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Hugh Diamond was a psychiatrist, antiquarian, and photographer, who was the first person to take photographs of female asylum patients. These photographs, using the newly invented technology of the camera, were intended to be objective and accurate visual indicators of mental illness. Considering Diamond’s overlapping interests, his project must be understood within the larger cultural and historical context and the tensions inherent in medical photography and portraiture. Despite the goal of capturing “objective, scientific data,” the photographs instead relied on traditional iconography dating back to the Greeks and Middle Ages and can be analyzed from an art historical perspective. As an antiquarian, Diamond collected portraits of his patients just as he collected various other objects. As such, while Diamond may be considered a humanistic leader of the moral treatment movement, his work in capturing these “specimens,” the female patients, reflects a perpetuation of the stigmatization of mental illness to be put on display for the Victorian audience.  相似文献   

This article looks at the attitudes of UK academics toward new media, utilizing organizational and sociocultural understandings of fields of scholarly enquiry. It focuses on four traditionally distinct disciplines—art and design, computer science, health science, and politics and international relations—representative of the range of approaches in higher education. Agreement was found among respondents across disciplinary communities about what new media represent and how they support their work. Analysis of semantic differential charts identified two dimensions underlying attitudes—“flexibility” and “fitness for scholarly purposes.” Rather than being anchored by epistemological divisions, new media are assessed by practical viewpoints relating to the activity types they allow, and by traditional measures of reliability. In response to questions about other characteristics of their disciplines (such as reputation and audience diversity), distinctions are in evidence, although in some cases these are not traditional ones.  相似文献   

在达尔文出生的那个年代,没有人会接受关于进化和人类起源的自然主义学说,他在那个时代分享了他关于自然、上帝以及历史的观念。在“贝格尔号”航行之后,他提出的“生命始于同一祖先”理论如何能令人信服,是他面临的巨大挑战。自从达尔文开始进化论的研究之后,他对“我的理论”的推广并非一定意在反驳宗教教义,而是作为宗教和科学的进步。达尔文深信的一条教义,就是人类具有共同祖先或者说所有种族皆兄弟——这可作为废除黑奴制度的一个理论根据。英国已于1838年废除了奴隶制,世界的目光于是转向美国——该国奴隶制正如火如荼,并得到一种支持奴隶制、主张人种多元的新特创论的支持。达尔文的跨洋策略自19世纪50年代开始便深深影响着美国反奴隶制的精英博物学家,他们对共同祖先理论的支持将被用来颠覆这一人种多元特创论——比用《圣经》中那不足凭信的人种同一论更为有效。因此,他的理论可作为道德和科学领域的进步而引起美国基督教世界废奴主义者的兴趣。然而,该策略却从未完全发挥自身所有的潜力,这使特创论在20世纪萌生了新的形式。  相似文献   

伊德的身体理论是理解其科学哲学和技术哲学思想的重要视角。他在“身体一”(感知的身体,体验的身体)和“身体二”(文化建构的身体)的基础上,提出了身体的第三个维度,即“技术的身体”。“技术的身体”是对“身体一”和“身体二”的综合,主要特征是工具的涉身性,而这正是科学哲学与技术哲学的界面。伊德的身体理论对涉身、知觉和行动的内在联系进行了挖掘,对“情境化知识”、人与技术的关系进行了全新解读,对我们建立批判的知识论和技术现象学有诸多启发,其中有两个向度不可忽视,一是关注行动,二是重视现象学一解释学方法。  相似文献   

Addressing the reasons for—and the solutions to—the “digital divide” has been on the public agenda since the emergence of the Internet. However, the term has meant quite different things, depending on the audience and the context, and these competing interpretations may in fact orient toward different policy outcomes. The goals of this article are twofold. First, the authors unpack the term “digital divide” and examine how it has been deployed and interpreted across a range of academic and policy discourses. Second, through a framing experiment embedded within a nationally representative survey, the authors demonstrate how presenting respondents with two different conceptual frames of the digital divide may lead to different perceptions of who is most accountable for addressing the issue. From this, they discuss the dynamic relationship between the construction and communication of policy discourse and the public understanding of the digital divide, as well as implications for effective communication about the digital divide and information and communication technology policy to the general public.  相似文献   

常梅 《科教文汇》2020,(12):175-176
寺田寅彦(1878—1935)是日本著名的物理学家、随笔家、俳人、画家。他在从事物理学研究的同时,热心于随笔创作,他将诗心和科魂“一体化”,创造出科学与文学相融合的独特文体,在日本文学中占有一席之地。其作品构思新颖、手法巧妙、脍炙人口,他的著作进入日本著名出版社岩波书店最热销排行榜前十名,也常被选入教科书与考试试题中,一直深受广大读者喜爱。然而寺田寅彦在国内译介极少。本文将从各方面介绍这位文理兼容的日本大家,让更多读者能够认识他、了解他,帮助读者理解寺田先生的作品。  相似文献   

