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Television's coverage of the tragic events of September 11 can be viewed and understood as a paradigmatic disaster marathon. The salience of the attack's visual images, their exclusivity on the screen for a protracted period, and the invisibility of their perpetrators enhanced the attack's effectiveness. The paper highlights a number of problems that the September 11 disaster marathon poses to the profession of journalism and to society, and points out possible remedies for the future. It ends with a short discussion of the ways in which television's coverage of the event both resembled and differed from the media-event model, and of theoretical aspects of its unique dimensions as a disaster marathon.  相似文献   


The value of geographical knowledge to emergency managers at all levels of government is unquestioned. Maps have always been an important tool, and in recent years computers and new information technologies have expanded the ways in which geographical data can be utilized. Technical specialists continue to develop increasingly flexible and powerful tools which allow emergency managers to examine multiple parameter scenarios treating both human‐caused and natural disaster situations. The importance of establishing a coordination center and geographical information network, with appropriate computer support and staff expertise, is underscored in this discussion.  相似文献   

This study introduces a multi-step methodology for analyzing social media data during the post-disaster recovery phase of Hurricane Sandy. Its outputs include identification of the people who experienced the disaster, estimates of their physical location, assessments of the topics they discussed post-disaster, analysis of the tract-level relationships between the topics people discussed and tract-level internal attributes, and a comparison of these outputs to those of people who did not experience the disaster. Faith-based, community, assets, and financial topics emerged as major topics of discussion within the context of the disaster experience. The differences between predictors of these topics compared to those of people who did not experience the disaster were investigated in depth, revealing considerable differences among vulnerable populations. The use of this methodology as a new Machine Learning Algorithm to analyze large volumes of social media data is advocated in the conclusion.  相似文献   

    董事高管责任保险与企业内部控制体系构建的主要功能均为风险控制和管理,具有目的和逻辑上的一致性。本文运用中国A股主板企业2011至2015年度董责险、内部控制及财务数据,检验投保董责险同内控体系构建完善程度暨内控水平之间的内在联系、调节效应和作用机理。检验结果表明:第一,投保董责险的企业具有更高的内部控制水平。第二,国有企业购买董责险,其内控水平提升效果更显著。从全面风险管理的视角出发,建议企业将董责险融合为内部控制体系及其评价的重要条款。  相似文献   

核能利用从未止步,人类对核安全的认识也在不断加深。在福岛核事故5周年和切尔诺贝利核事故30周年之际,文章针对革新型核能系统,从安全目标、设计理念、安全评价和风险认知4个方面对核安全研究进行了回顾与思考,指出当前存在的问题及面临的挑战,探讨未来发展趋势,并提出"四项革新"的建议:(1)安全目标从技术重返社会;(2)通过革新型反应堆技术,避免无限制复杂化纵深防御来解决安全问题;(3)重视理论引导的安全评价方法,采用系统化评价体系;(4)在政府/工业界/社会之间建立"第三方"并通过其发挥桥梁和纽带作用等。  相似文献   

目的】分析中国大陆科研机构在《物理评论快报》(PRL)发表论文情况,进而揭示中国基础物理研究水平和中国物理科技期刊发展的现状。【方法】 以历年中国大陆科研机构在《物理评论快报》发表的论文统计为数据源,从发表论文的时间段、发表论文的作者和作者所属单位等方面进行数据整理和比较。【结果】通过数据比较,发现我国基础物理学研究整体上仍处边缘地位,个别领域有所突破,高水平的论文作者和单位集中程度很高。【结论】中国需要长期稳定支持基础物理学研究,扶持年轻物理学者,同时要努力办好国内的物理学期刊。  相似文献   

[目的]研究开放获取期刊的出版费对作者及其所在机构的影响,进而分析其对学术交流的潜在作用。[方法]收集国内外相关文献,并进行比较研究与分析,调查开放获取期刊的收费标准、收费与期刊质量的关系以及作者支付出版费的方式。[结果]国内外的相关研究表明,开放获取期刊的出版费有不断上涨的趋势;期刊的收费与期刊质量存在一定相关性;作者通过多种途径支付开放获取期刊的出版费。[结论]开放获取期刊的出版费不断上涨,给科研人员、科研机构的经费带来压力,进而影响学术传播与交流。建立一个价格合理的开放获取期刊的出版市场,才能促进学术交流的健康发展。  相似文献   

