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看过《越狱》吗?据说情节紧张、扣人心弦呢!不过,更加令人惊奇的是,英国贝德福德郡惠普斯奈德动物园里的两只大猩猩为了自由,竟不惜耗时三年偷偷挖掘地道,也上演了一出"越狱"的好戏。这两只大猩猩名字分别为可可和琼尼,它们素以淘气捣蛋、挖掘能力出众而闻名。动物园工作人员在夜间例行检查时发现这两只大猩猩不  相似文献   

1在动物园!在动物园!快来看看动物园里的动物!动物园里有一只猴子。猴子吃什么?它们吃香蕉。我吃香蕉!猴子吃香蕉,我们也吃香蕉! 2在动物园!在动物园!快来看看动物园里的动物!动物园里有一只老虎。老虎吃什么?它们吃肉。我吃肉!老虎吃肉,我们也吃肉! 3在动物园!在动物园!快来看看动物园里的动物!动物园里有一只大象。大象吃什么?它们吃花生。我吃花生!大象吃花生,我们也吃花生! 4在动物园!在动物园!快来看看动物园里的动物!  相似文献   

某动物园里的一只东北虎产下了两只虎宝宝,由于母虎不会喂养小老虎,动物园工作人员立即找来正在哺乳的母狗做小老虎的“狗奶妈”。  相似文献   

假定你是李华,从小喜爱大熊猫,一直通过有关网站关注三年前在美国圣迭哥动物园出生的大熊猫“苏琳”和她的母亲“白云”。现在苏琳即将三岁。请根据以下要点给动物园工作人员写一封信:  相似文献   

阿凡 《初中生》2011,(19):55
动物园还没有开门,售票处就排起了长队。动物园这么火爆,是因为园里最近来了两个大明星,它们来自非洲,一个是非洲大象,还有一个是长颈鹿。晚上,动物园即将关门,游客们陆续离开。这个时候,有个中  相似文献   

<正>杭州动物园的一头马来熊因为常如人类一样站立,并不断向游客挥手示意,所以被怀疑是工作人员穿“熊衣”扮演,还登上热搜。杭州动物园很快便正式澄清说,那确实是一头货真价实的马来熊,它那些看似“异常”的举动其实都符合其特性。不眠之熊马来熊是食肉目、熊科、马来熊属、马来熊种下两个亚种哺乳动物的统称。它们是熊科动物中体形最小的一种,成年体长在1 50厘米以下,体重也不会超过70千克。马来熊全身覆盖着油亮乌黑的皮毛,  相似文献   

假定你是李华,从小喜爱大熊猫(panda),一直通过有关网站(website)关注三年前在美国芝加哥动物园出生的大熊猫“苏琳”和她的母亲“白云”。现在苏琳即将三岁。请根据以下要点给动物园工作人员写一封信:  相似文献   

动物园,不是动物的公园,更不是动物的乐园。动物园,是人的公园和乐园。当人说“动物园”的时候,就已经把“人”排除在“动物”之外了。这时候,他对于动物来说,是神。动物园,是动物的监狱,是无期徒刑的监狱。它们被关进这永无自由之日的监狱,不是因为触犯了什么法律,也不是因为伤害或得罪了那不是动物的人,而仅仅因为它们是动物。即使威猛如狮虎,勇毅如熊狼,也一向对人敬而远之,它们不敢冒犯这些连同类都可以吃的高级动物。至于牛羊鹿豕,就更是对人俯首帖耳。但人不分青红皂白,把它们一律关进钢窗和铁栅。因为,人要看它们。强者与弱者,除了吃…  相似文献   

动物园,不是动物的公园,更不是动物的乐园。动物园,是人的公园和乐园。当人说“动物园”的时候,就已经把“人”排除在“动物”之外了。这时候,他对于动物来说,是神。动物园,是动物的监狱,是无期徒刑的监狱。它们被关进这永无自由之日的监狱,不是因为触犯了什么法律,也不是因为伤害或得罪了那不是动物的人,而仅仅因为它们是动物。即使威猛如狮虎,勇毅如熊狼,也一向对人敬而远之,它们不敢冒犯这些连同类都可以吃的高级动物。至于牛羊鹿豕,就更是对人俯首帖耳。但人不分青红皂白,把它们一律关进钢窗和铁栅。因为,人要看它们。强者与弱者,除了吃…  相似文献   

卡通片《马达加斯加》的主角是纽约中央动物园的四位动物好朋友:狮子亚历克斯、斑马玛蒂、长颈鹿梅尔曼和怀孕的河马格洛莉娅。但是有一天,斑马玛蒂突然失踪了,于是另外三个好友逃出动物园去找他。后来他们四个虽然团聚,但被动物园的工作人员抓住,关在木箱里,准备运往非洲,然后放回大自然。但在送他们回老  相似文献   

Although zoos envision themselves as environmental education institutions and governmental policies require that students become environmentally responsible citizens, it is surprising, that little research is done with regard to school field trips to the zoo. Many students are not aware that their everyday life affects marine environments that may enhance through spatially disconnection from marine ecosystems. A zoo field trip may overcome this disconnection. Considering knowledge as prerequisite for environmental attitudes and behavior, our study focused on cognitive learning of high school students at an instructional zoo field trip about marine ecology and conservation, by applying two cooperative learning settings. The study followed a quasi-experimental design, applying multiple-choice pre-post-retention tests. The results show satisfying short- and long-term knowledge achievement. Our cooperative learning settings seems to be a suitable approach for zoo field trips to facilitate a satisfying cognitive outcome concerning marine ecology and conservational issues.  相似文献   

随着我国生态旅游事业和野生动物园产业的不断发展,野生动物园产业在生态旅游中所应该发挥的作用及其地位没有得到应有的重视。从目前的情况看,我们应该重视野生动物园在生态旅游活动中的地位。  相似文献   

