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为了进一步探索高师英语专业文理兼招的可行性和科学性,通过统计分析、问卷调查和个别访谈等形式对安庆师范学院英语专业2007级文理生源学生高年级阶段的学业成绩进行了对比分析。结果显示,在专业学习方面,文理生源学生差异显著,理科生源学生TEM-8成绩明显好于文科生源学生;在教师素养方面,文理生源学生虽无显著性差异,但理科生源学生专业思想更加稳固、从教意愿更加坚定一些。综合对比分析文理生源学生基础阶段和高年级阶段的学业情况,我们可以得出结论:高师英语专业招收理科生是可行的,但实施起来仍需不断探索和完善。  相似文献   

本文以某高校非英语专业学生为研究对象,运用统计方法对高考文理科生源的大学生英语成绩的影响因素作定量分析。研究结果表明,大学生英语成绩与高考文理生源因素呈显著相关,文理科生源大学生的英语成绩存在差异。本文试图对影响大学生英语成绩的高考文理科生源因素进行讨论和分析,以期对大学英语教学的改善提出合理的意见。  相似文献   

目的:比较药剂专业文理生源的专业基础课成绩,以便发现差异并进行有针对性的培养。方法:比较文理科生源的大专药剂学生的专业基础课成绩。结果:文理科生源药剂专业学生的2门专业基础课成绩无显著性差异(P〉0.05),另有5门课成绩差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:理科生源学生药剂专业基础课成绩优于文科生,应结合文科生特点进行有针对性的教学。  相似文献   

高职有机化学专业文理生源差异分析及教学策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生调查和考核结果表明,高职有机化学专业文理生源差异十分显著。调查发现,学习兴趣、学习方法、学习难度是有机化学专业文理生源差异的主要原因。基于此,笔者提出了基于文理生源差异合理设置课程内容的优化教学模式及高职有机化学专业的教学策略。  相似文献   

自 198 5年全国部分中医院校试点文理兼招以来 ,关于这一措施的可行性及利弊一直成为中医界关注的焦点。辽宁中医学院是 1998年开始在中医系实行文理兼招的 ,现已有在校三个年级的学生。本文应用数理统计学的定量化方法对辽宁中医学院文理生的专业课成绩进行了比较分析 ,旨在为进一步促进教育质量的提高 ,推进教改进程 ,提供有益的参考。一、文理生平均成绩的比较分析辽宁中医学院三个年级的文理生均采取混合编班授课。现仅就中医学中医专业 98级 (理 73人 ;文 2 0人 )、99级 (理 4 8人 ;文 39人 )各科专业考试平均成绩进行比较分析 (此统计…  相似文献   

丁晶  丁玲 《安康学院学报》2010,22(4):121-124
本文运用分层整群抽样方法和症状自评量表(SCL90),对宁德师范学院07、08、09级310名高职生的心理健康状况进行了调查。结果表明:高职生心理健康水平整体上低于普通大学生常模,其中最明显的症状依次为强迫症状、人际关系敏感、焦虑和敌对;高职生心理健康水平有显著的文理、生源和年级差异。  相似文献   

以安徽三联学院为例,面对服装设计专业高校文理兼收招生而产生的一系列问题,具体分析文理兼收生的优势与劣势,并提出一些课程体系的设置建议和教学方法的改良方案,希望通过专业课程的教学改良来引导此类生源的学习方向和就业方向。  相似文献   

以计算机科学与技术学科为例,利用统计方法研究分析了某研究所近6年不同生源的硕士生学位论文成绩,指出了免试生的学位论文成绩好于统考生的成绩,来自北京大学和清华大学的免试生的学位论文成绩不如来自其他重点院校的免试生的成绩,初试成绩与学位论文成绩之间几乎没有相关性,并相应地提出了改进招生工作、提高生源质量的意见与建议.  相似文献   

