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超个人心理治疗是通过超越个人狭隘的意识状态,与无(潜)意识及宇宙融为一体,达到超越个人和提升个人目的的一种心理治疗方式。超个人心理治疗一般通过静坐、沉思、冥想等手段来进行,但催眠可以更加快速地实施这一疗法。实践证明催眠是实施超个人心理治疗的绝佳途径。  相似文献   

大学教育本质上在于从思想上培养学生具有独立思考问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。大学教育不是基础教育,它具有社会发展功能和个人发展的双重目的。个人的发展依赖于社会发展,个人的发展主要是个人的思想发展。个人的发展,需要基于个人的道德规范的建立。思想政治教育和大学教育在这一前提下,具有相似性和统一性,只是在思想政治教育中,需要在社会发展这一前提下更加注重个人思想的发展,个人人格的发展和完善。  相似文献   

日常生活世界的讨论,促成了教育研究领域中关于教师日常教学生活研究的兴起。在教师专业化背景下,探讨日常教学生活与教师个人教育哲学养成之间的关系成为一项新的课题。从个人知识、个人观念与个人理论层面审视教师个人教育哲学的养成,是一条可行而有效的分析路径。  相似文献   

个人金融业务是商业银行以满足个人融资理财需要的一种银行业务。近年来,我国个人金融业务发展迅速,给各金融机构带来了新的利润增长点,同时我们也要看到我国个人金融市场还存在很多问题。本文通过分析个人金融业务存在的问题,提出了个人金融业务创新的对策建议。  相似文献   

个人诚信是社会诚信最直接的表现,是社会诚信的基础。无论从历史角度出发,还是从现实出发,加强个人诚信建设都具有重大的理论和现实意义。建构社会主义和谐社会过程中加强个人诚信建设一是建立个人诚信管理机制,二是设立个人诚信档案,三是开展个人诚信教育,四是加强个人失信监督。  相似文献   

一、何谓让个人站立起来所谓让个人站立起来,指个人由不独立到独立、由不自由到自由、由缺乏个性到个性鲜明的历史发展过程,站立起来的个人就是能够独立、自由、有价值、有尊严地活着的个人。个人存在于个人与社会、个人与他人、个人与自我等基本关系中。让个人站立起来,就是在个人存在的基本关系中确立起个人的独立性和价值性,具体包含以下几方面:(一)个人享有自我发展的基本权利个人任何时候都只能在社会中生活,在社会之外生活是不可想象的。在人类生产力水平低下的发展阶段,个人缺乏独立性,往往存在于社会的强制之中,社会也无法为个人发…  相似文献   

文章从心理学角度分析了造成于连悲剧的个人原因:极端的个人野心与极端的个人自尊心之间的矛盾导致了最终无法调和、狭隘的报复心理:一种阶级对立的仇恨意识;无法克服的幻想病。进而对小说主题作了探究,得出:小说《红与黑》是一部心理小说,一部个人奋斗者的心理小说。  相似文献   

在新的经济形势下,国际商业银行个人金融业务得到快速发展,并逐渐成为银行产品和服务创新的主要领域.与西方发达国家相比,我国商业银行个人金融业务发展明显滞后,因此,实现个人金融业务突破性发展是我国商业银行现实生存和未来发展的必然选择.为此,本文对商业银行个人金融业务的拓展提出以下几点建议:树立一种全新的银行经营理念;加快实现个人金融业务的战略转型,打造强势品牌;逐步形成个人金融业务发展的新模式;健全个人业务风险防范机制;建立一支高素质的客户经理队伍.  相似文献   

个人职业生涯管理也称自我职业生涯管理,是以实现个人发展的成就最大化为目的,通过对个人兴趣、能力和个人发展目标的有效管理实现个人的发展愿望。即在组织环境下,由自己主动实施的、用于提升个人竞争力的一系列厅法和措施:职业生涯管理的目的绝不仅仅是帮助个人按照自己的资历条件找到一份合适的工作,达到与实现个人目标,更重要的是帮助个人真正r解自己.根据自身条件,  相似文献   

论马克思的"有个性的个人"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术界对马克思的"有个性的个人"一直存在着严重的误读,"有个性的个人"被广泛地用于说明扬弃"偶然的个人"的未来社会的个人形态.其实,马克思的"有个性的个人"有两层相互关联的含义:一是指"人的依赖关系"社会中个人自主活动与作为自主活动条件的共同体形式之间相适应的个人形态,二是表征"人的依赖关系"社会"依附的个人"的基本属性和"物的依赖关系"社会特定的"独立的个人"即"资产阶级个人"的特殊属性.作为"人的依赖关系"社会的个人形态,"有个性的个人"与"依附的个人"同义,已经被与"独立的个人"同义的"偶然的个人"超越;扬弃"偶然的个人"的未来社会的个人形态不是"有个性的个人",而是"自由个性的个人".  相似文献   

Recently, air force students at the "May 7" Cadre School in Shenyang held a discussion meeting. With personal experience, they praised the wiseness and correctness of Chairman Mao's great directive to "send the masses of cadres to do manual labor." They talked at length of their experiences in seizing the "excellent opportunity" to temper themselves through labor and further raised their self-motivation for revolutionizing their ideology by "renewing study."  相似文献   

