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The Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence-Based Practice Database offers systematic reviews, practice recommendations, and consumer information designed to support evidence-based practice. A sample search was conducted within the Ovid platform to demonstrate functionality and available tools.  相似文献   

聚类检索述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍聚类和聚类检索的概念以及聚类检索在数据库与Web上的应用现状,对聚类检索目前存在的问题,如聚类效果不突出、用户无法 参与聚类过程等进行分析,认为将聚类检索作为数据库或搜索引擎的一种检索功能,是对信息的一种增值性开发利用,会更加完善检索系统;提 出聚类检索应基于个性化用户模式来发展,要将聚类结果可视化,设置允许用户参与操作的检索界面等建议,以期将聚类功能向个性化、智能 化方向推进,更好地满足用户检索需求  相似文献   

The Internet has become a crucial source of health information for health sciences students. They increasingly rely on the Internet for health information to support their educational projects, academic activities, clinical practice and research. Surprisingly, it has been shown that students' health information skills for conducting research on the Internet are inadequate. Indeed, developing and improving the health information skill set of health sciences students is required in order for students to effectively locate, critically evaluate, and efficiently use online health information for the effective location, critical evaluation and efficient use of online health information. This paper undertakes a systematic review of the literature with a focus on electronic health information literacy skills with the aim of identifying the current trends, contributions to, and practices in health sciences students' education, and informing researchers in the field universally about the essential baseline for the design and development of effective course contents, pedagogy and assessment approaches. However, majority of students have limited skills for the location, evaluation and effective use of health information on the Internet. Other articles suggest that health sciences students need fully fledged health information skills programs that are integrated with their health sciences education curricula.  相似文献   

While the role of the librarian as an expert searcher in the systematic review process is widely recognized, librarians also can be enlisted to help systematic review teams with other challenges. This article reviews the contributions of librarians to systematic reviews, including communicating methods of the review process, collaboratively formulating the research question and exclusion criteria, formulating the search strategy on a variety of databases, documenting the searches, record keeping, and writing the search methodology. It also discusses challenges encountered such as irregular timelines, providing education, communication, and learning new technologies for record keeping. Rewards include building relationships with researchers, expanding professional expertise, and receiving recognition for contributions to health care outcomes.  相似文献   

Librarians have become more involved in developing high quality systematic reviews. Evidence-based practice guidelines are an extension of systematic reviews and offer another significant area for librarian involvement. This column highlights opportunities and challenges for the librarian working on guideline panels and provides practical considerations for meaningful contributions to the guideline creation process.  相似文献   

The article reports on a systematic method of undertaking a literature search on the educational impact of being a young carer (16–24 years old). The search methodology applied and described in detail will be of value to academic librarians and to other education researchers who undertake systematic literature searches. Seven bibliographic databases and Google Scholar were searched between November 2015 and January 2016. Two and three concept search structures were compared, involving 28 search terms plus truncation variants. One hundred and eighty-one relevant articles were retrieved. Sensitivity, precision, and “unique articles retrieved” were used as metrics. Social Care Online and Google Scholar had the greatest sensitivity. As well as meticulous use of AND, OR, and bracket operators, the use of NEAR and NOT operators to increase precision were tested and are recommended as useful tools for conducting systematic searches.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对当前我国健康类搜索引擎可用性程度较低、用户满意度不高的现状,对3个常用健康类搜索引擎的可用性进行评估,以期促进该类搜索引擎技术的发展,提高信息服务质量。[方法/过程] 从用户视角出发,采用实验研究方法,探讨并比较"有问必答"好大夫在线"和"39健康搜"3个健康类搜索引擎的有效性、效率和满意度。[结果/结论] 3个搜索引擎在系统反应速度和易学程度方面较好,但查准率还有待提高;返回网页虽内容丰富,但同时还存在重复、啰嗦、不严谨等问题。本研究发现,用户对健康信息的主观评价与基于临床证据的评价结果有所冲突,如何调和二者之间的矛盾,建立更为全面且有效的健康信息评价指标体系有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


The Kaiser Permanente health sciences librarians created inter-regional policies to standardize and guide the work of all librarians across regions. In response to the larger organization’s emphasis on promoting diversity and equity in healthcare and the workplace, the library policies have evolved over time to include aspects of critical librarianship in the information services that the Kaiser Permanente librarians provide to their organization. The article describes how the inter-regional group of hospital librarians provide information services through a critical librarianship lens and provides examples of how other health sciences librarians can incorporate these principles to expand their services.  相似文献   

