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对幼儿攻击性行为进行功能性评估,是指收集与问题行为的发生有关的前提和后果的过程。依据功能性评估的基本步骤对该行为进行评估,并在此基础上制定出干预计划,对矫正幼儿的攻击性行为更为有效。  相似文献   

攻击性行为是一种在儿童身上比较常见的不良社会行为,不仅对儿童的身心健康和学业进步具有明显的不良影响,而且在一定程度上影响家庭生活和教师正常的教学工作。深入研究儿童攻击性行为及有效控制具有理论和实践的双重价值。  相似文献   

攻击性行为是智障儿童最容易出现的挑战性行为之一。在功能评估结果的基础上,采用正向行为支持干预策略,在数学课堂上对一名智障儿童的攻击性行为进行干预,有效减少了该儿童的攻击性行为。  相似文献   

功能性行为评估是在应用行为分析的基础上逐步发展起来的一种新的评估方法。本文对功能性行为评估的理论假设和基本操作流程进行了介绍,并在此基础上从对待挑战性行为的态度、评估的侧重点以及干预措施等角度比较了功能性行为评估与传统评估方法的异同。  相似文献   

张丽芳 《辽宁教育》2005,(12):22-23
案例:(1)丁丁虽然是班中个头最小的男生,但经常欺负女同学。有时同桌把手伸到他的桌上,他就用拳打,甚至用脚踢,有时同学不小心碰翻了他的东西,他甚至动手打人。(2)冬冬是班中一位漂亮的女生,但她会用力拧男同桌的胳膊。班中另一位女同学比她漂亮,学习成绩也比她好,冬冬就背地里  相似文献   

儿童攻击性行为的影响因素及矫正   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
儿童的攻击性行为,是儿童发展过程中表现出来的一种消极的社会行为,形成原因很多,既有生物因素,饮食因素,又有家庭因素、社会因素和认知因素,研究儿童攻击性行为的特点及影响,预防、矫正儿童的攻击性行为,是促进儿童社会化的健康发展的需要。  相似文献   

本文对学生攻击性行为发生的事件、年级分布、发生频度的时间分布进行了统计分析,以探讨其中规律性的东西并结合工作实际提出了干预措施。  相似文献   

特殊儿童的问题行为指特殊儿童身上经常出现的妨害自己或他人的行为,如刻板行为、自伤行为、攻击性行为等。美国特殊教育界对特殊儿童的问题行为的干预模式经历过较大变化,20世纪80年代以前,普遍采用消除式的干预模式。80年代后期,开始采用功能性的干预模式对特殊儿童  相似文献   

尹建玲 《甘肃教育》2020,(21):66-67
<正>儿童攻击性行为指的是由于自己的某些欲望或需求(有时存在无理需求)得不到满足而产生的一些敌意、讨厌或憎恨等情绪,对别人或玩具、物品等目标采取的具有破坏性的行为。它的主要表现有:辱骂别人、嘲笑别人、大声哭闹、叫嚷撒泼、污蔑别人等用语言攻击他人的行为;撕咬别人、踢打别人、抢别人东西、破坏物品等肢体性的攻击行为和对自己的身体进行伤害等行为。  相似文献   

以积极行为支持理念为指导,干预人员要对自闭症儿童的攻击行为进行功能评估。研究发现,自闭症儿童攻击行为产生的主要功能特点是正强化、负强化及感觉调整或感觉刺激。文章基于自闭症儿童攻击行为的功能评估,梳理与总结了如下干预策略:事前控制,防范于未然;社会消退,阻断强化来源;区分强化,培养合适替代行为;常规塑造,建立有效沟通技能。  相似文献   

儿童的攻击性行为具有年龄和性别差异两个方面的特点,对儿童的身心健康和社会发展具有极大地危害;它的影响因素主要是包括生物、环境、认知等方面的因素,矫正策略可以通过教会儿童正确地宣泄情绪、教育者使用正确的教育方法和培养儿童移情能力等方法。  相似文献   

幼儿攻击性行为的成因非常复杂,包括生理因素;遭受挫折;认知偏差与敌意归因;愤怒情绪与移情水平低;攻击性行为受到强化等。要纠正幼儿的攻击性行为,就必须采取各种策略措施,如创设良好的幼教环境,促进幼儿的身心健康;提高幼儿的道德认知水平,帮助幼儿学会正确归因;实施幼儿移情训练,开展幼儿角色游戏;学会表达倾诉,合理宣泄攻击性情绪;依据强化原理,实施奖惩措施。  相似文献   

