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Some argue that the “co-creative labors” of “prosumers,” who often work for free on social media sites, represent new types of exploitation insofar that they provide novel ways for capitalists to accumulate surplus value. For others, however, prosumers illustrate how capitalism is now dominated by commercial and noncommercial informational networks that build brand value in innovative ways, especially through “immaterial” relations of communication and information. This article argues that each perspective has limitations. By working from an alternative Marxist perspective the article outlines some of these limitations and then argues that co-creative labor and prosumers are best explored as representing unproductive labor that helps transfer, but not produce, already generated surplus value from the productive to unproductive spheres of the global economy. Through their free labor, prosumers thus have the potential to cut costs for new media companies in the unproductive sphere of the economy. The article further suggests that the “unproductive” actions of prosumers are compatible with a financialized form of knowledge capitalism.  相似文献   

运用劳动价值论对科技价值的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
刘冠军 《科学学研究》2002,20(2):148-151
本文运用马克思主义劳动价值论 ,将定性分析和定量研究相结合 ,从理性层面分析研究了科技价值的来源和存在方式、科技价值的生产和累加以及科技价值的转移和实现等重大现实问题  相似文献   

We engage with recent applications of the Marxist “labor theory of value” to online prosumer practices, and offer an alternative framework for theorizing value creation in such practices. We argue that the labor theory of value is difficult to apply to online prosumer practices for two reasons. One, value creation in such practices is poorly related to time. Two, the realization of the value accumulated by social media companies generally occurs in financial markets, rather than in direct commodity exchange. In an alternative framework, we offer an understanding of value creation as based primarily on the capacity to initiate and sustain webs of affective relations, and value realization as linked to a reputation based financial economy. We argue that this model describes the process of value creation and appropriation in the context of online prosumer platforms better than an approach based on the Marxist labor theory of value. We also suggest that our approach can cast new light on value creation within informational capitalism in general.  相似文献   

哈贝马斯的科学技术批判是对西方现代社会的合理化问题的深度把握,也是对西方马克思主义的“科技批判”理论的借鉴。它推动了“科学技术批判”超越工具理性批判、意识形态批判乃至“政治经济学批判”而走向“批判的解释学”,为考察现代社会的“科学技术异化”问题,特别是揭示当代社会的“非政治化”问题的实质提供了一种批判工具。在他看来,“非政治化”是科学技术异化在当代社会的深刻表现。因而,任何“科学技术批判”都应当转向对这种“非政治化”问题的分析和批判。这也是科学技术批判理论在当代发展的内在逻辑指向。  相似文献   

古典政治经济学没有将"劳动价值"概念建构起来,以至于混淆商品与物品的区别,教条地把货币仅理解为交换工具,武断地认定资本创造了利润。马克思以实践唯物论为依据所建立的劳动价值论,将商品、货币与资本相统一,形成以价值增殖为核心的"商品——货币——资本"内在一体化的新型货币思想,从而能透过表层的市场供求关系与价格机制发现背后的资本增殖系统,并以之来揭示"市场"、"财富"概念的真实秘密。  相似文献   

关于中国劳动力市场分割的政治经济学解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动力市场分割,作为转型期中国劳动力市场结构的典型特征,得到了学术界较多的关注.然而,在新古典SLM理论的支配下,关于中国劳动力市场分割的既有研究中,普遍存在的一种做法是将“分割”视为外生的市场发育“不完全”的现象,难以对市场内生的分割作出深入分析.为此,本文将从政治经济学的角度,着重讨论全球资本主义的生产格局,以及转型期国家保护力量和市场支配力量的不同作用,如何共同塑造中国分割的劳动力市场结构,从而突破表面的经验研究,在生产关系的层面对劳动力市场分割的形成作一个新解读.  相似文献   

崔楠 《科教文汇》2012,(5):17-17,30
随着经济的发展,改革和创新对各个方面都极为重要,高校教学改革也不例外.高校思想政治理论课教学中,实践教学环节越来越重要.通过实践教学,学生可以感受到马克思主义思想的中国化,亦可用所学理论知识解决实际问题.同时,实践教学也为思想政治教学提供了有效途径.  相似文献   

This perspective examines the source of value in Web 2.0 enterprises such as Facebook and Google by analyzing the advertising model that supplies the bulk of their revenues. Drawing on Marx's understanding of the circulation of value within the capitalist economy as a whole and his concepts of unproductive labor, subsumption of labor, costs of circulation, commercial capital, and primitive accumulation, we analyze the economic relationships of Web 2.0 capital, proposing that revenues from advertising come from value produced in non-Web 2.0 sectors of the economy. On this basis we critique both Fuchs's and Arvidsson and Colleoni's positions on the origin of value in Web 2.0 and recognize some of the difficulties and contradictions of the advertising model as a form of monetization of free services for Web 2.0 capital.  相似文献   

运用马克思劳动价值论分析技术和专利作为商品的二因素,可以发现技术和专利的价值都不包含"不费分文"的前人科研劳动成果,专利作为商品出售所获得的剩余价值有限,专利作为生产资料发挥其使用价值能够在专利保护期内获得持续的超额剩余价值,在专利实际工作中专利运营的最终目标还应放在专利作为生产资料的实施应用上来。  相似文献   

智力资本理论对知识员工管理的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵艳娟 《情报科学》2005,23(2):175-178
在知识经济时代,知识或智力资本已成为组织创造价值的投入要素和核心资产。但在公司管理实践中明显存在一种“知识悖论”,即公司认识到知识的战略价值,但却没有战略性地来管理知识。本文对如何协调企业智力资本管理的理论与实践从而实现“一致性”方面做了一些基础性工作。文章首先介绍了企业智力资本的一般理论;然后总结了知识员工的需求特征;第三,探讨了不同层次的智力资本管理;最后给出了知识员工管理的一个简明框架。  相似文献   