基于t检验和聚类分析的技术经济学成绩综合评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SPSS对选修课技术经济学成绩进行统计分析,对期末成绩按本一与本三、性别以及文理专业间的不同进行了两独立样本T检验,并按学院进行了聚类分析和单因素方差分析。结果表明,选修该课程的学生的文理学术背景对其学习成绩没有太大影响;本一学生的考试成绩明显高于本三学生的成绩;性别差异并不会对成绩产生显著影响;不同学院之间在成绩上存在显著差异。因此在教学上,建议对本一、本三的学生分开讲授,根据学院之间的聚类分析结果安排得分相近的学院可统一授课,做到因材施教,以取得更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

我校不同生源学生学业成绩的比较张繁荣陈禅友项向阳王晓明为了推动职业教育的发展,我校从1985年开始对口试招一部分职高毕业生,与普高生进行合班学习。为了总结这十多年的教学情况,我们对这两种生源学习期间的成绩进行了比较分析,旨在了解他们各自的特点和差异,...  相似文献   

目的:了解大理学院不同学术背景大学生学习习惯的差异。方法:问卷调查法,对医学类、理工类和文科类3个不同学科的1131名大学生进行学习习惯的抽样调查。结果:文科类学生有较好的课堂学习习惯和较高的学习效率,学习主动性显著高于理工科和医科的学生。医科学生在获取新知识方面比较主动。结论:大理学院不同学科类的大学生学习习惯是有差异的,要根据学科特点引导学生的学习习惯,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

基于社会对于人才需求的应用型、复合型变化,中文专业特别是中国现当代文学史课程也必须相应地进行教学改革,把审美能力、写作能力、专业能力的培养与人文素养、健康人格、创新能力培养结合起来。教学改革路径为:教学定位从知识传授转向能力素养培养;教学模式从教师的"一言堂"转向多维的"对话交流";教学重点从"史"的灌输转向"文"的阅读分析;教学方式从教师的单向分析鉴赏转向教师预设目标,师生、生生之间的讨论对话;考试模式从"一纸定全局"的考试转向分层给成绩的多维考试制度。  相似文献   


The purpose of the current study was to determine the effect of teaching astronomy through augmented reality (AR) on the achievement and interest level of gifted students and their opinions about AR applications. The current study was conducted in line with the explanatory sequential mixed-methods design. The study group of the current research was comprised of 51 gifted students (26 in the control group and 25 in the experimental group) attending a Science and Arts Centre (B?LSEM). In the application process, the astronomy teaching activities supported with AR were used in the experimental group while the astronomy teaching activities suggested in the official science curriculum of the middle school 7th grade were used. The data of the study were collected by using an Astronomy Achievement Test and the Scale of Interest in Astronomy as a pretest and posttest and an AR Interview form administered only to the experimental group students at the end of the application. The statistical analyses of the quantitative data revealed that before the experimental application, the experimental and control groups were equal in terms of astronomy achievement and interest in astronomy. After the completion of the application, however, significant differences were found for both the experimental and control groups in favor of the posttest. Moreover, significant differences were also found in the posttest in favor of the experimental group in terms of both astronomy achievement and interest in astronomy. In other words, AR-supported astronomy teaching activities positively affected the experimental group students’ astronomy achievement and interest in astronomy. Furthermore, the experimental group students expressed many positive opinions about the AR applications within the categories of technical features and cognitive and affective features. The experimental group students wanted the use of AR applications in the teaching of other science subjects and other courses.


