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城市应急管理与城市安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2001年美国"911事件"以来.许多国家都在研究基于应对突发事件的应急管理,并且逐渐向各个领域延伸,尤其是在城市管理方面.  相似文献   

应急管理中的可恢复性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应急管理中的可恢复性评价是评价体系中的重要内容,它为应急管理中的科学决策提供了重要依据.本文在分析了可恢复性评价的定义、目标、特点以及评价对象后,重点从应急管理全生命周期的角度探讨了可恢复性评价的作用.然后在应急资源不足的前提下建立了可恢复性评价的度量模型,最后给出了一个模拟算例说明了模型的作用.  相似文献   

介绍了特大型矿井应急管理工作的探索与研究,强化职责、完善预案,在构建应急救援平台的基础上引进世界先进的应急救援绞车进行试验应用,极大地提高了应急救援的效率,为煤矿事故救援,减少生命财产损失,提供了有力的保障。  相似文献   


Rural communities face a multitude of hazardous conditions—from blizzards, floods, droughts, and insect infestations caused by nature to hazardous material spills, transportation accidents, and dam failures that result from human activities. Information technology offers to rural emergency managers potentially important tools with which to better plan, alert, and respond to disasters.

Three case studies are presented about uses of different technologies. Each technology is currently in place, but not in widespread use. The first case is the use of a microcomputer in a rural Minnesota county to manage emergency resources, aid planning, and other important tasks. The second case uses cable television as a two‐way alerting link to fire, emergency medical, and police systems. The third case involves the use of satellites to form a statewide communication system among emergency service offices. Each use of information technology clearly contributes to improved emergency management, but widespread application is necessary before the full impact of information technology in rural emergency management can be felt.  相似文献   

高校图书馆火灾具有很大的危害。应从消防安全培训、检查制度化等方面加强高校图书馆消防安全工作。高校图书馆火灾应急应做到冷静应对火情、准确报警、安全有序疏散现场人员。  相似文献   


The dangers to life and property resulting from various toxic releases are a matter of rising concern throughout the United States. Whether the focal problem is centered on “dump sites” or the often more spectacular hazardous waste incidents involving tanker truck explosions or manufacturing plant plumes, there is an acknowledged need for an orchestrated program of information collection, processing, and analysis from which can come the products and services useful to the emergency management community. Both public and private entities have assumed action responsibilities in this realm, and are seeking ways to achieve optimum collaborative results.  相似文献   

乡土地理知识如何融入地理教学中   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡土资源在地理教学中受重视度越来越高,将乡土地理知识融入到地理教学中不仅是激发学生地理学习兴趣和提高动手能力的需要,也是地理新课程改革的必然要求。为此,可以通过建立乡土地理案例库、组织野外实践活动、利用地理相关信息化工具、以生活为纽带进行教学等途径将乡土地理知识融入地理教学当中,增加教学互动,提升地理教学质量。  相似文献   

Voronoi图和Delaunay三角网在铁路应急管理中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁路应急管理是铁路运营管理的重要内容.Voronoi图和Delaunay三角网是对偶图,在地理信息系统,计算机网络中有许多实际应用,在铁路应急管理中也可以发挥作用.本文首先介绍Voronoi图和Delaunay三角网,然后介绍其在铁路应急物资调运、突发事件影响分析方面的运用,最后指出Voronoi图和Delaunay三角网新的研究成粟在铁路应急管理中的运用需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

一、规划是灾后恢复重建的基本依据 2008年5月12日14时28分,四川汶川发生里氏8.0级特大地震,造成巨大人员伤亡和财产损失.汶川地震是新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最广、灾害损失最大的一次地震灾害.地震灾害发生后,党中央、国务院高度重视,迅即强有力地组织全国军民开展抗震救灾和灾后恢复重建工作.  相似文献   

Brazilian Federal Government created an emergency aid to face the COVID19 emergency. This aid provides monthly payments to low-income or unemployed citizens, informal workers, or individual micro-entrepreneurs. An intricate set of criteria made too complex the identification of all citizens eligible for emergency aid, considering there is no an integrated database to which they could apply these criteria. Consequently, lots of people who fulfilled the criteria were not able to receive the aid, and lots of people who were not supposed to get it ended up receiving it. In this context, the goal of this opinion paper is to discuss the process effectiveness and which issues related to information management hindered the positive program impact. Additionally, a less complex but relevant case of Rio Grande do Sul State is discussed. Both cases – the Federal Government and the state government – show the importance of effective information management to face very demanding situations and avoid the high social price to be paid by those who need this aid the most.  相似文献   