Chairman Mao teaches us that "sending the masses of cadres to do manual labor gives them an excellent opportunity to renew their study." In response to Chairman Mao's great call, vast numbers of cadres throughout the country are now renewing their study either by being sent down to do manual labor or by taking part in collective productive labor while still holding office. It is our wish that all these cadres will write about their understanding of study renewal so that they can exchange experiences and promote the revolutionization of their ideology. The following three articles were written by a cadre in a "May 7" cadre school, a cadre who has settled down in a brigade, and an administrative cadre who persists in taking part in collective productive labor.  相似文献   

穿越依附性教育实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依附性教育实践是指教师习惯于以非自主的方式工作,其职业意识和自我意识发育不良,消极应付和对待教育实践中的问题.这种实践已经成为了一种无形壁垒,使教师陷入封闭、狭小的"实践圈"内,严重影响到教师的专业发展.只有深入了解依附性教育实践形成的原因,才能多维度地穿越依附性实践,实现教师由"只能这样做"到"还能怎样做"的对个人自我意识的超越.  相似文献   


This paper examines how ethnographers weave/separate "academic" voices from those of their participants in the field. Engaging some of the critical understandings in qualitative research regarding issues of representation and legitimization, authorship and authority, this paper questions where and with which of our ethnographic participants those understandings tend to be em/de/ployed, where and with whom are they still currently absent as ethnographers read and write their world. Exploring the problematics in, and the implications of, differently treating- invoking and textualizing- voices ethnographers conjure while in the field (There) and those they assemble from the academy (Here), this paper examines how a two-tiered system is created whereby the former are problematized, the latter are not. In spite of the poststructural, postcolonial understandings guiding much of the critical work in ethnography, such a twotiered system, this paper argues, induces Othering as well as creates a "There" which subsequently becomes epistemologically and ontologically detached from the "Here" of academe. Very much embedded in the practices it questions and critiques, this paper is not intended to provide solutions for practice but, rather, to broaden the conversation about practice. As such, it strives to promote ways of thinking critically about what critical ethnographers currently do and do not do rather than to further paralyze their inclination or ability to do.  相似文献   

Summary We in career services must move from feeling that enrollment management is not our job to the realization that much of what we already do positively impacts recruitment and retention. We must become more proactive in our efforts, and more demonstrative of our impact. Our image with students, parents, staff, faculty and alumni should include what we do to help bring students to our campus, and what we do to help make them successful learners, both while on campus and throughout their work life.  相似文献   

立足“本土化”的校本研修的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校本研修是新课改实践中的一个热点问题。然而现在不少学校的校本研修已经走进了"高原期,"看上去轰轰烈烈,但教师却很少有主动的、自觉的研究行为。如何冲出这个怪圈,邱隘实验小学根据学校自身的特点与教师现状,创设了"问题——设计——行动——反思"研修总模式,立足"教师反思、同伴互动、专家引领"三个层面运作,用活"课题研究、课例研究、网络沙龙、阵地建设、校际交流"五种载体,注重研究过程中基本操作模式的提炼,以制度、教师可以看见的自我发展促使研修深入。  相似文献   

基于卓越计划的应用型创新师资队伍建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对教育部"卓越工程师教育培养计划"和培养应用型创新人才的要求,提出了地方高校工科专业应用型创新师资队伍应具有的素质,特别是科研能力及产业技术支撑能力,并探讨了地方高校工科专业应用型创新师资队伍的培养方法,主要强调青年教师学历提升、科研项目锻炼、企业实践锻炼、产学研合作锻炼等途径。  相似文献   

The Average Expectable Environment Is Not Good Enough: A Response to Scarr   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I take the position, contrary to Scarr's, that the details of socialization patterns are crucial to an understanding of normal and deviant development. Considerable evidence has accrued to justify the claim that what normal parents do or fail to do crucially affects their children's development. Research is cited to support the argument that better than "good enough" parenting optimizes the development of both normal and vulnerable children, and that parents' belief in their own effectiveness further enhances their caregiving, whereas causal attributions that assign responsibility for child outcomes to genetic factors that parents cannot change undermine parents' belief in their own effectiveness. The strong conclusions Scarr draws from heritability analyses to support her thesis that genotypes drive experiences overlook their inherent limitations.  相似文献   

Although more students with learning disabilities (LD) are enrolling in Australian universities, their learning needs are not well understood. This article reports on the experiences of students with LD who are encouraged to enter the academy by Australian university policies and government legislation but, once there, find that the promise of equal opportunity is often not kept. This article provides some insights into how university lecturers' normative expectations and practices can affect students' everyday experiences. Interviews with students with LD showed that they do not often receive support services, their "stories" are not believed, and they often feel that they do not "belong".  相似文献   

先天性词聋症系听感觉存在,听力基本正常,不丧失其他精神能力,但听知觉不能、言语功能未能正常发育的一种罕见的先天性言语障碍,在我国特教、康复界尚未见到报道.笔者对一例此症孩子进行了两年的观察训练,研究了词聋症的鉴别,探索了其听觉言语康复的途径,并取得了较为理想的康复效果.  相似文献   

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