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Prior literature suggests that teaching corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability has led to little development of students' reflexive engagement with the challenges of sustainable development. To shed light on this criticism, we apply sensemaking—as entailing the three stages of scanning for information, interpreting it and identifying alternatives of action—to CSR/sustainability education. Analysing cognitive maps of CSR, drawn by undergraduate finalists from a UK business school, we find that students are able to produce complex cognitive maps in terms of scanning for information; however, cognitive bottlenecks occur at the second and third stages of sensemaking. A key pedagogical challenge is, therefore, to support students in moving beyond scanning towards developing meaning and acting on that basis. By introducing a sensemaking lens, we add to a deeper understanding of the complexities associated with CSR education as it aids (or impedes) critical engagement and action.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present and discuss the results of a survey of how corporate social responsibility (CSR) is being discussed and taught in engineering education in France. We shall first describe how those questions have been recently tackled in various programmes of higher education in France. We shall also analyse what faculty members have to say about their motivation or reluctance to enhance these new topics in their teaching. While this survey covered various fields of higher education, in this present, we mostly discuss the issues surrounding CSR teaching in engineering education.  相似文献   

林纾 《南平师专学报》2011,30(1):34-37,50
以转基因技术为代表的新生物技术对企业社会责任产生了较大影响。通过分析社会责任的发展阶段,以杜邦公司应用新生物技术为例说明企业在应用新生物技术时,应从伦理、安全角度出发,通过与公众的沟通、合作来获得商业成功,从而达成企业的社会责任目标。  相似文献   

企业社会责任:国外理论演进及最新文献述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业社会责任是一个兼容的领域,这一领域内存有宽泛的边界、大量非集中的文献、多学科交叉的观点.关于企业承担社会责任,国外学术界主要持有传统经济价值和企业社会责任两大观点.基于企业决策过程完全理性的假设,传统观点认为企业的功能是经济性的,而经济价值是度量企业成功的惟一标准,企业目标就是利润最大化;而社会责任观点则明确指出企业要实现利润增加和价值提升,就必须主动承担与相关利益群体相应的社会责任.  相似文献   

企业社会责任概念的界定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关于企业社会责任的讨论,不同利益群体及其代言人的看法、不同学科的看法存在很大差异。因此,有必要统一定义,给企业社会责任一个恰当的定位。考察企业社会责任的历史与现状以及关于企业社会责任的各类观点,我们不难发现,广义企业社会责任指企业应该承担的社会谈判所形成的关于现代产品质量的社会协议义务,是企业基于自身形象考虑而对社会利益相关者的友好回应。首先,企业社会责任是企业应该承担的社会谈判所形成的关于现代产品质量的社会协议义务;其次,企业社会责任是企业对社会利益相关者压力的友好回应;第三,企业形象是企业承担社会责任的内在动力;第四,企业社会责任既是产品质量的重要内容,也是企业形象的组成部分。此外,相关主体需要准确定位,否则,角色混乱将导致社会的无序。  相似文献   

企业社会责任一直是理论界和企业界关注的话题。企业公民是企业社会责任与利益相关者理论相融合的产物,先是由公司在实践层面运用,然后得到了政府的推动,最终激发了学者们的研究热情。企业公民的概念由初期的局部观逐步发展到目前的营销工具观和战略投资观,企业公民思想的发展历经初始、参与、创新、整合和转型五个阶段。企业公民思想发挥作用需要具备一定的制度条件。企业公民既是对企业社会责任思想的继承和发展,更是对企业社会责任思想的突破和创新。  相似文献   


The role of technical support personnel in higher education and corporate training has traditionally been confined to the areas of hardware and software. Now technologists are often asked to serve as corporate trainers and advisors to faculty in the choice and integration of educational technology into teaching and learning. Based on her own training and personal experience, the author suggests and discusses three areas of study within adult education that can assist persons with a technical background to make this role transition. The areas of study include 1) introduction to adult education, 2) adult learners and learning, and 3) program planning. The combination of technology training and knowledge in these three areas will provide a solid foundation for the expanding role of technologists.  相似文献   

