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Sustainable development is facing new challenges especially in relation to energy use.Energy economics,an emerging and rapidly developing interdisciplinary field,will play a fundamental role in efforts aimed at coping with these challenges.  相似文献   

The 4th Asian Conference of International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), themed “Energy Economics: New Challenges and Solutions”, was held in Beijing, China, from September 19 to 21, 2014. Nearly 400 delegates from 28 countries and regions shared state-of-the-art research findings in the field of energy economics and explored possible solutions to energy and environmental challenges. This is the first IAEE event ever held in China's mainland, and it will play an important role in promoting the development of energy economics and coping with the real challenges we face.  相似文献   

Drawing on Jones's ethical model and Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, this study proposes and tests an integrative model for the decision-making process underlying software piracy. Survey data collected from computer users in Guangzhou, China, in accordance with two software piracy scenarios under study—end user piracy and software counterfeiting—provide general support for the model. Consistent with major propositions of the theory of planned behavior, the findings show that Chinese computer users’ perceived moral intensity of software piracy significantly affects their corresponding moral recognition, judgment, and intention in both scenarios. Moreover, a direct influence of moral judgment on attitude toward software piracy is found in both scenarios. With regard to end-user piracy specifically, the findings further echo the theory of planned behavior by demonstrating a direct influence of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control on intention to pirate. As in the case of software counterfeiting, the findings, however, show that only attitude and subjective norm but not perceived behavioral control significantly influence this intention. Implications derived from this study suggest the potential to synthesize ethical and general social psychological concepts to explain software piracy behavior, and also furnish insights on how to deter software piracy in China.  相似文献   

<正>Mutualisms—relationships where by two organisms live in tandem with one another,each providing a service to the other—are among the most interesting and complex relationships in nature.These kinds of relationships are generally considered cooperative interactions,whereby each of the organisms incurs substantial cost in trading services with its partner in order for each of them to gain some benefit and increase their chances of survival and evolutionary fitness.While  相似文献   

高等教育的现实呼唤不同类型高校差异化的发展策略.本文提出以生命周期理论来观照大学学科发展问题,并基于知识生命周期理论对不同类型的大学分层发展进行了研究,深入刻画了研究型大学和应用型本科高校的学科发展图景,并进一步提出了促进应用型本科院校学科发展的建议.  相似文献   

Dr. Yang Weiping has been appointed executive vice directorgeneral of the CAS Beijing Institute of Genomics (BIG).  相似文献   

Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) and universities are important elements of countries’ innovation systems. As they are both halfway between science and industry, they are often considered to be the same thing. However, recent studies have stressed the differences between the two. In this paper, we analyze the innovative characteristics (impacts and types of innovation and internal R&D investments) of firms that collaborate with RTOs versus universities. Our study is based on statistical analysis of Community Innovation Survey micro-data (CIS 2012). Our results suggest that firms that see RTOs as more important sources of knowledge than universities have a higher probability of developing service innovation, invest less in internal R&D but are less likely to introduce new, groundbreaking innovations into the market. These results have significant policy and management implications, especially regarding the different but complementary contributions offered respectively by RTOs and universities.  相似文献   

In this article we present an empirical study aimed at better understanding the potential for harm when conducting research in chatrooms. For this study, we entered IRC chatrooms on the ICQ network and posted one of three messages to tell participants that we were recording them: a recording message, an opt-in message, or an opt-out message. In the fourth condition, we entered the chatroom but did not post a message. We recorded and analyzed how subjects responded to being studied. Results of a regression analysis indicate significantly more hostility in the three conditions where we said something than in the control condition. We were kicked out of 63.3% of the chatrooms we entered in the three message conditions compared with 29% of the chatrooms in the control condition. There were no significant differences between any of these three conditions. Notably, when given a chance to opt in, only 4 of 766 potential subjects chose to do so. Results also indicate significant effects for both size and the number of moderators. For every 13 additional people in a chatroom, the likelihood getting kicked out was cut in half. While legal and ethical concerns are distinct, we conclude by arguing that studying chatrooms constitutes human subjects research under U.S. law, but that a waiver of consent is appropriate in most cases as obtaining consent is impracticable.  相似文献   

Human mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA), a circular mol-ecule with 16,569 base pairlength, encodes 13 proteins, 22tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs. In the past fewyears, complete sequencing mtDNAgenome has become a powerful toolto determine the matrilineal compo-nents and their…  相似文献   

Concept,Characteristics and Future of Cold-type Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Prof. ZHU Rixiang has recently been appointed the director of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG), a CAS research arm focusing  相似文献   

The project is a fundamental research in the field of several complex variables, which is one of the core and forefront subjects in pure mathematics. It is carried out by Prof. Zhou Xiangyu (Xiang-Yu Zhou), a mathemati- cian who has long been working on this profound and popular subject. Despite the intensive competition from other outstanding mathematicians, he found his own way and achieved a series of important results which are well recognized by the mathematical community. As a long-sta…  相似文献   

科学技术管理学在20世纪80年代初以来的孕育发展历程中形成了内容丰富的研究主题体系,其众多的研究主题可以按照对象维、属性维、分域维进行切分和归类。20世纪90年代以后,在知识经济和创新时代的大背景下,科学技术管理学裂变出知识管理和创新管理两个重要的研究主题。在知识管理研究、创新管理研究基础上建立的知识管理学、创新管理学,已经发展成为仍同科学技术管理学保持着密切联系的多边缘综合性交叉学科。  相似文献   

WANG Yupeng, a home-grown physicist, was appointed the new director of the CAS Institute of Physics (IOP) on 13 June in Beijing. He  相似文献   

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