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Recent studies have shown that adolescents use the Internet not only to maintain social relationships with distant relatives and friends but also to create new relationships online; some of these friendships become integrated into their social circle. Research has focused mainly on the effect of the Internet on existing relationships or the nature of online-only ties, so studies comparing the quality of online and face-to-face relationships are missing. The goal of this study is to bridge this gap. In keeping with previous studies on social association, we argue that the quality of social relationships is dependent on duration and diversity of topics and activities carried together. Time is important, as it facilitates the development of a collective shared history and identity. Intimacy develops through the participation in shared activities and discussion of diverse issues of personal concern. Using a representative sample of the adolescent population in Israel, we find that closeness to a friend is a function of social similarity, content and activity multiplexity, and duration of the relationships. Friendships originated in the Internet are perceived as less close and supportive because they are relatively new and online friends are involved in less joint activities and less topics of discussion. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Critics have argued that information and communication technologies (ICTs) disconnect people from their social networks and reduce public participation. Research in support of this perspective has been biased by two assumptions. The first is a tendency to privilege the Internet as a social system removed from the other ways people communicate. The second is a tendency to favor broadly supportive strong social ties. Survey and ethnographic observations from Netville, a 2-year community networking experiment, suggest that weak, not strong ties experience growth as a result of ICTs. By examining a unique and underexplored stage in the life cycle of a community networking project, the end of a networking trial, this article demonstrates how ICTs facilitate community participation and collective action (a) by creating large, dense networks of relatively weak social ties and (b) through the use of ICTs as an organizing tool.  相似文献   

在大学语文教学中应用线上线下混合教学模式,可以增强教学的有效性。具体要做到以下几点:基于科学合理的现代教育理论;依托教材载体,建设网络平台;整合线上线下资源,建设全新教学流程;完善课程考核形式,线上线下综合统计。  相似文献   

Critics have argued that information and communication technologies (ICTs) disconnect people from their social networks and reduce public participation. Research in support of this perspective has been biased by two assumptions. The first is a tendency to privilege the Internet as a social system removed from the other ways people communicate. The second is a tendency to favor broadly supportive strong social ties. Survey and ethnographic observations from Netville, a 2-year community networking experiment, suggest that weak, not strong ties experience growth as a result of ICTs. By examining a unique and underexplored stage in the life cycle of a community networking project, the end of a networking trial, this article demonstrates how ICTs facilitate community participation and collective action (a) by creating large, dense networks of relatively weak social ties and (b) through the use of ICTs as an organizing tool.  相似文献   

吴文鹤 《科教文汇》2021,(10):99-100
对教学模式进行有效创新是实验诊断学教学改革的关键。该文回顾和分析了近30年来作者所在教研室在教学改革中积累的经验和存在的问题,针对“后疫情时代”提出利用同行和师生两种说课方式,将混合式教学在线上线下的优势真正结合起来并持续优化的策略。  相似文献   

张博 《科教文汇》2021,(11):47-48
当前,我国教育领域正在发生深刻的变革,伴随着我国科学技术的日益进步,大学课堂的教育模式也随之变化,传统的线下教育与新兴的线上教育相结合,依托互联网使得大学生能更为便利地开展学习活动。该文首先阐述线上线下混合式教学的优越性以及大学课堂线上线下混合式教学的现状,其次分析大学课堂线上线下混合式教学出现的问题,最后提出保障大学课堂线上线下混合式教学顺利开展的条件。  相似文献   

目前的线上线下(O2O)教学还处于探索阶段,面临一定的问题,如专业教师掌握现代教育技术水平的差异较大、对线上线下(O2O)教学模式不了解等问题,对犯罪学线上线下(O2O)教学改革问题的研究,能在一定程度上有效解决目前我们面临的问题,促使我校的教学跟上现代社会信息化的潮流,搭建信息化教学管理平台,完善我校线上线下(O2O)教学模式,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文主要简单地介绍了线上教学和线下教学各自的优劣之处,通过对现阶段大学物理课程教学中存在的问题进行分析,来探讨MOOC环境下大学物理课程线上教学与线下教学的有效融合,以改变传统教学模式,充分应用现代计算机互联网技术,适应新的MOOC教学环境,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高大学物理课程教学质量,实现教学效益最大化。  相似文献   