企业作为整个社会经济体系的细胞,它所承担的社会责任是构建和谐社会的关键因素。然而,就对构建和谐社会的意义来说,我们必须从企业承担社会责任面临的主要矛盾出发,合理定位企业承担社会责任的必然性、可行性及其核心竞争力。  相似文献   

Around the world, especially in rapidly developing countries, many higher education institutions of various forms are being established. In China, many new universities have been created, including by upgrading existing tertiary education institutions. This process creates economic displacement, with livelihood consequences and social impacts on existing employees and local communities. Using the proposed (but now cancelled) University of Groningen campus in Yantai, China, as a case study, we consider the social impacts that were experienced, or were likely to be experienced, by the employees of the pre-existing institution. Existing employees experienced many negative impacts from economic displacement. They were not satisfied with the compensation offered, their views and interests were not adequately considered, and many were afraid to express their concerns. The institutions involved in the project failed to fulfil their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) obligations to ensure no harm.  相似文献   

高等/成人教育的新视点:公司大学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
章对全球范围内高等教育和成人教育领域中的公司大学现象进行了介绍和分析。主要探讨了什么是公司大学,公司大学产生的背景、运作机制和未来发展方向等问题。虽然其取材和案例大多来源于美国.但具有普遍意义,希望能引起我国高等教育和成人教育研究的关注。  相似文献   

随着产品质量和食品安全等问题的频发,“企业社会责任”越来越成为社会、企业和政府关注的焦点。有研究表明,自中国石油天然气集团公司于2000年发布我国第一份有关履行社会责任信息的社会责任报告以来,企业社会责任信息的质量在逐步提高。企业的财务绩效与其社会责任信息质量之间存在关联关系,文章以相关利益者理论为基础,利用润灵环球2010-2011年社会责任报告评级的数据对我国公司社会责任信息质量与财务业绩的关系进行实证检验。  相似文献   

企业社会责任是随着经济和社会发展而对企业提出的一个全新的发展理念,是对企业过去以股东利益为唯一目标的经营理念的修正。随着这一概念在法学研究领域的不断扩展完善进而体系化,有必要从法理和实用主义角度探讨其自成体系的必要性。现有法律框架已为企业社会责任提供了一个较为全面、最低限度的企业社会责任范畴,实践中,没有必要在这一框架外对企业经营进行更多的约束和管制,企业社会责任无疑为政府干预企业经营提供了借口,进而可能会导致政府干预凌驾于企业自有的判断之上的危险。  相似文献   

The last 20 years has witnessed the spread of corporatism in education on a global scale. In England, this trend is characterised by new structural and cultural approaches to education found in the ‘academies’ programme and the adoption of private sector management styles. The corporate re-imagining of schools has also led to the introduction into the curriculum of particular forms of character education aimed at managing the ‘emotional labour’ of children. This paper argues that character education rests on a fallacy that the development of desirable character traits in children can be engineered by mimicking certain behaviours from the adult world. The weaknesses in the corporate approach to managing ‘emotional labour’ are illustrated with empirical data from two primary schools. An alternative paradigm is presented which locates the ‘emotional labour’ of children within a ‘holding environment’ that places children’s well-being at its core.  相似文献   

杨红霞 《教育科学》2006,22(3):74-77
当今高等教育面临着诸多压力,面向市场的改革正在进行。凤凰大学的发展引起了人们的注目。在它仅30年的历史中,发展成为美国最大的一所营利性高等学校,凤凰大学在实现其社会价值的同时,也创造了可观的经济效益。以凤凰大学为代表的营利性高等学校的产生和发展是高等教育的一场革命,它的以市场为导向、以学生需求为中心的绩效管理模式,顺应了当今高等教育改革的主流趋势,正是在这层含义上,凤凰大学成为传统大学尤其是传统公立大学学习的重要参照,其价值不可小视。  相似文献   

