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The OSTMED.DR® database provides access to both citation and full-text osteopathic literature, including the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. Currently, it is a free database searchable using basic and advanced search features.  相似文献   


The article describes the development and use of the database BAZTECH: Polish Technical Journal Contents. The database indexes Polish-language scientific and technical journals, and is available free-of-charge on the Internet.  相似文献   

Stetig wachsende Datenmengen und hohe Verfügbarkeitsanforderungen an Datenbanken führen dazu, dass Wartungsarbeiten (wie z.B. Datenbankreorganisationen) oft nicht mehr (oder nicht mehr vollst?ndig) offline in zur Verfügung stehenden Zeitfenstern durchgeführt werden k?nnen bzw. dass die Kosten oder die Behinderungen des normalen Datenbankbetriebs bei online durchgeführten Wartungsarbeiten nicht mehr vernachl?ssigt werden k?nnen. Deshalb sollte vorab bestimmt (quantifiziert) werden, ob der zu erwartende Nutzen den mit der Reorganisation verbundenen Aufwand rechtfertigt. Es ist daher wichtig, die Datenbankobjekte zu lokalisieren und einzugrenzen, bei denen ein hoher Wartungsbedarf besteht. Weiterhin ist es wünschenswert, zun?chst den durch Wartungsma?nahmen erreichbaren Nutzen vor ihrer Durchführung quantifizieren zu k?nnen. Dieser Nutzen ist auch von der Workload abh?ngig, also von den gegen die Datenbankobjekte gerichteten Datenbankanweisungen und deren Ausführungsh?ufigkeiten. Insbesondere der zur Workload-Abarbeitung anfallende I/O-Aufwand, der einen dominierenden Anteil am Gesamtaufwand ausmacht, l?sst sich mit einer Datenbankreorganisation u.U. wesentlich beeinflussen (reduzieren). In diesem Beitrag wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die es erm?glicht, die Auswirkungen einer Datenbankreorganisation auf den zur Workload-Abarbeitung notwendigen I/O-Aufwand abzusch?tzen und damit den haupts?chlichen Nutzen der Reorganisation zu quantifizieren. über erste Erfahrungen mit der Methode, die anhand von Beispielen gesammelt wurden, wird berichtet. The permanent increasing amount of data and the requirement of high availability cause that maintenance of databases (e.g. database reorganizations) often is not or not completely (off-line) possible in the available time spans. On-line database reorganizations are often expensive and cumbersome during the normal database processing. To reduce performance impacts it is important to locate the database objects that have a high level of disorganization and so a high need of maintenance. Furthermore, it is desirable to be able to estimate the benefit of expensive maintenance operations before their processing. This benefit depends on the degree of disorganization and on the instructions that are processed on the database objects (workload). In particular, the costs for I/O-operations dominate the total costs for database operations. With database reorganizations it is possible to reduce the I/O-costs. In this paper we present a method to calculate the benefit of database reorganizations before the processing. The presented method allows to calculate the possible reduction of the I/O-cost for processing a given workload caused by a database reorganization.
CR Subject Classification E.2,H.2.7,H.3.2,H.3.3  相似文献   


The article examines the weaknesses and strengths of the economics database, EconLit. Comparison is made with other social science databases with especial emphasis on the alphanumeric classification and indexing system unique to EconLit. The general conclusion is that, despite the high value of its information content, EconLit would benefit by adhering closer to the indexing practices of other mainline social science databases.  相似文献   

The history of the creation and development of the VINITI RAS “Geography” reference journal from 1954 to 2008 is considered. The changes in retrofunds and dynamics of the distribution of the overall quantity of documents in the reference journal/database have been followed in relation to the changes in the content contained in the issues during the period of time under consideration. The document information flow of the “ Geography ” database during 1991–2008 was analyzed statistically.  相似文献   

This article describes the process of transforming the Arkansas Periodical Index, which began as a card file index in the University of Arkansas (U. of A.) Libraries, to an online database. As in many other states, in-house indexes were compiled to cover local history journals and subject-related magazines. A variety of software now exists to mount locally created databases, one option being the choice to use the same turnkey software that runs the library's online catalog. We began by converting our card files to a local Inmagic DB/Textworks database. The U. of A. received the 1991 Gale Research Award for Excellence in Reference and Adult Library Services for that design. We later mapped the database structure to MARC fields and mounted it as a Web-accessible database through our library OPAC vendor, Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III). The authors begin with a brief history of periodical indexing, the reasons for choosing MARC formatting, and the field mapping required. The article explains the development of the database to include other publication formats, such as material from biographical compendiums, newspaper indexing, and university publications. The mapping incorporates indexing several publication formats in the same database. It also provides fields for linking citations back to the OPAC records, where users may find call numbers for journals or books, be connected to the full text of articles when available, or to an association's own website when applicable. We address some of the concerns for libraries in developing indexing projects. The article offers a mapping table of migrated fields that can be used by others wanting to encourage the rediscovery of local print periodicals and to expand access to the various materials otherwise buried in the library's special collections. The Arkansas Publications Index was released in April 2005 and is available free at http://arkindex.uark.edu/.  相似文献   

