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殖民扩张活动是贯穿世界古代至近代时期历史演进中的一个重要支点。文章运用马克思关于殖民主义双重历史使命的理论,试图还原历史的本来面目,就殖民主义的罪恶与客观建设性作用展开深入剖析,以期为破解这一命题略尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

现代性诸矛盾现象背后有其深刻的形而上学基础,这就是近代理性主义哲学。对现代性批判的彻底性要求导致马克思对现代性的形而上学基础近代理性主义哲学的两大根基——抽象本体和抽象的人进行批判,颠覆其形而上学的思维方式,进而走向哲学革命,最终创立以实践作为其哲学根本观点的"新唯物主义"。因此,马克思对近代理性主义哲学的批判是其哲学革命出场的现实路径,而其哲学革命则是其现代性批判彻底化的哲学结论。  相似文献   

亚当·斯密不仅仅是经济学家和道德哲学家,而且也具有史学家的内涵。他在致力于探索经济理论和道德实践的同时,亦彰显出关于史学本身的独到见解和对史学方法论的具体运用,对此,欧美学者已经从斯密的历史观、斯密关于史学的理解和历史研究法三个不同层面对其思想中的史学意蕴有了一定程度的认识和探讨,这无疑为我们重新认识亚当·斯密并进一步研究其思想中所蕴含的史学价值奠定了基础。  相似文献   

每年的2月14日,世界各地的数百万人会送给爱人们糖果、鲜花、巧克力还有其它可爱的礼物。在许多国家,大大小小的餐馆里,坐满了一对对的情侣,他们想用美味佳肴来庆祝爱情和在一起的快乐。几乎没有哪个年轻人不想充分利用这一天。  相似文献   

村上春树作为在当今世界范围内受到广泛认可的作家之一,其作品除了探究现代人孤独游离的精神状态之外,还展现出了其富有社会责任意识的一面。即通过作品中的中国因素,引出原罪意识,然后对日本的历史尤其是二战期间包括侵华战争在内的充满暴力与邪恶的历史进行了揭露、追究,发掘出日本文化中暴力性因素的源头和传承,进而反省和思考日本民族的未来,从而在某种意义上实现了社会责任与道义的救赎。  相似文献   

李玲 《海外英语》2013,(23):314-316
Jef Verschueren is the representative of European Continental pragmatic thought.He puts forward a new theory that pragmatics is a perspective on language and he uses the theory of adaptation to analyze pragmatics."The general concern for the study of linguistic pragmatics is to understand the meaningful functioning of a language as a dynamic process operating on context-structure relationships at various levels of salience"(Verschuren 2000:69).The focal points in contexts are the utterer and the interpreter,for the physical,social and mental aspects of contexts are activated by language users’cognitive processes.Verschueren divided interpreter’s roles into five types:addressee,side participant,bystander,listener-in and eavesdropper,which can explain the adaptation of context and language choices.This is also applicable in college English classroom as the English class is also a context.At present students taught at the same time by the same teacher do not master the knowledge at the same level.One of the reason is that students are not engaged in the class at the same level.According to the Verschueren’s theory,the best English teaching class is one that each student in the addressee of teachers.Addressee is a metaphor which means everyone should follow the teachers’explanation carefully and take part in the teaching activities.It has something to do with interaction theory,which considers students as active individuals but not passive receivers.One of the common interaction patterns is questioning.In this thesis,the question how to make students addresses through adoption of questioning approach in college English class will be researched.  相似文献   

邢慈静是明末多才多艺的杰出女性,诗文书画等方面造诣颇深,特别是书法堪称一家,博得历代书家的赞誉。其书法渊源来自深厚的家庭启蒙、传统的经典范本、艰辛的人生历练以及佛教影响等方面。其书法特点为高古、遒劲、中和。其历史贡献在于:坚守、弘扬了魏晋书法传统;保护、传承了邢侗书法艺术成果;开创了中国古代妇女新书风之先河。  相似文献   

