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call white black/call black white:混淆是非black money:黑钱black tea:红茶black and white:白纸黑字the black market:黑市;非法市场  相似文献   

Black and White     
黑白颠倒、黑白分明、黑白混淆……黑与白一直都是一对难分难解的“弟兄”。英语中黑与白的用法有时候跟汉语的用法完全不同,下面我们就来看几个例子吧,顺便学习学习东西方文化的差异。与黑色有关的词语:call white black/call black white混淆是非black m oney黑钱(指来源不正  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2005,(9):46-47
1.The verb "call" can take two objects immediately. We call this instrument a hammer. Don' t call black white. He likes to call a spade a spade (to speak his mind plainly).  相似文献   

The Cat's Family     
My family is not very large.There are only three cats.I'm a white cat.People call me Snow-white.My husband is a black cat.People call him Captain Black Cat(黑猫警长).We have a beautiful  相似文献   

常读一些英语谜语,我们可以在潜意识中不仅提高自己的语言水平,同时也可提高思维能力。猜一猜下面谜语中的what。1 .What would you call a wooden king?2.What is black when it clean and white  相似文献   

Toni Morrison presents how the white culture crashed on the black people and changed their values in The Bluest Eye.The tragedy story of black girl Pecola reveals that the negative impact of white culture is the major reason for distorted and deformed values of black people.Besides exposing the astonishing reality of black people’s existence,Toni Morrison also explores the way to resist pressures from white culture and keep black people’s mental independence.  相似文献   

Do you love pandas? Pandas are white.But they have got black ears,black eyes,black lips,black noses,black shoulders and black legs.  相似文献   

Tom's Answer Tom:Dad,black hens are more clever than white hens,aren't they?Dad:How do you know it,Tom?Tom:Well,black hens can lay white eggs,but white hens  相似文献   

black不"黑"black tea红茶black sheep败家子,害群之马black dog不开心black and blue遍体鳞伤black out停电black and white白纸黑字black look恶狠狠地瞪一眼  相似文献   

在某些英语短语中虽包含了颜色单词,但由于它们处在特定的语境中,所以会失去自己的本色。我们应特别注意这种语言现象,并逐步引导学生了解。a white day吉日a white lie善意的谎言white gourd冬瓜white sm ith铁匠white wing街道清洁工black sheep败家子blackart魔术black book  相似文献   

Our art teacher is Mr.Wen.He’s young. He has black hair,two big black eyes,a small nose and a big mouth.Look,he is wearing a black and white jacket,a blue  相似文献   

宁怀宾 《新高考》2009,(Z1):111-113
A篇难度:★★★☆☆字数:305建议时间:4分钟You are not alone.Tons of people are nervous that their e-books will be stolen and put on the black market(hmm,or the cyber black market,I guess you’d call it).  相似文献   

谭佳 《海外英语》2013,(21):252-254
Invisible Man is a representative work of black literature in America.In this novel,the writer Ralph Ellison depicts the hero’s growth experience in the white dominated society with his unique narrative techniques.As an individual in a society,the hero in this novel gradually realizes that he is an invisible man in the white dominated society and he doesn’t have the social sta tus which can be recognized by the white at all.To change this situation,the hero in this novel suffers many difficulties and hard ships with an attempt to prove his existence in front of the white and the numerous black fellows and obtain his own identity as a black man which will be recognized by others.This paper tries to explore African American’s pursuit of identity in Invisible Man by interpreting Ellison’s Invisible Man.  相似文献   

Red, white, and blue,Tap me on the shoe. (tap shoe or foot)Red, white, and green,Tap me on the bean. (tap head)Red, white, and black,Tap me on the back. (tap back)(All out).  相似文献   

Bill's Answer Bill:Mum,black hens are cleverer than white hens,aren’t they?Mum :How do you know that,Bill?Bill:Well,black hens can lay white eggs,but white hens can’tlay black eggs.比尔:妈妈,黑母鸡比白母鸡聪明,对不对?妈妈:你是如何知道的,比尔?比尔:嗯,黑母鸡能下白蛋,而白母鸡不能下黑蛋。IsTodayTommorrow?Joy:Mum,istodaytomorrow?Mum:Don’tbesilly,todayiatoday.Joy:Butyoutoldmeyourself.Mum:WhendidItellyoutodayistomorrow?Joy:Yesterday.乔伊:妈妈,今天是明天吗?妈妈:别傻了,今天就是今天。乔伊:可…  相似文献   

表示颜色的词与我们的生活息息相关,它们的含义多多,用法更是五彩缤纷。可是有时,它们还会突然“大惊失色”,不信请看:a white man一个诚实可靠的人a green hand新手black and blue遍体鳞伤see red发怒a white elephant无用之物,累赘a green old age老当益壮a red letter day一个值得纪念的日子a white lie善意的谎言black sheep害群之马in the green tree处于佳境!!!!!!!!!!!!!“大惊失色”的颜色词$山东省青州市邵庄镇文登中学@曹志坚…  相似文献   

佟玉平 《双语学习》2007,(11M):234-235
This thesis focus on the analysis of the motive of the two murders made by Bigger Thomas, a black man. The black people's miserable living condition is one of the reasons why the two murders happened. The white's bias towards the black is also responsible for them. Bigger Thomasg deformed, distorted personality is also part of the explanations for the murders.  相似文献   

英语中的几个表示颜色的词,除了能表示某种颜色外,还有其他的含义及用法,我们在学习及使用的过程中要注意掌握,切忌望文生义,盲目使用。例如:我们可以根据“black”的原义来猜译“black market”为“黑市”,也可以根据white和grey的原义猜译“white as a sheet”为“苍如白纸”、  相似文献   

汉语的“白”并不完全等同于英语的white。在某些场合,我们可以对带颜色的词采用直译法,如在指人的种族时,我们可以说the black people(黑人),the yellow people(黄种人),the whitepeople(白人)。另外,由white组成的有些词也可以直译,如白炽(white heat),白匪(white bandit),白宫(White House),白鹤(white crane),白热(white heat),白杨(white poplar),白鱼(whitefish)等。  相似文献   

My Pet Cat     
I have a cute cat named Lily.She was only three months old when she came into my home as my birthday gift.She is black and white with two big black eyes.As a baby cat,she is quite energetic and naughty,running here and there.I often play with her.  相似文献   

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