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话语、权力和主体--关于后结构主义者福柯的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据福柯的话语理论,权力的多种运作方式体现得最明显、但也最难识别听地方就是话语,话语构成了一般的文化实践的基础部分。话语传播着权力的影响,在整个现代社会体系中,它们是权力的替代品。权力关系在生产真理的话语的时候执行了权利规则。“话语”的使用促使文学批语远离了传统对“意义”的追问,它使我们从方法问题转移到对功能的描述上,尤其是转向主体如何在社会话语和制度中被产生以及主体如何成为“主体功能”的问题。  相似文献   

话语权是课堂权力资源最核心的部分,和谐的课堂话语权力状态有利于和谐有效的课堂教学。然而,现行课堂教学话语霸权仍未得到有效解决。分析课堂教学话语权力缺失的成因,唤起权力主体的能动意识和自身觉醒,追寻课堂话语的合理流动与有效通融,教学才能由“主体失落”走向自身觉醒。  相似文献   

话语权是课堂权力资源最核心的部分,和谐的课堂话语权力状态有利于和谐有效的课堂教学。然而,现行课堂教学话语霸权仍未得到有效解决。分析课堂教学话语权力缺失的成因,唤起权力主体的能动意识和自身觉醒,追寻课堂话语的合理流动与有效通融,教学才能由“主体失落”走向自身觉醒。  相似文献   

公共领域虽然是西方社会的一个理论话语,但它对于研究当代中国问题也具有“跨文化”的普适性.从对构建社会主义和谐社会的作用来看,公共领域是监督制约国家公共权力的重要社会力量和有效机制,它通过把“话语民主”形成的“交往权力”转换为行政权力而实现了对国家政治权力的监督制约,进而促进着当代中国政治民主的发展.  相似文献   

话语是组织过的语言信息。话语的组织涉及“谁在言说,向谁言说。如何言说”三方面问题。话语不仅传达信息,同时传达特定情绪感染读者。《圣经》借助权威话语建立信徒对基督教的依赖和信任,巩固基督教的社会地位。其权威话语体现在言说主体的权威形象塑造,言说主体与接受者的悬殊地位的设置以及具备教化功能的言语方式。本文以《创世记》为例,探寻《圣经》权威话语建构的踪迹。  相似文献   

话语、道德与权力--论王小波杂文思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般认为.王小波的思想主要体现在其杂中。章主要从“话语”和“道德”两个维度来剖析他的思想。以王小波关于社会和化方面的字作为材料,展示出他对权力、知识、道德几个现代社会基本问题的思考。章试图将话语、道悠与权力内在联系作理论性地阐释,以揭示出它们之间相互勾结的秘密。在现代社会中,由于话语和道德的运作离不开权力,它们已经偏离原来的“轨道”愈行愈远。  相似文献   

课堂教学中的话语现象探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
话语和权力有着密切的联系,话语是权力的表征,权力搭载话语实施控制。在现实的课堂教学中,教师言说并以独白演说的方式言说着“成人世界”,用单一的声音制造着自己的话语霸权,而学生却保持沉默。课堂教学中的“共声喧哗”是师生之间平等的对话与交流,是双方共同的责任和追求,因而必须:重构言语环境,消解中心;激活主体意识,加强对话;关注“弱势群体”,用心倾听。  相似文献   

从广义修辞学角度阐释《组织部新来的青年人》批评话语:在语词层面,“真实”、“不真实”、“歪曲”构建了批评主体的精神世界;在语句层面,“反诘句”、“否定句”突显了批评的话语方式;在语篇层面,政治标准、教育功能、党性立场推动了批评的意识形态化.本文亦在阐释,在特定的修辞语境中,批评话语如何参与了批评文本和话语主体精神的建构.  相似文献   

田纳西·威廉斯在其剧作中刻画了一系列南方女性人物,她们都是南方父权制社会的牺牲品,从福柯权力话语理论的角度来看,南方父权制文化掌控了社会话语权,对南方女性的“凝视”是一种重要的权力运行手段,而南方女性将这种“凝视”内化成自我监视。该文试图从福柯权力理论的角度对田纳西·威廉斯戏剧中的几位典型的南方女性人物进行分析,剖析南方父权文化如何对南方女性进行监视,并最终导致她们的悲剧命运。  相似文献   

在华侨微信群中,华侨华人群体对故乡的媒介实践有复杂的符号表征和话语建构。研究发现,华侨微信群内有对现实地方的表征、虚拟社区本身的地方感以及政策话语建构的地方感三种类型兼存的“复合的地方感”。在此基础上,从权力话语理论出发对群内统战话语如何影响华侨华人主体化进行分析后发现,在微信群转发分享的集体指向下,华侨华人在统战政策话语的“对象化”以及自身能动的、自发的话语实践的辩证循环中不断构建其爱国爱乡的主体性。  相似文献   

