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中小学一线教师进行教学研究的主要目的是解决教学中的问题,在教学研究中应侧重于"写生"。在此基础上,发觉、提升自己独特的实践理论,进行"写意式"的创造性研究。  相似文献   

调查研究是马克思主义认识问题、解决问题的科学方法。深入进行调查研究,有助于我们深刻认识和把握“三个代表”重要思想的精髓,更好地体现中国共产党立党为公,执政为民的本质要求。提倡全党大兴调查研究之风。对于我们认真学习领会“三个代表”重要思想的理论观点,掌握运用贯穿其中的马克思主义世界观、方法论来指导实践,解决问题,推动工作具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

帕斯卡尔在散文《思想录》里认为人是一个充满着错误的主体,因为人自从与上帝脱离以来便产生了腐化的天性,已经失去了与上帝保持同一的神圣性,以至于人根本就不是根据理智而行动的,所以面对着人们的这些腐化的天性,作为一名卓越的理性科学家的帕斯卡尔转入了伦理学层面,提出了"人要正确地认识自己"并开始了他对人性的分析。具体说来,帕斯卡尔提出的"认识自己"主要包括消遣、无限、思想、中道这四个方面的内涵。  相似文献   

Educational technology at the crossroads: New mindsets and new directions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educational technology seems to be suffering from an identity crisis. Many exciting things are happening in the field, but increasingly we educational technologists find ourselves on the sidelines in our own ballgame. People from other disciplines are taking an interest in educational technology, but they show little interest in our knowledge base (often even little awareness that it exists!) and little interest in our professional organizations and publications. Why is this happening? What can we do about it? To what extent might our mindset be the problem? What new directions do we need to pursue to improve the health and value of our field? These are the central issues which this article discusses.  相似文献   

中国古代庖人社会地位较低,属边缘角色,但古代早期文学却涌现出一批生动鲜活的庖人形象,而且正面角色居多。古代早期文学庖人形象大致可分为机智幽默与粗犷豪爽两种类型,机智幽默型庖人又有官庖和民庖之分。在官府服役的机智幽默型庖人,他们的才华、性格通过匡正君主、保护自身体现出来,言词极富风趣。散在民间的机智幽默型庖人,则对君主表现出疏远的趋向,在选择生存状态、交往方式上智慧过人。粗犷豪爽型庖人大多是屠夫出身,他们性格特征的充分显露是在入仕之后,不过,早期的操刀屠宰生涯对于他们形象的最终定型起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

Academic writing is something we all want our students to do well. The ability of our students to use writing in meaningful ways seems to lag far behind what we know they can do. The author introduces a technique to assist in teaching college academic writing. Writing for personal goals is contrasted with student academic writing. The integration of personal writing is used to demonstrate the developmental nature of writing and thinking in the progress of student learning in college so that these learners can understand more clearly and use more effectively their own thinking and writing capabilities.  相似文献   

魏青 《宜宾学院学报》2006,6(9):103-106
“价值中立”是心理咨询的重要原则,强调尊重与相信人的价值和潜能,在心理咨询中坚持不介入、不评价、不指导的基本指导思想。但事实上,心理咨询是一个人际互动的过程,咨询双方必然发生价值的交互影响,无论咨询者怎样努力,都难免将自己的价值观渗透到咨询过程中,对来访者产生影响。“价值中立”是不现实也无法做到的,只有辩证而理性地看待“价值中立”,才能有效地实现咨询目标。  相似文献   

高诱注中的"读曰(为)"和"读如(若)"是较为重要的几个术语,也是历来较有争议的术语.从对高诱注释的实际研究来看,这些术语运用中各有侧重,即各有其主要用法,"读为(曰)"主要用于明假借,而兼有注音等功能;"读如(若)"主要用于注音,兼有明假借等功能.  相似文献   

出境免税政策是针对旅游者以及短期出境交流人员在购买商品方面所给予的优惠政策,在欧盟国家已实行多年。若在我国实施出境免税政策可以极大地促进我国经济、尤其是对外贸易的发展,它的特殊作用是其他政策难以起到的,有利于我国国民经济整体实力的提高。  相似文献   