目的】考察出版单位编辑学论文的发表情况,从而探讨出版单位编辑学研究水平与其办刊质量的关系。【方法】 检索CNKI数据库2012—2014年《中国科技期刊研究》和《编辑学报》的文章,对参与发文的期刊出版单位的发文量进行统计和排序,得出发文量排名前10的单位,另外抽样只参与发表1篇论文的期刊出版单位,对二者办刊质量的相关指标,包括拥有期刊数、国内外重要数据库收录情况、影响因子变化、复合总被引频次、复合即年指标、Web即年下载率和总下载频次等进行比较分析。【结果】在这两刊上参与发表编辑学论文较多、编辑学研究水平较高的单位大部分旗下拥有多种期刊,有较多期刊被国内外重要数据库收录,并且旗下大部分期刊近两年的影响因子处于上升趋势,相关评价指标均优于发文较少的单位。【结论】出版单位开展编辑学研究活动可以促进编辑水平提高,促进出版单位建设,促进期刊外部发展环境优化,最终共同促进办刊质量提高。  相似文献   

PurposeExploring factors that can influence employee's entrepreneurial intentions is critical to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial practice. This study is going to examine the effect of narcissism on entrepreneurial intentions. Moreover, the mediating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in narcissism-entrepreneurial intentions link is also tested. Lastly, how environmental complexity moderates these relationships is explored.Design/methodology/approachData were collected from 362 employees working in technology incubators and science parks of Saudi Arabia. These technology incubators and science parks were established by the Saudi government as a part of entrepreneurship ecosystem evolution strategy to encourage and support entrepreneurial innovations.FindingsThe results show that narcissistic employees display greater levels of entrepreneurial intentions, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy mediates the effect of narcissism on entrepreneurial intentions; and environmental complexity moderates the narcissism-entrepreneurial intentions link.OriginalityThe effect of narcissism on entrepreneurial intentions has not been examined before. This study extends knowledge on entrepreneurial innovations by linking narcissism with entrepreneurial intentions through mediation of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and moderation of environmental complexity.  相似文献   

Diabetes Mellitus in obese and non-obese Indian individuals.AIMS: Effect of Obesity and insulin resistance on diabetic control.SETTINGS AND DESIGN: 50 each groups Diabetic individuals obese and non-obese.METHODS AND MATERIAL: On selected 50 each group diabetic patient and normal, following blood investigations has been performed—Plasma Glucose, Glycohemoglobin and Serum Insulin.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Individuals patient’s results were analyzed and compared with the normal controls.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The changes in glycosylated haemoglobin are mainly proportional to the post lunch glucose level (r=0.773) (p<0.01) and not correlated to circulating insulin or the body mass index. However the levels were higher in obese diabetes (Type I and II both) than in non-obese. Mechanism of resistance in insulin receptor interactions due to obesity is well known. However, obesity does not seem to affect directly glycosylated haemoglobin. Under such circumstances, the reduction of weight for a diabetic person can improve sugar control by minimizing insulin resistance and thereby can improve glycosylated haemoglobin levels.  相似文献   

定制科技期刊LaTeX论文模板的思路和实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的】为科技期刊量身定制简洁高效的LaTeX模版,提高编辑工作质量和效率并指导作者规范写作。【方法】 结合编辑部多年LaTeX模板的使用经验,通过实践总结,提出新一代科技期刊论文模板的设计理念和方法。通过与其他模版的对比,介绍了新模版实现的功能和优势。【结果】设计的LaTeX模版使作者自行排版成为可能,使作者容易上手,并指导作者规范写作,同时大大提高编辑工作效率。【结论】量身定制科技期刊LaTeX论文模版,能提高编辑工作质量和效率,并能指导作者提高论文质量。  相似文献   

