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The European Higher Education Area has promoted reconsidering the role played by teachers at universities. Faculties are expected to design learning activities that promote the acquisition of competencies among students. In this context, technologies have garnered prominence as they contribute to creating student-centred learning environments. This study answers these research questions: (1) To what extent has university teaching changed with the implementation of digital technologies in university classrooms? What technology-based learning activities are incorporated in instructional designs by the teachers? (2) How does the faculty describe the integration of technological knowledge into pedagogical content knowledge when designing and developing technology-based learning activities? (3) According to university teachers, which other factors (intrinsic or extrinsic) determine the use of digital technologies in their learning designs? To answer these questions, we have collected data from two differentiated samples of university teachers using the Inventory of Learning Activities with Technology at the University and semi-structured interviews. First, the results reveal that teachers use technologies to carry out learning activities focusing on the content and the teacher. Student-centred learning activities are only timidly being incorporated. Second, the extent to which such activities are implemented is linked to the teachers’ techno-pedagogical content knowledge. Third, the factors that facilitate or inhibit teachers from using technologies in the teaching–learning process respond to intrinsic aspects, such as teachers’ knowledge and beliefs, but also to extrinsic and contextual issues, such as the discipline taught or institutional policy at the university regarding the use of educational technologies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a group of elements to improve teaching and learning in technological education. These elements are based on some contributions issued from contemporary educational models, namely, the thematic approach, meaningful learning, concept maps, and the spiral curriculum. Based on a thematic approach, a new way is proposed to select the contents that will be explored in the educational process. We emphasize the benefits of a thematic approach in students’ motivation. After contents are chosen, we propose the use of the directives of meaningful learning and concept maps, as a method and as a tool, respectively, to organize knowledge hierarchically, from general and inclusive concepts to specific ones. This may facilitate learning and understanding of the great bulk of knowledge to be dealt with during technological courses. A proposal has been submitted for a teaching module in computer networks and also for a complete course plan. The spiral curriculum was applied during the development of learning in the classroom, where some fundamental concepts were introduced many times over, adding more details gradually. A qualitative analysis of the application of these educational proposals, including learning evaluation aspects, is also presented.  相似文献   

While most current educational simulation games provide learners with gameplay experience to motivate learning, there is often a lack of focus on ensuring that the desired content knowledge is actually learned. Students may focus on completing game activities without learning the targeted content knowledge, thus negating the desired learning outcomes. We argue that to help students achieve improved learning performance, providing targeted content knowledge should be a specific focus in designing educational games; in addition, scaffolding strategies to promote the use of in-game contents should also be provided. Thus, the present study explores the effects and usage of providing three types of scaffolding aids in two versions of educational simulations with in-game contents. The results suggest that providing targeted content with scaffolding aid in educational simulation games helps students to achieve better learning performance.  相似文献   

As society becomes increasingly digital, teachers must be trained to integrate technology effectively into their classrooms. Teachers’ technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), as defined in the TPACK framework, is considered an important prerequisite for effectively integrating technology. The TPACK framework has received a great deal of attention, yet few knowledge tests have been developed that directly assess TPK. However, those tests are crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of teacher education courses on technology integration. We have developed a 17-item test that covers teacher knowledge about various digital technologies as employed in teaching. Experts rated the items to represent the construct adequately. Data obtained from 245 pre-service teachers supports the test’s internal structure. Concerning convergent and discriminant validity, the pre-service teachers’ test scores were not related to their self-reported TPK, but to their self-reported technological knowledge. The test was sensitive to changes in pre-service teachers’ TPK through teacher education courses.  相似文献   

Drawing on the sociocultural view, shared knowledge is regarded as a basis for interdependent working and multi-professional learning in early childhood education. Shared professional knowledge can be seen as a central element in successful collaboration facilitating individual and collaborative professional learning. This study aims to investigate the content and implementation of shared professional knowledge in an early childhood context. Video-taped data were collected using a stimulated recall method from the two participating teachers. The results show that the content of shared professional knowledge was related to two areas in the teachers’ professional knowledge: professional self and professional tasks. In addition, the shared professional knowledge varied according to the teachers’ work contexts. This study offers new knowledge on early childhood education practices and teacher education, considering multi-professional collaboration, and shared learning.  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,文化依托语言得以传承和发展;文化又影响着语言,对于语言的形成和发展有着至关重要的作用。要学好一门语言,不能仅仅依靠词汇的累积和语法知识的背诵,对其所扎根的文化也要有深刻的了解,英语学习也是如此。教师应当深刻地认识到这一点,将文化背景知识的讲解充分融入到日常的教学活动当中去,才能够使英语教学发挥出应有的效果。  相似文献   


