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Since the 1970s, many observation instruments have been constructed to map teachers’ general pedagogic competencies. However, few of these instruments focus on teachers’ subject-specific competencies. This study presents the development of the Framework for Analyzing the Teaching of Historical Contextualization (FAT-HC). This high-inference observation instrument focuses on history teachers’ competency in promoting historical contextualization in classrooms. The results of the study demonstrate the instrument’s content validity. Generalizability studies were conducted to further assess the instrument’s dimensionality and reliability by decomposing the instrument’s variance. A large proportion of the variance was explained by differences between observed teachers, and a small proportion of the variance was explained by lessons and observers, demonstrating the instrument’s reliability. Furthermore, a decision study was conducted to determine the optimal number of observers and lessons needed for a reliable scoring design. The developed instrument could be used to gain greater insight into history teachers’ subject-specific competencies and to focus teacher professionalization on teachers’ specific needs.  相似文献   

历史地图是对客观历史进程更直观、更形象的反映。在中国古代史教学中,教师通过选择恰当的历史地图,引导学生正确识图、读图和绘图,使抽象的问题直观化、简单化,有助于对理论知识的理解和培养学生的空间概念。  相似文献   

历史评价问题是历史理论的重要组成部分,客观地认识历史、吸取经验教训、发扬民族精神都离不开对历史问题的客观评价。20世纪80年代以来,随着思想的解放,学术界探讨评价历史问题时往往各抒己见,加之近年来大量出现的历史文学及影视作品,也对青年学生认识历史产生极大影响,愈加凸显历史评价问题的重要。因此在历史教学中,教师要引导学生把握历史评价的基本原则和标准,以历史主义原则为指导,以历史人物、事件或事物对历史进程起推动或阻碍作用为标准,客观地认识历史人物、农民战争以及封建社会长期存在等问题,正确评价近代以来帝国主义的侵略以及革命与改良等问题,以培养学生探讨理论问题的能力,真正担负起历史教育工作的重任。  相似文献   

历史教材中,历史图片起到重要的辅助作用,承担一定的功能,这种作用和功能在高中教材中体现得尤为明显。高中历史教材中的图片可以分为空间类、历史遗迹类、人物活动直观展示类三种类型。历史图片具有传达历史信息、帮助学生形成历史表象、培养学生的审美能力、证明历史的功能。教学过程中所选的图片必须具有真实性,还要具有一定的代表性、针对性和清晰度。  相似文献   

在高中历史教学中,学生的"史料实证"能力会直接影响其历史学习能力。文章分析提升学生"史料实证"能力的重要意义,探讨高中历史教学的现状,指出在阅读教学中有效提升学生"史料实证"能力的策略:从阅读教学入手,培养学生的史料观;科学选择阅读素材,充分把握课堂教学节奏;以问题引领史料的阅读。  相似文献   


Preparing students to be effective citizens is a longstanding goal of public education. Historical content provides illustrative opportunities for civic learning. Teaching about the Holocaust exemplifies this approach. Employing an experimental research design with 865 secondary school students, we analyze effects on civic outcomes from learning about the Holocaust through a school-sponsored trip to a Holocaust museum. We find that lessons about the Holocaust increase students’ support for civil liberties and deepen historical content knowledge, but decrease religious tolerance. High school students and those from college-educated households drive increases in support for civil liberties, and these students are more likely to donate to human rights causes as a result of the intervention. Middle school students and those from less-educated households drive the negative religious tolerance effect. These findings suggest that history lessons can produce meaningful impacts on civic educational outcomes. However, a stronger educational foundation that comes with engaging with challenging political issues may be a vital prerequisite to avoid undesirable consequences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore middle school in-service mathematics teachers’ ability (1) to identify and explain students’ actions in pattern generalization and (2) to account for the variation in teachers’ explanations of students’ actions in terms of task and teachers’ factors. Two questionnaires were developed: (1) a questionnaire to measure teachers’ ability to identify students’ actions while finding the nth term in the pattern generalization and (2) a questionnaire to measure teachers’ ability to explain students’ actions in different tasks. The two questionnaires were given to a sample of 83 middle school in-service mathematics teachers from 22 schools in Lebanon. Analysis of data shows that teachers seemed to have the ability to identify students’ actions while finding the nth term in the pattern generalization and that teachers’ explanations of students’ actions in different tasks are lacking in terms of identifying variable-related counting elements. The results of stepwise multiple regression show that teachers’ ability to explain students’ actions to find the general term depends on their ability to explain students’ step-by-step counting or drawing.  相似文献   