BackgroundDependence on fossil resources, for the production of fuels and energy, has resulted in environmental and financial problems, which require our immediate action in order to reverse the situation. Use of renewable sources for the production of fuels and energy is an important alternative with biodiesel remains as one of the promising options. Aim of this work is to evaluate the fungus Fusarium oxysporum for its potentials to accumulate microbial lipids when grown on synthetic media and saccharified sweet sorghum stalks.ResultsThe effect of different carbon sources, nitrogen sources and C/N ratio on the lipid production was initially examined, which resulted in a lipid concentration of 4.4 g/L, with lipid content of 42.6% w/w. Sweet sorghum stalks were able to support growth and lipid production of the fungus, both as carbon source and as nitrogen source. It was also shown that saccharification of the dried stalks is an important step to increase lipid production. Removal of the remaining stalk solids enabled the lipid production during cultivation in increased initial solids of up to 16 w/w. This resulted in a lipid production of 3.81 g/L.ConclusionsIt was demonstrated that F. oxysporum can be used as an efficient oleaginous microorganism, with sweet sorghum serving as an excellent raw material for the cultivation of the fungus. The lipids obtained during this work were also found to have a fatty acid profile with good potentials to be used for biodiesel production.  相似文献   

科技期刊注重科技伦理评估的做法及实例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的】促进科技期刊的正确导向,提升科技期刊对科技伦理的重视程度,加强普通科技期刊进行科技伦理评估的力度。【方法】 阐述了科技期刊重视科技伦理评估的道德意义,提出了科技伦理评估的具体做法。【结果】 发现通过消除伪科技伦理谣言、关注国际科技伦理的热点、刊发前瞻性科技伦理专业论文、结合新闻热点约稿、解疑释惑等方法是科技期刊实现科技论文评估的具体途径。【结果】 科技期刊论文的科技伦理评估还在起步阶段,需要进一步完善伦理委员会的审查、监督体系,提高作者和编辑的科技伦理学意识等等。  相似文献   

数据出版理论与实践关键问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的】在梳理国内外数据出版理论成果与具体实践的基础上,从学术传播角度厘清数据出版涉及的关键问题,包括数据出版概念和内涵、具体形态、主要障碍。【方法】主要采用定性方法,分析数据出版与传统论文出版的异同,及这些差异带来的理论和实践挑战。【结果】研究发现,数据出版不仅仅是数据本身的共享,还应包括数据相关信息的出版。出版主体是多样化的,出版过程涉及多主体合作。其出版模式不仅有出版机构控制模式,还有非出版机构控制模式和混合模式。【结论】当前数据出版的主要障碍是伦理规范缺失导致数据出版学术"奖惩"功能失效,亟需制定数据出版的伦理规范、用稿机制规范、数据引用规范和元数据标准,通过上述规范将数据出版纳入学术传播体系。  相似文献   

BackgroundIn recent years, Antarctica has become a key source of biotechnological resources. Native microorganisms have developed a wide range of survival strategies to adapt to the harsh Antarctic environment, including the formation of biofilms. Alginate is the principal component of the exopolysaccharide matrix in biofilms produced by Pseudomonas, and this component is highly demanded for the production of a wide variety of commercial products. There is a constant search for efficient alginate-producing organisms.ResultsIn this study, a novel strain of Pseudomonas mandelii isolated from Antarctica was characterized and found to overproduce alginate compared with other good alginate producers such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Alginate production and expression levels of the alginate operon were highest at 4°C. It is probable that this alginate-overproducing phenotype was the result of downregulated MucA, an anti-sigma factor of AlgU.ConclusionBecause biofilm formation is an efficient bacterial strategy to overcome stressful conditions, alginate overproduction might represent the best solution for the successful adaptation of P. mandelii to the extreme temperatures of the Antarctic. Through additional research, it is possible that this novel P. mandelii strain could become an additional source for biotechnological alginate production.  相似文献   