长期以来,我国高校面临着学科分化严重的现象,使得我国高水平大学建设中人才培养模式问题凸显出来。高水平大学建设要求高校人才培养模式要加强学与思的结合、知与行的统一,加强学生基础知识、专业知识和实践能力的培养。文理渗透是实施科教兴国和人才强国相结合的综合素质教育,是未来社会对人才的基本要求,因此,我国高水平大学建设应该在转换教育观念、优化课程结构、加强师资队伍建设和丰富校园文化方面建设一个文理渗透的育人环境。  相似文献   


Mathematics for liberal arts courses are a staple of most mathematics departments and are often populated with students who have disengaged from mathematics. Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered pedagogical tool for re-engaging students in mathematics. In this paper, we introduce a Special Issue of PRIMUS on “Using Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics for Liberal Arts Courses.”  相似文献   

文科综合实验教学示范中心的建设,是我国高等学校文科实验教学改革创新的重要成果。基于协同理论,对文科综合实验教学示范中心的孕育过程、决定因素和发展动力3个方面进行了深入思考,并总结了文科综合实验教学示范中心的建设经验。  相似文献   

文章介绍了北京航空航天大学开设"文科大学物理(人文类)"课程的初步设计和在随后的教学实践中进行的探索与收获。本课程的最终目的是使学生得到科学素质的培养,教学虽然采用课堂教学的传统手段,但是运用了一种全新的教学理念,取得了学生自主学习、教学相长的良好效果。鉴于我国目前的教育情况,文章提出了一条建设性意见。  相似文献   

作为原国家教委“师范教育科研课题”:《师范高等专科学校文科类大学生数学素质教育研究》的实验课程,开设了师范高专《文科高等数学》。根据开课实践,初步探讨了在这一层次的文科大学生中进行数学素质教育的可行性,并提出了尚需研讨的几个问题。  相似文献   

These studies examined attitude toward teaching science (ATTS) using an adaptation of the Bratt Attitude Test (M-BAT); anxiety about teaching science (ANX-TS), as measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI A-State); and selected demographic variables in preservice elementary teachers for the 1977–1978 and 1978–1979 academic years and a follow-up of those students who completed their student teaching in May 1979. The M-BAT and STAI were administered in September at the beginning of Science 6 (earth science and biology course), in December on the next to last day of Science 6, in May on the next to the last day of Science 5 (physical science), and in May 1979 after student teaching. In the two academic years, both ATTS and ANX-TS became more positive during the sequence Science 6-5. Both changes in ATTS and ANX-TS continued to change in a positive direction after completion of Science 6-5, after student teaching. There were differences in the times that the greatest changes in ATTS and ANX-TS occurred. In both studies, the greatest change in ATTS took place between September and December, during Science 6. The greatest change in ANX-TS, however, took place during Science 5 between December and May in the 1977–1978 study. In the 1978–1979 study, the greatest changes in ANX-TS occurred in Science 6, between September and December. The delayed reduction of ANX-TS in the 1977–1978 study may be explained by differences in teaching patterns. In 1977–1978, two teachers taught only their academic specialty, biology or earth science, to students who switched teachers midsemester. In 1978–1979, the same two instructors taught both biology and earth science to the same students. Correlation coefficients for successive and corresponding administrations of both the M-BAT and STAI suggest these variables are related. Students with more positive ATTS tended to have reduced ANX-TS. Neither the number of high school or college science and math courses completed nor the level of enjoyment of these courses appears to be related to ATTS or ANX-TS for the initial administration of the M-BAT and STAI. Closer examination of data, however, indicates that students with negative ATTS and high ANX-TS were fairly evenly divided in their enjoyment of mathematics, while students with positive ATTS and low ANX-TS enjoyed math in a 3:1 like/dislike ratio. The relationship between both ATTS and ANX-TS and achievement is reasonalbly consistent for Science 6. In Science 5, however, the relationship between ATTS and achievement is inconsistent and there is no indication of a relationship between achievement and ANX-TS.  相似文献   

文科高等数学作为大学数学课程的重要组成部分,能够提升文科生数学素养,促进专业发展。在"教思考、教体验、教表达"的教育理念指导下,此研究旨在探索文科高等数学课程的教学策略与课堂教学模式。通过调查、测试分析表明,以"三教"理念为指导,在教学中实施"情境-问题"教学模式,融入数学文化资源,促进了大学生学习态度的变化,提升了学习成绩。  相似文献   

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