Wu Hui 《现代企业教育》2014,(16):491-491
Since the reform and opening up,the rapid development of China' s national economic trends for decades to promote sustained,rapid and healthy growth of the show,attracted the attention of people around the world.This article aims to analyze the basic way China attracts foreign investment and policies,prompting foreign investors to understand China's trade policy,to provide a clear idea of China attracts investment,to promote bilateral trade to maximize and achieve more bilateral trade exchanges and cooperation.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet, his best known work is The Canterbury Tales. During which, Chaucer described the pilgrimage undertaken by people on horseback to the shrine of Archbishop Beckett at the Canterbury Cathedrale, with each tolling a story to pass the time. "The Knight'sTales" is one among those stories with exciting plot, and is full of turns and twists.  相似文献   

20世纪40年代末,中国史坛出现了总结百年来中国史学发展的热潮,齐思和积极参与并提出了许多有价值的论题,他对中国近代史学的探讨,集中在中国近代史学的发展趋势、存在的主要史学流派和问题等方面,具有重要的学术意义。  相似文献   

The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller occupies an important position in American popular literature. On August 16, 1992, The Bridges of Madison County debuted on the New York Times bestsellers list and it spent the following three years on Times bestsellers. In this fiction, the author knit the story from multipoint views to portray Robert Kincaid, the hero in the novel, and how he showed his counter-elite's spirit with his behavior during the 1960s in the United States (US). The present paper, first of all, gives a brief introduction of the story. Then, the paper mainly explores the novel from two aspects: Robert Kincaid's challenge against the industrialized American society and the counter-elite's spirit reflected in the novel. The paper concludes that Robert Kincaid is a counter-elite in the industrialized American, where elites are the mainstream of the society.  相似文献   

王利娟 《教师》2014,(23):120-121
F. Scott Fitzgerald,the famous American novelist in the 1 920 s,is known as the spokesman and laureate of the"The Lost Generation". Considered one of Fitzgerald’s representative works and the finest achievement of his literary career, The Great Gatsbyis widely recognized as a classic of American literature. The paper is an investigation of the patriarchal ideology and misogyny,with a discussion of their influence on the portrayal of women characters in The Great Gatsby.  相似文献   

对桂林市六所高等院校在校学生采取抽样调查,其目的是充分地释放高校夜间体育锻炼的潜力,从而满足广大学生群体夜间锻炼的需求,增加夜间体育的附加值,拓宽夜间体育锻炼在桂林地区高校的辐射面,树立"健康第一"的理念和终身体育的目标。  相似文献   

周而复始的结尾方式是张爱玲小说创作中惯常的做法,它凝结着张爱玲对传统戏剧手法的发现与超越;参差的对照手法是张爱玲的自我总结,反映在小说的整体情节安排、人物塑造以及主题方面。两种手法都联接着张爱玲的反高潮,是其反高潮手法的形式特征,同时隐含着反戏剧化精神。  相似文献   

Structuralism provides people with an effective solution in their constant quest of meaning.Readers and literary writers as well may make meaning out of a literary text with the concept of binary opposition,such as"fact/fiction".The author analyses the novel and points out that the"fact/fiction"opposition existing in the main characters,and that Mr.Fowles cleverly takes advantage of the opposition and leave the quest of fact to the readers,thus creating a more"factual"world in the story.  相似文献   

中国古词的发展与诗体密切相关。本文以元代张翥词为个案,从题材、性情抒发、语言体貌以及与音乐的关系等方面一一梳理,从而论证出张翥词的诗化特征。  相似文献   

黄金金 《海外英语》2012,(10):189-190
The interpretation of Sylvia Plath’ s representative work Daddy is always being controversial.The poem involves many social and historical issues and various images,among which the image " Daddy" is the key to the interpretation of the poem as well as the poet ess’ feminist consciousness of anti-patriarchy.  相似文献   

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