马克思劳动价值论是传统农业经济与工业经济的时代产物,知识价值论是劳动价值论在知识经济时代的发展与突破。知识溢出价值论是指知识溢出的接受者(价值主体)利用溢出知识(价值客体)进行模仿创新所创造的价值,或者是知识溢出的接受者利用溢出知识所节约的与R&D投入相当的研发成本。知识溢出价值具有价值量的递增性、价值决定的独特性、价值量计量的复杂性和价值实现的非让渡性等独特的特征。知识溢出价值创造一方面取决于知识创新者创新知识的创新性与经济适用性,另一方面取决于知识溢出价值主体吸收、消化与模仿创新能力。知识溢出价值论的提出融合了马克思劳动价值论与新经济增长理论精髓,知识溢出价值论是对马克思劳动价值论的继承和发展,是知识价值论的超越与升华。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to investigate the concept of ignorance. The article employs ignorance and related writings on the lack of knowledge and new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), education, and on the state of being ignorant with the aim of expounding an ignorant approach to the critique of the knowledge economy. This perspective necessitates a discussion of those subjects and objects apparently lacking in knowledge in addition to deliberations on the nature of new ICTs. Various studies by educators, economists, and management theorists are introduced and examined as instances of an ignorant standpoint on the knowledge economy. The authors argue and find that whilst an ignorant viewpoint regarding the knowledge economy might initially appear as one that is itself founded on a state of ignorance, a deeper investigation reveals its usefulness when considering the knowledge economy. Thus, the value of the article is that it introduces the concept of the ignorance economy and considers it from an original standpoint in the light of ongoing debates over the knowledge economy.  相似文献   

对社会主义社会劳动和劳动价值论的时代思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在充分肯定马克思劳动和劳动价值理论的历史和现实价值的基础上,分析了100多年以来的时代发展对传统的劳动和劳动价值理论提出的挑战,在时代因素和制度因素的结合上对社会主义社会的劳动和劳动价值理论作了初步分析,提出了深化对社会主义社会的劳动和劳动价值论认识应该创新的几个观念,最后分析了科学认识社会主义社会的劳动和劳动价值论的重要理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

“美的规律”与科学知识的生产   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
科学知识审美性生产的规律包括环境美、境界美和对象美,是一个社会科技进步的基础。而职称化、非全时化、基金行为、论资排辈、追求评奖等异化劳动方式应当彻底扬弃  相似文献   

In the modern economy, a division of labor is a division of knowledge. The challenge of limited information and goal conflict within organizations takes on special salience in the presence of technology. In order to manage technical managers, general managers and executives must judge proposals beyond their direct knowledge. Technical managers may, through opportunism or overconfidence, suggest overinvestment in technology. Analyzing a dataset of information technology hardware and staff spending by large multidivisional firms during a growth phase of US IT spending, results suggest that technical managers significantly overspent on hardware, with negative consequences for performance. Chief executive experience significantly altered the effects of overspending. Solutions to the problem of monitoring technical managers are suggested, including socialization, auditing, and incentives.  相似文献   

知识经济时代,知识和科学技术的作用突出,是社会生产的主要要素。“科学技术是第一生产力”是对科学技术的作用的科学论断;知识价值论是知识经济社会对知识作用的科学论断。本文将深入地讨论两种论断的内在关联性。  相似文献   

基于CAS理论的知识共享分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识共享是知识管理的核心环节,当前的研究多局限于简单的因果关系分析,缺乏系统的思维。基于复杂适应系统理论,从系统的视角对知识共享的主体、过程与行为进行描述,形成分析知识共享的系统分析框架,据此提出了管理启示可为各类组织的知识共享提供参考。  相似文献   

This perspective explores the production of user-generated content by contrasting two analyses that are convergent in some respects, divergent in others. In our first line of analysis we use the work of Negri (1996) and Moulier-Boutang (2007) on “cognitive capitalism” to extend some elements explored by Fuchs (2010; 2012) and Arvidsson and Colleoni (2012) on labor and value. This approach foregrounds the adaptability of capitalism and suggests that workers are endowed with “an inventive subjective power” that simultaneously influences and reproduces the mode of production. Our second line of analysis explores the later work of André Gorz (1997; 2003), who invites us to imagine a society in which social relationships would no longer be determined by the laws of the market, a postmarket utopia. This approach points to the importance of collective organization and relational value production of user-generated content and suggests recentering the debate not around individuals and their labor, but on the web of affective connections between them.  相似文献   

牛耀耀  牛二耀  高爽 《大众科技》2013,(11):182-183,187
法兰克福学派作为西方马克思主义中的一个重要流派,从建立之初就展开对资本主义的批判,在此基础之上形成了一整套的生态学理论。虽然该理论具有浓重的空想色彩,但是其对于人与自然和谐相处的不懈追求仍然值得人们深思。  相似文献   

This article argues that in informational capitalism, the notion of class should not be confined to capital as one class and wage labor as the other class. The notion of class needs to be expanded to include everybody who creates and recreates spaces of common experience, such as user-generated content on the Internet, through their practices. These spaces and experiences are appropriated and thereby expropriated and exploited by capital to accumulate capital. The rise of informational capitalism requires us to rethink the notion of class and to relate the class concept to knowledge labor.  相似文献   

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