为帮助城市有关管理部门与组织发现管理过程中的薄弱点并进行改进与提升,提高灾害应急能力建设的科学化规范化管理程度,提出一个城市灾害应急能力成熟度评估模型。模型构建城市灾害应急能力成熟度要素框架,筛选并确定能力成熟度指标体系,建立评估过程。通过对陕西省延安市应急管理能力评价的实际应用,证明这个评估模型可以合理评价城市当前的应急能力成熟度水平,可为城市持续增强灾害应急管理能力的方法路径提供参考。  相似文献   

论地理学的基本价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理学以地球表层空间系统为研究对象,以人地关系地域系统为研究核心,以空间秩序、时间序列与动因机制为研究维度,具有综合性、软科学性、PRED性和一定的工程技术性,具有重要的哲学价值、科学价值、应用价值和教育价值。对于地理学价值问题的研究以及系统地揭示地理学的价值,对于地理学的发展具有重要作用,也有利于地理学更好地实现服务于国家的国家目标的实现。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1771-1780
Science’s main norms prescribe scientists to use citations as acknowledgements of cognitive content irrespective of geographical location. Previous studies, however, suggested that there is a considerable geographical bias in scientific citations. We argue that this geographical bias does not, in itself, falsify the notion that citations reflect acknowledgement of cognitive content, because cognitively related knowledge may be geographically concentrated as well. We analyse the role of organizational, regional and national co-location on citation likelihood for 5.5 million article pairs, and find that the geographical bias in citations is weak once cognitive relatedness is accounted for. Furthermore, we find that the effect of co-location on citation likelihood is strongest at the organizational level, weaker at the regional level, and weakest at the national level. In addition, we show that geographical co-location particularly increases the citation likelihood between two papers when knowledge relatedness between articles is low, suggesting that interdisciplinary research benefits most from co-location. Finally, we find that, when knowledge relatedness is high, the effect of geographical co-location on citation likelihood is non-existent. We discuss the implications regarding policies aimed to discourage strategic citations and to foster interdisciplinary research.  相似文献   

Response to large-scale emergencies is a cooperative process that requires the active and coordinated participation of a variety of functionally independent agencies operating in adjacent regions. In practice, this essential cooperation is sometimes not attained or is reduced due to poor information sharing, non-fluent communication flows, and lack of coordination. We report an empirical study of IT-mediated cooperation among Spanish response agencies and we describe the challenges of adoption, information sharing, communication flows, and coordination among agencies that do not share a unity of command. We analyze three strategies aimed at supporting acceptance and surmounting political, organizational and personal distrust or skepticism: participatory design, advanced collaborative tools inducing cognitive absorption, and end-user communities of practice.  相似文献   

世界科技格局当前仍由"一超"(超级大国美国)和"多强"(日本、欧盟和俄罗斯)所引领,但中国、印度和韩国等亚洲新兴国家的科技正在快速崛起,这使世界科技和创新格局的重心开始从西向东转移.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(7):104809
The localization effect of cumulative innovation was strengthening in the past few decades, a puzzling trend given the decreasing cost of knowledge transmission. To unravel this puzzle, we attend to patent regime and propose a legal perspective. We illustrate with a stylized model that a pro-patent regime re-distributes profits from later innovators to initial patent owners, which discourages distant followers with higher learning and licensing costs and therefore leads to stronger localization of cumulative innovation. We test the model predictions by exploiting an unexpected pro-patent regime change—the creation of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. We find that follow-on innovations became more localized after patents were strengthened in litigation, especially in regions that experienced a greater increase in patent enforceability. A series of robustness tests and cross-sectional analyses strongly support this finding. Interestingly, we find that scientific knowledge diffusion, which was unaffected by patent regime, became less localized during the same period. Our paper shows that patent regime can shape the geography of cumulative innovation, which has profound implications for firm strategies and policymaking.  相似文献   


A range of interlocking liability issues has arisen in recent years in connection with state and local governmental handling of crisis situations. As such authorities strive to anticipate and cope with impending disaster, when advance action is an option, the result of their decisions often directly affects the safety of the citizenry and the degree to which property is protected. In particular, the question of government liability for failing to use available information in fulfillment of its disaster‐related responsibilities is explored.  相似文献   

自然灾害与政府应急管理:国外的经验及其借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府的应急能力和管理水平作为一国综合国力的重要组成部分,已成为评价其政府工作与进步程度的一个重要标志。国外政府在实施自然灾害应急管理方面积累了行之有效的经验,这对于提高我国各级政府自然灾害应急管理的能力与水平具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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