We describe the dynamic discourse interactions between a teacher and her students in a third-grade science classroom. We focused on how the teacher and students initiate, prompt, respond, and provide feedback; use questioning and power strategies; and how questions are associated with power dynamics. We relate the consequences of teacher use of power to the engagement of student with subject matter. Two classroom sessions were observed and teacher?Cstudent interactions audio recorded. Data were transcribed and a method was developed for analyzing teacher-student interactions, power dynamics, and types of questions asked. Results revealed that teacher talk was twice as frequent as students?? talk; questions were primarily closed-ended and task-oriented; and students asked few questions. The teacher exercised power by keeping activities organized and conventional, and utilizing subject matter. The developed methods showed us the complexity of question and power dynamics in classroom discourse and have implications for professional development and research.  相似文献   

通过采用批评性话语分析领域的代表人物Fairclough的三维分析模式理论,从批评性话语分析角度对一篇CNN报道进行了分析。从中反映了在新闻语篇中体现话语文本互文性的“话语表现”与“杂语性”是相互交织、相互作用的,同时也体现了新闻语篇中代表不同权力阶层的“声音”是如何被很好地融合、搀杂,以用来表现不同权力阶层的意识形态的。  相似文献   

The original article by Kamberelis and Wehunt (2012) discusses an interesting and important research subject in science education as it focus on classroom interactions and the characteristics of the discourse production of interlocutors. The authors start from the premise that discourse heterogeneity is constitutive of social activities, which is supported by others like Mikhail Bakhtin (Speech genres and other late essays. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1981) and Erving Goffman (Frame analysis: an essay on the organization of experience. Harper and Row, London, 1974). They also present the definitions of three key elements that organize hybrid discourse: (a) lamination of multiple cultural frames, (b) shifting relations between people and their discourse, and (c) shifting power relations between people. Finally, the authors analyze how these three elements organize students’ science discourse in the classroom and how it contributes to the creation of a micro-community of practice capable of helping the emergence of a disciplinary knowledge that is legitimized by and strengthens the identity of the group. In the present commentary, I discuss how Michael Foucault’s (1970) concept of discursive procedure may help us to analyze the (often neglected) teacher’s role in the development of hybrid discourse practices.  相似文献   

Through his theory,Michel Foucault uses the epistemological approach to answer the question "how?" concerning the colluding concepts of knowledge,discourse,and the order of discourse.He aims at getting to know,almost deciphering,the processes and circumstances of knowledge by answering the question "How do we know what we know?"  相似文献   

Rooted in feminist philosophy, critical race theory, and participatory action research (PAR), I partnered with four faculty and four students at an elite, private, college preparatory day school for boys in order to examine bullying. In this article I closely examine the role of language and discourse when conducting counter hegemonic research with people who are predominantly privileged and within institutions designed to reproduce those privileges. I briefly describe the co-construction of our theory and instrument to illustrate that our close attention to language in regards to bullying both helped us understand our work and changed how we went about conducting the study. I describe how our strategic use of language to broadly define bullying helped us capture interesting data and interrupt power. And finally, I discuss our political use of language to others and suggest that while it paved a safer space for us to conduct our work it also may have restricted our work from having the power to resist co-optation and promote sustainable, systemic change.  相似文献   

African American youth have been disciplined and dismissed from classrooms for engaging in culturally-based communication practices that teachers misinterpret and perceive as disruptive. Teachers have significant power in how they communicate with their students. White teachers should be especially aware of this power because misunderstandings around communication often stem from cultural differences. This study illustrates the promising practice of a white teacher who integrated African American students' culturally-based literacy practice of “verbal ping pong” into English subject matter instruction. Ethnographic methods that foreground the perspectives of student participants illuminated the significance of this highly interactive discourse, while discourse analysis showed how it functioned as culturally congruent communication to promote students' access to classroom discourse and engagement in subject matter learning. By showing how culturally congruent communication can provide equitable access to learning opportunities for all students, this study renders a promising representation of socially just pedagogy.  相似文献   

推进高校思想政治理论课话语权建设,必须全面把握其内涵。高校思想政治理论课话语权可以分为学科话语权、教材话语权、教学话语权,三者的生成过程、建构主体、实质内涵和根本要求既相对独立,又紧密联系、相辅相成,存在着不同主体的现实交叉、不同过程的相互交融、不同要求的内在一致等现象,因此高校思想政治教育理论课话语权建设的各个环节需要相互衔接、彼此支撑、整体推进。  相似文献   

马克思主义大众化是马克思主义的本质要求,作为一个复杂的理论体系,具有多维度的意义,但无论从哪个维度出发探讨马克思主义大众的内涵,都离不开同理论本身的关系。文章通过论述理论创新与话语权的互动,理论与实际的互动,马克思主义大众化的主客体之间的互动,来探索推进马克思主义大众化的有效途径。  相似文献   

In this study, the authors ask the question, 'What does it mean to wear the labels "teacher" and "female"?' Eighteen Master of Arts in Teaching students volunteered to participate in a Gender Issues Seminar at a large US public state university. Their language, recorded through audio-recordings, response journals, and autobiographical webs become the basis for analysis. Applying post-structural feminist theory, the authors identify powerful discourses determining what it means to be 'female' and 'teacher.' The study illustrates how the discourse of teaching as acceptable women's work and the discourse of patriarchy work upon the subjectivity of women as they struggle with what it means to be teacher/woman. The authors then partially deconstruct these discourses, considering implications for teacher educators.  相似文献   

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