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Research typically focuses on one medium. But in today's digital media environment, people use and are influenced by their experience with multiple systems. Building on media ecology research, we introduce the notion of integrated media effects. We draw on resource dependence and homophily theories to analyze the mechanisms that connect media systems. To test the integrated media effects, we examine the relationships between news media visibility and social media visibility and hyperlinking patterns among 410 nongovernmental organization (NGO) websites in China. NGOs with greater news media visibility and more social media followers receive significantly more hyperlinks. Further, NGOs with a similar number of social media followers prefer to hyperlink to each other. The results suggest that both news media and social media systems are related to the configuration of hyperlink networks, providing support for the integrated media effects described. Implications for the study of hyperlink networks, online behaviors of organizations, and public relations are drawn from the results.  相似文献   

Coordination modes in public funding systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to look at public research funding systems from the perspective of their broader institutional arrangements, in order to observe how these shape the relationships between funding agencies and research actors. Accordingly, public funding is considered as a multilevel and multiactor system, where stable patterns are largely generated by the collective interaction among actors (beyond formal rules and structures) and where coordination between actors (especially funding agencies and performers) represents a key for the functionality of the systems. This drives to characterise the main organisational forms of public research funding in terms of their underlying coordination mode and to use this framework to evaluate them against a number of criteria. Further, the way how these organisational forms can be combined to yield national-level configurations is discussed, and some of their properties and conditions of functioning are derived from the previous discussion; this also leads to identification of three main configurations of funding systems - the project-based model, the mixed model, the vertically integrated model - which describe the variety of national systems and, to a large extent, underpin current discussion on European research policy.  相似文献   

吴晓燕 《软科学》2007,21(4):70-74
加入WTO后,我国进入了全面参与国际经济合作与竞争的崭新阶段,利用外资也迈上了一个新台阶。伴随着跨国并购的兴起和入世过渡期的结束,跨国资本在我国掀起了一股并购狂潮,把一批行业龙头企业收入囊中,引发了产业、市场和宏观经济整体安全隐忧。认清外资在华的新变化,从宏观国家、中观地方和微观企业三个层面采取切实的应对之策,构筑保障国家经济安全的网络体系。  相似文献   

随着我国企业实力的不断增强和竞争的加剧,越来越多的企业走出国门,开展跨国并购.企业跨国并购有利于获取我国经济发展所需的短缺资源和企业发展所需的技术、品牌和市场.目前,国内国际形势和国家政策导向都十分有利于企业"走出去"开展跨国并购.但由于我国企业规模小、实力弱及国内外文化环境、政治经济环境差异大,企业跨国并购也面临许多障碍.我国企业跨国并购要想取得成功,必须在并购主体、目标市场、并购行业、并购对象和并购方式等方面做出正确的战略选择,同时,我国政府也需要出台一些相应的扶持和鼓励措施.  相似文献   

We present a study to develop an improved understanding of symbolic links in web directories. A symbolic link is a hyperlink which makes a directed connection from a webpage along one path through a directory to a page along another path. While symbolic links are ubiquitous in web directories such as Yahoo!, they are under-studied and, as a result, their uses are poorly understood. A cursory analysis of symbolic links reveals multiple uses: to provide navigational shortcuts deeper into a directory, backlinks to more general categories, and multiclassification. We investigated these uses in the Open Directory Project (ODP), the largest, most comprehensive, and most widely distributed human-compiled taxonomy of links to websites, which makes extensive use of symbolic links. The results reveal that while symbolic links in ODP are used primarily for multiclassification, only few multiclassification links actually span top- and second-level categories. This indicates that most symbolic links in ODP are used to create multiclassification between topics which are nested more than two levels deep and suggests that there may be multiple uses of multiclassification links. We also situate symbolic links vis à vis other semantic and structural link types from hypermedia. We anticipate that the results and relationships identified and discussed in this paper will provide a foundation for (1) users for understanding the usages of symbolic links in a directory, (2) designers to employ symbolic links more effectively when building and maintaining directories and for crafting user interfaces to them, and (3) information retrieval researchers for further study of symbolic links in web directories.  相似文献   


