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Twenty principal components analyses were performed on the results of 10 European and 10 World male speed skating championships. The first principal component obtained was defined as ‘the ability to skate well at all tournament distances’. Therefore the rank order of the participants’ skating ability could be estimated in an alternative way to allow validation of the scoring method currently in force. This validity coefficient turned out to be so high (r = 0.967) that it does not seem necessary to adopt a more sophisticated method, despite a few demonstrable shortcomings of the one in use. However, there remains a considerable proportion of variance (10–34%) that can not be explained by systematic aspects of skating ability.  相似文献   

动作示范在速滑技术教学中的运用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
汪勤 《冰雪运动》2006,(5):67-69
在速滑技术教学中,教师合理运用动作示范,对学生正确掌握技术起着重要的作用。根据速滑运动技术教学的特点和规律,从运动心理和运动生物学的角度,对动作示范在速滑技术教学中运用进行了分析,旨在为进一步提高速滑技术教学的质量与效果提供参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈等方法,对我国速滑运动员培养现状进行研究的基础上,总结了目前我国速滑运动培养体系的优势和存在的问题,探讨我国速滑后备人才培养的新途径。结论是要大力发展体教结合战略,建立后备人才培养基地,完善选拔、培养、考核机制。  相似文献   

普通高校高水平运动队建设的影响因素与发展对策   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
分析了我国高校高水平运动队建设中教育与体育体制的分离,训练经费不足,教练员既从事体育教学又从事业余训练而致负担过重,运动员的先天不足、就业困难与体育科研力量薄弱等影响因素,并指出只有发挥高等学校、竞技体育系统和社会力量的作用,使竞技体育院校化,解决引进和培养优秀教练员等问题,才能加速推进我国高校高水平运动队建设水平,并走上健康的可持续发展道路,培养出更多更优秀的竞技体育人才。  相似文献   

薛瑞红  杨帆 《冰雪运动》2006,(6):5-7,21
通过对2006年全国速度滑冰联赛(第2站)比赛的观摩与研究,分析当前我国速度滑冰人才的分布情况,并从比赛成绩中着重分析了前3名选手的成绩与全国纪录之间的差距,以及中国速度滑冰队在亚洲和世界上的整体水平,并回顾中国选手在都灵冬奥会和2006年世界锦标赛上的表现,进而对我国速度滑冰运动概况和发展进行综述和评价.  相似文献   

轮滑项目运动损伤的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
轮滑运动是一项受到广大青少年喜爱的运动,在社会和普通高校中得到普遍开展,但轮滑活动的过程中运动损伤发生的几率相对较高,严重影响轮滑运动的开展。采用文献资料法和问卷调查等方法,分析轮滑活动中运动损伤产生的原因和损伤部位,为高校轮滑运动的教学、训练、课外活动以及全民健身活动提供指导。  相似文献   

国际滑联2013版短道速度滑冰竞赛规则发布后,国际比赛成绩处理系统全面实现了网络化成绩管理。而国内短道成绩处理系统仍然停留在单机版状态,在执行最新规则要求、成绩处理及网络发布等多项功能,据国际滑联成绩处理系统的差距较大。为此,通过对国际成绩处理系统进行系统分析,结合我国竞赛系统实际情况,设计及规划基于信息化平台的短道速滑成绩管理系统,使我国短道速滑竞赛组织达到能够承接国际比赛的需求,对提高我国短道速滑裁判员的竞赛组织、执裁能力及与国际大赛接轨具有重要意义。  相似文献   

索契冬季奥林匹克运动会上,中国代表团勇夺3枚金牌、4枚银牌和2枚铜牌,位居金牌榜第13位,在亚洲各国家和地区代表队中居领先地位。在3枚金牌中,有2枚来自短道速滑,在再创成绩新高的同时也引起了国人的极大关注。本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、演绎推理法,以2014年索契冬奥会短道速滑项目为研究对象,论述了短道速滑项目的基本特征、面临的问题及发展对策,旨在为短道速滑项目的全面普及发展提供参考。  相似文献   

预防学生冰上课运动损伤的教学措施   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
张艳秋 《冰雪运动》2006,(5):65-66,69
速滑运动是北方冬季高校开展较为普及的一个运动项目,常因气候或自身及其它因素而发生运动损伤,如何避免在体育教学中发生运动损伤,查找运动损伤发生的原因,制定相应的预防措施,对体育教学任务的顺利完成有着非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