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a function that transcends, but includes, making profits, creating jobs, and producing goods and services. The effectiveness with which corporations perform this function determines their contribution (or lack of contribution) to social cohesion. This article therefore presents a discussion of some of the social cohesion issues involving corporations, particularly concerns over how corporations make profits, create jobs, hire, promote, fire, treat shareholders, run their boards, and give back to the communities in which they function. Most of these functions depend on the quality of corporate governance, which in turn has implications for social cohesion. The article begins with a discussion of the concept of CSR. Then it presents an identification and discussion of some corporate behaviors that promote CSR in the following areas: governance; employment practices; and involvement in communities, environmental protection, and ethical investment. In conclusion, successful business strategy that contributes to social cohesion in society is that which fosters integrity in internal governance while promoting positive engagement in communities in which corporations operate.  相似文献   

全球化时代,企业社会责任日益受到关注。本文通过对社会责任信息披露现状的分析,有针对性地从企业内部与外部两个方面提出对企业社会责任信息披露架构体系进行改进的建议。以期为规范企业社会责任行为,推动和谐社会的不断向前发展尽一份绵薄之力。  相似文献   

企业(公司)社会责任已成为一个热门话题,各种利益相关者,如公司、工会、学术机构、非政府组织都卷入其中。企业社会责任的兴起是公司运作实践的结果,抑或是劳工权利的可持续增长所致,这是一个需要进一步研究的问题。文章介绍了企业社会责任的起源、概念演变及其在全球范围内的实践,并根据全球化及其内在矛盾,说明了企业社会责任在中国的地位。作者认为,今后劳工运动有三条道路可走:第一,去除企业社会责任神话,并公开揭露其缺陷;第二,在劳工组织中建立统一战线,实现更好的分工合作;第三,在南方工人团体、北方消费者及工会运动间建立三角形大团结。  相似文献   

企业大学:背景、定义与模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
企业大学的产生与发展是知识经济社会企业向学习型组织转变的重要条件和标示,也是现代企业对一种专属教育的诉求结果.受到母体企业的规制,企业大学表现出多样化的形态和目标,因此当下有代表性的企业大学定义以"过程"、"战略伞"等宽泛的术语为核心,表现出较大的包容性;也有的定义突出企业大学作为"教育实体"的存在,将企业大学与企业培训部门清晰地区分开来.各企业大学虽各不相同,但也遵循某些共同的基本原则,形成一个相对普适的企业大学模式.  相似文献   

远程继续教育和企业教育的新型关系与合作机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在许多大型企业中,企业培训部门向企业大学的发展和转变,改变了企业教育的理念、模式以及实践,企业教育与远程继续教育的关系也随之发生了根本性的变化,产生了前所未有的新型关系和教育合作机遇。本文旨在分析远程继续教育和企业教育的关系变革和教育合作的机遇及优势。文章分为四个部分,第一部分介绍企业大学兴起的背景和现状;第二部分阐述企业培训部门转向企业大学后,在教育目标、教育策略、管理模式、课程类型、教学模式、学习对象六个方面产生的变革;第三部分分析远程继续教育和企业教育产生的新型关系,表明企业大学和远程继续教育走向一致的发展趋势;第四部分分析远程继续教育机构和企业大学教育合作的机遇和优势,说明双方的合作能够达到优势互补,通过分享办学理念和优质教育资源,取得良好的社会效益和成本效益,最终获得远程继续教育机构、企业大学以及企业员工的三赢成效。  相似文献   

教育性还是训练性:职业教育的哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如果"职业教育"与"企业训练"在理念上无本质区别,职业教育就成为企业训练在学校的延伸,这是一种与职业教育根本属性相悖的"训练性职业教育"现象.本文从职业教育的历史起点和逻辑起点出发,分析"训练性职业教育"和"教育性职业教育"的本质区别,提出建设有中国特色的职业教育模式,应当理性寻找技术哲学作为职业教育发展的教育哲学基础,将陶冶教养、启迪灵性和发展个性贯穿于"教育性职业教育"的始终,将培养达到"自由境界"的技术应用性人才作为目标.  相似文献   

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