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We are heading into an era of uncontrolled and uncontrollable information flow. In the past, the tools of information flow required large investments, and the persons controlling them were easily identifiable. Now, effective long-range communication with large numbers of people can be done using tools that are easily affordable to the average citizen. Moreover, it can be done in ways that make monitoring and control virtually impossible. This is not a worrisome future change that can be averted by prompt action; it is a fait accompli and there is no reversing it. However, this is not necessarily clear to those interested in monitoring and control. Unfortunately, the bulk of electronic communication is still relatively exposed to monitoring and control, and is likely to remain so for a while. The danger is that the authorities, trying to retain a grip on a situation that is irretrievably slipping away, will react to the extremes of the problem in ways that leave ordinary users' privacy unprotected. The best approach is to adapt traditional solutions rather than inventing new ones. The safeguards built into the traditional solutions may not be precisely appropriate, but they are far better than nothing.  相似文献   

In recent years, electronic journals are in common use in scholarly communication and we can interpret this situation in various ways. On the one hand, we can say that scholarly communication is now much dependent on electronic resources. On the other hand, it would be too simplistic to say that scholarly communication is now greatly dependent on electronic resources because researchers seldom use other electronic resources. The purpose of this article is to show the position of electronic journals in scholarly communication based on Japanese researchers’ information behavior and estimation. The main focus is on distinguishing the function of scholarly journal and the electronic form. A questionnaire was sent to 1427 physicists, 1026 chemists and 1276 pathologists in universities and other research institutes all over Japan, of whom 775 (54.3%), 494 (48.1%) and 541 (42.4%), respectively, supplied answers. The main results are as follows. Japanese researchers in STM fields use electronic journals as a matter of course, and other electronic resources to some extent, for accessing information; but this shift to electronic resources seemed to be not a transformation but a modification of traditional patterns of use. Researchers still rely on traditional scholarly journals for accessing information and publication, although their recognition has begun to change.  相似文献   

The challenges of managing large complex engineering projects, such as those involving the design of infrastructure, aerospace and industrial systems; are widely acknowledged. While there exists a mature set of project management tools and methods, many of today's projects overrun in terms of both time and cost. Existing literature attributes these overruns to factors such as: unforeseen dependencies, a lack of understanding, late changes, poor communication, limited resource availability (inc. personnel), incomplete data and aspects of culture and planning. Fundamental to overcoming these factors belies the challenge of how management information relating to them can be provided, and done so in a cost eff ;ective manner. Motivated by this challenge, recent research has demonstrated how management information can be automatically generated from the evolving digital footprint of an engineering project, which encompasses a broad range of data types and sources. In contrast to existing work that reports the generation, verification and application of methods for generating management information, this paper reviews all the reported methods to appraise the scope of management information that can be automatically generated from the digital footprint. In so doing, the paper presents a reference model for the generation of managerial information from the digital footprint, an appraisal of 27 methods, and a critical reflection of the scope and generalisability of data-driven project management methods. Key findings from the appraisal include the role of email in providing insights into potential issues, the role of computer models in automatically eliciting process and product dependencies, and the role of project documentation in assessing project norms. The critical reflection also raises issues such as privacy, highlights the enabling technologies, and presents opportunities for new Business Intelligence tools that are based on real-time monitoring and analysis of digital footprints.  相似文献   

项目沟通管理浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩彤 《科教文汇》2013,(7):206-207
大多数组织中都有大量的交谈,却没有大量的沟通。本文拟从项目沟通管理准备、实施和收尾三个方面浅谈了项目沟通管理的内容、步骤和一些技巧。项目沟通管理是项目实际运作中大量存在却又很容易被忽视的一种管理,但是不可否认的是,项目由始至终都存在着大量的沟通,这些沟通多种多样,如何处理好这些沟通是项目管理过程中的重要一环,而各种沟通技巧的合理应用将对项目沟通管理乃至项目成功都有着积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