历史学专业训练是为了培养未来能够独立从事史学研究的学者,故而其教学主要围绕史学方法、能力、素质的培养,与一般知识的传授和学习不同,教师要介入到学生学习的过程中,帮助学生确立其主体性。在专业训练过程中,学生要从被动转化为主动,从对教师的依赖和从属关系中解放出来,养成独立思考的习惯。教师要帮助学生发挥其主动性,进行创造性的教学,介入学生的认知发展过程中去。在当下日新月异的环境中,师生角色与关系要实现转变,师生要在继承传统的基础上批判性地创新,赋予传统新的生命,共同推动学术的发展和进步。  相似文献   

在初中历史教学中,教师引导或协助学生组织学生排练、演出历史情景剧,再现历史事实,最终使学生能够认知、理解、运用历史知识。激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生学习效率,培养学生的创新能力、探究能力和团队协调能力。  相似文献   


‘Historical thinking’ has a central role in the theory and practice of history education. At a minimum, history educators must work with a model of historical thinking if they are to formulate potential progression in students’ advance through a school history curriculum, test that progression empirically, and shape instructional experiences in order to maximize that progression. Where do they look, and where should they look, in order to construct such models? Over the past several decades, three major strands have developed, one based in the empirically minded and instruction-oriented British Schools Council History Project, a second through the more philosophically oriented German field of history didactics and historical consciousness, and a third in the US. All three had roots in the historiography and philosophy of their own national traditions. Canadian history educators have been working with a pragmatic hybrid defined around six ‘historical thinking concepts.’ While this model has both been highly influential in the reform of Canadian history curricula and prompted adaptations elsewhere, there has been only minimal theoretical discussion exploring the relationship of these concepts to each other or to the three traditions which helped to shape them. This article is a contribution towards filling that gap.  相似文献   

史料是历史教学与研究的基础,历史试题尤应重视史料的引用和设问的引导。文章试以2013年浙江省高考文综卷第38题为例,从“史料类型及其与设问之间的逻辑”、“史料剪辑与有效信息的提供”、“问题设置与三维目标的达成”三方面.解析如何在史料与设问的设计中提升历史认识。  相似文献   

在高校《中华人民共和国史》的教学中,教师应注重引导学生开展研究性学习,提高学生的自主学习能力。教师可充分运用历史史料,培养学生客观评价历史的思维;可开展专题研究,培养学生多角度看问题的意识;可利用撰写学年论文的形式,培养学生对问题的研究能力。  相似文献   

历史教学的有效性不仅来自教学内容的有效选择,还来自于教学内容的呈现方式。"悬念"作为一种戏剧表达方式应用于教学中,能缩短学生与教师、历史事件间的距离,增强学生历史学习的兴趣,提高课堂教学的有效性。历史课堂制造"悬念"的主要方法包括:转换叙事方式,用文学创作中"倒叙"、"隐叙"的方式;运用历史认知的心理机制,制造认知信息的落差与冲突、放大历史发展的落差与冲突的方式;运用停顿、设问等方式控制呈现节奏,把复杂的历史事件的相关信息次第展示。这些方式使史料不再静态,而是在学生和历史事件间架起了对话的桥梁,提升了教学的有效性。  相似文献   

The current study examined the relation of students’ performance and teachers’ enthusiasm with teachers’ use of engaging messages in class. These messages can focus on the benefits or disadvantages of engaging in a school task, and appeal to controlled (i.e., extrinsic, or introjected) or autonomous (i.e., identified, or intrinsic) incentives to engage students. Engaging messages were gathered through audio-recorded lessons of 39 teachers in 59 student groups during the second term of the academic year. Results showed that both students’ performance and teachers’ enthusiasm are related to teacher’s use of engaging messages. The better the students’ performance, and the higher the teachers’ enthusiasm, the larger the number of messages used. Moreover, the better the students’ performance, the greater the likelihood of using messages that appeal to extrinsic incentives. By assessing engaging messages through objective observations, we discovered relationships that can help us better understand teachers’ use of engaging message.  相似文献   

Within the field of social studies education, disciplinary models of teaching, such as approximating a historian in asking students to ‘think historically,’ have been the emphasis of countless professional development and teacher education programs. This movement, however, has focused largely on the use of traditional primary documents and generally does not include training for teachers or students on how other forms of media construct history. This collective case study examines how two US history teachers’ epistemological beliefs about historical media and ideology and overall goals for students as citizens impacts their pedagogy with different historical media, particularly film. Data were collected on a daily basis over the course of six months, and included observations, teacher interviews, and the media used as historical sources. Findings show that teachers’ beliefs about how sources represent history affect their pedagogy with the particular media, and that epistemic development and current notions of historical thinking may be limited when it comes to media that commonly serve as historical sources for the public at large (e.g., film, television, WWW, videogames). This limitation is caused in large part by the teachers’ larger goals for students that are informed by their ideology, and difficulty in identifying bias in media that aligned with their own beliefs. Therefore, a shift in teachers’ epistemic beliefs about how different forms of media serve as sources of history, essentially a form of critical media literacy, and coinciding recognition of ideological goals needs to occur in order to better instill students with skills in historical and media literacy for the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

