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The last few years have seen unprecedented growth in information and communication technologies (I&C) and products, which has led to a robust growth in the whole world, and especially in the United States. Euphoria was such that the term 'New Economy' was coined about 4 years ago, and was taken to mean almost the same as 'New Technologies', mostly information and communication technologies. These technologies are truly global. They are important instruments for further globalisation, and for reducing the international digital divide; they offer important opportunities for further world economic growth. There is increasing competition in their operation, which brings great benefits to customers in the form of reduced prices and new applications. International co-ordination of standards, trade and regulatory frameworks is increasingly necessary. PTOs and other operators need to keep constantly abreast of developments in various international fora, especially the ITU, the WTO and the OECD.  相似文献   

The emergence of the global service economy has altered the flows of information and capital among the world's nations. Electronic international banking networks now provide the economic infrastructure for the 'global village' as millions of financial transactions are processed daily. This article describes the world system based on the financial transactions of an international credit card network. Using transaction data from the third quarter of 1995, a network analysis produced structural findings similar to those found for the international telecommunications and trade networks. These results indicate that the world's monetary flow system is composed of a single group with the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Canada at the core and the former members of the Eastern Block and less developed countries at the periphery. Additionally, a number of nations are marginal in the network with only a single link to a core member of the network.  相似文献   


Developed countries are rapidly evolving into information economies, and given the increasing internationalization of trade and interdependence, developing countries will also have to become information economies if they are to achieve higher economic growth rates. The essence of the information economy is that information is now the main capital input into manufacturing industry and as such is the key input to economic development. The activities of enquiring, communicating, evaluating, and deciding have become the activities absorbing the major proportion of national resources, with the need to know of the business decision‐maker as the main driving force. In developed information economies, industrial firms have become learning systems and a new division of labor in the economic productive system has evolved. The government‐controlled primary information sector is the source of much of the information input and the provider of the means of information transfer. Developing countries must develop their own primary information sectors as an integrated part of the agricultural and manufacturing sectors. The problems of developing countries are highlighted in the isolation on the one hand of their information generating sectors from the productive sector and on the other of the native small firm sector from all sectors of information. Telematics, as the integration of computing, communication, and information services offers the means to integrate national resources with international and supply the required inputs to local agricultural and industrial development.  相似文献   

采用国际贸易标准SITC0-SITC9货物标准分类法和《国际服务贸易总协定》分类法,将出口结构分解为255个货物出口子类和11个服务出口子类.根据全球19个主要贸易国家1994~2014年的出口贸易数据,按照资本品、消费品、初级品、中间品、传统服务、信息化服务、金融保险服务以及其他服务的类别,研究出口贸易结构与经济增长规律关系发现:出口贸易结构变化与经济增长有密切的关联性,优化出口结构,作为供给管理的手段,有利于改善经济增长环境.  相似文献   


American competitiveness in international information services trade will be determined by the skill with which government and industry can improve the coordination of commercial and technical policies and actions. This article examines some of the key issues, including federal R&D funding, tariff policies, economic assistance programs, and international technical standards.  相似文献   

杨文龙  杜德斌  盛垒 《资源科学》2022,44(3):508-522
经济全球化时代,国家间商品流动频繁,商品贸易网络化特征突出,亟需从关系网络的生长逻辑探究全球商品贸易的互动场景与演进机理。本文基于1996—2016年全球商品贸易流量数据,借助社会网络分析方法和ArcGIS可视化工具揭示了全球商品贸易网络的生长过程,运用指数随机图模型分析了全球商品贸易网络生长的动力机制。结果表明:①全球商品贸易网络呈扩张式生长,逐步形成“三核”互联主导的“大三角”空间结构,网络骨架的三大集群凸显。中国主导的集群大幅拓展,美国和德国主导的集群日益收缩。各国家(地区)在网络中的分工明确,网络功能差异显著并表现出不同变化特征。②全球商品贸易网络生长受自组织性、国家(地区)匹配性、国家(地区)集散性等内生动力和外生网络嵌入性等外在推力的共同驱动。其中,互惠关系是自组织性的主要结构,国家(地区)收入水平、市场开放趋同性和制度环境异质性是匹配性的关键因素,经济优势和产业竞争力是集散性的重要基础,殖民历史网络、留学生交流网络、语言同构网络、论文合作网络是重要的外生网络。传统的比较优势理论仍然适用于全球商品贸易网络生长机理的解释,尤其对国家(地区)匹配性和集散性的解释力更强。  相似文献   


