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In this article we discuss findings from a collaborative self-study of how seven teacher educators define, enact, and navigate their roles as culturally responsive educators across various programs within a higher education institution. All participants conducted an individual interview with another team member and engaged in prolonged team meetings in order to understand and conceptualize culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP). Findings include the participants' difficulty with defining CRP in higher education; the importance of modeling and building relationships with students when enacting CRP; tensions related to students and institutions; and professional and personal opportunities to continuously evolve. The findings begin to fill in a void for an articulated framework of CRP beyond P-12 classrooms and illustrate the type of support and professional development higher education institutions need to provide for teacher educators to actualize this work.  相似文献   


This paper presents a collaborative self-study of three teacher educators and how they understood, practiced, and promoted democratic education in response to the divisive rhetoric of 2015–2016 at a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) in Southern California. The prevalence of neoliberal ideologies throughout the 2016 election season challenged our understandings of democratic education. Therefore, we explore how teacher educators promote democratic education and pedagogy during times of political uncertainty.  相似文献   

This article describes the process of using African American children's literature through culturally relevant pedagogy. It chronicles how two teachers carefully plan a lesson using the literature, and then describes how one of the teachers enacts the lesson using pedagogy relevant to her students' cultural background. A framework that focused on the cultural patterns of the students' lives was used to help guide the planning process. The components of the lesson include a prereading activity, read aloud, group discussion, journal writing, and a follow-up activity. In the end, the teachers found that tailoring instruction to fit the textual, social, cultural, and personal lives of their students is largely about seeing pedagogy through the norms and practices of their students' lives.  相似文献   

This article shares findings from a multilevel analytic induction of administrators, teachers, and gifted students within specialized science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) schools about their beliefs regarding the role of standards and standardized tests in the education of gifted learners. Sharing results from a cross-case analysis of six schools, we explore the ways in which student experiences of standards-based learning differ from the perceptions of their teachers and school administrators. We found that there is no consensus across administrators, teachers, and students regarding the impact that standards have in the educational process or on outcomes within specialized STEM schools, though all community members value and seek to create deep learning opportunities for students.  相似文献   

Culturally relevant science pedagogy is seldom discussed in terms of infusion of literary resources, such as adivinanzas and dichos in the design of instruction. In this study, the authors narrate how a science methods course was infused with the use of culturally responsive tools to purposefully connect to the elementary science curriculum. Results indicate that prospective Latino teachers found multiple opportunities to address specific science objectives with adivinanzas and expressed the advantages of using these culturally responsive tools to introduce and summarize science concepts as they implemented lessons during field experience.  相似文献   

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) enrichment programs can meet the needs of gifted students by providing an intellectual challenge, a motivated peer group, and skilled teachers. In the Saturday Enrichment Program (SEP), 40 students (Grades 4–8) explored challenging math topics not typically taught in their schools. Pre and post questionnaires, video documentation of classes, and field notes indicated that students were less interested in the content of their school math classes after participation in SEP. They also reported that SEP provided a more appropriate pace, challenge, and fun. Analysis of classroom videos revealed four major strategies teachers utilized: (a) fostering of a supportive and collaborative environment, (b) developing the identity of a mathematician, (c) open-ended questions for conceptual exploration, and (d) discovery through play.  相似文献   

Governments worldwide are advocating for STEM curricula as essential to economic viability but the opportunity for STEM to create a re-envisioned world where there is equal access to wealth, opportunities, and privileges is less prominent. The literature has also not clearly articulated how the combination of the individual disciplines areas: science, technology, engineering and maths should be structured to form a cohesive paradigm within a contextual real-world problem. This paper details one example of a STEM unit had with an equity and social justice agenda. The teacher orchestrated a range of learning experiences to develop student intellectual and emotional engagement with the learning experience sequence, which was to design a pair of shoes for students in a refugee camp using resources that might be available there. Her teaching approach involved the choreography of student attention to the different dimensions of STEM. While all were in play particular disciplinary concepts and practices were foregrounded at different times. We propose that teaching STEM involves a choreography of focus on the different disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, with the relative weight at any one time and overall depending on the nature of the task that is to be accomplished.  相似文献   

《The Educational forum》2012,76(1):71-79

Many bright, talented girls from populations traditionally underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are underachieving or disengaged in school, despite having an interest in STEM. Qualitative research was conducted with teenaged girls from culturally and academically diverse backgrounds participating in an extracurricular scientific diving SCUBA program. The program provided opportunities for these girls to learn and apply STEM knowledge and SCUBA diving skills during research, service learning and place-based, hands-on projects. Findings suggest that motivation for STEM in teenaged girls increases when they are able to participate in real-life, place-based activities they find personally meaningful with other interest-based peers and mentors.  相似文献   