Technology-facilitated peer assessment is gaining increasing attention. However, evidence for the contribution of technology-facilitated peer assessment to learning achievements has not been investigated. The present meta-analysis integrated findings on the effects of technology-facilitated peer assessment based on two main elements: (1) technology-facilitated peer assessment, (2) the use of extra supporting strategies in technology-facilitated peer assessment. A total of 37 empirical studies published from 1999 to 2018 were selected and analysed. Results indicated that technology-facilitated peer assessment had a significant and medium effect on learning achievements with an overall mean effect size of 0.576. The use of extra supporting strategies in technology-facilitated peer assessment also produced a positive and medium effect on students’ learning achievements with an overall mean effect size of 0.543. Different moderator variables, such as task types, assessment modes, training for assessors, durations, grouping types and assessment methods were related to different effect sizes. The results together with the implications for both practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the ways in which teacher education institutions (TEI) prepare pre-service teachers for integrating information and communication technology (ICT) in their classroom practise. Specifically, a multiple case study was conducted to examine the ways in which the development of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) was promoted in the existing curriculum of three TEI in Flanders. In the three cases, data were drawn from semi-structured interviews with the heads of the department and the ICT coordinators. Focus group discussions collected the perspectives of pre-service teachers and teacher educators. The results indicate that (1) the three institutions are moving from ICT as a ‘stand-alone’ course towards embedding ICT across the curriculum and (2) three approaches were adopted for developing pre-service teachers’ TPACK, each representing different ways of understanding the place of ICT in the curriculum. The discussion will focus on the challenges and opportunities inherent in understanding how to develop pre-service teachers’ TPACK in the curriculum of TEI.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a qualitative study of a group of 12 teachers in primary special schools in Scotland for children with moderate learning difficulties. It sets out an analysis of classroom observations and interviews that explored teachers' knowledge and beliefs about teaching and learning in mathematics with children with moderate learning difficulties. The teachers were interviewed pre‐ and post‐intervention; this was a research‐based professional development programme in children's mathematical thinking (Cognitively Guided Instruction) which teachers then developed in their classrooms. The findings showed that prior to the professional development, the teachers had a limited knowledge of children's mathematical development with teaching frequently informed by intuitive beliefs and dated and sometimes discredited practices. Most teachers had low expectations of children with learning difficulties. Post‐intervention, the teachers reviewed this stance and affirmed that a deeper understanding of children's mathematical thinking provided a more secure knowledge base for instruction. They also recognised the extent to which learners were constrained by existing classroom practices. The paper argues for the commonality of this knowledge base and considers the problematic nature of viewing such knowledge as sector specific.  相似文献   

The time has come to re-assess the role that Philosophy has to play in the education of teachers, both at the beginning of and during their careers. The currently fashionable craft conception of teaching is inadequate as a preparation for a career in teaching. Philosophy of Education has an important role to play in preparing for a career in teaching. First, it enables teachers to acquire a grasp of the conceptual field of education and an ability to find their way around the often contested views within that field, which in turn impinge upon the normative structure of particular education systems. Second, it enables them to understand better the conceptual debates that involve the subjects that they are teaching. Third it enables teachers to understand the scope and limits of empirical research in education and the relationships between that research and conceptual issues in education. These claims are discussed with examples, and recent government statements about standards and competences in teaching are looked at through the perspective of a conceptually informed, career-oriented profession of teaching. Reasons for the past decline of philosophy of education in teacher education and how they might be avoided in the future are also reviewed.  相似文献   

In contrast to subjects such as mathematics and the sciences, it has been argued that technology education lacks a clear definition and a clearly defined knowledge base. This discursive article seeks to inform the debate by highlighting the matter of subject definition and in addition to examine the key issue of the knowledge which underpins technology education. The nature of the knowledge involved in technology education is explored by focusing on the types of knowledge (declarative/conceptual, procedural and conditional/strategic) that are required to secure full engagement with this subject. Drawing on extant literature on knowledge, the article takes technology as its focus and highlights the challenges this presents for teachers. A conceptual framework based on the presented evidence is included to show the relationships between knowledge and the skills, the problem‐solving and the values that are integral to technology education. This article concludes that to be effective, technology teaching must be based upon an appropriate subject definition indicating what it is endeavouring to achieve. In addition the existence of such a specialist subject knowledge base must be fully acknowledged, and at the same time there must be full recognition of the need to draw upon relevant knowledge from other subject areas in an appropriate manner in order to inform classroom teaching of the subject.  相似文献   