[目的]全面分析和研究PeerJ的出版特点及其优势,完善我国科技期刊开放获取出版模式。[方法]从出版策略、同行评议制度、运营模式等内容出发,分析PeerJ的核心竞争力。[结果]PeerJ通过新的收费模式和工作机制,大大提高了其竞争力,成为发展快速且具有影响力的OA期刊。[结论]PeerJ作为OA期刊出版的成功案例,国内科技期刊可借鉴其办刊经验,探索适合中国科技期刊发展的道路。  相似文献   

科技期刊办刊中的“全策划”理念及实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张扬 《中国科技期刊研究》2015,26(11):1223-1226
[目的]解决科技期刊在办刊中策划模式简单、策划内容单一等问题,进而通过提高策划水平来提升办刊质量。[方法]以《煤炭科学技术》杂志办刊中的专题策划、论文集策划、出书和培训策划、宣传策划实践为例,对科技期刊办刊的各项策划进行分析。[结果]提出包括全局策划、全元素策划、全流程策划、全员策划、全媒体策划、全视角策划的科技期刊"全策划"理念。[结论]对科技期刊进行丰富多样的策划,对于最终提高办刊质量、创造经济效益都是有益的尝试。  相似文献   

BackgroundXylitol is a five carbons polyol with promising medical applications. It can be obtained from chemical d-xylose reduction or by microbial fermentation of Sugarcane Bagasse Hemicellulosic Hydrolysate. For this last process, some microbial inhibitors, as furfural, constitute severe bottleneck. In this case, the use of strains able to produce xylitol simultaneously to furfural neutralization is an interesting alternative. A wild-type strain of Geotrichum sp. was detected with this ability, and its performance in xylitol production and furfural consumption was evaluated. Furthermore, were analyzed its degradation products.ResultsGeotrichum sp. produced xylitol from d-xylose fermentation with a yield of 0.44 g·g-1. Furfural was fully consumed in fermentation assay and when provided in the medium until concentration of 6 g·L-1. The furfural degradation product is not an identified molecule, presenting a molecular weight of 161 g·mol-1, an uncommon feature for the microbial metabolism of this product.ConclusionThis strain presents most remarkable potential in performing furfural consumption simultaneous to xylitol production. Subsequent efforts must be employed to establish bioprocess to simultaneous detoxification and xylitol production by Geotrichum sp.  相似文献   

BackgroundWe aimed to test the possibility of improving polypeptide production from soybean meal fermentation by engineered Aspergillus oryzae strains. Four different protease genes were cloned and transformed into wild-type A. oryzae, and the engineered A. oryzae strains were then used for soybean meal fermentation.ResultsThe results showed different degrees of improvement in the protease activity of the four transformants when compared with wild-type A. oryzae. A major improvement in the polypeptide yield was achieved when these strains were used in soybean meal fermentation. The polypeptide conversion rate of one of the four transformants, A. oryzae pep, reached 35.9%, which was approximately twofold higher than that exhibited by wild-type A. oryzae. Amino acid content analysis showed that the essential amino acid content and amino acid composition of the fermentation product significantly improved when engineered A. oryzae strains were used for soybean meal fermentation.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that cloning of microbial protease genes with good physicochemical properties and expressing them in an ideal host such as A. oryzae is a novel strategy to enhance the value of soybean meal.  相似文献   

[目的]客观分析中美医学期刊英文摘要中模糊限制语的使用情况,增加文章表述的准确性。[方法]使用王兰英自建的语料库,根据学者黎千驹提出的英语医学论文中模糊限制语的分类,对比分析5类模糊限制语在中美医学期刊英文摘要各个语步的使用频率、种类及分布情况。[结果]中美医学期刊英文摘要四语步中模糊限制语的分布趋势大体一致,但在使用类型和出现频率上存在显著差异。能愿范畴的模糊限制语的使用频率最高,它们集中分布在结论部分。美国医学期刊英文摘要中4类模糊限制语的使用频率明显高于中国期刊。[结论]在英文摘要写作中,中国作者应该恰当地使用多种类型的模糊限制语来增强表述的准确性,以便更好地得到读者的认可。  相似文献   

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