This paper begins with a brief look at the literature on national innovation systems (NIS). Building on the NIS approach, we present a simple conceptual framework. National innovative competence is dependent on the presence of dynamic STI actors, operating within the confines of compatible institutions. We distinguish the roles played by different STI actors and argue that heterogeneous actors engage in innovation for different reasons. Collaborative innovation is not always a natural consequence of engagement in innovation but is characterised by a distinct set of considerations. The latter part of the paper is concerned with the application of this conceptual framework to the case of Ireland. We identify the institutions pertaining to Ireland’s current innovative performance. An outline of STI actors according to their role in the system is then presented. In turn we outline the various contributions of Irish STI actors and explore their motives for engaging in innovation and collaborative innovation.  相似文献   

This research paper studies the Chinese technological system of production and innovation in the field of photovoltaics (PV). It contributes to a better understanding of the emergence and development of the system by utilizing three levels of analysis: the institutional framework of the system, the market dynamics of production and deployment, and the composition of innovation-related activities. The analysis demonstrates the interrelated roles of transnational factors, local government policies, and research and development (R&D) activities undertaken by the main actors in shaping the system dynamics. Tracking the relative position of China in the global PV manufacturing, installation and technological development, the analysis shows a gap between the growth of China’s market share and its modest share of transnational patent applications. This suggests a puzzle, which the paper attempts to answer by inspecting the individual companies in the system against four aspects. First, the dynamic development of their size and performance. Second, the nature of their international involvement through foreign direct investment and mergers and acquisition deals. Third, their technological specialization within the PV value chain over time. Fourth, the spatial scope of their patenting protection endeavours. The analysis recognises four periods of system development driven jointly by market dynamics and government plans. Behind the continuous growth of the system, there were different driving and moderating factors in each period.  相似文献   

全球科技治理的权力结构、困境及政策含义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邢怀滨  苏竣 《科学学研究》2006,24(3):368-373
全球科技治理是在国际层面上干预、规制科学技术发展的制度和规则体系,反映了全球化时代科技创新的新特点和新环境。全球科技治理的内容可分为两方面:科技全球化的国际规则和基于全球问题的科技治理。国家政府、市场(跨国公司)和公民社会是全球科技治理中最重要的行动者,它们的行为中渗透着全球主义与国家主义、工具理性和价值理性之间的冲突。三类主体在两对冲突中的行为组合,导致当代全球治理中的工具理性和国家主义,并进而导致了全球科技治理中的诸多困境。最后就如何提高中国参与全球科技治理的能力,提出了四点政策建议。  相似文献   

网络信息组织中超文本链接的优化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1 超文本的构成超文本是网络信息组织和利用的一种技术。它按照非线性方式存储、管理、浏览各种信息 ,充分反映了信息间的各种关系。用户在浏览过程中能够根据自己的需要灵活地访问有关信息。如果超文本能支持图形、图像、视频等多媒体信息 ,则称为超媒体。超文本和超媒体只是研究对象不同 ,所以一般并不作严格的区别。目前Web网页主要采用超文本的组织方式 ,由许多不同的节点和链组成。1)节点 (Node)。节点是存贮信息的基本单元。每个节点表达一个特定的主题。节点中可以通过链与其他节点相连接。节点内容可以是文本、图形、图像、视频、…  相似文献   

This study of some aspects of regional-national scientific relationships in East Africa focuses on the interplay between the East African Agricultural and Forestry Research Organization (EAAFRO) of the East African Community (EAC) and the national agricultural and forestry research systems of the Partner States which make up the Community - Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Recently, regional (in the multi-national sense) cooperation or integration has increasingly been proposed as one way in which small developing countries can utilize their scarce resources in a more effective and efficient manner and thus develop faster. Despite the seeming logic and rationality behind these arguments, however, most attempts to date have either failed or have not lived up to expectations. The first major section of this study covered two exercises. In one, a methodology for ‘objectively’ measuring the direct benefits from EAAFRO and determining how they were distributed among the Partner States was developed and utilized. In the second exercise, a transaction analysis was attempted which covered the professional visits of EAAFRO officers to locations in the Partner States and of visits of national-level representatives to EAAFRO headquarters. The results were then related to distance and national borders in an attempt to see what factors might be influencing these transaction patterns. The second major section of this study focused on the individual national researcher in all Partner States. The primary dependent variable investigated was his general opinion toward EAAFRO, and a set of hypothesized relationships was tested to try and explain that opinion. Independent variables tested included benefits from EAAFRO, opinions toward the EAC, the opinions of relevant national groups toward EAAFRO, proximity to EAAFRO, knowledge about EAAFRO, the race of the national researcher, the extent of personal contact transactions, and the extent to which EAAFRO's work complemented that of the national researcher.  相似文献   

