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职业学校教学管理工作存在诸多复杂关系,应着重处理好十个方面的关系,即学历教育与职业培训、质量与规模、素质教育与应试教学、管理与教学、教师与教学、思想教育与学习、知识与技能、实习与实训、考风与学风、升学与就业的关系。  相似文献   

顺应时代,高校教师必须对其职业道德的提升,实现道德的自律。这要求高校教师处理好政治与业务、内省与实践、教书与育人、言传与身教、索取与奉献、兼职与本职、个性与共性等诸多与职业相连的关系。  相似文献   

1教学分析 课程标准知道著名汽车公司与创建人。 基础知识美国通用汽车公司与创建人、美国福特汽车公司与创建人、戴姆勒-克莱斯勒汽车公司与创建人、德国大众汽车公司与创建人、德国宝马汽车公司与创建人、日本丰田汽车公司与创建人、日本本田汽车公司与创建人、法国标致-雪铁龙汽车公司与创建人、雷诺-日产汽车公司与创建人、意大利菲亚特汽车公司与创建人。  相似文献   

在高校科研管理的研究和文件制作中 ,应当对项目与课题、学术与科研、专著与教材、摘要与提要、核心与权威、教研与科研、学科与专业、学位与职称、验收与鉴定、理论与应用等概念或术语区别使用。因为这些概念的内涵和外延在逻辑学上是不同的。  相似文献   

南京邮电大学拟在信息与通信工程、电子科学与技术、光学工程、计算机科学与技术、控制科学与工程、网络空间安全、教育学、仪器科学与技术、软件工程、管理科学与工程、工商管理等学科引进海内外高层次人才,  相似文献   

我们的课堂教学存在影响教学质量和左右教学进程的一对对矛盾,如教学的多与少、直与曲、形与神、重与轻、繁与简、精与粗、急与缓、动与静、贵与廉、深与浅、隐与显、学与用等等。我们要辩证对待,做到具体问题具体分析。这样我们的课堂教学就会焕发出诱人的魅力。  相似文献   

苗菁 《现代语文》2014,(1):41-42
初中语文综合性学习活动的横向沟通就是在实施语文综合性学习活动时在做好小学、初中、高中三个学段纵向衔接的基础上,从横向上做好沟通与关联,在抓住语文与自然、语文与社会、语文与自我这三条主线的基础上,注重课内与课外、校内与校外、学校与社区、学校与自然、  相似文献   

高校学科建设的十大关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
学科建设在高校发展中处于龙头地位。高校加强学科建设应当处理好学科建设与专业建设、与学术队伍建设、与学科方向、与学科定位、与分级建设、与人才培养、与教学工作、与科学研究、与工作条件、与管理工作等十大关系。  相似文献   

在学习方式转变过程中,为了促进学生形成个性化的有效学习方式,必须注意处理好继承与创新、拿来与本土化、保持优势与弥补劣势、共性与个性、学生主体与教师主导、自上而下与自下而上、质变与量变、内容与形式、内因与外因、普遍性与特殊性这十对关系。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会的理念在高等教育领域的体现,就是要实现高等教育的和谐发展。而要实现高等教育的和谐发展就必须处理好政府与高校、行政与学术、规模与质量、规模与效益、公平与效率、教书与育人、教学与科研、结构与特色、招生与就业、科学与人文等十大关系。  相似文献   

Previous research evaluating grammar school effectiveness has generally relied on snapshot or longitudinal regression models to deal with pre-existing differences between grammar school pupils and those in non-selective schools. These passive designs are based on correlations, and cannot demonstrate clear positive causal relationships between grammar school attendance and subsequent attainment. After accounting for the variables available for the analysis, pupils in different schools might still have distinct and unmeasured characteristics which threaten the validity of any conclusions drawn. Given that a randomised trial is not feasible under current conditions, this study addresses the limitations of previous research, using a regression discontinuity design (RDD) approach. This is the first use of RDD to attempt to make a robust causal inference about the effectiveness of grammar schools in one local authority in England. However, the authority, the Department for Education and the schools would not provide the individual data on pupils’ 11+ entry test scores, and the scores obtained could not be uniquely matched to Key Stage 4 outcomes. While the model presented suggests that there is an advantage to grammar school attendance, the incomplete data means that the study is more a feasibility trial of this strong design than any kind of definitive test intended to settle the debate on grammar school effectiveness. Conducting this design with national data on grammar school selection would create the most powerful evidence so far. To promote an effective and equitable education system for generations to come, those advocating the expansion of grammar schools should make the responsible decision to disclose all grammar school selection data for the purposes of research.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a small qualitative case study of a youth volunteering brokerage organisation in England, operating in an area of selective state education. Data show how brokerage workers felt grammar schools managed their students in a concerted way to improve students’ chances of attending university. Conversely, workers expressed difficulty in working with comprehensive schools, feeling they were less willing to utilise volunteering services. These impressions lead the volunteering organisation to focus intently on recruiting potential volunteers from local grammar schools. As a result there is a need to reframe current debates in the sociology of education around institutional habitus, with a focus on the perceived habitus/doxa of schools. It is ultimately this (mis)recognition of institutional practices that leads to unequal policy outcomes, in this case reinforcing the advantage of academically elite students attending grammar schools.  相似文献   