The life and works of the English Renaissance polymath John Dee (1527–1609) have been traditionally treated by scholarship in the context of the history of philosophy and science. Only in recent decades have two of John Dee’s most prominent and controversial endeavors - (1) his political philosophy and advocacy of a British Empire (a term he is credited with coining), and (2) his long-standing practice of angelic magic - been reconstructed in their significance to Dee’s worldview. This paper highlights how Dee’s visions of a British Empire and his angelic rituals were not only major landmarks in his corpus, but were intimately interconnected in Dee’s ideology of “Cosmopolitics.” Dee’s “esoteric imperialism” is situated in the context of his intellectual, textual, and political environment, and his angelic magic is identified as fitting within the medieval Solomonic current. It is argued that both ideological trends coalesced in Dee’s vision of an angelic-inspired British Empire.  相似文献   

Throughout this paper data have been presented showing that the apparent inconsistency of the reported dielectric strength behavior of insulating liquids can be satisfactorily correlated if proper consideration be given to the state of the “purity” of the liquid itself. As a result it is suggested that insulating liquids should be classified as (a) “pure,” indicating those liquids free from dissolved gases as primary “impurities”; and (b) “impure,” including those liquids which contain dissolved gas. The breakdown mechanism depends on the distinctive behavior of these two general classes. “Pure” liquid breakdown is a function of charged particle formation. In part, this may be caused by the assumption of a charge by molecular aggregates, colloidal-like in nature. In part, the charge may arise from molecular ionization by collision. The latter occurs chiefly in the voltage range immediately preceding electrical rupture and is the chief cause of “pure” liquid insulation failure. The presence of the first type of charge—that is, the existence of a difference of potential between molecular aggregates and the liquid—is chiefly responsible for the variation in the time factor to breakdown.The breakdown of “impure” liquids is a function of dissolved gas elimination. This dissolved gas is eliminated as a result of changing solubility produced (a) by electro-striction effects, or (b) by changing pressure or temperature. The presence of secondary impurities such as dust particles and fibers, acts chiefly through the effect on increasing gassing tendencies.It is suggested further that the localization of dielectric breakdown in liquids, irrespective of the type or degree of “purity,” is chiefly in the “neutral membrane” located near the electrodes and formed by the discharge of particles. Such a “neutral membrane” results in a space charge effect giving marked drop in potential and as a result promoting ionization by collision effects in “pure” liquids and electro-striction effects in “impure” liquids.  相似文献   


One facet of the Information Revolution in which the nation finds itself involves the utilization of computers, video systems, and a variety of telecommunications capabilities by those who must cope with emergency situations. Such technologies possess a significant potential for performing emergency public education and transmitting key information that is essential for survival. An “Emergency Public Information Competitive Challenge Grant,” under the aegis of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has sponsored an effort to use computer technology—both large, time‐sharing systems and small personal computers—to develop “computer games” which will help teach techniques of emergency management to the public at large.  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis, with feedback characterization, of hybrid structural networks is established by signal flowgraph procedures. Topological procedures are used in which a “skeleton” or “tree” of a network furnishes the foundation upon which “linkage” members provide interaction. Feedback characterization is defined, between the internal linkage and skeletal members, by means of the flowgraph. Mikusinski “operational calculus” is used to facilitate representation of dynamic feedback characterization with inclusion of initial conditions. The formalism employed for hybrid structural network analysis is related to diakoptical network analysis procedures and contributes to cybernetic and bioengineering procedures. The characterization of elastic and dynamic feedback is delineated by application to a (musculo-skeletal) structural network, symbolic of the human leg.  相似文献   

宋彦 《科教文汇》2021,(10):165-168
“厌女症”是指文学作品中存在的歪曲、贬低女性形象的表征,并把一切罪过都推到女性头上的情绪或主题。《伊库斯》是当代英国剧作家彼得·谢弗最优秀的剧作之一。在《伊库斯》中,彼得·谢弗表现出明显的厌女症倾向,具体体现为塑造的女性形象传统刻板,把责任和问题归咎于女性以及贬低女性的智慧,认为男女之间在灵魂和肉体上都无法沟通。  相似文献   

