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The expression “transborder data flows'’ (TBDF) is shorthand for a complex set of issues that have come to the forefront as a result of the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries. It involves the flow of digital information across borders for the storage or processing in foreign computers and reflects the interests of governments in regulating or otherwise intervening in the free flow of such exchanges for a variety of reasons including economic, social, political, and cultural. This paper provides an overview of these TBDF issues and discusses the policies and experiences of the U.S. National Library of Medicine pertaining to the transfer of biomedical information worldwide. Trends in the international interchange of all types of scientific and technical information are noted and the future of U.S. information policy is addressed.  相似文献   

[目的]对国外学术期刊的作者贡献声明(ACS)政策及要素进行分析,为期刊ACS政策制定以及未来计算作者贡献程度提供框架。[方法]以文献综述和案例分析的方法,提取2种综合类期刊与8种医学类期刊作者贡献声明的政策内容和要素。[结果]ACS政策内容包括对ACS的强制性要求和理由、作者提交ACS的时间与方式、在全文中ACS的呈现形式、写作ACS的格式等;ACS要素内容包括研究构思与设计、内容分析与解释、成果表达与论文撰写三方面21项。"三视角和三层次"构建对照科研生命周期各项科研活动的ACS框架图。[结论]对ACS的政策分析和所归纳的三维层次框架理论可作为期刊建设ACS标准化体系的参考依据。  相似文献   


International trade in information technology involves political, economic, and military factors that are highly interrelated, making U.S. policy formulation a complex process which requires extensive data on foreign and domestic policies and technological capabilities. An analysis of U.S. policy for controlling the reexport of high‐technology goods provides an example of this interdependence. Four primary points are emphasized throughout the paper: (1) there seems to be only limited appreciation of how different issues get entangled in the international arena; (2) the data on which to base policy decisions regarding information technology do not exist in a readily available and usable form; (3) there is little understanding of the technological status and policy support for information technology in other countries; and (4) the people needed to analyze international developments and policies in the information technologies are not being trained.  相似文献   


The convergence of computer and communication technologies has made it feasible to establish a universal international communications network linking all mankind. The information flowing through this network constitutes an increasingly important element of world trade and a major source of future economic growth. However, governments are hesitant to allow the creation of a fully integrated international information network and tend to restrict at least some information flows for privacy, security, cultural, or economic reasons. This analysis argues that freer flows of information across national borders could help facilitate international economic growth and adjustment. Reasons used to justify policies that inhibit the integration of the world communication network or prevent transborder data flows are examined, and the implications of such restraints are discussed. Strategies for‐halting the proliferation of barriers to trade in communication and information services and for reducing existing obstacles are suggested.  相似文献   

科技期刊注重科技伦理评估的做法及实例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的】促进科技期刊的正确导向,提升科技期刊对科技伦理的重视程度,加强普通科技期刊进行科技伦理评估的力度。【方法】 阐述了科技期刊重视科技伦理评估的道德意义,提出了科技伦理评估的具体做法。【结果】 发现通过消除伪科技伦理谣言、关注国际科技伦理的热点、刊发前瞻性科技伦理专业论文、结合新闻热点约稿、解疑释惑等方法是科技期刊实现科技论文评估的具体途径。【结果】 科技期刊论文的科技伦理评估还在起步阶段,需要进一步完善伦理委员会的审查、监督体系,提高作者和编辑的科技伦理学意识等等。  相似文献   

目的】通过对《中国化学快报》办刊经验的总结和遇到问题的剖析,探讨中国英文科技期刊的发展之路。【方法】对《中国化学快报》近年的发展历程进行研究,从中发现中国英文科技期刊发展过程的共性问题,并进行提炼总结。【结果】中国英文科技期刊的生存环境已得到较大改善,但在评价体系等大政策的影响下,优质稿件匮乏、人才流失严重、国际显示度低等共性问题依然存在。【结论】在大政策暂时无法突破的现状下,加强内功修炼,寻找适合自身发展的办刊道路,尽快提高中国英文科技期刊的办刊水平。  相似文献   


The open flow and sharing of information are essential for the economic and scientific progress and political freedom of nations as well as the promotion of international peace and harmony. Yet, more and more nations are developing restrictive information policies to maintain their political, cultural and economic status. The author calls this phenomenon, “information protectionism,” and examines a number of cooperative steps that are being taken to assure the open exchange of ideas and information and to create a policy of global information interdependence. The basic challenge, the article concludes, is to find and maintain a realistic balance between open transborder data flow and national concerns and priorities.  相似文献   