This work is an annotated bibliography that consists of articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, reports, etc. published in various library and information science forums on the subject of librarianship in the Maghreb. The goal of preparing this work is to provide a list of citations with abstracts that librarians, library students, and library scholars can use to perform research within this subject area and further the body of knowledge. The research methodology that was used to find these citations involved searching the database versions of ERIC, Dissertations Abstracts Online, and Library Literature within the online public access catalog of the Auburn University library system. It also involved searching the online databases of Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), British Education Index, andEducation Abstracts within the DIALOG database as well as the respective print versions of these resources. While this work is by no means an exhaustive critique of the entire Maghrebi library and information science literature, it does strive to be comprehensive in terms of its country-by-country analysis of librarianship and information science within the region. In providing a citation for a non-English language work, the English equivalent of the title of that work will be given next to the non-English title.  相似文献   

This work is an annotated bibliography that consists of articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, reports, etc. published in various library and information science forums on the subject of librarianship in the Maghreb. The goal of preparing this work is to provide a list of citations with abstracts that librarians, library students, and library scholars can use to perform research within this subject area and further the body of knowledge. The research methodology that was used to find these citations involved searching the database versions of ERIC, Dissertations Abstracts Online, and Library Literature within the online public access catalog of the Auburn University library system. It also involved searching the online databases of Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), British Education Index, andEducation Abstracts within the DIALOG database as well as the respective print versions of these resources. While this work is by no means an exhaustive critique of the entire Maghrebi library and information science literature, it does strive to be comprehensive in terms of its country-by-country analysis of librarianship and information science within the region. In providing a citation for a non-English language work, the English equivalent of the title of that work will be given next to the non-English title.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact factor of cognitive psychology journals indexed in the Science and Social Sciences edition of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database over a period of 10 consecutive years. Cognitive psychology journals were indexed in 11 different subject categories of the database. Their mean impact factor ranged from 1.580 to 2.526. In relation to the subject categories of the Social Sciences edition, cognitive psychology journals were placed between the fourth and the sixth position for the years 2007–2009. Lower positions were observed in relation to the categories in the Science edition. Calculation of the intraclass correlation coefficient showed that cognitive psychology journals were relatively stable in the examined period.  相似文献   

This work is an annotated bibliography that consists of articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, and reports, etc. published in various library and information science forums on the subject of librarianship in Islamic East Africa. The goal of preparing this work is to provide a list of citations with abstracts that librarians, library students, and library scholars can use to perform research within this subject area and further the body of knowledge. The research methodology that was used to find these citations involved searching the database versions of ERIC, Dissertations Abstracts Online, and Library Literature within the online public access catalog of the Auburn University library system. It also involved searching the online databases of Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), British Education Index, and Education Abstracts within the DIALOG database as well as the respective print copies of these resources. While this work is by no means an exhaustive analysis of the entire East African library literature, it does strive to be comprehensive in terms of its country-by-country breakdown of librarianship within the region. Islamic East Africa for the purposes of this work incorporates the nations of Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, and Tanzania. In providing a citation for a non-English language work, the English equivalent of the title of that work will be given next to the non-English title.  相似文献   

