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毛悦 《科教文汇》2014,(10):15-16
媒介素养作为传播领域一个新兴的词汇,对于大学生而言较为陌生,他们对于媒介素养教育的认识尚有欠缺,这就会造成他们在情感、心理和交往等方面有较大的困难。如何在新形势下引导大学生树立正确的媒介观念,有效地利用媒介,对于高校的思想政治教育工作来说是一个很重要的研究课题。在这方面不仅仅需要理论上的教育,还需要进行实践,通过不断探索进而得出经验。本研究就从这个角度为大学生提高媒介素养的问题进行探究,力求得到有效的解决途径。  相似文献   

井媛 《科教文汇》2012,(1):120-120,159
随着社会媒介资源的不断丰富和发展,学生的媒介素养教育越来越多地受到人们的关注和重视。本文尝试将英语报刊教学与学生媒介素养教育结合起来,帮助学生形成健康的媒介批评能力,使其能够充分利用媒介资源完善自我,参与社会发展。  相似文献   

Twenty-first century's advancement in information technologies and the emergence of online communities have considerably influenced the online communication channels between patients and health service providers. Online health communities are now popular venues for health information sharing, yet little is known about the benefits in developing countries such as Iran. The aim of this case is to investigate on online health communities in Iran and to have a better understanding of consumer's behaviour using health services. The case integrates social support theory and social media concepts with traditional consumer behaviour theory, notably satisfaction. Using a content analysis of three online health communities indicates the value of social media in developing service quality in health industry.  相似文献   

随着Web2.0时代的到来,大学生的思维方式及生活习惯都在新媒体的影响下发生了巨大的变化,新媒体视阈下的高校学生管理也成为了当下的热门课题。笔者围绕新媒体在大学生中的使用情况及各类新媒体的流量接入情况等问题,做了充分的调研,获取了大量有价值的数据。接下来以数据为导向、结合各类新媒体的特点、围绕高校学生管理的重难点,从学校、学院及班级三个层面分别进行了研究。提出要通过制度的完善及教师新媒体工作意识的提升,做到学校层面解放思想、引领潮流,学院层面紧随潮流、挖掘特色,班级层面把握动态、上传下达,从而形成学校、学院、班级三个方面的合力。  相似文献   

随着新媒体的不断发展,大学生的信息消费理念有了很大的改变。面对庞杂的信息,大学生的媒介素养决定其对信息的理解和取舍,影响其价值取向和行为方式。本文在对大学生媒介素养现状调查的基础上,提出了从开设相关课程、运用学校社团力量、发挥校园媒体优势和制定国家政策等方面提高大学生媒介素养的对策。  相似文献   

近年来,新媒体的繁荣发展极大地改变了人们的生活理念和生活方式,同时也给公安民警的实际工作带来了很多新挑战,新媒介素养已经成为公安民警必备的基本功之一。公安院校作为预备役公安民警的培养摇篮,应该明确立德树人的根本任务,立足学生需求和时代特征,主动把握新媒体时代的新机遇,充分认识新媒介素养教育对于公安院校育人育警的重要性,加强新媒介素养教育课程体系建设,打造专门课程和融合课程,为新媒体主导下网络空间和现实社会的发展变化做好公安人才储备。  相似文献   

网络社交媒体的兴起对美军军事传播战略产生了重要影响。美军对待社交媒体的态度从2007年以来经历了全面拒绝、政策审查和谨慎使用的过程。本文研究的重点是美军对社交媒体态度的转变历程、社交媒体的利用措施以及面临的挑战。  相似文献   

赵婷 《科教文汇》2013,(16):36-38
伴随微传播时代的到来,媒介对个体的影响日益广泛而深刻,因而媒介素养教育的重要性越发得以体现。特别是中小学教师的媒介素养教育,直接关系着我国基础教育的未来。然而,在现有的研究中,就中小学教师媒介素养教育作出的研究还十分有限。因此,本文从对"教师媒介素养教育"这一概念的分析着手,站在教育学的视角,依次论述了我国中小学教师媒介素养教育推行的必要性、路径以及意义,以期为丰富我国媒介素养教育的研究视角作出一点努力。  相似文献   

