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电大现代远程开放教育的网上教学资源建设是必须大力解决好的一个关键问题。电大开展现代远程开放教育以来,积累了一定的网上教学资源建设经验,但也存在许多问题和不足。本文就电大现代远程开放教育网上教学资源建设的进一步完善进行探讨。  相似文献   

赵学丽 《天津电大学报》2009,13(3):11-12,41
教育公平是社会公平的重要组成部分。电大远程开放教育体现了教育公平的基本价值取向,是实现教育公平的重要渠道。为发展电大远程开放教育、推进教育公平,应加强国家信息网络基础设施和网络教学资源建设,加快电大公共服务体系建设以及推进电大教学资源平台建设。  相似文献   

远程开放教育教学资源建设误区及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电大远程开放教育规模的不断扩大,大批优质教学资源成为其持续发展的一个不可或缺的支持条件。本文在澄清影响教学资源质量提高的几个误区基础上,提出电大远程开放教学资源建设质量控制与优化策略,以保障教学资源能够高质、高效地产出。  相似文献   

基层电大在资源建设上都取得了长足进步,资源优势是明显的。但面对浩如烟海的教学资源,学生无所适从,使资源的利用率大为降低,学习支持服务大打折扣。为此,本文首先对支持电大远程开放教育资源建设相关的理论做了探讨,接着着重研究分析了远程开放教育中利用数据库点播系统及网上教学平台对电大教学资源的整合及组织管理,使电大远程学习建立在真正有交互需要的基础上。  相似文献   

发展远程开放教育,教学资源建设是核心。文章根据电大远程开放教育教学资源建设与管理的实践,在对教学资源及教学媒体特征分析的基础上,提出了广播电视大学远程开放教育教学资源建设的一些具体措施和建议。  相似文献   

发展社区教育,服务和谐社会建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电大远程开放教育开展10年来,积累了丰富的教学和管理经验、大量的各类教学资源,电大有能力也有责任为和谐社会建设做贡献。  相似文献   

网络教学资源建设是开展现代远程开放教学的基础性工作,随着现代远程开放教育的迅速发展,资源建设成果显著,但也存在不少问题,成为制约地方电大进一步发展的"瓶颈".笔者结合多年网络教学资源建设的实践经验,提出地方电大网络资源建设工作要结合本校情况,依托学科发展,明确建设思路,打造特色,强化资源一体化设计和应用,完善资源应用评价体系和激励机制等建议,以使网络教学资源建设工作得到更快更好发展,满足现代远程开放教育快速发展的需求.  相似文献   

当前我国电大系统教学资源的建设取得了一定的进展,但仍有许多亟待完善的地方,因此对教学资源进行优化建设与整合成为当前各级电大工作的重点。结合开放教育"远程、开放"的教学特色和市场需求的特点,对教学资源进行进一步的优化建设和整合,以提升电大开放教育的综合竞争能力,确保其在高等教育市场上的市场定位和市场份额。  相似文献   

远程开放教育教学资源有效应用的实践探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
远程学习是一种基于多种媒体资源的学习。因此,教学资源在远程教育中具有极为重要的地位,但教学过程中的教学资源应用问题仍然是现代远程开放教育中一个比较突出的问题。本文从远程开放教育教学过程中教师、学生与教学资源的相互关系出发,分析了当前影响到电大开放教育教学资源有效应用于教学过程的因素,介绍了广东电大在推进教学资源有效应用于教学过程方面的案例与实践经验。  相似文献   

电大远程开放教育课程教学资源的建设、应用与共享走过了十多年的发展道路,目前与学生学习的需求相比、与学生对教学资源质量的期待相比还存在一定的差距,正视建设、应用与共享过程中存在的主要问题,分析问题形成的原因,找出有针对性的对策建议是破解电大远程教育课程教学资源建设、应用、共享过程中各类难题的根本所在。  相似文献   

Despite the development of novel teaching strategies and the abundance of adjunct teaching web resources, students and early career physicians have continuously reported difficulties in learning and clinically applying neuroanatomy. Differences in instructional design of these resources, the lack of assessment of their capacity to meet intended educational goals, and a poor understanding of the user’s perspective may have hindered their success in increasing understanding and retention of neuroanatomical knowledge. To decipher the limitations of existing web resources, an online search for neuroanatomy web resources was performed and distilled through a strict filtration rubric. A selection of resources were analyzed by a panel of educators and rated using Likert scales, focusing on the identification of features influencing their usefulness in learning the anatomy of the spinal pathways. The top three ranked web resources were subsequently evaluated by a panel of medical and neuroscience students to assess how specific features aided in their learning of the subject. This detailed analysis has identified features of neuroanatomy web resources that are valued by both educators and users with regard to instructional design. One resource was rated highest by end users and educators on a series of Likert scale questions in terms of clarity of explanation, step-wise teaching design, summarization of information, control of instructional-pace, integration with neurophysiology, neuroradiology and clinical correlates, deployment of a wide array of pedagogical tools, and factors for visualizing neuroanatomical inter-relationships. These results have provided a novel user perspective on the influence of specific elements of neuroanatomy web resources to improve instructional design and enhance learner performance.  相似文献   

