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古往今来,中华民族一直是个尚红的民族,红色是具有中国特色的吉祥色,被冠之以"中国红"的美称。红色以其热情、喜庆、吉祥、温暖、忠诚的文化内涵一直深受中国人民尤其是汉族人民的喜爱,多数中国人民有着强烈的红色情结。相应的,红色物品在生活中的许多方面都得到了充分的应用。中国人的红色情结本身既是一种重要的文化现象,又对中国的文化、政治、经济等领域产生了重要的影响。文章从红的概念、红与白的比较、中国人形成红色情结的原因以及红色在古今生活中诸领域的应用等方面进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

《青年实话》大量文论涉及苏区共青团的扩红,展现出苏区共青团扩红的一些基本特点,即:开展团员征收运动和扩大少年先锋队,培养红军后备军的主干力量;建立地方青年和红军的联系制度,加强地方青年及红军的心理建设;树立和宣传扩红的典范,推介各地扩红的方法和经验,批评扩红中存在的错误;宣传鼓励从各方面支援红军及其家属,切实推动扩红的顺利进行。  相似文献   

张炜小说中塑造了一批大地女儿和大地母亲的完美的女性形象,这些女性人物形象,源于中国神话传说中兼有母亲和女性特征的创世女神形象原型,是民间文学中为爱降生、为爱坚贞的女性人物形象的延续。寄予了作家朴实自然、浑厚深邃的审蔓观念和追求。  相似文献   

安晓芳 《海外英语》2014,(13):165-166
the Streetcar named Desire,written by Tennessee Williams,is a well-known play and of course wins a great honor for Tennessee Williams.Many critics gave it lot of attention and make many comments on the heroin’s tragedy life,according to the study of the predecessors,this paper will make an analysis of the causes of the heroin’s tragedy life.  相似文献   

After fulfilling the full-scale promises of WTO, China accelerates the course of entering global economy and makes a certain tendency for higher education internationalized. With the promissory content about Educational Service Trade in WTO-GATS and the international situations, the thesis discusses and analyzes the effects, opportunity and challenges of WTO to Chinese higher education, and puts forwards the general idea to promote the future development of Chinese higher education from a macroscopic perspective under the background of WTO.  相似文献   

在建设中国特色社会主义以及全面小康社会的今天,重温毛泽东同志关于党的政策的理论,具有一定的时代意义。文章着重探析了毛泽东关于党的政策的制定与党的政策的执行和检验。  相似文献   

韩非集先秦法家思想之大成。《韩非子》中为了宣传法治思想而对当时具有广泛影响的儒家思想进行了尖锐的批评讽刺,作为儒家思想代表人物的孔子在《韩非子》寓言中被多次提及并发生了异化。儒家的贤者圣人被塑造为:站在法家对立面,受法家批驳的孔子;既有儒家性格,又大力宣扬法家思想的孔子;直接以法家面目出现,代法家立言的孔子。异化的孔子是一个假托的虚拟性历史人物,是韩非宣扬法家思想和政治追求的承载物。  相似文献   

Language is used to exchange information and to communicate. It contains several properties including the structural relationship--grammar, the context--pragmatics, content and meaning--semantics. These can all be considered as the characteristics to distinguish one language from another. As it is known to all that different lanauaaes have their own grammar, pragmatics and semantics.  相似文献   

Babylon Revisited is F.Scott Fitzgerald's most renowned and most considered work of short fiction.In the short story "'Babylon Revisited, "F.Scott Fitzgerald generally centers on a theme of defining American character.The central figure in Babylon Revisited, Charlie Wales, serves as the lens through which readers observe the events of the story and the life that once thrived in Paris.The controversial questions are also explained in this paper.  相似文献   

InfluenceofSocialLifeonIslamicCity'sPlanningandArabicHouse'sDesignZiadAlhassanBaoJiasheng(鲍家声)(DepartmentofArchitecture,South...  相似文献   

陶媛 《海外英语》2012,(19):250-252
People speaking English and Chinese have their own ways of communication,which is reflected evidently in the mov ies.Movies are reaching their communicative purpose through the way of dialogues,mirroring the distinct cultures.this article is going to analyze the adjacency pairs from the movies The Devil Wears Prada(American) and Go LaLa Go!(China).How the CP is observed and broken differently by English and Chinese speakers respectively due to different cultural background in the adja cency pairs of the movies is going to be the main topic of our discussion.  相似文献   

林蓓蓓 《时代教育》2010,(4):292-292
The paper discusses the Greek allusion contained in Byron’s poems from the perspective of myth criticism.He not only touch the inner spirit of Greek mythology but also reflect the eternal beauty in the Greek mythology during the creation.  相似文献   

This paper expounds the social significance of Hemiugway‘ s women characters. Through his colorful characterization, Hemingway exposes the social contradictions, the physical and psychic traumas the women had in the war and depicts these women characters‘ pursuit of normal life, true love, and domestic happiness even in the turbulent and dangerous conditions of the war.  相似文献   

政治演讲已经成为资本主义民主制度下美国政府实现其现代国家统治权的一个重要途径。在演讲中。演讲者创造性地重组旧的话语类型,解决话语生产者与社会现实、公众及不同利益团体之间的关系问题。政治演讲确立了新的话语秩序和类型,进而建构了新的社会和权力关系。文章应用批判话语分析的方法分析了美国总统奥巴马为了推进医疗改革在科罗拉多州大章克中市中央中学发表的演讲。奥巴马通过列举数字、代词选择和排比修辞力图达到树立政府形象,批驳反对力量,巩固和扩大社会基础。改善政府和受众关系及改变受众意识形态的目的,这些目的的实现,是美国政府实现其现代国家统治权的重要保障。  相似文献   

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