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日前,教育部副部长袁贵仁同志莅临教育部考试中心,在考试中心处长以上干部会上讲话。他在讲话中要求考试中心干部,一要注意学习,包括学习中央的重大决策,学习教育学、管理和法律方面的知识;二要注意调查研究,包括向专家调研和对省的调研;三要加强管理,包括内部管理及对各省的指导、检奁和督促;四要把考试安全作为第一要务来抓,考务管理要作为重中之重的工作。  相似文献   

孙静 《学苑教育》2012,(13):86-87
作为班主任要转变观念,调整心态,把班主任工作当作一项重要的事业来做,主动研究,用心感受,正确看待学生的各方面能力,真正把握住自己的幸福。  相似文献   

王芳  黄淑珍 《成才之路》2010,(16):12-13
办校育人是一项系统工程,要做的、可以做的工作很多,但是,教学工作始终是学校中心工作。教学质量永远是学校的生命线。注重教学质量真正体现了“以人为本”的现代教育理念,是教育战线贯彻落实科学发展观的必然要求。因此,我们必须把加强教学质量建设作为办校育人的永恒主题紧紧抓住不放。  相似文献   

众所周知,任何一个单位,一个部门,要想把工作做得更好,真正实现有效、实效、高效,就必须有一种思想作为精神支柱,有一种理念作为行动指南。  相似文献   

一位老师要搞好教育,要教好自己的学生,真正有资格做下一代的领路人,我认为首先要从感动自己开始。 被各种人、事、物所感动应该说是除个别铁石心肠者以外的人都有的经历。为一部电影、一本小说、一个故事、一个人所流泪,所感伤,所快乐,所思绪万千,这说明我们心中尚有感情,仍存在着最柔软的部分。我们要做一件事来感动别人也不难,对别人好一点,在别人危难时伸一下援助的手,会让别人对你感激不尽。最难的事莫过于做一件能让自己感动,能感动自己的事。自己把自己说服了,是一种理智的胜利;自己把自  相似文献   

军事理论课教学是普通高校贯彻落实国家有关政策规定,增强和提高大学生国防观念和国防意识的重要途径。教学准备作为军事理论课教学的重要一环,必须提高标准、强化质量,要从把握教学大纲基本要求、精雕细琢教案、搞好试讲示教和注重调研沟通等四个环节入手,把教学准备工作做实、做细、才能打造出军事理论教学的精品课。  相似文献   

我做过普校班主任,但担任中华职业学校的班主任还是头一次。怎样开展工作,不知从何下手。于是我从黄炎培职业教育思想中找答案。黄炎培指出:“须知职业指导,在全部职业教育中,也可说居于极重要的地位。”又指出:“职业指导有二件最重要的事。一件是担任指导的人,要把职业界的种种情形,都应尽力介绍给学生,使他知道预备;一件是担任指导的人,要把学生的品行体力各方面调查明白,考察他是不是和他所任的职业相应。” 我在幼师班班主任工作实践中对此做了初步探索。 一、调查了解是加强职业指导的前提 我在接任班主任前,走访了几十个不同类型的幼儿园,追踪访问幼师毕业生百余人,听了十几名幼儿教  相似文献   

正2月23日晴做作业真正的目的在于温故而知新,仅仅是按时完成,只注重数量而忽视质量将无法起到巩固知识的作用。"凡事预则立,不预则废。"在做作业之前,每天回到家,我要做的第一件事就是认真翻阅学习资料,把记作业本翻看一遍,明白今天的任务并做简单的  相似文献   

叶泉香  丁枝仁 《考试周刊》2009,(16):219-220
〈正〉注意细节是一种功夫,这种功夫是靠有心人日积月累培养出来的。教师在平时教学工作中要把教育教学过程中的一切细节问题当作一件大事来看待,改变心浮气躁、浅尝辄止的毛病,提倡注重细节,把小事做细、做实、做精、做全面,关注教学细节,焕发出持久的细节之美,切实提高教学效率。下面我结合自己的教学,谈谈对教学细节的思考。一、注重预设环节,使细节更完美教学细节是可以"打造"的,有些细节表面上看是信手拈来,即兴所得,而实质上是匠心独运,蓄意安排。在课堂教学关  相似文献   

陶行知先生曾说过:“教学做是一件事,不是三件事。我们要在做中教,在做中学。”“教学做合一”作为方法来说,它是要解决“学非所用,用非所学”的现象,以达到学以致用的目的。作为生活来说,它普遍存在于实际生活中,教与学都是为了生活实践的需要,要与生活实践相结合。在笔者的理解中,“教学做”合一的“教”指的是因材施教;“学”指的是学生自主学习;“做”指的是要注重实践。让学生运用多种方式去学习,而“做”也是整个“教学做”的核心。这也恰好与新课改所提倡的“自主,合作,探究”的理念不谋而合。因此,在教学中要把“教学做”三者有机结合起来。下面笔者就根据自己的教学实践来谈谈体会。  相似文献   