教学资源是教学的基本要素,现代远程开放大学的一项重要的基础性工作就是多种媒体教学资源的建设、管理和应用作为资源应用第一线的基层电大——天津电大塘沽分校,通过对教学设施,在线教学平台,双向视频系统,多种媒体,师生交互等教学资源的应用现状的分析和对策探讨,以达到教学资源最大限度的满足学生需要的目的。  相似文献   

在终身教育体系中,成人教育是当之无愧的主体,是终身教育的有机组成部分。而我国现阶段的成人教育存在着不足,需要与时代相适应的创新教育。现代远程教育工程,是基于网络环境下,运用现代化教学设施,利用多种教学媒体资源,以学生为主,教师引导下自主、协作完成的教学活动,这种新型的学习形式为成人教育创新教育的实施提供了崭新的平台。因此,成人教育如何创新教学,如何提高教学质量就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

本文采用调查法开展中央广播电视大学开放教育学习指南课程实施现状研究,以任课教师和学生为调查对象,调查内容涉及课程意识、课程目标、课程资源、教学实施、课程评价、教学效果、改进建议等7个方面。结合调查结果的分析,本文提出了优化课程资源、改进考核方式、优化教学过程等方面的建议。  相似文献   


In the present meta-analysis, we examine how secondary school characteristics – such as schools’ academic press, school climate, material resources, personnel resources, classroom climate, instructional practices, out-of-school activities, and socioeconomic status (SES) composition – provide opportunities for students to engage in science and maths, and how these matter with regard to students’ cognitive and motivational-affective outcomes. The meta-analysis includes 71 (international) articles from large-scale studies with a total of 3,960,281 students, 260,390 schools, and 285 effect sizes that were transformed to correlation coefficients. Multilevel meta-analyses were performed. Results identified a number of school variables that can be regarded as relevant for making a difference in student outcomes and at the same time be influenced by education. These refer to school variables such schools’ academic press, classroom climate, instructional practices, and out-of-school activities. Moreover, SES composition was significantly related to student outcomes. Material and personnel resources as well as school climate yielded a close to zero effect. No differences were found between cognitive and motivational-affective outcome variables or between science and maths. The results point to the most promising school characteristics for promoting students’ outcomes and emphasise schools’ potential for students’ engagement in science and maths.  相似文献   

教师专业发展受到制度文化、教育哲学、自身人生经历和教学生活目标的影响。正确的专业目标和适当的教学方法都是针对教师可资利用的教育资源和特殊情境中的学生的。英美两国教师有关他们教学和专业发展的应答凸显他们对教学实践复杂性的理解和洞察。课程进修、阅读、研讨班和课堂观摩为教师的成长提供机会,这种专业成长建基于教师的专业判断和自我反思,观照教学的复杂性,与同事建立良好的合作、信任关系。  相似文献   

Despite the high numbers of students with disabilities struggling with literacy, few teachers report feeling well prepared to address it. Most students with disabilities encounter challenges in reading and professional development can help teachers learn a range of ways to address those. In this article, we discuss a professional development project in which prospective teachers work collaboratively with practicing teachers throughout their university preparation. The professional development provided builds on the idea of ‘literacy artifacts’, which are samples of students’ and teachers’ work. Using guided discussions, teachers across the career continuum construct understandings and practices in which they learn how to infuse literacy instruction into all teaching and learning. By conjoining the literacy artifact with instructional resources teachers use, participants make visible the complexity of literacy instruction and how literacy could be embedded in teaching content for students with disabilities especially in general education classrooms.  相似文献   

网上教学资源要满足学员开展自主化学习的需要并体现教师网上导学的作用,应着重从以下四个方面进行网上教学资源建设:强调“个性化”服务,引导学员自主学习;优化网上教学资源,激发学员学习热情;丰富交互手段,发挥导学作用;加强媒体应用管理,保障网上资源建设。  相似文献   

This research was a co‐creation and co‐assessment exercise between the researchers, participating printmaking and weaving academics and their students in a Nigerian university. The poor technical resources and increasingly large student groups in the design department, which severely hampers the delivery of an effective education, were addressed. The academics were supported to learn how to create their own instructional videos for their students, demonstrating identified designer‐maker skills and how to use required equipment. These academics are now empowered and have the knowledge to produce their own instructional videos without professional assistance. This is also irrespective of their previous experiences of using video equipment and developing video content.  相似文献   

培养信用管理人才是建立科学的信用管理机制、健全完善的信用管理体系的重要举措。我国的信用管理专业教育正在起步,其中中央电大和天津电大共建的开放教育信用管理专业是全国唯一的信用管理专科专业。我国的信用管理专业教育存在专业教育的内容与具体依据尚不明确、专业教育的普及性有待提高、专业教育的师资力量仍需加强等问题。本文提出了包括培养目标及规格、教学模式、教学媒体和课程设置等专业建设方案以及尚待解决的政策、师资、教学资源、实践基地和教育平台等问题。  相似文献   

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