The paper presents a theorisation of pedagogic knowledge formation, as a continuous attempt to understand the positions in discourse we occupy. The paper documents some participatory practitioner research by teacher educators centred on a course development initiative for student teachers of English, at an English university. Students researched their experiences of becoming a teacher within a course that was largely school-based, whilst their tutors researched their own involvement in the process (the main focus of this paper). Drawing on Lacanian theory, tutors are depicted as learning subjects having more or less certainty or doubt about the knowledge they possess. In attempting to understand this interplay of certainty and doubt, tutors arrive at stronger conceptualisations of learning. Through this approach, the paper provides a theoretically informed conception of professional knowledge, as involving a process of renewing ideas about learning, in meeting or resisting external demands.  相似文献   

Teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is highly important for effective design and implementation of school teaching. Thus, the current status, development and efficacy of this knowledge, its relationships with teaching quality parameters, and its impact on students' learning processes and success, require rigorous examination. Thoroughly validated, objective and reliable test instruments that are highly sensitive to changes in variables of proven knowledge-related relevance in teacher education are also required. Previous attempts to design such instruments for assessing science teachers' PCK have largely focused on mathematical content. Therefore, here we present an instrument (the pedagogical content knowledge in biology inventory, PCK-IBI), based on conceptualizations of teachers' professional competence, for assessing secondary school pre-service biology teachers' PCK. In a series of three evaluations and refinements it was tested with samples of N = 274 and N = 432 German pre-service as well as one sample of n = 65 German pre-service and n = 35 German in-service biology teachers. Item analysis, scale analysis and empirically obtained indicators of validity suggest that the final 34-item-version of the PCK-IBI is unidimensional, provides objective test scores and enables reliable and valid registration of pre-service biology teachers' PCK. Thus, hypotheses regarding specific aspects of the model on which the PCK-IBI's construction is based on are empirically supported. The results of our study provide empirical support for the instrument's potential utility.  相似文献   


In Chapter VIII of Democracy and Education, Dewey objects to all three of the following propositions: (1) education serves predefined aims; (2) Education serves aims that are external to the process of education; and (3) Education serves aims that are imposed by authority. From the vantage point of policy-makers and authors of curriculum guides, these three propositions seem plausible, even self-evident. In this paper, I set forth a critical interpretation and evaluation of Dewey’s objections to them and argue that he saw the aims of education from another point of view, that of a learner. From a learner’s point of view, propositions 2 and 3 are only half-true because external aims that are not shared by the students cannot successfully guide educative activities. As regards proposition 1, Dewey’s philosophy does not accommodate the birds-eye view required to make it literally true. As learners, we cannot have an external view of our entire progress. Some of our aims are, therefore, not predefined but discovered on the way. Dewey’s stance on the role of aims in education is worth serious consideration, because the view of curriculum development and school administration that these three propositions engender is as deeply problematic today as it was when Dewey wrote against them a century ago.  相似文献   

While recognising the fact that historically teacher education and adolescent literacy are two fields that have had limited intellectual contact, the development of reading literacy is increasingly now accepted internationally as a core responsibility of all teachers and teacher educators. Adopting a socio-cultural perspective, this paper, drawn from the Learning to Teach Study, focused on the beliefs, knowledge and experiences regarding reading literacy of Irish post-primary student teachers on one initial teacher education (ITE) programme. The data were collected through three interviews with each of 17 student teachers. Results suggest that the surveyed student teachers had some concerns about their own literacy, had narrow conceptions of literacy, tended not to see it as their responsibility, held a minimal threshold view of literacy and viewed new digital technologies as a resource and motivator for their students’ literacy learning. Results are discussed in terms of how student teachers’ knowledge of literacy in ITE programmes could be reframed, extended and deepened.  相似文献   


A recurring theme in many places concerns the nurturing and maintenance of a civil society that is committed to justice, to human fulfilment and a community that actively pursues the good of all its members. The creation of a civil society where there is respect for persons and a concern for the good of others is an important social aim and though it is not the sole responsibility of educational institutions, they have a crucial role to play in its development. It also evident that the creation of a civil society includes the family and the wider community and so in order to understand how a civil society is to be fostered, we need to understand relationality, a central concept in both the Western and Eastern understandings of human nature. If we reflect on contemporary education in both the East and the West, an important question to consider is the extent to which education measures up to developing in young people a sense of their responsibilities to one another, their families and to the wider community. In short the question of how well we are developing humane persons who are able to relate to one another and build a civil society. This article argues that there needs to be a rebalancing of the aims of education to include the development of those values and dispositions that will foster a civil society.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of the knowledge society for education and education systems. It focuses on how education systems in Asia are contributing to the development and sustainability of the knowledge society through creating powerful professional learning communities. The article explores how professional collaboration, at scale, is being used to generate social capital in order to promote educational transformation and improvement. The article draws upon a range of theoretical perspectives to examine how professional learning communities are contributing to educational improvement and the construction of new knowledge. The article concludes by arguing that disciplined, collective and inter-dependent learning is critical for the knowledge society to be sustained.  相似文献   

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