目的:编制大学生功利心理问卷。方法:采用逻辑分析和因素分析相结合的综合法初步编制了大学生功利心理问卷,并对其进行信效度检验。采取随机整群的抽样方法,在预施测和正式施测中各抽取大学生400名。结果:探索性因素分析得到四个因子:利他与利己、利远与利近、道义与名利、理性与欲求。验证性因素分析得到χ2/df=1.96,RMSEA=0.057,IFI、CFI大于0.9。总问卷的内部一致性系数为α=0.723;分半信度为0.803(p<.001)。结论:大学生功利心理问卷的信效度符合心理测量学要求,可在研究中试用。  相似文献   

中学组织气氛量表的编制   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对国内外有关学校组织气氛理论的研究和教育实践的调查,编制了初中学校组织气氛量表,并对其效度信度进行检测,结果表明,该量表具有较好的信度与效度,是一个较为理想的初中学校组织气氛的测评工具。  相似文献   

A latent variable modeling approach to evaluation of scale reliability in complex design studies is outlined. The procedure is readily applicable in empirical research for the purpose of point and interval estimation of reliability of multicomponent measuring instruments in the presence of probability sampling and possible nesting within higher order units. The method can be used to aid scale construction and development efforts in large-scale studies of substantially heterogeneous populations. The described approach is illustrated with data from an international educational survey.  相似文献   

This paper developed a Democratic Classroom Survey to measure students’ perceived democratic environment of the classroom. Perceived democratic environment is one of the most important variables for understanding classroom activity and indeed any type of group activity, but actually measuring perceptions in an objective manner has been problematic. We developed the survey items from both a strong theoretical and a practical perspective, with the contention that Pleasing Authority/External Motivation, Performance Orientation, Cooperation/Collaboration, Integrated Activity, and Goals before Trust/Inter-subjective would be important factors for measuring individual students’ perceptions of the classroom along an authoritarian/democratic continuum. Factor analyses (Exploratory followed by Confirmatory analyses) confirmed the structure of the hypothesized subscales, and the good model fit indicated that the survey is valid. Also, correlation analyses with Classroom Community Scale showed good construct validity. Finally, reliability tests for each subscale and split-half reliability tests showed that the survey is a reliable tool to use in college classrooms. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

本文运用教师积极性测评表对 4 2名中学教师进行了测量 ,并对测评表的信度和效度进行了检验。结果表明 :运用量表对教师的工作积极性进行测评是可行的和有意义的 ,该量表具有一定的信度和效标关联效度 ,但还应在现有基础上 ,用因素分析法进行筛选和归类。本文还提出 ,应建立一个统一的评分体系 ,使分数更具有可比性  相似文献   

As a preparer of students for the profession of teaching, a college, school, or department of education in higher education has an expectation that instructors teach competently. In higher education, the student survey of instruction is one of the most important among other indicators of teaching effectiveness. This article presents a validation of a new student survey of instruction in a college of education. In this validation, we found the new survey to be as troublesome as the previous survey. Four major findings emerged from this study that offer hope for a new and improved survey of instructional effectiveness. These findings involve estimating reliability, subscore validity, course relevance and rigor of the instructor, and construct-irrelevant variables that threaten validity. Given the failed validation, many cogent observations provide guidance for the design and development of improved forms that may overcome these threats to validity and guide others in validating teaching effectiveness surveys.  相似文献   

The gender-related challenges facing males entering the primary-school teaching profession have been well documented in the academic literature over recent decades. The majority of these data have come about through qualitative reports. Whilst qualitative methods provide important perspectives into these issues, the use of valid and reliable quantitative survey tools has received less attention. This paper discusses the construction, piloting, and subsequent tests for reliability and validity involved in developing a robust survey tool to measure the gender-related challenges faced by pre-service male primary teachers during their university study and professional experience in schools. Utilizing Senocak's four stages of survey development and Rasch modelling techniques, data analysis showed high levels of validity and reliability for the survey tool.  相似文献   

GPS RTK测量数据质量分析与改进技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GPS RTK数据质量的分析是RTK测量数据处理的重要步骤。通过两个RTK测量实例,讨论了RTK测量能够达到的测量精度与成果可靠性问题,对改进数据质量提出了相关措施,得出了RTK测量技术设计要求。  相似文献   

An empirically developed infant and preschool reinforcement survey was completed by 35 parents and 21 children. Test-retest reliability coefficients were computed on these data after a one-week interval. The development of the survey, as well as its usefulness for school psychologists, is described.  相似文献   

大学生在个案研究时,应着重解决六个方面的问题:一是如何建立研究关系;二是如何增强角色意识;三是如何控制过程;四是如何更好理解被访者;五是要注意发挥社会学的想像力;六是要注意把握研究的真实性。  相似文献   

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