李娜  樊蕊 《未来与发展》2013,(11):53-55,38
思考模糊信息的流动过程离不开信息流逻辑,该逻辑的推理方向是从已知信息推知未知信息。我们会注意到人们在日常交际中所使用的语言本身就具有模糊性,而这种模糊性并不影响信息的传递,于是就产生了模糊信息何以在个体间准确流动的问题。本文运用信息流逻辑的方法,对模糊信息流动过程进行分析,进而刻画模糊信息的流动过程。  相似文献   

物流信息化是现代物流发展的核心内容,也是现代物流区别于传统物流的重要标志.结合物流的业务特点,运用计算机信息技术、网络技术、通信技术以及移动通信技术,着眼于实体物流,提炼信息流,融合商业流,成功开发了一种物流信息交换平台.  相似文献   

阅读电子图书与纸质图书之思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈南 《情报科学》2002,20(10):1081-1082
本文通过对电子图书(E-BOOK)与纸质图书的比较,分析了读者对电子图书与纸质图书的阅读心理,同时阐述了电子图书的产生与发展将是从前获取知识的一种恰当的选择。  相似文献   

根据IEEE 802.11协议在链路层提供有限次数链路重传的特点,提出了一种在基于IEEE 802.11的移动Ad Hoc网络(MANET)中保证可靠通信的节能路由改进算法——ERRC(Energy-efficient Routing algorithm for Reliable Communication in IEEE 802.11-based MANET),它可以方便地应用于MANET中现有的反应式路由协议。ERRC分析并建立了适合于IEEE 802.11情况的重传模型和能耗模型,提供了在发送数据分组时的功率控制机制,在节点选路时综合考虑了分组错误概率、节点代价函数的影响。仿真结果表明,ERRC算法可以显著提高网络生存期,在节省能耗方面比没有考虑分组错误概率的节能路由算法更为精确。  相似文献   

数字图书馆运作中的利益问题分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Operating digital library irrationaHy can cause many damages. This paper thinks that operating digital li-brary rationally can increase the interests of many people related to it. The paper also points out that information producers should take an active part in the operation of digital library in order to avoid losing the interests of people related to it and digital library operators should take forceful actions to ensure that digital librmy will not be the antagonistic factors but use-ful tools for information communication.  相似文献   

虽然多数的现有监控工具可以提供关于系统整体性能的宏观信息,但是这样的数据并不能帮助用户理解系统内部的运行状况.为了揭示内部行为,提出了一种基于监控元数据的方法来收集系统执行过程中的内部组件状态和通信.新方法能应用于许多网络通讯协议和应用程序类型,通过信息跟踪机制记录系统内部发生的关键性能事件,并捕获它们之间的时序和因果关系,为系统诊断提供支持.  相似文献   

蔡屏 《现代情报》2010,30(6):136-138
高校大学生对社交网络工具的依赖促使了图书馆必须要改变自己的传统服务方式以适应学生获取信息的习惯。这就要求图书馆员必须要熟练掌握多种社交网络工具的特点以及使用方法,通过对这些社交网络工具的使用,更好地服务于学生和教师的信息需求。  相似文献   

The Internet has changed the way in which organizations communicate with their publics, and museums are not an exception. The consolidation of Web 2.0 has not only given museums access to a powerful new tool for disseminating information, but has involved significant changes in the relationship between institutions and their publics, facilitating and enhancing the interaction between them. The overall objective of this paper is to analyze the degree of interactivity implemented in the websites of major international art museums, in order to assess if museums are evolving towards more dialogic systems with relation to their publics. The results indicate that museums still have a low level of interactivity on their websites, both in the tools used to present information and the resources available for interaction with virtual visitors. But it has also observed that museums are progressively implementing interactive and dialogic sources, suggesting a clear trend towards new ways of managing these platforms in order to establish more participatory and collaborative communication systems with virtual users.  相似文献   