基于FAHP的图像搜索引擎性能评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从搜索范围、界面设计、检索功能和用户支持度等6个角度提出图像搜索引擎性能评价体系,运用模糊层次分析法,对Google、Ditto和百度的性能进行定量评价,得出Google>Ditto>百度的结论,并认为利用FAHP对图像搜索引擎进行性能评价具有一定的可行性和合理性,若与定性分析相结合将有助于评价准确性的提高。  相似文献   

The Physician Assistant (PA) specialty encompasses many subject areas and requires many types of library resources. An analysis of PA LibGuides was performed to determine most frequently recommended resources. A sample of LibGuides from U.S. institutions accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) was included in this study. Resources presented on guides were tabulated and organized by resource type. Databases and point-of-care tools were the types of resources listed by the most LibGuides. There were over 1,000 books listed on the 45 guides, including over 600 unique books listed. There were fewer journals listed, only 163. Overall, while the 45 LibGuides evaluated list many unique resources in each category, a librarian can create an accepted list of the most frequently listed resources from the data gathered.  相似文献   

文章调查研究英国、荷兰、美国、日本的典型人文社会科学研究评价活动,发现这些国家人文社会科学研究评价具有高度制度化、国际化的特点,研究成果的原创性、研究的社会影响、研究的可持续发展性成为评价标准的主要内容,评价过程规范且由专家主导,计量指标只供专家参考,基于高水平代表作的外部评价是一种基本评价形式。这些经验对于建立我国人文社会科学研究评价体系,引导人文社会科学研究面向社会实践、面向国际水准、面向可持续发展,具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于学术论文的科学交流过程,本文将学术论文影响力划分为原生影响力、线下影响力、Web 1.0影响力和Web 2.0影响力,并讨论了各类型影响力的产生过程。在此基础上,构建出学术论文影响力评价模型,并对中国社会科学国际学术论文的两组数据(包含1个对照组)进行实证研究。研究发现:(1)学术论文影响力得分与来源期刊相对影响因子及被引频次相关度最高;(2)中国研究机构学者同时作为第一作者和通信作者的学术论文(数据组1)影响力得分在整体水平上与对照组相比还有差距,且两组数据的学术论文影响力得分趋势线都呈右偏态势;(3)学术论文影响力总得分最高的50个研究机构的影响力得分按指数趋势递减,高校是中国社会科学国际研究的中坚力量;(4)在两个数据组共同覆盖的79个学科领域中,数据组1只在24个学科的平均得分大于对照组,并对学术论文覆盖的学科领域按影响力相对大小进行了分类。  相似文献   

Genetics Home Reference is a free, online resource created and maintained by the National Library of Medicine. It is designed to provide genetic information to a wide variety of audiences, particularly the general public. The site consists of original information and links to other curated resources.  相似文献   

基于信息技术接受模型的搜索引擎评价体系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的搜索引擎评价指标体系大多是基于学术评价的。随着因特网用户的增加,需要一种基于用户角度的评价指标体系。从信息技术接受模型出发。探讨了如何从用户的信息接受的效果来评价搜索引擎。  相似文献   

Health disparities within Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities are often masked due to aggregated data. Lack of adequate data limits required health care services for these communities. While moving forward toward health equity, it is critical that disparities for API communities are acknowledged and addressed. This article focuses on the issues of aggregated data for API communities followed by suggestions on how health sciences librarians can support and promote better practices for data disaggregation.  相似文献   

在ACSI(美国客户满意度指数)模型基础上,构建Web搜索引擎满意度(简称WSES)模型。同时,依据已有的搜索引擎评价指标体系,结合所构建的WSES模型,建立相应的测量指标体系,为进一步进行结构方程模型的验证分析建立基础,并为评价Web搜索引擎满意度提供参考。  相似文献   


This systematic review examines types of mobile devices used by health professions students, kinds of resources and tools accessed via mobile devices, and reasons for using the devices to access the resources and tools. The review included 20 studies selected from articles published in English between January 2010 and April 2015, retrieved from PubMed and other sources. Data extracted included participants, study designs, mobile devices used, mobile resources/apps accessed, outcome measures, and advantages of and barriers to using mobile devices. The review indicates significant variability across the studies in terms of research methods, types of mobile programs implemented, resources accessed, and outcomes. There were beneficial effects of using mobile devices to access resources as well as conspicuous challenges or barriers in using mobile devices.  相似文献   

ClinicalAccess is a new clinical decision support tool that uses a question-and-answer format to mirror clinical decision-making strategies. The unique format of ClinicalAccess delivers concise, authoritative answers to more than 120,000 clinical questions. This column presents a review of the product, a sample search, and a comparison with other point-of-care search engines.  相似文献   

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