设计和实现了一个超链接符合度测试系统.首先通过Crawler技术爬取超链接文本和链接指向内容,然后采用中文分词技术对其分别进行分词,得到相应的词语列表.对链接指向的文本内容,分别依据标题、段首句、段尾句和正文进行分词,最后根据设计的符合度计算模型,计算链接文本和链接指向文本的符合度.经过和人工判断的符合度对比,系统计算的符合度较好,和人工判断的符合度有很好的相关性.  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) in project-based organizations has received substantial attention in recent years, as knowledge processes are insufficiently supported within the organization as a whole. This study specifically focuses on the project actor’s role in managing knowledge. From an actor’s perspective, the problems raised by knowledge embeddedness are identified as a key issue to link project knowledge and organizational knowledge. A conceptual framework is developed that addresses three different aspects of knowledge embeddedness: a relational dimension, a temporal dimension and a structural dimension. Three cases are studied, covering varying forms of organizations in different areas (a consulting firm, an R&D department and an industrial business unit). The results concerning the relational dimension indicate that project actors re-build the network of relationships supporting knowledge. Regarding the temporal dimension, and specifically in their professional field, actors frame professional knowledge related to their project experience. However, actors fail to surmount the problems raised by the structural dimension of knowledge embeddedness. The resulting recommendations for KM concern both Human Resource Management practices and organizational design.  相似文献   

吴航  陈劲 《科学学研究》2020,38(9):1570-1578
如何对跨国并购整合过程中的制度复杂性作出战略响应决定了并购战略意图能否实现。基于适应与创新视角,识别出了跨国企业在并购整合过程中针对制度复杂性的两种战略响应方式:制度适应和制度共创,实证检验了并购前的并购动机对并购后整合过程中战略响应方式选择的影响,以及并购经验和组织冗余对上述关系的调节效应。研究发现,利用性并购企业倾向于选择实施制度共创战略,探索性并购企业倾向于选择实施制度适应战略,同时并购经验和组织冗余正向调节探索性或利用性并购与相应战略响应方式之间的关系。  相似文献   

国际气候谈判中的国家集团分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国际形势的持续变化,气候谈判中的国家集团也不断分化重组,是什么因素影响了国家间的结盟或分离?本研究采用聚类统计方法和排放配额的最偏好原则比较对国家集团结盟展开了分析。研究发现:(1)欧盟集团中的东欧和南欧国家在经济和技术水平上与西欧和北欧国家存在较大差距,不能与西欧和北欧国家形成稳定的关系;(2)“G77+中国”集团是当前气候谈判中最不稳定的国家集团,中国与G77集团成员国家在自然要素、排放要素以及配额原则偏好等方面均存在较大的差别,石油输出国和热带雨林国家也与其他G77国家在经济条件、排放水平等方面存在较大差距,这将导致“G77+中国”集团的瓦解;(3)中国与美国在自然要素、排放现状、未来气候变化预期等方面以及配额原则偏好上存在共同点,或可以在全球应对气候变化谈判中形成新的伙伴关系。  相似文献   