This article investigates the ways in which the reporting of technological developments in artificial intelligence (AI) can serve as occasions in which Occidental modernity's cultural antinomies are played out. It takes as its reference point the two chess tournaments (in 1996 and 1997) between the then world champion Gary Kasparov and the IBM dedicated chess computers Deep Blue and Deeper Blue and shows how these games of chess came to be seen as an arena where fundamental issues pertaining to human identity were contested. The article considers the dominant framing of these encounters in terms of a conflict between two opposed categories—“human” and “machine”—and argues the essential role of human agency, the human supplement, in the performances of machine intelligence.  相似文献   

What do Social Networking Sites (SNS) ‘do to us’: are they a damning threat or an emancipating force? Recent publications on the impact of “Web 2.0” proclaim very opposite evaluative positions. With the aim of finding a middle ground, this paper develops a pragmatist approach to SNS based on the work of Richard Rorty. The argument proceeds in three steps. First, we analyze SNS as conversational practices. Second, we outline, in the form of an imaginary conversation between Rorty and Heidegger, a positive and negative ‘conversational’ view on SNS. Third, we deploy a reflection, again using Rortian notions, on that evaluation, starting from the concept of ‘self-reflectivity.’ Finally, the relations between these three steps are more detailedly investigated. By way of the sketched technique, we can interrelate the two opposing sides of the recent debates—hope and threat—and judge SNS in all their ambiguity.  相似文献   

We theorize that organizing learning activities in high-technology firms differs from those in conventional manufacturing. Using controls, we found empirical support for our hypotheses, which are due to market turbulence. High-technology-driven firms had to face a rapidly changing, highly volatile environment with disruptive and destructive changes. Inspired by our findings, we suggest an extension to the Burns and Stalker's idea of the “organic” firm—a neural firm paradigm in interpreting people–technology interactions. For high-technology firms having to cope with market turbulence, we argue for “plasticity” in organizing.  相似文献   


The spectacular growth of the Internet in Korea has propelled her to the very top of the international rankings based on technology peneration statistics. The resulting international attention and national pride have fostered the notion of “Korea—a strong Internet nation.” The ready embrace of this idea by officials and the public at large has made a critical evaluation almost an anathema. This article reviews the published critiques, which have been rare and scattered, and opens up the “what next” question for an unbounded discussion.  相似文献   

Along with informed consent, anonymization is an accepted method of protecting the interests of research participants, while allowing data collected for official statistical purposes to be reused by other agencies within and outside government. The Decennial Census, carried out in a number of countries, including the United Kingdom, is a major event in the production of research data and provides an important resource for a variety of organizations. This article combines ethical evaluation, a review of relevant law and guidance, and analysis of 30 qualitative interviews (carried out during the period of the 2001 UK Census), in order to explore the adequacy of the current framework for the protection of informational privacy in relation to census data. Taking account of Nissenbaum's concept of “contextual integrity,” Vedder's concept of “categorical privacy,” and Sen's call to heed of the importance of “actual behavior,” it will be argued that the current “contractarian” view of the relationship between an individual participant and the organization carrying out the Census does not engage sufficiently with actual uses of data. As a result, people have expectations of privacy that are not matched by practice and that the current normative—including the governance—framework cannot capture.  相似文献   

ABS(车轮防抱死系统)依靠装在各车轮上的高灵敏度轮速传感器实现计算机控制的自动调节制动压力的刹系统。在制动过程中,当车轮接近抱死时,电控单元按照"降压"、"保压"、"升压"这三个模式对各分泵进行控制,直至车辆停止。  相似文献   

中国岩石边坡植被护坡技术现状及发展趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文对岩石边坡植被护坡工程原理及我国的技术现状进行了初步阐述,并为国内的岩石边坡植被护坡技术研究的发展方向提出了几点建议。岩石边坡植被护坡技术是指用活的植物与工程措施结合,以防止岩石坡面风化剥落的一项生态工程技术。岩石边坡植被护坡工程是在坡面构建各种各样的基质-植被综合保护体系,它可以看作是特殊的复合材料系统,基质-植被综合保护体系是岩石边坡植被护坡工程原理的重要组成部分,其护坡功能主要通过植被、引导基质与工程措施的协同作用来实现,可形成基岩-基质-植被的有机整体,达到稳固坡面的目的。岩石边坡植被护坡技术具有突出的优点和潜能,现已逐渐替代传统的护坡技术而成为岩石坡面防护的重要技术手段,其应用技术通常有框架内植草护坡,植被型生态混凝土护坡和厚层基材喷射护坡。同其他几类技术相比,厚层基材喷射护坡技术具有施工工艺简单、成本较低的优点,且其应用范围更加广阔,为我国岩石边坡植被护坡技术的发展起到了重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

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