我国速滑运动项目青少年与成年运动员运动水平倒挂的现象,制约了速滑运动项目在我国的全面提升,解决这个问题的关键在于业余体校教练员应具备基本的训练工作能力,转变其训练理念,同时全面提高业余体校速滑运动员训练工作的质量。为此,提出业余体校教练员应具备掌握和运用理论知识的能力,合理决策的能力,训练的创新能力;应注重少年儿童速滑运动员文化、科学知识和思想品德的教育,以及心理素质与解决问题能力的培养;按照少年儿童的生长发育规律、技术动作的形成规律和心理特点,制定相应的训练方法和手段,促进其技能和训练质量的全面提升。  相似文献   

采用小群体教学实验法,探讨高校速度轮滑课教学中实施小群体教学的实效性,旨在为推进高校体育课程改革和促进大学生科学化健身提供依据。  相似文献   

短道速滑训练分为陆地训练与冰上训练两种模式,冰陆交界区是由陆地训练向冰上训练过渡的训练阶段,起到将陆地训练成果转化到冰上训练的作用。针对5名优秀短道速滑冰运动员进行了六个训练时期,为时10个月的有氧训练生理生化指标追踪测试,研究其在指定时期内的变化特点。监测数据分析表明,运动员冰陆交界区的有氧代谢能力低于陆地训练期有氧能力的最高峰值,整体呈下降趋势。但随着冰上训练的深入,检测数据呈上升趋势并超过陆地训练最高水平,达到年度最高峰值,也就是有氧能力达到本年度水平最高点。根据这一特点,指导运动员进行有针对性的科学训练,提高冰陆交界区有氧训练质量,进一步提高我国短道速滑的竞技水平。  相似文献   

马国东 《体育学刊》2007,14(5):59-62
为揭示速度轮滑双蹬技术的规律和特征,正确理解速度轮滑双蹬技术动作原理,为寻找更先进和省力的速度轮滑技术提供科学依据。运用足底压力分布测试系统,以专业轮滑运动员为研究对象,获取不同速度滑行过程运动员在双蹬技术一个单步中的足底动力学参数。结果说明足底压力随时间变化是影响速度轮滑蹬动效果的主要因素;不同的足底压力传递特征体现了不同的技术动作,从而形成不同的运动效果;在快速滑行中双蹬技术更有利于保持身体平衡。  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of eight different small-sided games (SSG) on physical, technical, and decision-making demands of training environments in U14 field hockey. Methods: A total of 13 participants played eight different training games consisting of two 7.5-minute halves, where number of players (three per side or six per side) and/or field characteristics (normal game, cage hockey game, possession game, and two-goals game) was manipulated. Match performance was determined by using notational analysis, and physical demands were determined by using GPS analyses. Results: Findings revealed that lowering the number of players increased the number of technical actions performed per player and the physical demands of the SSG. Findings of the field characteristics manipulation revealed that the possession game forced players to control the ball more as a team, which resulted in more passes (+4.82 passes) and fewer dribbles (?1.48 dribbles) and tackles (?0.69 tackles) compared to the normal game. The two-goals game led to players scoring more goals (+0.61 goals) compared to the normal game, while the cage hockey game increased passing (+1.46 passes) and physical demands (+7.32 meters per minute) compared to the normal game. Conclusion: It can be concluded from these findings that coaches and trainers are able to promote a change in playing behavior, and in turn the development of skills, by manipulating specific constraints of the training environment.  相似文献   

高校竞技体育为学校体育与竞技体育两者的下位概念,既属于学校体育结构体系中一个分支,也是竞技体育结构体系中的一个分支,是学校体育与竞技体育两者之间的相互交叉融合,具有学校体育与竞技体育的双重性特征。通过对我国竞技体育与高校竞技体育互动发展关系展开研究,结果表明,两者良性互动发展进程中存在着诸如发展目标定位、管理体制、人才培养途径、训练竞赛体制等方面的隐性冲突。对产生隐性冲突的成因进行剖析并提出相关建议。  相似文献   