在信息社会中,媒介素养已成为人们不可或缺的一种基本素养.大学生作为现代化建设的重要力量,他们的媒介素养水平不仅能够促进自身发展、实现个人价值,也能在走出象牙塔后成为参与社会竞争、实现社会价值的重要砝码.本文在阐述国内外媒介素养研究现状及大学生提高媒介素养的重要性的基础上,结合所开展的甘肃省大学生微博使用情况的问卷调查,分析了大学生媒介素养的现状,并有针对性地提出了提高大学生媒介素养水平的建议.  相似文献   

The concept of universal access, which originated in the United States, is now part of the telecommunications policy frameworks of many developing countries. This article uses the case of Bangladesh as a vehicle for examining the transferability of the universal service concept to developing countries. The analysis suggests that liberalization and privatization of the telecommunications sector policies pushed by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank, and other international agencies, will not by themselves create universal access in countries with rudimentary urban-centric networks. The policymakers need to incorporate build-out obligations when licensing operators and also develop cross-subsidy mechanisms even though they are now out of fashion in the industrialized world.  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展,网络成瘾干预是当前大学生思想政治教育工作的一个重点和难点。网络媒介素养教育能提高大学生网络行为的自我管理能力,有利于大学生保持批判自主力、有效控制大学生个人的行为,从而在一定程度上能有效地干预大学生网络成瘾。网络媒介素养课程的开发是网络媒介素养教育的重要内容,本研究从网络媒介素养的课程体系、课程内容、课程模式和课程实施等方面探讨了高校网络媒介素养的课程开发,以更好地进行大学生网络媒介素养教育,干预大学生网络成瘾。  相似文献   

The concept of universal access, which originated in the United States, is now part of the telecommunications policy frameworks of many developing countries. This article uses the case of Bangladesh as a vehicle for examining the transferability of the universal service concept to developing countries. The analysis suggests that liberalization and privatization of the telecommunications sector policies pushed by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank, and other international agencies, will not by themselves create universal access in countries with rudimentary urban-centric networks. The policymakers need to incorporate build-out obligations when licensing operators and also develop cross-subsidy mechanisms even though they are now out of fashion in the industrialized world.  相似文献   

This article investigates contemporary cultural policy reforms enabled by paid digital media distribution services, taking the case of the integration of Spotify into the Swedish public media system. Specifically, it reflects on the conflicts arising over the prioritization of digital distribution over cultural preservation, during the gradual substitution of the Spotify digital services for the services provided by the traditional material media archive, the Grammofonarkivet. It considers the factors influencing changes in the Swedish cultural policy environment and the nature of the complaints and human rights claims made by employees of the Grammofonarkivet to UNESCO regarding its structural transformation. It also postulates a “Spotification” model of public service media emerging in Sweden but potentially affecting other countries with public media systems served by traditional media archives.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】随着互联网的迅速发展,网络媒体成为反映社会舆论的主要载体。如何有效地从网络媒体获取公共政策相关的社情民意以引导公共政策的传播议程设置是政府职能部门所关注的重要问题之一。【方法/过程】本文基于网络媒体数据,应用数据挖掘、机器学习等数据分析技术,提出了一个面向公共政策的网络媒体内容文本分析框架。利用文本语义分析方法,从主题识别、情感分析等角度对网络主流媒体的公共政策传播议程设置与社交媒体网民舆论进行挖掘和对比,并以新能源汽车政策为例对该分析框架的有效性进行了验证。【结果/结论】通过实证发现当下网络媒体报道的议题与社交媒体上公众对有关公共政策的关注焦点之间存在较大偏差,就新能源汽车政策为例,公众对于其政策的关注偏向于衡量自身获利的多少,而网络媒体报道更多以描述政策传递信息为主。建议政府职能机构针对公共政策使用网络媒体进行传播时,可根据公众关注焦点话题进行议程的设置和调整,以增强公众对此政策的认可度。  相似文献   


