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高校干部考核工作的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该根据中组部制定的《党政领导干部考核工作暂行规定》的精神,探讨建立,健全党政目标管理和领导干部岗位职责范围,研究建立以工作实绩为主要内容的考核指标体系,将干部考核的指标体系与目标管理的绩评估体系结合起来,辩证地进行绩效评估。正确看待测评结果,切实加大考核结果的使力度,形成考核激励机制。  相似文献   

本分析探讨了建立党政领导干部选拔任用工作考核评价制度的基本内涵、思路、基本原则、主要对象、具体内容、指标体系、权重比例,以及实施和结果的运用,这对于当前深化干部人事制度改革,建立科学、规范、便利、有效的党政领导干部选拔任用考核评价机制,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

发展观与政府绩效密切相关。科学发展观作为以人为本的、全面、协调和可持续的发展观。是推进和实现政府绩效评估科学化、规范化、制度化的理论前提。在当前。针对我国政府绩效评估中存在的目标设定、政府职能和考核主体的“错位”问题,我们在更新行政管理理念和建立可行指标体系的同时,加强绩效评估的立法工作。  相似文献   

知识经济背景下,教师绩效评估存在考核体系的设计缺乏科学性、考核重视程度不足、方法陈旧且缺乏创新性、指标体系和权重体系不合理、学生评价使用不得当、体系导向性不明确等问题,提出完善高职教师量化和非量化指标的建立、形成高职教师绩效评估管理的领导体系、构建校本要求下教师绩效评估创新机制、优化高职教师绩效评估管理的指标结构、合理运用学生评价在绩效评估管理中的比重等高职教师绩效评价的管理创新路径。  相似文献   

党建工作目标管理取得不少成绩,但也暴露出一些问题.完善高校党建目标管理工作的措施为:明确职责、加强沟通,树立正确的高校党建绩效管理观;把握目标管理的设计环节,制定规范的操作性强的党建工作目标管理考核实施办法和指标体系;强化过程管理,科学运用评估结果,提出党建工作改进计划.  相似文献   

二级学院绩效评估是提升高校办学水平的重要手段。当前新建本科高校对二级学院绩效评估的研究还不深入,评估理念不够深入人心。高校缺乏健全完善的考核机制,考核的指标内容与方式也不够科学合理。为此,提出形成绩效评估文化、加强全局观念,合理利用评估结果、建立反馈和可持续改进机制,建立分类评估指标体系、增强指标的可操作性等解决对策。  相似文献   

创新高校领导干部绩效考核机制的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
创新高校领导干部绩效考核机制是不断发展和完善高校干部人事管理的内在需要。要建立科学合理、体现科学发展观的高校领导干部绩效考核系统,一是要创新高校领导干部考核指标体系,二是要创新高校领导干部的考核形式,三是要创新高校领导干部考核评价方法,四是要创新高校领导干部考核结果的运用。  相似文献   

近年来,为了从组织人事方面深入贯彻落实科学发展观,各地积极开展党政领导班子和领导干部绩效考评探索活动.这些活动取得了可喜的成绩,同时也存在不少问题亟待解决.建议出台统一的地方绩效考评法规,健全地方绩效考评指标体系,建立科学的地方绩效考评程序,完善地方绩效考评主体,塑造绩效文化.  相似文献   

很多高职院校将绩效管理和绩效考核等同对待,以绩效考核代替绩效管理,导致工作人员绩效考核出现诸多问题。高职院校应以绩效管理理论为基础,加强绩效界定,明确绩效目标;开展工作分析,完善绩效指标体系;合理选择考评者,加强考评者培训;构建考核结果反馈体系,重视考核结果应用;重视绩效开发,加强改进力度,以解决工作人员绩效考核中的问题。  相似文献   

学术型中层领导干部是高校院系改革与发展的中坚力量。在对高校院系学术型领导干部的领导绩效进行调查和分析后发现,学术型领导干部普遍面临着提高领导绩效和学术水平的双重压力。改革和完善领导体制,实行目标管理,建立科学的激励、考核机制,充分发挥学术型领导干部的作用,提升其领导绩效和影响力等是高校面临的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

违宪审查模式与中国的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从违宪审查主体的组织安排而言,违宪审查可以分为分散制、集中制以及混合制;按照违宪审查申请是否单独提起,违宪审查可以分为抽象审查制、具体审查制以及并行制;以违宪审查提请的时间而言,违宪审查可以分为预防性审查制、事后性审查制以及复合性审查制。上述三组违宪审查方式的排列、组合可以推演出所有可能存在的违宪审查模式。经过对所有违宪审查模式的分析,认为ZBT模式切合中国国情,我国应以该模式为蓝本来构建中国特色的违宪审查制度。  相似文献   