Societal response to climate change has been inadequate. A perception that the issue is both physically and temporally remote may reduce concern; concern may also be affected by the political polarization surrounding the issue in the USA. A feeling of connection to nature or to animals may increase personal relevance, and a supportive social context may counteract political tensions. Zoos may provide opportunities for both sense of connection and social support. We surveyed over 7000 zoo and aquarium visitors to examine the ways in which a feeling of personal connection among zoo visitors may encourage concern about climate change. Results show that feeling connected to animals at the zoo is significantly associated with cognitive and emotional responses to climate change, as well as with other social groupings and social responses. Overall, the zoo seems to present a supportive social context for considering the topic.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether listening to spontaneous conversations of elementary students and their teachers/chaperones, while they were visiting a zoo, affected preservice elementary teachers' conceptions about planning a field trip to the zoo. One hundred five preservice elementary teachers designed field trips prior to and after listening to students' conversations during a field trip to the zoo. In order to analyze the preservice teachers' field trip designs, we conducted a review of the literature on field trips to develop the field trip inventory (FTI). The FTI focussed on three major components of field trips: cognitive, procedural, and social. Cognitive components were subdivided into pre-visit, during-visit, and post-visit activities and problem-solving. Procedural components included information about the informal science education facility (the zoo) and the zoo staff and included advanced organizers. Social components on student groups, fun, control during the zoo visit, and control of student learning. The results of the investigation showed that (a) the dominant topic in conversations among elementary school groups at the zoo was management, (b) procedural components were mentioned least often, (c) preservice teachers described during-visit activities more often than any other characteristic central to field trip design, (d) seven of the nine characteristics listed in the FTI were noted more frequently in the preservice teachers' field trip designs after they listened to students' conversations at the zoo, and (e) preservice teachers thought that students were not learning and that planning was important.  相似文献   

Zoo signs are important for informal learning, but their effect on visitor perception of animals has been sparsely studied. Other studies have established the importance of informal learning in American society; this study discusses zoo signs in the context of such learning. Through the lens of Critical Theory framed by informal learning, and by applying critical discourse analysis, I discovered subtle institutional power on zoo signs. This may influence visitors through dominant ideological discursive formations and emergent discourse objects, adding to the paradox of “saving” wild animals while simultaneously oppressing them. Signs covering a variety of species from two different United States-accredited zoos were analyzed. Critical Theory looks to emancipate oppressed human populations; here I apply it zoo animals. As physical emancipation is not practical, I define emancipation in the sociological sense—in this case, freedom from silence. Through this research, perhaps we can find a way to represent animals as living beings who have their own lives and voices, by presenting them honestly, with care and compassion.  相似文献   

It is circle time at the Happy Baby Childcare Center. Little three-year-old Susanne is sharing with her class her latest visit to the zoo. “Well, Mama said that monkeys are smarter than us and Mommy said that they are very friendly.” The teacher pauses and then asks, “Susanne, did you go to the zoo with your mother and grandmother?” Susanne says, “No, I went to the zoo with Mama and Mommy!” The teacher is clearly bewildered and would like to clarify for herself who Mama and Mommy are, but the rest of the children in the group are becoming restless. She leaves her questions for another time.  相似文献   

One of the roles of the modern zoo is to provide environmental education. Zoo visitation comprises primarily family groups seeking to spend time together. There is potential for tension between message and audience expectation as zoos seek to raise awareness of the effects of irresponsible human behavior on the environment. This may unsettle family visitors. This study explored levels of tolerance of the zoo audience to a disturbing exhibition covering broad environmental themes. Results showed that participants were prepared to reflect on the content and at times feelings were sufficiently strong for zoo visitors to challenge one another's beliefs. The delicate positioning of zoos as environmental education providers is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of a zoo visit in terms of learning and retention of knowledge concerning the adaptations and behavior of vertebrate species. Basis of the work was the concept of implementing zoo visits as an out-of-school setting for formal, curriculum based learning. Our theoretical framework centers on the self-determination theory, therefore, we used a group-based, hands-on learning environment. To address this questions, we used a treatment—control design (BACI) with different treatments and a control group. Pre-, post- and retention tests were applied. All treatments led to a substantial increase of learning and retention knowledge compared to the control group. Immediately after the zoo visit, the zoo-guide tour provided the highest scores, while after a delay of 6 weeks, the learner-centered environment combined with a teacher-guided summarizing scored best. We suggest incorporating the zoo as an out-of-school environment into formal school learning, and we propose different methods to improve learning in zoo settings.  相似文献   

城市动物园作为以动物展出为主体的专类公园,应改变旧式单调的景观布局,充分发挥其动物优势,将动、植物在有限的空间内完美有机地组合在一起,形成良好的生态环境以达到为游人宣传动、植物科普知识的目的.  相似文献   

With the number and scope of environmental challenges continuing to increase, an understanding of the effectiveness of conservation programs is essential in order to allocate limited resources. This paper examines the effectiveness of environmental education within a zoo setting, focusing on the role of learners’ identity-related motivation. Results from survey (n = 296) and interview (n = 116) data collected from visitors to the Toronto Zoo suggest that education success is dependent on visitors’ dominant motivation, with preliminary data suggesting that Spiritual Pilgrims and Experience Seekers demonstrate greater gains in knowledge of environmental issues compared with Facilitators. Given that most zoo visitors fell into this Facilitator group, this finding may have an effect on future zoo management decisions. In addition, the proportion of visitors falling into each motivation group was significantly different than those previously found in the United States (p = 0.05), suggesting that zoo education strategies developed internationally may not be directly transferable to the Toronto Zoo.  相似文献   

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