大学生在对党的追求过程中呈现出两面性 :一方面他们对党的追求热情很高 ,入党前的表现很积极 ,另一方面在有些学生身上也存在着入党动机不纯、对共产主义信仰认识模糊以及入党前后表现不一等问题。究其原因 ,一是有些大学生自身素质不高 ,对党的认识不够 ,二是高校各级党组织虽然对大学生建党工作非常重视 ,但也存在着重发展、轻培养 ,重硬件考察、轻动机考察等不足。为此 ,必须加强大学生的党的基本知识和理想信念教育 ,进一步加强大学生党员的继续教育和培养 ,以更好地树立大学生党员的良好形象 ,做好大学生建党工作。  相似文献   

在当代中国,先进生产力的高新技术及其产业所体现的生产力;中国特色的社会主义化就是中国先进化的前进方向;在本世纪末基本实现现代化,实现中华民族的伟大复兴就是中国最广大人民的根本利益,党的各级组织和全体共产党员尤其是党的各级领导干部,必须认真理解并实施好“三个代表”。  相似文献   

Every day, early childhood teachers confront issues, problems, and concerns in their classrooms. Sometimes they do nothing. Sometimes they use trial and error. Sometimes they go to a workshop or read an article. We have found a way to intentionally and systematically research and answer our own questions and to enrich our own professional development through teacher research. Teacher research provides early childhood educators with a strategy that supports reflective thinking and practice. This article describes the experience of a small group of early childhood teacher researchers. How is it different from other required assessments? How is it different from other professional development?  相似文献   


This paper examines how ethnographers weave/separate "academic" voices from those of their participants in the field. Engaging some of the critical understandings in qualitative research regarding issues of representation and legitimization, authorship and authority, this paper questions where and with which of our ethnographic participants those understandings tend to be em/de/ployed, where and with whom are they still currently absent as ethnographers read and write their world. Exploring the problematics in, and the implications of, differently treating- invoking and textualizing- voices ethnographers conjure while in the field (There) and those they assemble from the academy (Here), this paper examines how a two-tiered system is created whereby the former are problematized, the latter are not. In spite of the poststructural, postcolonial understandings guiding much of the critical work in ethnography, such a twotiered system, this paper argues, induces Othering as well as creates a "There" which subsequently becomes epistemologically and ontologically detached from the "Here" of academe. Very much embedded in the practices it questions and critiques, this paper is not intended to provide solutions for practice but, rather, to broaden the conversation about practice. As such, it strives to promote ways of thinking critically about what critical ethnographers currently do and do not do rather than to further paralyze their inclination or ability to do.  相似文献   

王志敏 《培训与研究》2009,26(8):119-120,128
近年来,计算机辅助教学效果显著,同时也存在一些问题:不遵循循序渐进的教学规律、不注意适度的教学信息量、不恰当地运用多媒体效果、师生间缺乏交流等,这些问题已经影响到了计算机辅助教学的发展。本文根据当前多媒体教学中存在的主要问题谈了一些自己的观点。  相似文献   

中国农民因自身表达能力的缺乏,长期以来在国家政治生活中,一直出于被代表的地位,也因此丧失了主体性身份。历史上农民主体性身份的取得通常以“否”的,即农民自身身份放弃的方式取得。在新的历史条件下,国家的政策对于重新树立农民的主体性地位,和谐生活具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

在全面发展教育中,德育、智育、体育、美育、劳动技术教育各组成部分既是相互独立,各有特殊任务,都是缺一不可,不能相互相取代,同时它又是相互渗透,紧密联系的,常常共存于一项教育活动中。  相似文献   

民事“执行难”问题已经存在很久,但一直都没有得到很好的解决,虽然很多学者和专家都提出了自己的构想,但始终没有形成通说。我认为解决这一问题,首先要使被执行人对于法院的执行不再逃避。  相似文献   

The argument of this article is that whilst humanity has evolved for millions of years as a single species, different groups have developed their own cultural differences as they live in different parts of the world, and we learn within our cultures. Research has demonstrated that we do learn differently, in East and West, since we are brought up in these different cultures. However, in lifelong learning, we do have to learn to live together. To be delivered in Seoul at the East–West Dialogue Conference October 2008.  相似文献   

“鬼门之树”意象解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆仑山上的“众鬼之门”和后世“阴界”都有一个共同的特征,那就是其“鬼门”或“阴界”之门为“树”,笔者把他们统称为“鬼门之树”。“树”之意象在此处具有怎样的象征意蕴?反映了先民怎样的信仰观念?笔者以“鬼门之树”意象为契机,勾连起诸多文学意象和民俗事项,以期追述远古树母神崇拜和死亡再生信仰在“鬼门之树”意象上的象征综合及其在后世的遗留和演变。  相似文献   

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