International trade in information technology involves political, economic, and military factors that are highly interrelated, making U.S. policy formulation a complex process which requires extensive data on foreign and domestic policies and technological capabilities. An analysis of U.S. policy for controlling the reexport of high‐technology goods provides an example of this interdependence. Four primary points are emphasized throughout the paper: (1) there seems to be only limited appreciation of how different issues get entangled in the international arena; (2) the data on which to base policy decisions regarding information technology do not exist in a readily available and usable form; (3) there is little understanding of the technological status and policy support for information technology in other countries; and (4) the people needed to analyze international developments and policies in the information technologies are not being trained.  相似文献   

许晖 《未来与发展》2007,28(8):11-15,10
以服务业与服务贸易为主要内容的服务经济的迅速崛起,成为20世纪80年代后世界经济发展的显著特征,服务业的国际转移也为新兴市场经济国家提供新的经济增长点。本论文以国际产业转移背景下全球服务贸易的发展为背景,通过京、津、沪、穗等主要城市在吸引外商投资服务业的对比研究,发现比较优势,探索我国吸引外商投资服务业的关键因素与路径选择等策略。  相似文献   

张秀娟 《现代情报》2007,27(2):203-205,220
近几年来,信息技术和信息网络风靡全球。围绕信息技术和信息网络的发展,许多新兴产业纷纷涌现,不断扩大我国对外贸易发展。本文首先给出了信息技术的含义,并通过对现代信息技术的阐释和信息技术对我国国际贸易的影响,写出利用信息技术促进对外贸易发展的必要性。  相似文献   


This article explores the growing international tensions over information networks and the conflict related to the underlying telecommunications networks that lies at the heart of the matter. Telecommunications policy and practice is changing significantly in many countries and at the international level. Tensions and conflict are identified as taking place on four levels: conflict over underlying values, conflict between and among different industry groups, political conflict among nations, and an emerging trade politics related to the application of services trade principles and rules to telecommunications and information services. These levels of tension/conflict should not be treated as distinct and mutually exclusive, but rather as overlapping and interactive, emphasizing the complex and increasingly serious nature of this important issue.  相似文献   


Like other technical changes, the new information technologies have inspired hopes and fears. The optimists celebrate the “technologies of freedom” and their potential for growth and autonomy, the enhancement of skills and culture, the elimination of unpleasant and boring tasks (Pool 1984). On the other hand, the pessimists fear dehumanized work, growing unemployment, and bureaucracy, with unavoidable threats to privacy (Mosco 1987; Robins and Webster 1983).

In the communication and development debate, similar polarized attitudes are to be found. The technological optimists of the so‐called “modernization paradigm” claim that the transfer of information technologies to the developing world will spectacularly enhance the process of development. Commentators arguing from within this paradigm point out that the transfer of appropriate information technology can contribute to the creation of new social structures that will adequately respond to the needs of the developing world. At the other extreme, however, we have the technological pessimists, “the Luddites of the Information Revolution” (Tehranian 1985, 21). Proponents of this perspective perceive the transfer of information technology as necessarily reinforcing existing structures and thus exacerbating politico‐economic dependency and the loss of cultural identity.

In our opinion, both positions possess partial truths. However, both are based on inadequate theoretical foundations—erroneous conceptions of the nature of technology and its relationship vis‐à‐vis society, and a misunderstanding of the concept of development. Consequently, the policy implications of each approach are less than helpful. Building on what we consider to be a more apt conceptual framework, the central argument of this paper is that the transfer of information technology can play a role, albeit limited, in the development process.  相似文献   


The open flow and sharing of information are essential for the economic and scientific progress and political freedom of nations as well as the promotion of international peace and harmony. Yet, more and more nations are developing restrictive information policies to maintain their political, cultural and economic status. The author calls this phenomenon, “information protectionism,” and examines a number of cooperative steps that are being taken to assure the open exchange of ideas and information and to create a policy of global information interdependence. The basic challenge, the article concludes, is to find and maintain a realistic balance between open transborder data flow and national concerns and priorities.  相似文献   