攀枝花本土方言是指攀枝花市农村县区居民的口头语言。本文介绍攀枝花本土方言被动"着"字句和处置"给"字句。普通话的"被"字句,在攀枝花本土方言中常用成"着"字句,普通话中的处置句在攀枝花本土方言中常用成"给"字句。通过这两种句式可以了解攀枝花本土方言在语法方面的某些特点。  相似文献   

江永县地处百越故地,在江永土话中有一些特殊的语音、词汇、语法现象,这些特殊的语言现象今天的侗台、苗瑶等少数民族的语言里可以找到根据,它们是百越语和江永土话长期接触过程中的遗留,应该看作百越语底层。  相似文献   

There are still 10 English local educational authorities (LEAs) that are wholly selective and a further 10 with some grammar and secondary modern schools. This article examines the academic performance of pupils in secondary modern schools and the funding of these schools using national data sets matching pupils' performance at Key Stage 2 and General Certificate of Education (GCSE) as well as data on funding from Section 52 statements. Students in secondary modern schools gained one less grade on average than equivalent students in comprehensive schools while grammar school pupils obtained five grades more. After taking account of the cost factors and grant entitlements that influence funding per pupil, secondary modern schools in the years 2000/01–2002/03 were funded around £80 less per pupil while grammar school pupils received over £100 more per pupil compared to comprehensive schools. Secondary modern schools were more likely to be in financial deficit than comprehensive and particularly grammar schools. Thus, students are academically disadvantaged by attending secondary modern schools, which in most selective LEAs do not receive sufficient additional funding to offset the depressing effects on attainment of the increased social segregation arising from a selective system.  相似文献   

我国民歌根植于民间,更依附于方言,方言之于民歌犹如其血肉灵魂一般,正是由于民歌中土色土香的方言语音使民歌更具地方风情;特殊的方言词汇使民歌更具张力和表现力;独具本地特色的方言语法则使得民歌更加生动形象且充满情趣韵味。  相似文献   

The issue of grammar and its explicit teaching has recently reemerged in Singapore as a topic both within the English teaching profession and in public discourse about education. As studies in other educational contexts have shown, debates about the role of grammar in political discussions and in the popular media typically proceed in terms of a discourse of crisis and falling standards. As such, they recycle certain claims and images characterized by "myth, caricature and limited forms of binary or oppositional thinking" (Green & Beavis, 1996, p. 1). My particular interest is in the ways in which this discourse of crisis constructs Standard English and the local vernacular, as well as English-language teachers and the role of grammar teaching. This article undertakes a critical reading of the media texts around the debate and examines them in terms of their overall generic staging as well as Silverstein's (1996; reviewed in Collins, 1999) semiotic framework that he proposed for the analysis of contemporary preoccupations about standard language in the United States.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯方言区属于晋语区的大同包头片。就词汇方面来说,虽然A眉C眼式的四字格在晋语区比较普遍,但各地的例词有所不同,即使是相同的例词例释也不尽相同。  相似文献   

In many countries of the Third World the structure of secondary education is dichotomized. On the one hand there are traditional grammar schools that predate decolonization, and on the other a new breed of schools has emerged during the period of political independence. Maintaining their traditional reputation for excellence, the grammar schools attract, but are not limited to, students demonstrating the highest levels of academic proficiency. They are the schools where children of the local élite are usually in attendance. The newer post-colonial secondary schools are usually attended by students of lower academic performance, the majority of whom come from lower class families. Post-colonial secondary schools lag far behind their traditional grammar school counterparts in academic performance. In Trinidad and Tobago some serious criticisms have been levelled against the newer post-colonial type of secondary schools. Their reputation and status in the local society have been low, and several efforts at melioration have been attempted by the Government, without much success. The paper therefore attempts three main tasks. It examines some of the major problems faced by post-colonial secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago, critically reviews some of the efforts made by Government to improve the status and prestige of these schools, and suggests the strategy of marketing educational institutions as a means by which melioristic transformation of these institutions may be achieved. A speculative analysis of certain issues likely to be affected as a result of implementation of the marketing strategy concludes the paper.  相似文献   

中国语法学界曾经三次大规模地讨论了教学语法和语法教学的问题,并产生了两座高峰——暂拟汉语教学语法系统和中学教学语法系统提要。但是近年来,教学语法和语法教学的研究和实施却走入了低谷。对教学语法和语法教学的重新定位,是语法教学工作者的迫切任务。  相似文献   

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