在大量调查问卷基础上,以江苏制造业企业为样本,从微观行为模式层面考察了影响我国企业跨国并购隐性知识转移的关键因素。研究结果表明:在控制了吸收能力、组织支持、接收动机、初级转移、高级转移、非正式群体与沟通和成功知识等相关因素后,知识模糊性和显性转移模式与隐性知识转移的效果之间呈现较显著的正向关系,而且这种正向关系还会因为知识嵌入性和隐转移模式解释变量的舍去而得到不同程度的加强。与一般认识不同的是,我们还发现,知识势差、物理距离和组织距离等与跨国并购过程隐性知识转移效果之间并不存在倒U型曲线关系,也不存在所谓的"门槛效应",它们之间呈现显著负相关关系。在统计分析的基础上,进一步考察了我国企业跨国并购过程中隐性知识转移的关键影响因素,从转移过程、融合过程、协调过程和反馈过程四种情景验证了企业隐性知识转移过程的特征差异以及它们对跨国并购隐性知识转移过程的内在作用机理。  相似文献   

A major proportion of the world’s population will be located in cities by 2030. With cities globally facing challenges due to the social exclusion of significant proportions of their populace, new thinking is needed on ways to correlate the competing socio-economic goals of various actors. This study sought to uncover the link between governance in cities as an innovation process and socio-economic regime transition towards a more equitable urban society. To do so, we draw on transition management thinking to consider urban regime transitions evolving in a temporal and incremental manner and in a multi-level context. We sought expansion from a delimited focus on socio-technical regimes in transition management literature to incorporate the notion of urban socio-economic regimes. This involved integrating aspects of reflexive governance and politics in a city context with a basic ontology of complex social systems and their evolutionary dynamics that underlies transition management approaches. Our focus is on learning by doing and experimentation as well as participation of citizens with other key city actors in a radically new process of mutual learning that creates social inclusion. The juxtaposition of national, city and community level interactions and their impact on socio-economic regime transition brings into sharp relief the issue of spatial scale and a lack of consideration in transition approaches generally. The study findings reveal a spatial orientation for creating new urban forms of reflexive governance as an innovation process taking place in transition arenas that can trigger new pathways to socio-economic change.  相似文献   

国家创新体系下,专利制度连接科学研究、技术开发与技术扩散各子系统,适度合理的专利保护强度是实现创新系统之价值创造功能的重要保障。运用综合评价法,测度52个国家2006年-2017年的实际专利保护强度,从而探究经济发展、跨国技术扩散与基础科研能力对专利保护强度的影响,研究表明:总体上看,经济发展、跨国技术扩散和基础科研能力均与专利保护强度呈正相关关系。分组模型结果显示,中低收入国家受国际贸易地位及国内市场压力影响,往往会适用偏高的专利保护强度;国家综合实力提升会推动中高收入国家从专利制度的被动适应过渡到主动运用的新阶段;不仅如此,当国家经济发展水平足够高时,专利制度的首要作用将从直接增加社会总福利转向保护和激励创新,进而推动经济发展。  相似文献   

The free-rider problem in an online professional community could, over time, undermine the wealth of the community and deplete the knowledge inventory to unacceptable levels. A knowledge seeker’s intention to reciprocate is motivated by perceived social benefits. An interpretation of intention to reciprocate cannot be fully addressed without investigating how knowledge seekers define the community support received in their knowledge-seeking process. This study suggests that perceived community support is the degree to which knowledge seekers perceive a supportive climate created by linking actors. An empirical study involving 471 knowledge seekers was conducted in an online professional community that seekers used to search for and acquire programming knowledge. The results indicated that knowledge seekers take perceived social benefits and perceived community support into account when forming an intention to reciprocate. In addition, perceived community support positively moderated the effect of knowledge-seeking effort on perceived social benefits. These findings contribute to the existing literature on knowledge-seeking by using social exchange theory to integrate perceived community support and better explain the intention of knowledge seekers to reciprocate in an online professional community. Theoretical and practical implications derived from the findings are further discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines how transformational leadership (TFL) climate influences employees’ team identity and their intentions to share knowledge and how team knowledge sharing intention subsequently influences team innovativeness. Data was collected from 301 employees comprising 52 R&D teams. Hypotheses were tested with both hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) and regression analyses. Results indicated that TFL climate was related to employees’ intention to share knowledge through team identity. At the group level, results supported the relationships between team knowledge sharing intention and team innovativeness. The results also indicated that team knowledge sharing intention mediated the relationship between TFL climate and team innovativeness.  相似文献   

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