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中国的高等职业教育经过二十多年的迅速发展,正处于由学科本位向能力本位的转型阶段;通过对职业能力概念和我国数控技术应用专业培养模式系列研究成果的梳理,结合我国当前数控技术应用专业学生培养现状,对职业能力的培养提出建议。  相似文献   

小学《科学》教育在经历了“知识本位”、“能力本位”后,步入了“学生本位”的发展阶段。在这一阶段中,科学教育又出现了培养科学素养为科学教育最高宗旨的发展趋势。“科学素养”这一概念是融科学知识、科学方法、科学态度、科学价值观等为一体的复合概念,它已成为每个人必不可少的素质之一。  相似文献   

能力本位的教育与培训对能力内涵的认识经历了三个不同发展阶段,即行为主义导向的任务技能观、整体主义导向的关键能力观、建构主义导向的整合能力观,这充分体现了职业能力观演变的历史逻辑关系。本文旨在通过对职业能力观演变的历史逻辑关系之探讨来进一步厘清不同职业能力观所产生的时代背景,同时通过对三种能力观基本理论的述评来进一步解读其本质及其对职业教育的积极作用。  相似文献   

教育发展至今天,已有了根本性的变化。回顾教育的发展历程,我们可看出教育所经历的三个阶段:“知识本位”阶段、“能力本位”阶段、“人的发展”本位阶段。在“人的发展”本位阶段。“人的情感发展,人的个性教育”已成为教育的主方向。1999年。中共中央做出《关于全面推进素质教育的决定》,2001年教育部颁布《国家课程改革纲要(试行)》。“刨新、主动”便开始走进广大教育工作者的研究视线。  相似文献   

二、教育学反思:在国家本位与儿童本位之间寻找平衡李辉:在回答你这个问题之前,请允许我先简单地讲一讲两个概念。第一个概念就是国家本位和儿童本位的教育观。国家本位主义者认为儿童是国家(社会)的财富,是未来的劳动力和兵源,儿童受教育是国家的需要,教育就是要为国家和社会造就符合需要的人才。而儿童本位的  相似文献   

美国教师教育理念特点及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育理念是对教师教育活动的理性认识,经历了知识本位、技能本位和专业发展化三个发展阶段。知识本位时期具有知识的年长者即可成为教师;技能本位阶段注重对教学技能的培养,以教师能力发展为目标,强调教师演示教学知识的能力;专业发展化阶段强调教师是具有专业性要求的职业,是不可以替代的,只有接受专业训练,才能成为更有效,更高水平的教师,强调教师的反思性、合作性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国外能力本位职业教育的历史与发展;探究了近年来的能力概念以及能力本位VET在标准化、学校与劳动场所学习、学习活动确定、能力评价与教师身份转变等方面可能存在的缺陷。  相似文献   

本文探讨了台湾能力本位教师教育运动的三个阶段:1970年代能力本位的理论研究、1980年代的试验推展阶段以及1990年代的融入多元化格局时期,归纳了台湾在借鉴美国能力本位教师教育过程中出现的特点,并简要分析能力本位教师教育对台湾教师教育发展的影响。  相似文献   

儿童作为一个概念,经历了一个历史建构的过程,不同的儿童观决定了对儿童或童年现象的不同理解和把握。教育视域下探讨的儿童及其人格的概念同样也有一个建构的过程。历史上儿童的发现及对儿童人格的探讨也是从教育的角度出发,经历漫长的历史发展建构起来的。在我国,对儿童的发现及儿童人格的建构主要经历了:古代,淹没人格,儿童作为成人附庸的存在;晚清,预备人格,儿童作为"成人生活的预备";五四,具有独立人格的"儿童本位"的现代儿童观的生成三个阶段。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,河北女性教育在中国共产党新民主主义教育思想的引领下,实现了由"家庭本位"到"国家本位"、由"知识本位"到"能力本位"的蜕变,在学校教育和社会教育领域实现了超越性发展。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来高等教育学费政策在许多国家发生了很大变化,这些变化对高等教育的发展产生了重要影响.以英国、澳大利亚、爱尔兰和美国等国为例,英国学费政策实施时间虽短但处于不断调整之中;澳大利亚毕业后付费政策在世界上独树一帜;爱尔兰反其道而行之,取消学费效果最终如何?美国引领世界高等教育潮流,学费不断上涨结果如何?是什么因素影响学费政策的变化?这些国家学费政策变化最终会产生什么影响?  相似文献   

