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中国足球超级联赛体制改革研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
运用文献资料法、调查法和专家访谈法对中国足球超级联赛的现状和存在问题进行研究和分析。问题的本质在于联赛体制不合理,一是联赛产权不明,二是“政”产不分,管办不分。提出了中国足球超级联赛体制改革的对策和建议,即在明确联赛产权的基础之上,成立中国足球超级联赛公司,将联赛的经营权、管理权和监督权交还公司,明确中国足球协会的性质和权限,完善多元化的纠纷救济体制,以及加强联赛的法制建设等。  相似文献   

Researchers have identified some demands of Canadian National Hockey League (NHL) players, yet there is little direction for players hoping to reach the lucrative league. The objectives of this study were to identify the stages, statuses and demands in Canadian NHL players’ careers and propose an empirical career model of Canadian NHL players. In total, 5 rookies, 5 veterans and 13 retirees had their interviews undergo an interpretive thematic analysis. Prospects face the NHL combine, training camp and minor league assignment. While developing into NHL players, rookies deal with NHL call-ups, team competition and formative production while sophomores seemed preoccupied by the opposition. Prime veterans become All-Stars by garnering point production and challenging for the Stanley Cup while seasoned veterans remain relevant through training camps. A discussion about the model’s viability is followed by applications for sport psychology researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、录像观察法和数理统计法对2012赛季中超联赛前四名球队所有比赛的进攻、防守等数据,进行统计对比分析。研究结果表明每支球队各有各的风格,各项进攻和防守数据反映了各支球队的风格和打法;广州恒大和北京国安比较注重控球率,善于把握比赛的节奏,通过中前场的传递循序渐进地寻求进攻机会,高效的进攻和突破形成了很多前场任意球的机会;江苏舜天和贵州人和比较注重从整体稳固防守中积极运用快速反击打法,在快速的反击中寻求破门的机会,良好的下底传中意识和头球技术也给两队的胜利奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to determine if there is a role for manipulation of g force thresholds acquired via micro-technology for accurately detecting collisions in rugby union. In total, 36 players were recruited from an elite Guinness Pro12 rugby union team. Player movement profiles and collisions were acquired via individual global positioning system (GPS) micro-technology units. Players were assigned to a sub-category of positions in order to determine positional collision demands. The coding of collisions by micro-technology at g force thresholds between 2 and 5.5 g (0.5 g increments) was compared with collision coding by an expert video analyst using Bland–Altman assessments. The most appropriate g force threshold (smallest mean difference compared with video analyst coding) was lower for all forwards positions (2.5 g) than for all backs positions (3.5 g). The Bland–Altman 95% limits of agreement indicated that there may be a substantial over- or underestimation of collisions coded via GPS micro-technology when using expert video analyst coding as the reference comparator. The manipulation of the g force thresholds applied to data acquired by GPS micro-technology units based on incremental thresholds of 0.5 g does not provide a reliable tool for the accurate coding of collisions in rugby union. Future research should aim to investigate smaller g force threshold increments and determine the events that cause coding of false positives.  相似文献   

采用录像观察法。对中超和欧洲五大联赛主、客场攻守数据进行了对比分析,指出竞技能力才是影响比赛结果的关键要素。研究认为:(1)与欧洲联赛相比,五大联赛各队之间竞争较均衡,中超各队之间竞争不均衡,实力相差悬殊,中超的整体技战术水平和运动员个人技术的全面性都不如五大联赛。中超各队还缺少鲜明的特点和风格;(2)西甲各队的技战术水平比较成熟,主、客场进攻与防守能力较为平衡;(3)西甲在主、客场胜负率上没有显著性差异,证明其不愧为是世界上最强的职业联赛;(4)中超及五大联赛在主、客场进球数上均没有显著性差异,表明客场不利因素的影响在减小;(5)德甲在主、客场失球上有显著性差异,是防守能力不足的表现。  相似文献   

采用录像观察法。对中超和欧洲五大联赛主、客场攻守数据进行了对比分析,指出竞技能力才是影响比赛结果的关键要素。研究认为:(1)与欧洲联赛相比,五大联赛各队之间竞争较均衡,中超各队之间竞争不均衡,实力相差悬殊,中超的整体技战术水平和运动员个人技术的全面性都不如五大联赛。中超各队还缺少鲜明的特点和风格;(2)西甲各队的技战术水平比较成熟,主、客场进攻与防守能力较为平衡;(3)西甲在主、客场胜负率上没有显著性差异,证明其不愧为是世界上最强的职业联赛;(4)中超及五大联赛在主、客场进球数上均没有显著性差异,表明客场不利因素的影响在减小;(5)德甲在主、客场失球上有显著性差异,是防守能力不足的表现。  相似文献   

2004~2005赛季英超联赛红黄牌判罚情况的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2004~2005赛季英格兰足球超级联赛中红黄牌的判罚情况进行统计分析,结果表明:英超联赛等采用循环赛制的比赛中红黄牌的判罚数量远远低于世界杯等采用淘汰赛制的比赛;红黄牌的判罚数量随着联赛的深入呈上升趋势;客场球队比主场球队被判罚更多的红黄牌;中场队员被判罚的红牌数量最多,后卫队员被判罚的黄牌最多,守门员被判罚的红黄牌最少;红黄牌的判罚数量呈现出随着比赛时间的减少而增加的趋势;红黄牌的判罚与球队的风格关系更大。  相似文献   

董青 《体育科技》2007,28(3):27-30
通过对2006年世界杯决赛阶段的全部147个进球和2005年中国足球超级联赛的全部466个进球的对比统计,分析了中超联赛在这个关键环节上的现状及差距。结果显示,与世界杯相比,无论是进攻手段的多样化、均衡性,还是进球得分的手段,都显示出明显的差距。定位球技、战术能力亟待提高。  相似文献   

以大超联赛管理体制与运行机制为研究对象,通过调查访问和逻辑分析对大超联赛的队员、教练员情况、运动队管理情况、联赛体制等问题进行了研究,提出了大超联赛进一步发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

欧洲职业足球联赛与NBA运营模式比较之研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过论证对职业赛事起重要作用的是联盟的运作模式,并对欧洲足球五大联赛和NBA联赛的运营模式进行分析比较,指出欧洲联赛存在的问题和NBA运作模式的先进性。  相似文献   

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