As access to the Internet has become increasingly essential for social and economic participation, public domain Internet measurements have become indispensable for users to validate quality of service their network operator delivers and for policymakers to identify and address gaps in broadband infrastructure. This article evaluates public domain Internet performance measurements available for assessing the state of connectivity and developing universal access service quality standards in Canada. The analysis suggests that different approaches to Internet measurement represent complementary windows into a complex and fast evolving reality of broadband connectivity. Despite their potential shortcomings, large-scale crowdsourced open data network testing platforms have a central role to play in enabling broadband infrastructure policy coordination across different levels of government, empowerment of consumers, and achievement of universal service objectives for quality of service users experience when accessing the open Internet.  相似文献   

党的十九大报告明确指出“我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾”。为破解这一矛盾,迫切需要把握创新驱动社会服务数字转型发展战略机遇,推动社会服务高质量发展。文章研判了政务服务、教育服务、医疗卫生服务、养老服务、就业服务、公共安全服务等社会服务领域创新驱动数字转型发展趋势,梳理了发达经济体创新驱动社会服务数字转型的政策实践,总结了中国创新驱动社会服务数字转型发展的成效,明确中国创新驱动社会服务数字转型的发展思路,并提出4个方面政策建议:(1)构建社会服务数字转型发展技术创新体系;(2)推进创新驱动数字赋能政府服务流程再造;(3)推动创新驱动数字赋能公共服务转型发展;(4)营造数字赋能社会服务转型政策法律环境。  相似文献   

Social media have been adopted by many businesses. More and more companies are using social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter to provide various services and interact with customers. As a result, a large amount of user-generated content is freely available on social media sites. To increase competitive advantage and effectively assess the competitive environment of businesses, companies need to monitor and analyze not only the customer-generated content on their own social media sites, but also the textual information on their competitors’ social media sites. In an effort to help companies understand how to perform a social media competitive analysis and transform social media data into knowledge for decision makers and e-marketers, this paper describes an in-depth case study which applies text mining to analyze unstructured text content on Facebook and Twitter sites of the three largest pizza chains: Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza and Papa John's Pizza. The results reveal the value of social media competitive analysis and the power of text mining as an effective technique to extract business value from the vast amount of available social media data. Recommendations are also provided to help companies develop their social media competitive analysis strategy.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,社会对人才的综合媒体素养有了更高水平的要求,这就迫使在高等教育中,不断加强对学生媒体素养的教育力度,以提高大学生的媒体素养。本文主要是站在德育视角下,对大学生媒体素养教育进行了探讨,简单分析了大学生德育和媒体素养教育之间的关系,并分析了媒体素养培养的特点,对德育与媒体素养教育二者有效整合进行了探讨,分析了在德育视角下的大学生媒体素养教育中存在的问题,并在此基础上,积极结合国外先进的大学生媒体素养教育理念,提出了几点有效加强大学生媒体素养的建议,以期为我国在未来德育视角下对大学生进行媒体素养培养提供参考、借鉴,不断提高大学生媒体素养培养水平。  相似文献   

Ethnographic methods and geographic information systems were used to investigate the extent, causes and consequences of telephone disconnection in Camden, NJ. The results have significant implications for public policies intended to promote universal telephone penetration. Universal service is usually perceived as an issue for rural areas and the elderly, but the most extensive pockets of low telephone penetration are found in inner cities, where the problem is associated with the young, the transient, and ethnic minorities. The basic monthly rate paid by subscribers is usually thought to be the most important factor affecting affordability, but the data suggest that most marginal users are driven off the network by usage-related costs, and more generally by the problem of credit-worthiness. Given prevailing consumption patterns in low-income urban areas, ''electronic redlining'' seems less of a threat than that poor Americans will, upon exposure to the advanced features of the national information infrastructure (NII), buy services that they cannot afford. Intellectuals and policy analysts value telephone service more than cable television service, but residents of inner cities frequently do not agree with this evaluation. In reformulating universal service policy, we must take account of the growing heterogeneity of telecommunications services, and keep in mind the importance of credit risk as a factor affecting the public's ability to access and use telecommunication networks.  相似文献   

阮海红 《现代情报》2010,30(10):33-35,43
从文化研究视角探索媒介素养教育的学科建设,拓展多学科平台研究,以积极推进媒介素养教育学科建设理论与实践。针对多元文化环境下媒介素养教育的不足与问题,从学科特性切入,以期实现媒介素养教育学科的宏观构建,提出信息素养教育学科发展的可实施对策。  相似文献   

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