钟琦  李骁 《现代情报》2016,36(8):143-150
团队知识共享对提升团队的效率至关重要,如何促进团队知识共享也成为当下的研究热点之一。从线上与线下两个维度,对高校研究生科研团队内部的知识共享行为进行量化分析及对比研究,并进一步对情感信任这一知识共享行为的影响因素进行深入探讨。在构建理论模型的基础上,对通过问卷调查所收集的有效数据进行了分析,研究结果表明,线上知识共享行为与线下知识共享行为存在一定程度的相关性;与线下方式相比,线上方式更有助于提高成员之间知识共享的广度和深度;情感信任会同时对线上与线下的知识共享行为产生正向影响,相比较而言对线下的共享行为影响程度更大。  相似文献   

随着我国教学改革的推进,线上线下混合式教学模式备受关注,在时代的更迭中被赋予更多新的内涵,其不仅体现了学生的主体地位,还将传统课堂与网络课堂的优势结合在一起,改善了现阶段高职英语教学耗时高、效率低的现状,为高职英语教学改革提供了新的思路。然而,现阶段我国针对英语线上线下混合式教学模式的研究还比较少。该文主要立足于传统高职英语教学中存在的问题,分析线上线下混合式教学模式的优势,探究如何在高职英语课堂教学中有效应用线上线下混合式教学模式。  相似文献   

依存于网络社会的网络舆论和栖身于现实社会的社会舆论长期分离对立,严重影响舆论传播。如何促使两者由对立转化为协调一致,成为亟待解决的问题。共识是舆论的本质特征,实现网络舆论和社会舆论的协调一致可以从共识形成入手。以舆论传播的共识形成过程为立足点,分析舆论系统的微观主体和宏观表现;进一步地,基于计算实验方法,利用NetLogo平台模拟分析缺乏互动、存在共鸣、存在溢散等不同条件下的舆论传播情况。实验结果表明,网络舆论与社会舆论互动所引起的共鸣效果、溢散效果能够推动舆论传播的共识形成。  相似文献   

为实现来华留学生教学模式与网络技术的深度融合,该文提出对外汉语课程线上线下融合式教学模式及构建策略,通过构建融合式学习共同体、教学活动、评价体系、师资队伍等,以期提升天津商务职业学院对外汉语的教学质量。  相似文献   

基于主题细分的社交网络用户间交互特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨欣谊  朱恒民  魏静  陈文 《情报杂志》2021,40(1):178-183
[目的/意义]针对一微博子网,从主题细分的角度对用户间历史交互记录进行研究,发现用户间交互的主题偏好特征,以期从微观层面了解用户信息传播行为的规律。[方法/过程]通过用户实例分析得出对用户间交互进行主题细分的必要性;利用主题模型(LDA)对用户间历史交互记录进行主题细分,采用多维向量表示用户间在不同主题下的交互强度;通过统计分析和网络分析方法探索用户间交互的主题特征。[结果/结论]各主题下用户间交互强度的分布具有长尾特征;用户间的交互内容在时序上具有主题相关性;基于多维的用户间交互强度,可抽取出特定主题下的用户交互子网。用户间交互在时序上具有主题相关性这一特征,以及特定主题的用户交互子网,可用于对特定主题的信息传播进行监控和预测。  相似文献   


This article identifies and analyzes characteristics of patients' online communities (POC) in Sweden. Using a qualitative approach, it presents a fine-grained picture of the communities covering both the structural and cultural factors. Acknowledging the debate about quality of health information online and the potential risks of e-health, the article argues that a deeper understanding of the dynamics of POC, which offer unique aides for the coping process of chronically ill patients, can contribute to the design of the emergent forms of Internet-based health care resources.  相似文献   