肖斌 《科教文汇》2014,(13):181-182
随着网络技术的不断发展,当今的网络沟通模式已经从传统的网上冲浪,发展到了智能手机3G时代,基于智能手机的微博、QQ、飞信等新兴网络工具的出现,让信息的传播速度越来越快。在新的网络环境下,辅导员如何利用好这些新兴的网络工具开展班级工作,为广大高校大学生做好思想行为引导和沟通是一个值得深入探讨的话题。  相似文献   

The prevailing notions of information egalitarianism impel us to seek uniform solutions for all those who lack adequate access to information and communication resources. However, a careful separation of the symbolism of universal service from the real issues reveals that uniform solutions make sense for some resources and not others. This article proposes that uniform solutions should be formulated for resources used in the communication mode, but a segmented approach should be adopted for those used in the information access mode.  相似文献   

预印本平台从诞生伊始便被学界赋予了对抗学术垄断,实现学术自由的重要使命,其在发展的流变中逐步确立了“去中心化”的科学交流体系。本研究通过案例分析,结合传播学、管理学的相关理论,探析了预印本平台对科学交流体系的影响。研究认为,预印本平台弥合了科学交流的时滞鸿沟,打造了符合学术共同体共享愿景的信息空间,但其过度开放可能引发科学交流的信任裂痕,产生新的数字鸿沟。未来,预印本平台需调和即时性与信息质控,资本化与科学公共性,资源整合与期刊利益之间的矛盾,推动科学交流的繁荣。  相似文献   

试论我国会计信息市场政府管制行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔亮 《科技与管理》2008,10(3):71-73
阐述了政府管制对会计信息市场发挥的重大作用,重点从保障会计信息公平性的视角对政府管制的动因进行了分析,提出政府可从质量控制、价格确定和行为监督3个方面干预会计信息市场,并总结出管制过程中应当注意的问题。  相似文献   

如何有效运用线上沟通工具,是高校线上教学中最常见也最棘手的问题。要解决这一问题,必须在充分了解各种线上沟通工具的产生背景和特点的基础上,结合线上教学的实际需求加以运用。即时通讯工具可以保证教学信息的上传下达;在线开放课程实现了线下精品课程的线上扩展;直播互动软件实现了线上课堂的线下同质体验;专业教学软件能够远程督导课后的有效复习及考核,但综合来看,“雨课堂”智慧辅助工具整合了其他线上沟通工具的优点,能够独立满足高校线上教学的所有要求,还能促进线上线下混合式教学的发展,是未来高校教育信息化发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

VC++6.0可以方便地用于飞机电源控制器试验台设计的很多方面,例如,信号采集系统设计中的传感器测量数据分析和数据采集卡使用,人机交互界面的设计中试验界面上表盘的实现。另外,VC还用于延时时间的计算,测试数据的存储和数据报表的打印等。  相似文献   

针对地理数据自身的特点和传统存储方案的不足,提出了一种新的冗余地理数据存储系统。该系统具有三层服务器架构。Master服务器对应用层发送的请求进行解析并定位到相应的资源定位服务器。资源定位服务器再根据请求数据的类型和位置定位到相应的数据存储服务器。最后由数据存储服务器和应用层服务器进行数据通讯。实现控制流、数据流的分开以及检索和存储的分开。配合在不同层级上实施的冗余、备份和监控策略,保证了在异常情况下系统的稳定性和可用性。实验以及理论分析都验证了该设计能够完成高效的数据提取和检索,并且具有较高的可信性。  相似文献   

李伟 《大众科技》2013,(9):114-115,43
在全新的数字信息时代,大量的校园资讯与社会信息需要健康、规范、严谨、高效地信息平台进行传递。多媒体信息发布系统将现有的信息通过数字终端发布给公众,借助后台服务器进行远程操控和管理、编辑、处理信息,将大屏幕电视和实时通讯及远程管理有效结合,可广泛应用于校园文化宣传、信息发布、教学互动演示各个环节,符合现代化校园建设需求和氛围,是高校数字化发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

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