Knowledge is created through discourse in ba that is the physical, mental and/or virtual arena of knowledge creation. This article studies ba in international humanist (H-group), technical (T-group) and scientific (S-group) research groups. These international groups consist of members originating from many countries. The empirical evidence is derived from interviews and discourse analysis of three research groups from the University of Oulu which, by staff, is the most international large university in Finland. The article advances understanding of ba by considering the theory of ba in relation to the discourse and exploratory case study. In the case groups, ba is formed in relation to the knowledge type created, suitable characteristics of a group member and structural factors related to administrative responsibilities. Humanist knowledge, with abstract concepts and philosophical discussions, is created with deeper attention to language and social bonds inside the H-group than the more accurate scientific and technical knowledge in the S- and T-groups.  相似文献   


Knowledge is the wealth of nations, and language is the main social technology by which knowledge is communicated. An efficient orthography is therefore of great importance. English, as the principal international language of the early twenty‐first century, has much to offer the world, but its spelling is archaic and dysfunctional. Technically, the reform of English spelling would not be difficult, but there are very major political obstacles in the way. The benefits of spelling reform would greatly exceed the costs, and a ‘Big bang’ approach to reform is required. The present article outlines a technical solution and the way in which reform could be implemented.  相似文献   

目的】剖析化学学科领域科学期刊的数据发表政策,了解期刊数据政策的现状。【方法】 以ACS期刊为例,以期刊投稿指南为数据源,梳理和比较分析ACS期刊对发表论文的数据内容、数据格式、数据共享的要求。【结果】ACS的47种期刊要求论文作者将数据作为支撑信息提交,对于包含序列数据、结构数据、电子显微镜数据、微阵列数据、转基因生物和突变体五类特定类型数据的论文要求将该数据存储到推荐的数据仓储中,涉及五类数据的期刊总共有20种。【结论】可作为化学领域科研人员在ACS上发表论文的参考依据,为国内学术期刊数据政策的实施提供借鉴。  相似文献   


The Australian wine industry's popular image as a leader in R&D can indeed be substantiated. Its oenological and viticultural innovation and technical expertise have set new international benchmarks. The coordination of this R&D has ensured that the industry remains at the leading edge. However, the findings of this paper also substantiate concerns that this R&D is concentrated in what appears to be a South Australian R&D 'epicentre'. Regions and wine operators not connected to this epicentre can be disadvantaged. This paper examines the diffusion of R&D to regional operators and suggests mechanisms for improvement of the current structure.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨提高中国编辑出版类学术期刊国际影响力的可行性和措施。[方法]调研中国编辑出版类期刊基本情况和产生国际影响力期刊的特征,调研SSCI编辑出版类期刊现状和中国作者发表文章情况。[结果]中国编辑出版类期刊的国际影响力不高,但是有很大的提升空间,为提高国际影响可采取的措施包括:提高编辑出版类期刊的国际化意识、为文章增添国际化信息、出版中英文双语或英语期刊、加强网站和数据库建设、争取被检索机构收录等;还可通过明确自身定位推动中国STM出版格局的完善,借助学术力量加强国际交流,提高编辑素质,在中国编辑"走出去"的同时将国际同行"引进来"。[结论]打造具有国际影响力的中国编辑出版类学术期刊是可行的,而且对促进中国科技期刊整体发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

[目的]总结数字化办刊经验,为提高科技期刊影响力提供参考。[方法]以《中国物理B》数字化办刊的具体实践为例,从内容数字化、采编系统、出版发行模式、期刊宣传四个方面详细介绍了提高科技期刊影响力的数字化手段。分析说明数字化办刊的重要性和成效。[结果]发现提高数字化办刊水平可以缩短稿件发表周期,提高服务水平和审稿质量,提高期刊影响力。[结论]国内期刊必须审时度势,借鉴国内外优秀期刊的数字化办刊经验,不断摸索创新,才能在激烈竞争中不被淘汰。  相似文献   


The article reviews the debates and policies on access to public-sector information (PSI) in Europe in relation to the contests between policies of open access, rights of access to PSI by citizens and business, and the assessment of the cost benefits of PSI to the economy and society. The political dimension of these debates within the European Union is highlighted to demonstrate the complexities of the governance of information within a pan-European regulatory framework.  相似文献   


Australia's treatment of information technology (IT) has vacillated between two policy directions: laissez faire, market directed strategy on the one hand, and strong government interventionist, plan directed strategy on the other. The resultant policy mix is more a collection of individual initiatives than a coherent strategy. It produces conflict between initiatives aimed at developing indigenous information industries and those improving the productivity and competitiveness of all industry by encouraging the wider application of IT. Unlike its East Asian neighbors, Australia does not have a powerful, independent economic planning agency capable of creating and implementing industrial and technology policy. Policies must be developed through the give and take of a democratic political process, a process that can lead to fragmented, uncoordinated policies based on bureaucratic inertia, the demands of special interest groups, and short‐term political considerations, rather than long‐term strategic plans. The future of IT policy in Australia will depend upon the kinds of consensus that can be achieved on the role of IT in economic development. It will also depend on the government's skill in implementing policy and on the reactions of the private sector to whatever policies emerge.  相似文献   