Microcomputers have for years been affordable for librarians. They could choose among much software for cataloging support, but typically the data had to be created by themselves. The Library Corporation pioneered the first CD-ROM product for libraries, the Bibliofile database. It offers over four million MARC records from the Library of Congress. Nearly half a million of those records are for serial publications. The records selected can be edited and downloaded for an in-house catalog database in the USMARC communications format. Catalog cards and spine labels may be printed. This article evaluates and illustrates the database, the procedures of searching, editing, displaying and exporting records. Bibliofile gets a high score for price/performance. Recommendations are made to introduce some new features.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of three approaches to XML retrieval: using Zettair, a full-text information retrieval system; using eXist, a native XML database; and using a hybrid system that takes full article answers from Zettair and uses eXist to extract elements from those articles. For the content-only topics, we undertake a preliminary analysis of the INEX 2003 relevance assessments in order to identify the types of highly relevant document components. Further analysis identifies two complementary sub-cases of relevance assessments (General and Specific) and two categories of topics (Broad and Narrow). We develop a novel retrieval module that for a content-only topic utilises the information from the resulting answer list of a native XML database and dynamically determines the preferable units of retrieval, which we call Coherent Retrieval Elements. The results of our experiments show that—when each of the three systems is evaluated against different retrieval scenarios (such as different cases of relevance assessments, different topic categories and different choices of evaluation metrics)—the XML retrieval systems exhibit varying behaviour and the best performance can be reached for different values of the retrieval parameters. In the case of INEX 2003 relevance assessments for the content-only topics, our newly developed hybrid XML retrieval system is substantially more effective than either Zettair or eXist, and yields a robust and a very effective XML retrieval.  相似文献   

Commonly referred to asRILM Abstracts of Music Literature orRILM, theRILM database is published in printed, online, and CD-ROM formats. This international musicological bibliography of scholarly writings in 202 languages on music and related disciplines is classified by topic and includes original-language titles; title translations in English; full bibliographic information; abstracts in English; author, journal, and subject indexes; and a thesaurus.  相似文献   

In Finland an integrated network called LINNEA (Library Information Network for Academic Libraries) has been set up to facilitate the automation of academic libraries. The goal of the LINNEA network, with headquarters at the Helsinki University Library, is to become an open national bibliographic resource. The Finnish union library catalogue, called LINDA, was established in 1993. It is based on the catalogues of twenty university libraries, the national bibliographic database Fennica, and Finuc-S (the Finnish Union Catalogue-Serials). At the moment, the LINDA database includes some two million records for monographs and serials. The host of the database is the Helsinki University Library which is officially he National Library of Finland with a vast range of responsibilities. One of them is the standard numbering of Finnish publications. The 1994 ISSN meeting with the Nordic countries was held in Finland in order to discuss common problemss  相似文献   

Background: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has succeeded to implement itself in the academic context of universities. In order to get information on CAM, clinicians, researchers and healthcare professionals as well as the lay public are increasingly turning to online portals and databases, which disseminate relevant resources. One specific type of online information retrieval systems, namely the database, is being reviewed in this article. Question: This overview aims at systematically retrieving and describing all databases covering the field of CAM. One of the requirements for inclusion was that the database would also have to be published in a medical journal. Data sources: The databases amed , CAMbase , embase , and medline /Pub Med were searched between December 2008 and December 2009 for publications relevant to CAM databases. The authors’ specialist library was also searched for grey literature to be included. Study selection: All included databases were then visited online and information on the context, structure and volume of the database was extracted. Main results: Forty‐five databases were included in this overview. Databases covered herbal therapies (n = 11), traditional Chinese medicine (n = 9) and some dealt with a vast number of CAM modalities (n = 9), amongst others. The amount of time the databases had been in existence ranged from 4 to 53 years. Countries of origin included the USA (n = 14), UK (n = 7) and Germany (n = 6), amongst others. The main language in 42 of 45 databases was English. Conclusions: Although this overview is quite comprehensive with respect to the field of CAM, certain CAM practices such as chiropractic, massage, reflexology, meditation or yoga may not have been covered adequately. A more detailed assessment of the quality of the included databases might give additional insights into the listed resources. The creation of a personalised meta‐search engine is suggested, towards which this overview could be seen as a first step.  相似文献   

Library faculty members at the Health Sciences Library at the LSU Health Shreveport campus offer a database searching class for third-year medical students during their surgery rotation. For a number of years, students completed “ten-minute clinical challenges,” but the instructors decided to replace the clinical challenges with innovative exercises using The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus to emphasize concepts learned. The Surgical Papyrus is an online resource that is part of the National Library of Medicine's “Turning the Pages” digital initiative. In addition, vintage surgical instruments and historic books are displayed in the classroom to enhance the learning experience.  相似文献   

AgeLine, an EBSCOhost database, focuses on literature on topics relating to people over the age of 50. AgeLine is geared to professionals in aging-related fields, such as health care professionals, social workers, and caregivers, as well as consumers. This column includes a sample search and a discussion of additional AgeLine features.  相似文献   

TheAgeLine database brings an interdisciplinary approach to the literature on aging and older adults. Targeted to a variety of audiences ranging from researchers to consumers,AgeLine provides access to both book and journal literature. Small but steady increases in the amount of aging-related literature have been noted, especially in coverage by nonaging publications.  相似文献   

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