同运动项目运动员所需的专项力量素质也大相径庭,即力量素质有明显的专项特性。发展运动员力量素质的训练,必须遵循针对专项的力量素质特征。 相似文献