Group Social Context and Children's Aggressive Behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Very little is known about the influence of the social-psychological context on children's aggressive behavior. The purpose of this research was to examine the interrelations of group contextual factors and the occurrence of aggressive behavior in 22 experimental play groups of 7- and 9-year-old African-American boys. Group context was examined before, during, and after an aggressive act as well as during nonaggressive periods. The results showed that there are dimensions of group context (i.e., negative affect, high aversive behavior, high activity level, low group cohesion, competitiveness) that were related to the occurrence of aggressive behavior between 2 children in the group. Group context influenced how children reacted to aggression between its members (e.g., siding with the victim), which in turn influenced the quality of the postaggression group atmosphere. This study suggests that individual-within-context information be incorporated into theories of aggression among children.  相似文献   

To assess the relation between toy gun play and aggression, thirty-six 3- to 5-year-olds were observed in free play in their daycare center and coded for amount of real aggression, pretend aggression, rough-and-tumble play (R & T), and nonaggressive pretend play. Based on a questionnaire completed by the parents, the children were also coded for the amount they played with toy guns in the home, the rated aggressive level of their preferred television programs, the rated aggressive level of their most preferred toys, and amount of parents' physical punishment of the children. Of all children, 56% played with toy guns in the home, most of whom were boys. Multiple regression analyses indicated that amount of parents' punishment strongly predicted real aggression in both boys and girls, and amount of toy gun play strongly predicted real aggression in boys. However, when it came to pretend aggression, aggressive level of children's preferred toys was the strongest predictor, while toy gun play negatively predicted pretend aggression. Toy gun play did not predict nonaggressive pretend play, but parents' punishment negatively predicted nonaggressive pretend play. These results indicate that toy gun play and parental punishment are positively associated with a higher level of real aggression but not pretend aggression. This pattern is discussed in terms of a cuing effect theory versus a cathartic effect theory. It also argues for distinguishing between real and pretend aggression and other forms of play in future studies.  相似文献   

To assess the relation between toy gun play and aggression, thirty-six 3- to 5-year-olds were observed in free play in their daycare center and coded for amount of real aggression, pretend aggression, rough-and-tumble play (R & T), and nonaggressive pretend play. Based on a questionnaire completed by the parents, the children were also coded for the amount they played with toy guns in the home, the rated aggressive level of their preferred television programs, the rated aggressive level of their most preferred toys, and amount of parents' physical punishment of the children. Of all children, 56% played with toy guns in the home, most of whom were boys. Multiple regression analyses indicated that amount of parents' punishment strongly predicted real aggression in both boys and girls, and amount of toy gun play strongly predicted real aggression in boys. However, when it came to pretend aggression, aggressive level of children's preferred toys was the strongest predictor, while toy gun play negatively predicted pretend aggression. Toy gun play did not predict nonaggressive pretend play, but parents' punishment negatively predicted nonaggressive pretend play. These results indicate that toy gun play and parental punishment are positively associated with a higher level of real aggression but not pretend aggression. This pattern is discussed in terms of a cuing effect theory versus a cathartic effect theory. It also argues for distinguishing between real and pretend aggression and other forms of play in future studies.  相似文献   

留守儿童作为一个特殊社会群体,备受关注。文章从生态发展理论视角出发,层层分析留守儿童攻击性行为的影响因素主要有微观系统的个人气质、家庭教育、学校同伴关系;中间系统的家校间联系;外在系统的媒体网络环境及宏观系统的传统文化意识等。鉴于此,可以从家庭教育主导、学校教育配合、完善社会系统等层面进行干预,同时,注意其他系统的连接和综合作用,尽量将潜在问题化解在根源上。  相似文献   

儿童攻击行为的评估与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
攻击行为是目前儿童中常见的一种问题行为。本文介绍了儿童攻击行为的影响因素、评估方法、治疗策略。在此基础上,提出了今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

本研究主要通过调查幼儿园大、中、小班各10名幼儿产生的攻击性行为以及教师的处理方式,了解教师应对幼儿攻击行为的方式方法;对取得的素材与采集的数据进行分析,发现问题、寻求原因,探究"自然后果法"在幼儿攻击行为矫正中的具体运用,从三方面入手,即教师在何时运用此法、教师在运用过程中的注意事项以及不足,今后如何更好的运用此方法进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

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