This article identifies and analyzes characteristics of patients' online communities (POC) in Sweden. Using a qualitative approach, it presents a fine-grained picture of the communities covering both the structural and cultural factors. Acknowledging the debate about quality of health information online and the potential risks of e-health, the article argues that a deeper understanding of the dynamics of POC, which offer unique aides for the coping process of chronically ill patients, can contribute to the design of the emergent forms of Internet-based health care resources.  相似文献   

关系强度与社会资本均影响知识获取绩效,已有研究尚未探明两者间联系机理及其对知识获取绩效的影响。本文基于社会结构与行动模型,将社会资本细分为集体与个体两层面;信任、规范与网络异质资源三构件,构建“关系强度—社会资本—知识获取绩效”理论模型,结合233家企业问卷调查与结构方程模型进行实证检验。结果表明:强关联显著提升知识获取绩效;集体社会资本即信任与规范起部分中介作用,个体社会资本即网络异质资源则无中介作用;强关联正向影响网络异质资源,网络异质资源负向影响知识获取绩效但并不显著。明确了关系强度、社会资本对知识获取绩效的影响机理、路径与效果,为企业知识管理提供了关系组建和资本动用的策略参考。  相似文献   

孙潇雅  周颖 《软科学》2017,(4):104-107
研究自我构建方式(相依自我和独立自我)对网络分享推荐意愿的影响,重点考察社会风险的中介作用和平台关系强度(关系紧密和关系疏远)的调节作用.研究结果表明:自我构建方式对在线分享推荐意愿有显著影响,与独立自我的分享者相比,相依自我的分享者在线分享推荐意愿低.不同自我构建方式的分享者通过感知社会风险的差异影响在线分享推荐意愿.此外,自我构建方式与平台关系强度之间存在调节效应,即在关系紧密的平台上,不同自我构建方式的分享者的分享推荐意愿差异显著.而在关系疏远的平台上,不同自我构建方式的分享者的分享推荐意愿无显著差异.  相似文献   

While the debate rages on the role of social media technologies in the initial days of the Egyptian revolution of 2011, a more relevant research question today is the role of social media within an increasingly contested and turbulent political sphere. This article identifies three key modes by which social media is being exploited to impact political power, and uncovers the salience of each of these through 2 years of multisited ethnographies and interviews. First, I argue that political actors across the political spectrum, from liberals to Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan), are using technologies to build wider ranging, heterogeneous, and diverse networks of supporters, expanding their base from a more historically homogeneous core support group. Second, I argue that actors are working to build bridges between older and newer media platforms, recognizing that each platform is increasingly being shaped by the other. Finally, I describe some of the ways that technology is being used by activists to subvert their competition, promoting campaigns of misinformation and hacking at the expense of others.  相似文献   


The research on online news comments has been dominated by a normative approach and has centered on media engagement. Normativity and media dominance have also featured big in the theoretical discussions on the public sphere. This article presents a case study of online news comments, combining a novel methodological testing of social network hypotheses to examine user–user interactions in online comments with a conceptual discussion of the potential connections between social network research and theories of the public. The social network analysis in this study indicated that users (online commentators) do not constitute highly dense networks, although their relations can be studied as social networks. However, this analysis can only explore limited features of this online phenomenon and requires complementary methods. From a conceptual perspective, this article confirms the role of shared issue for a potential public and also emphasizes the importance of context, actors, and meanings for understanding the public.  相似文献   

《The Information Society》2008,24(2):105-115
This article reviews the body of research on the use and role of instant messaging (IM) in campus life, and how IM is a key part of university students' communication. IM is a synchronous form of communication, and its speed, availability information, and support for multiple conversations have made it appealing for young people. With university students, in particular, showing a heavy reliance on IM, researchers have shown great interest in how university students use IM and how it is integrated in their social and academic life. While studies are emerging in various disciplines, no attempt has been made to integrate the disparate findings and approaches. This article synthesizes key findings, provides a map of the literature, and discusses conceptual problems inherent in the study of IM and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) that will help researchers identify key areas of study and opportunities for future investigation.  相似文献   

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