传统国际贸易理论以相对比较成本为基础,分析和解释了国际贸易和国际分工的动因和过程,这一理论曾一度占据着国际贸易主导理论的地位。但是,经济全球化的进程使得这一理论成立的基础发生了改变,促成了新国际贸易理论的形成。  相似文献   

贸易、经济增长与环境保护的关系研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
正确理解贸易、经济增长与环境保护的关系对处理好贸易与环境问题是非常重要的。本文分析了贸易、经济增长与环境保护的关系,认为经济增长与环境保护并不存在必然的联系,合理的经济政策和激励机制在其中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   


The expression “transborder data flows'’ (TBDF) is shorthand for a complex set of issues that have come to the forefront as a result of the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries. It involves the flow of digital information across borders for the storage or processing in foreign computers and reflects the interests of governments in regulating or otherwise intervening in the free flow of such exchanges for a variety of reasons including economic, social, political, and cultural. This paper provides an overview of these TBDF issues and discusses the policies and experiences of the U.S. National Library of Medicine pertaining to the transfer of biomedical information worldwide. Trends in the international interchange of all types of scientific and technical information are noted and the future of U.S. information policy is addressed.  相似文献   

中国进出口产品完全占用耕地资源研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
经研究认为国际贸易是利用世界资源的主要形式,并应用国际贸易基本理论,使用投入产出分析模型,详细计算了我国进出口产品中完全占用(或完全消耗)耕地资源的数量。首次提出了我国存在着资源国际贸易逆差,揭示了我国资源国际贸易的内在机制,从一个侧面反映出了我国资源与经济发展的一个内在属性,即中国国际贸易的顺差是依靠资源国际贸易的逆差,依靠牺牲紧缺资源而换取的。  相似文献   

知识溢出的空间局限性与集聚   总被引:36,自引:3,他引:36  
梁琦 《科学学研究》2004,22(1):76-81
知识属于全人类,但知识溢出存在空间局限性,亦即知识和技术的传播存在地域性。这种地域性构成空间集聚的重要机制,并强化集聚效应。从世界经济来看,由知识和技术溢出的地域性而带来的技术差异影响国际贸易中的比较优势,并改变一国的贸易模式和经济增长方式;知识溢出的空间局限性与国际收入不均等、世界生产率差异的地域性相吻合。  相似文献   

顾娇  张勇 《科技管理研究》2021,41(9):184-189
运用扎根理论的分析方法,通过系统分析相关标准制度研究文献,得出影响标准制定的因素,并形成标准对贸易的推动模型.同时选取2000-2018的进出口贸易额与相关标准数据进行中介效应检验,结果表明社会积极性、标准话语权等因素正向影响标准制定;标准在社会积极性、标准话语权等因素对国际贸易的影响中起中介作用,最后对标准的制定提出建议.  相似文献   

2008年中国外贸增长较为平稳,贸易顺差下降、商品结构优化、多元化战略稳步推进、外商投资规模扩大。但是,由于金融危机将进一步恶化,世界经济发展继续放缓,外贸领域也出现了一些新问题与新情况,如出口增速大幅下降、贸易环境不断恶化等。2009年外部需求将进一步收缩,中国对主要经济体出口将全面放缓,出口企业经营压力继续加大。如何保持出口平稳增长将是我国外贸面临的主要课题。  相似文献   

中国设立的自贸区港口对经济和社会做出了巨大贡献,为进一步深化改革和扩大开放,中共十九大提出了探索建设自由贸易港,本文围绕中国自由贸易港发展模式展开研究,采用扎根理论的研究方法体系,对上海等自贸区港口和典型自由贸易港进行系统的调查、设计和实施,获取丰富的资料及数据,进行持续的开放性译码、主轴性译码与选择性译码,提炼出典型自由贸易港发展过程的信息编码,并和自贸区港口现状进行对比分析,提出了中国自由贸易港发展模式,并给出对策建议。通过本文的研究,拓展了自由贸易港的相关理论及管理策略,探讨了扎根理论在港口规划与管理中的具体运用。  相似文献   

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