Athletes’ energy distribution over a race (e.g. pacing behaviour) varies across different sports. Swimming is a head-to-head sport with unique characteristics, such as propulsion through water, a multitude of swimming stroke types and lane-based racing. The aim of this paper was to review the existing literature on pacing behaviour in swimming. According to PRISMA guidelines, 279 articles were extracted using the PubMed and Web of Science databases. After the exclusion process was conducted, 16 studies remained. The findings of these studies indicate that pacing behaviour is influenced by the race distance and stroke type. Pacing behaviours in swimming and time-trial sports share numerous common characteristics. This commonality can most likely be attributed to the lane-based racing set-up. The low efficiency of swimming resulting from propulsion through the water induces a rapid accumulation of blood lactate, prompting a change in swimmers’ biomechanical characteristics, with the goal of minimising changes in velocity throughout the race. Although the literature on youth swimmers is scarce, youth swimmers demonstrate more variable pacing profiles and have more difficulty in selecting the most beneficial energy distribution.  相似文献   

花样滑冰是我国参加冬奥会的优势项目,随着老运动员的退役,后备人才培养不足的矛盾凸显.现役国家花样滑冰队一线的运动员70%是黑龙江省培养的运动员,黑龙江省只有重视后备人才的梯队建设,我国花样滑冰竞技体育的发展才有后劲.采用文献资料、访谈法、观察法、逻辑分析法和数理统计法等研究方法,对黑龙江省花样滑冰项目后备人才的基本情况进行分析.结果表明,黑龙江省花样滑冰运动员储备在减少,2014年度黑龙江省全国花样滑冰项目注册运动员比2013年度减少了8.9%;黑龙江省花样滑冰13岁以下运动员后备梯队结构呈现倒金字塔型,提示低龄儿童花样滑冰运动员有减少的发展趋势;教练员队伍具有年龄小、执教时间短、职称低的特点,教练员队伍出现年龄断档;运动员平均每天冰上训练时间过短,参加比赛机会少等.建议花样滑冰后备人才培养应与大众体育、体育经济相结合,走市场化发展的道路,加强俱乐部的多区域建设;花样滑冰运动项目发展和基础训练阶段必须与学校相结合,保证后备人才资源库输出充足和运动选材的质量;增加业余体校的经费投入,加强教练员的学习与交流,促进黑龙江省花样滑冰后备人才培养的可持续发展.  相似文献   

新时期我国竞技体育可持续发展的对策研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在献研究和实际观察的基础上,从观念的转变、竞技体育人才的培养、“科教兴体”战略的实施、举国体制的完善、项目的布局等5方面概括和分析了新时期我国竞技体育的可持续发展对策,为我国竞技体育的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Sports injuries are common among baseball players and may result in abnormal movement patterns, increased risks of future injury, and unsatisfactory performance. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS?) has been developed to detect abnormal functional movement patterns and can be used for predicting risks of sports injury. However, whether FMS? scores are associated with athletic performance remains unclear. The goal of this study was to determine the association between functional movements and athletic performance in elite baseball players. Core stability, muscular strength and flexibility of the lower extremities, and FMS?, as well as athletic performance in sprinting, agility, and balance tests were assessed in 52 male collegiate Division I baseball players placed into two groups based on FMS? scores. The high-scoring group demonstrated better athletic performance than the low-scoring group, with a shorter duration of the agility test. No group differences were found in core stability, muscular strength, or muscle flexibility, except for rectus femoris flexibility. Thus, the FMS? score is associated with sprinting and agility performance in elite baseball players. These findings indicate that the FMS? may have a role in predicting athletic performance and thereby help determine the goals of training regimens or return-to-play strategies.  相似文献   


This study investigated whether a multi-dimensional assessment could assist with talent identification in junior Australian football (AF). Participants were recruited from an elite under 18 (U18) AF competition and classified into two groups; talent identified (State U18 Academy representatives; n = 42; 17.6 ± 0.4 y) and non-talent identified (non-State U18 Academy representatives; n = 42; 17.4 ± 0.5 y). Both groups completed a multi-dimensional assessment, which consisted of physical (standing height, dynamic vertical jump height and 20 m multistage fitness test), technical (kicking and handballing tests) and perceptual-cognitive (video decision-making task) performance outcome tests. A multivariate analysis of variance tested the main effect of status on the test criterions, whilst a receiver operating characteristic curve assessed the discrimination provided from the full assessment. The talent identified players outperformed their non-talent identified peers in each test (P < 0.05). The receiver operating characteristic curve reflected near perfect discrimination (AUC = 95.4%), correctly classifying 95% and 86% of the talent identified and non-talent identified participants, respectively. When compared to single assessment approaches, this multi-dimensional assessment reflects a more comprehensive means of talent identification in AF. This study further highlights the importance of assessing multi-dimensional performance qualities when identifying talented team sports.  相似文献   

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