In Tanzania, many people are not aware of the concept of learning disabilities. Parents and teachers often do not realise that children who do poorly in school and do not have visible disabilities, could still have a disability that is causing their poor school performance. This paper presents the results of a research and service project to identify and support students with mild disabilities in an inclusive school in Tanzania during the three-year pilot process. An international NGO implemented a culturally-relevant, curriculum-based assessment for screening grade 1 students with potential delays or disabilities and provided Tier 2 interventions through small group lessons. In this three-year study, 413 students were screened, 108 students received Tier 2 services and six students received Tier 3 services. Students in Tier 2 received small group instruction in mathematics and literacy as a pull-out programme. Students in Tier 3 attended a special school for children with disabilities. Results showed that students who received Tier 2 intervention made statistically significant gains in their assessment scores after six and twelve months of services. This study demonstrated one successful assessment and intervention model in a typical Tanzanian school to support young children with disabilities to improve their academic outcomes.  相似文献   

After decades of fluctuating presence in gifted education, the arts are surprisingly establishing themselves in academic classrooms, spurred by arts integration with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curricula or science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). This renewed interest provides the opportunity to recognize the artistic process as an effective way to deepen and enlarge the scope of academic content. Teachers can readily identify potentially talented students in their classrooms who immerse themselves in arts activities. Students in every classroom, if provided with substantive arts integrated curricula, can learn to perceive with discrimination, metaperceptively mold creative interpretations, and communicate these performances/products expressively to others with insightful critiques. Artistic ways of knowing mirror the artistic process and provide the opportunity for every student in every classroom to think like an artist.  相似文献   

The author conducted a grounded theory study to examine multicultural training as experienced by 20 master's‐level students of color enrolled in multicultural counseling courses. Findings revealed an emergent theory of student of color learning experiences and multicultural course pedagogy. Implications for counselor educators are discussed.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的进步和生产力的发展,人们的工作时间在缩短,闲暇时间在增多.闲暇教育正日益引起人们的关注.如何引导大学生健康、高雅地度过闲暇时间,理应成为高等学校的重要话题.有鉴于此,对高校闲暇教育的内涵、意义及实施方略进行探讨就成为一个很现实的话题.  相似文献   

In this collaborative autoethnography, we explored how 14 academic and administrative leaders of color working in faith-based higher education have experienced personal and professional mentoring, and how mentoring experiences have influenced their leadership development. All participants identified a wide array of developmental relationships that had contributed to their leadership development, although not all of the relationships were labeled as mentoring. Whereas female participants (11 in total) relied on these relationships primarily for psychosocial support, three male participants had more actively sought out mentoring relationships to develop career skills and expand their professional network. Particularly, for the female participants, mentoring took place mostly outside their professional settings. We argue that personal and institutional factors contributed to the participants’ limited access to professional mentoring within their higher education contexts. This collaborative autoethnography process, which lasted at least six months for most participants, unexpectedly provided professional mentoring opportunities for these leaders of color.  相似文献   

Formative evaluation helps to determine the realistic value of a program and sets the stage for program change for improvement.  相似文献   

作为探索《思想道德修养》课教育教学效果的研究课题,对整个学科进行整体性的改革,改变教育观念,重新规划学校德育体系、调整和充实教育内容和拓宽教育途径。发挥“双功能”教师队伍的优势,有机地融教育于管理之中和活动之中,利用校园、家庭和社会多方位育人,延长教育时间,扩展教育空间,为学生创造了良好的思想道德修养环境,突破传统教学模式,为完成道德教育总进程的完整实施探索出一条可行性的路子,同时形成一个高校思想道德教育的新模式。  相似文献   

This paper, which is particularly centered on the student’s learning process, is the first half of a detailed study of selectivity in Whitehead’s philosophy of education. Here, by setting forth the analogy between the creative process exhibited in Whitehead’s Theory of Prehensions and the learning process through an interpretation of the term, ‘prehending subject’ as ’learner,’ I argue that selectivity, via ‘negative prehensions,’ is the efficient motive power at work in the process of learning. Various concrete classroom examples of selectivity are alluded to, which lend support to this thesis. With clues from the Aims of Education, by reading the theory of prehensions with some conceptual modifications made for the purposes of education, I present the perspective that, as one side of a logical contrast, Whitehead’s theory of prehensions can be said to be conducive to a critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,博士生延期毕业问题已经引起各国高等教育学界的关注。博士生毕业时间的影响因素可归纳为个人先赋性、外部环境、个体自致性三个方面。个人先赋性对博士生毕业时间的影响并不显著;学科文化、导师等大学支持系统、社会就业环境等,会间接影响博士生的毕业时间;博士生的个体自致性特征是影响毕业进程的关键因素。外部环境和个体自致性因素的叠加、消减作用,使博士生毕业时间的影响因素呈现出个性化、动态化和交互性的特点。对其内在机理的深入研究,有助于对博士生进行追踪式的个性化指导。  相似文献   

本对安旗所《李白全集编年注释》中关于李白第二次出长安的编年提出异议。作依据李白诗歌和历史献经过详细考证,重新确定了李白第二次出长安的时间和取疲乏,纠正了《李白全集编年注释》中的编年错误,此对研究李白生平行实及其作品的感情轨迹具有拾遗补阙的重要意义。  相似文献   

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