Nanotechnology is widely considered to offer enormous competitive advantages to those countries that possess the knowledge and capacity to harness its potential. As in many other countries, Australia’s nanotechnology policy is in its infancy and lags international research in the field. We examine the role of community engagement in the development of nanotechnology in Australia, and argue that if Australia is to establish a sustainable nanotechnology policy, then it must broaden its perspective and more carefully consider the social, ethical and environmental aspects of nanotechnology. We support the goal of shared economic growth through technological advancement; however, this seems unlikely as long as the Australian government persists with what is essentially a technical and socially exclusive approach to stimulating innovation in nanotechnology. While opposition to nanotechnology is still ‘thin on the ground’, it is starting to emerge and the Commonwealth and State governments would do well to treat it with respect.  相似文献   


Information technology (IT) policy in New Zealand has closely paralleled the broader economic policies that have prevailed in the country. Until the mid‐1980s, economic policy was inwardly oriented, marked by high trade barriers and heavy government regulation. In 1984, the Labor government responded to a balance of payments crisis with a radical program of economic liberalization. By the end of the decade, this process had fundamentally altered the New Zealand economy through deregulation, privatization, and public sector reform.

IT policy likewise moved from protectionism and centralized control to almost pure laissez faire. Tariffs on computer hardware were lowered from 40% to 10%. Government computing was moved from a central data processing bureau and placed under the control of individual departments. In terms of IT production, the government has refused to provide any significant incentives or subsidies to the fledgling software industry, feeling the industry should succeed or fail on its own.

Under laissez faire policies, New Zealand has become a heavy user of IT, ranking behind only Japan in the Asia‐Pacific region for IT spending as a percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). It has also had some success as a producer and exporter of software. However, the hands‐off approach to the industry is likely to prove problematic in an international environment in which many countries have explicit strategies to improve their infrastructure for IT production and/or directly subsidize the industry. New Zealand is unlikely to become a hardware producer, but it has a number of endowments favoring software production, particularly its well‐educated, English‐speaking workforce. However, it faces obstacles, such as a small domestic market, distance from international markets, and a shortage of venture capital. Although software may be a potential growth industry in the ailing New Zealand economy, it is unclear whether the industry can thrive without at least some government support. Even the government now seems to be considering this possibility, and is considering the creation of an IT unit within the Ministry of Commerce.  相似文献   


The discourse of openness has proved to be a very powerful instrument for promoting new research policies and the (neoliberal) reforms of higher education in all so-called ‘advanced economies’. It has triggered positive democracy-, transparency-, and accountability-related associations when used in the context of politics, fair resource distribution when used in the sphere of public service, and free access to information and knowledge when used in the field of science and higher education. At the same time, international research shows that university autonomy is increasingly being attacked, reduced, and marginalized by the same policies. Power instances outside academia impose new criteria, such as ‘accountability,’ ‘performance,’ ‘quality assurance,’ and ‘good practice.’ They also impose ideas about what good research is, which scientific method is to be prioritized, and what good data are. The process of the de-professionalization, polarization, and proletarianization of the academic profession is increasingly affecting academia. However, none of this has much in common with the open-access discourse. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how this discussion applies to Sweden. Courses, forces, and discourses of the national research infrastructure development policy in general, and qualitative data preservation policy in particular, are described and deliberated.  相似文献   


Faced with the problem of how to process valuable refractory sulphide ore in the early 1900s, Kalgoorlie mining engineers and metallurgist, and their consultants, borrowed ideas from a variety of international sources to develop new equipment and new procedures. This paper examines the sources of these innovations and how they spread with remarkable speed through the medium of the tight-knit group of international metallurgical consultants. The inter-relationship between international technological transfer and increased local inventiveness, stimulated by the rapid changes in technology, and the opportunities and limitations experienced by Australian metallurgical inventers in the 1900s are also examined.  相似文献   

通过分析《美国海关法典》中的《1979年贸易协定法》,特别是其中的《贸易的技术壁垒(标准)》,可看到美国的美国法优先国际贸易法、标准化活动及采用国际标准、对美国对外商业保护、基本术语定义、总统应采取合理的措施、联邦政府机构的职能,标准信息中心职责和要求等情况。通过金融危机以来美国种种举措,可以看到奥巴马政府应对贸易的技术壁垒的"攻与防"战略新发展。  相似文献   

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