The aim of this explorative study was to develop and test a pedagogy aimed at promoting students’ ability to perform historical contextualization. Teaching historical contextualization was conceptualized in terms of four pedagogical design principles: (1) making students aware of the consequences of a present-oriented perspective when examining the past, (2) enhancing the reconstruction of a historical context, (3) enhancing the use of the historical context to explain historical phenomena and (4) enhancing historical empathy. The effectiveness of these principles was explored in a lesson unit focusing on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In a quasi-experimental pre-test–post-test design with experimental and control conditions, the effects of the pedagogy on 15- and 16-year-old students’ ability to perform historical contextualization were examined (n = 131). The results indicated that students in the experimental condition significantly improved their ability to perform historical contextualization compared to students in the control condition. These findings could be used to help teachers and other educational professionals design and implement historical contextualization tasks and instructions.  相似文献   


The aim of the study is to analyse teachers’ efforts to develop secondary school students’ knowledge and argumentation skills of what constitutes scientific theories. The analysis is based on Leontiev’s three-level structure of activity (activity, action, and operation), as these levels correspond to the questions why, what, and how content is taught. The unit of analysis was a school development project in science education, where design-based interventions were conducted. Data comprised notes and minutes from eight meetings, plans, and video recordings of the lessons, and a written teacher evaluation. The teachers’ (n = 7) learning actions were analysed to identify (a) concept formation in science education, (b) expressions of agency, (c) discursive manifestations of contradictions, and (d) patterns of interaction during the science interventions. Three lessons on what constitutes scientific theories were implemented in three different student groups (n = 24, 23, 24), framed by planning and evaluation meetings for each lesson. The results describe (1) the ways in which teachers became more skilled at ensuring instruction met their students’ needs and (2) the ways in which teachers’ operations during instruction changed as a result of their developed knowledge of how to express the content based on theoretical assumptions.  相似文献   

History education stakeholders in England have consistently judged that some students find formal historical writing prohibitively difficult due to the demands of constructing an extended argument. While policy makers have agreed students need support in their historical writing, recurring themes in centralised resourcing have been wastage, incoordination and replication. Furthermore, two concurrent but largely disconnected discourses have developed and promulgated initiatives relevant to students’ extended historical writing: ‘genre theorists’ and the ‘history teachers’ extended writing movement’. Despite certain goals held in common participants in the two discourses have tended to talk past one another with concomitant issues in resourcing. Unsystematic, cross-fertilisation between the discourses has led to cycles of genre theory being collectively discovered, forgotten, and rediscovered by history teachers with knowledge not being built cumulatively. Furthermore both discourses have independently developed similar initiatives in a form of convergent evolution resulting in duplication of labour. Finally, divergent evolution has occurred where genre theorists have advocated approaches that are increasingly redundant for history teachers’ requirements. A more activist stance is therefore required to ensure meaningful inter-discursive communication between genre theorists and the history teachers’ ‘extended writing movement’ to ensure efficacy in developing approaches to improving students’ extended historical writing.  相似文献   

Curriculum contextualisation and the role of teachers as curriculum makers are important for student learning. Building on this idea, this study was developed to understand if teachers from well-ranked schools are motivated to contextualise the curriculum and are using this strategy in their daily classroom routines. Data were gathered through focus group interviews with teachers from three Portuguese secondary schools that were well placed in the national exam ranking. The data analysis showed that teachers are motivated to contextualise the national curriculum in their daily teaching and learning practices to promote their students’ academic success and full development. However, teachers also identified constraints related to the existence of a mandatory national curriculum to be fulfilled, which is necessary for the national exams, and the length of the subject programmes. Despite the constraints, teachers recognised the positive outcomes of curricular contextualisation, mostly regarding the promotion of students’ motivation to learn.  相似文献   

随着新课改的实施,传统的以知识为本位的教学理念受到否定,新的以学生发展为本的教学理念呼之欲出。要实现以学生发展为本的理念,突出学生在学习过程中的"主体性"地位,就要将历史教学放置在一种宽松、有趣的环境中,不断碰撞学生思维的火花,充分调动学生的自主学习能力,提高历史教学效果。这就是需要历史情境教学。  相似文献   

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