宪法是一个国家的根本大法,必须得到全体公民的普遍遵守,因而完善现有的违宪审查模式就显得十分紧迫.目前,世界上存在着四种违宪审查模式:司法机关审查模式、立法机关审查模式、专门机关审查模式和复合审查模式.我国的违宪审查制度目前还不够完善,存在着诸多缺陷,如何完善这一制度是值得每个公民关注的事情.  相似文献   

新《刑事诉讼法》第93条设立了逮捕后的羁押必要性审查制度,新的《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》第616至621条对这一制度进行了细化,赋予了其可操作性.认定是否具有羁押的“必要性”,应当遵守尊重和保障人权原则、变更性原则、比例性原则和全面性原则.具体操作时,首先需要确定审查的主体,然后认定审查的内容,进而从证明责任分配、审查的方式、审查的效力、与《刑事诉讼法》相关条文的关系几个方面来综合认定是否具有羁押的“必要性”.  相似文献   

西方主要资本主义国家出现四种不同违宪审查模式。司法机关审查模式的渊源是分权与制衡学说,宪法委员会审查模式的出发点是宪法至上,宪法法院审查模式则包容了司法机关审查模式和宪法委员会审查模式的特点。我国要进一步发挥全国人大及其常委会监督宪法实施功能,充分利用质询、特定问题调查、罢免、撤销等制度解决违宪问题。  相似文献   

成人高招历史复习课的特点有二:(1)创新要求高。(2)针对性强。复习方法可采用阶段复习法,具体方法有要点记忆法、直观记忆法、年代联想法、归纳比较法等。  相似文献   

审稿人个体因素、制度性因素、审稿方式因素以及审稿费多少、稿件人情因素、利益冲突等是影响高校学报审稿人审稿质量的重要因素。为了提高审稿人审稿质量,确保评审意见与稿件实际水平相符,应进一步分析影响高校学报审稿人审稿质量的相关因素,并探究相应的控制措施。  相似文献   

Does reviewing previous answers during multiple-choice exams help examinees increase their final score? This article formalizes the question using a rigorous causal framework, the potential outcomes framework. Viewing examinees’ reviewing status as a treatment and their final score as an outcome, the article first explains the challenges of identifying the causal effect of answer reviewing in regular exam-taking settings. In addition to the incapability of randomizing the treatment selection (reviewing status) and the lack of other information to make this selection process ignorable, the treatment variable itself is not fully known to researchers. Looking at examinees’ answer sheet data, it is unclear whether an examinee who did not change his or her answer on a specific item reviewed it but retained the initial answer (treatment condition) or chose not to review it (control condition). Despite such challenges, however, the article develops partial identification strategies and shows that the sign of the answer reviewing effect can be reasonably inferred. By analyzing a statewide math assessment data set, the article finds that reviewing initial answers is generally beneficial for examinees.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that making annotations can be a meaningful and useful learning method that promote metacognition and enhance learning achievement. A web‐based annotation system, Virtual Pen (VPEN), which provides for the creation and review of annotations and homework solutions, has been developed to foster learning process among students. In order to explore the effects of reviewing annotations and homework solutions on learning achievement, a quasi‐experiment was conducted with VPEN in a math class over a period of 4 months. It was found that reviewing own text annotations has a significant influence on learning achievement; while on the contrary, reviewing peers' text annotations has no significant influence on learning achievement. Our results show that students gain more from reviewing their own annotations than from reviewing the annotations made by peers, a contrast which reveals that annotations hold additional meaning for their creators. Further investigation revealed that only the quantity of text annotations among all other variables can significantly predict students' learning achievement. This finding may suggest that text annotations play more important roles to learning achievement than other variables, like homework. The reason is because text annotations are created by learners actively on voluntary base whereas homework is usually assigned by the teachers. Based on our findings, we suggest that teachers may consider incorporating learning activities that can foster metacognitive development into the learning process, like making annotations, solving homework and reviewing them, whereas peer learning should be encouraged only for reviewing the homework solutions of their peers with good learning achievement.  相似文献   

高等学校作为教育机构,对于其剥夺学生学籍行为应当进入司法审查的视野,但如何协调司法审查权与高校的自主管理权的关系,司法审查的权限应仅限于形式的审查,即审查学校作出的行为是否有违程序的公开、公证原则。  相似文献   

Meta‐analyses of 33 studies were conducted to examine (1) how much the combination of taking and reviewing notes contributes to school learning, and (2) whether interventions in the note‐taking/‐reviewing procedure enhance note‐taking/‐reviewing effects, and if so, how much and under what conditions. Syntheses of findings from note‐taking/‐reviewing versus no note‐taking/‐reviewing comparison studies indicated that the overall effects of note‐taking/‐reviewing were substantial. The advantage of note‐taking with intervention over without intervention was modest but significantly greater than zero. This intervention effect was moderated by two variables: presence of provided notes and academic level of participants. Providing a framework or instructor's notes was more effective in the enhancement of note‐taking/‐reviewing effects than pre‐training or verbal instruction only. The participants at lower academic levels gained greater benefits from interventions compared with the participants at a higher academic level.  相似文献   

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