The orientation of vocational education towards competence-based education has led to fundamental changes in the work of vocational education teachers. This article pictures teaching in innovative, competence-based vocational education in the Netherlands. In a multiple case study, the teaching practices of 10 teachers from five vocational schools were thoroughly studied. By examining not only the actual behaviour of teachers but also their related personal ideas and professional attitudes, we learn about the ways teachers implement new educational concepts and their experienced uncertainties, dilemmas and practical tensions. These insights lead to a better understanding and specification of the concept of competence-based vocational education at the micro level of educational processes, that is, the interaction between teachers and students. Implications are described in terms of new repertoires of teaching behaviour and teaching methods – all in the context of vocational education.  相似文献   

本文介绍了信息素质及信息素质教育的概念以及信息素质教育的核心内容,阐述了高校实施信息素质教育的必要性,介绍了包括美国、欧盟、日本及澳大利亚在内的西方发达国家和地区的信息素质教育状况和经验,并与国内高校信息素质教育现状比较,认识到我国大学生信息素质教育还存在诸多不足,并在比较研究的前提下,提出关于构建大学生信息素质教育模式的建议.  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed a significant growth of private higher education around the world. The growth included the number of private education providers, and also the growing number of students. While some countries are experiencing trend growth, others are witnessing decline. Some of the reasons for the decline include increased regulation and stringent accreditation and reaccreditation of higher education institutions and courses, government policies to encourage the growth of public universities, and acquisition of small providers by large private education institutions. The growth of private higher education has increased competition, and it has also established collaboration with public institutions. The growth of private higher education has also raised concerns about ethical governance, maintenance of academic standards, and mechanisms to plan, review, and improve educational outcomes. This paper focuses on Australia where despite growth, there is limited research about private higher education. This paper reviews literature on the global growth and decline of private higher education. It then analyses the trends in Australia and possible scenarios for the future of private higher education in the country.  相似文献   

A key assumption of equity policies in Australia, as in many countries, is that pathways from lower-status, vocationally oriented ‘second’ tiers of tertiary education to ‘first’ tier higher education are able to act as an equity mechanism. This is because students from low socio-economic backgrounds are over-represented in former and underrepresented in the latter. The assumption that pathways support equity is tested in this paper through an analysis of the socio-economic profile and institutional destination of student transfers from vocational education and training to higher education in Australia. It finds that educational pathways deepen participation in education by existing social groups but do not effectively widen participation for groups that do not have equitable access. This is as a consequence of the hierarchical structuring of qualifications within VET as well as in higher education.  相似文献   

从介绍澳大利亚的职业教育体系入手,分析其完善的管理体制特别是对职业教育质量举办者、课程和学习内容质量保证方面的管理和师资建设,比较全面地反映了澳大利亚以行业需求为导向、以能力为基础、沟通普通教育、全国统一的独具特色的职业教育,为我国大力发展职业教育、建设人力资源强国提供借鉴。  相似文献   

外国高等职业教育的特点和发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简要地介绍澳大利亚、日本、英国和美国等国高等职业教育的基本制度;分析和归纳国际高等职业教育的特点和发展趋势,指出现代职业教育已经或即将不再是低端学生的权宜出路,而同样是通向高新技术世界和挑战型事业的途径。  相似文献   


The themes in higher education research in different countries vary to some extent. This research takes 15 SSCI journals of higher education as examples. A scientometric method was used to classify the themes in higher education research, and a vector space model was employed to calculate the similarities in different countries active in the research hot spots in the cognate area. The results show that the top five ranked keywords of higher education research are assessment, university, sustainability, feedback, and diversity. Higher education research was classified into 20 areas, and different countries were focused on different areas. The number of publications was mainly led by the USA, the UK, and Australia. The most similar countries in the higher education research field were Australia and the UK. European countries had a higher similarity in higher education research with each other, but the similarity between Asian countries was very low. The similarity between different countries exhibited different characteristics, which has important significance for the development of higher education research.  相似文献   

朱浩 《复旦教育论坛》2020,18(6):94-100
澳大利亚政府对私立高等教育机构监管政策变迁的历史轨迹与公立高等教育占主导地位的国家有诸多相似之处,都经历过从“排斥”或者说“边缘化”到“被动接受”再到“标准化引领”的过程。该文从历史演进的视角慎思澳大利亚政府对私立高等教育监管政策变迁的动因与导向,进而总结澳大利亚政府监管政策的特点:通过间接管理方式控制私立高等教育机构逐利行为的度;通过诱致性制度强化公私立高等教育机构的竞争与合作;通过分类资助引导私立高等教育机构质量优先发展。  相似文献   

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