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A behaviour management support group comprising a psychologist, teaching and other staff has been formed at Grosvenor House School to help deal with children presenting behaviour problems. An evaluation study revealed that the support group was felt by school staff to be a valuable school resource and that video recordings of pupils being discussed were a useful input to the group meetings. The project is described by Irvine S. Gersch, acting principal educational psychologist, and Patricia Rawkins, assessment teacher, Grosvenor House School, London Borough of Waltham Forest.  相似文献   

The Forest School approach to Early Years education, originally developed in Scandinavia, is influencing learning outside the classroom in England. An inner city primary school in Yorkshire investigated the nature and purpose of Forest Schools in Denmark, through a study visit, prior to developing their own Forest School in the midst of an urban landscape. The views of staff and parents were sought and findings suggest that the ethos and intention of Forest School were positively welcomed. The results demonstrate the need to create further opportunities for teachers, children and parents to be involved in Forest school activities together.  相似文献   

Forest School is a concept, or intervention to traditional educational settings, backed up by research and built upon long-standing theories that children engage with nature naturally and that learning becomes more relevant to the student when they can relate it to real life scenarios. This research documents the implementation of the Irish Primary School Visual Arts Curriculum through Forest School, specifically, the ‘Construction’ Strand. The research was a qualitative inquiry that was supported by an action research methodology. It was conducted over six weekly sessions. Key findings show the development of a sense of responsibility, resilience, independence, happiness in a sense of achievement and an awakened awareness of the child’s own surroundings. The findings advocate the benefits of implementing this approach to enhance the Primary School Visual Arts Curriculum, as well as promoting happiness and contentment in the remainder of the day at school in other curricular subjects. .  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基以独树一帜的人道主义教育理念和毕生的精力将乌克兰一所普通农村学校--帕夫雷什学校打造成世界著名的教育实验学校.几十年后的今天,这所学校依然坚持践行苏霍姆林斯基全面和谐发展的教育教学思想,并适应时代进步需要在具体的教育活动中将其不断丰富、扩展.  相似文献   

学校的办学定位、办学思路及办学目标决定了福建江夏学院必须建立校董事会。校董事会的建立有其办学特殊性、深化教育体制改革的紧迫性和办学历史的行业性等可行性条件。创建校董事会,需要厘清校董事会在学校管理体制中的定位、性质、设置依据及批准设置主体等问题,处理好与校党委及校长负责制之间的关系。创建校董事会应从章程制订着手,思考校董事会的人员组成、职责、董事会会议以及机构设置等问题。校董事会的创建将对学校办学发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

学校文化是学校研究的重要领域,文化研究进入教育研究领域打开了教育研究的视域,使学校研究中以往量化的科学方法无法顾及的领域可能有所突破。但由于传统的教育研究把文化定位于价值观,因此,学校文化研究并没有给学校研究以强力冲击。其实,价值观层面只是学校文化的一个层面,但不能局限于这样的认识。从方法论之维、内容之维、状态之维和改进之维等多个维度丰富和充盈学校文化研究,对推动学校文化研究向精细化发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于系统视角的校长信息化领导力评价指标研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
学校教育信息化是一项系统工程,学校校长信息化领导力应该关注学校教育信息化系统的四种应用与三个基本因素。可以从系统的视角来思考和构建校长信息化领导力评价指标,校长信息化领导力具体可以从校长的信息意识与信息技术基本能力、信息化规划能力、信息化组织与管理能力、信息化评价能力四个方面进行评价。  相似文献   

福州船政学堂是洋务派创办的中国近代最早的实业学堂。从它的培养目标、课程设置、专业划分、教学模式和学生就业等方面,可以看出其具有鲜明的职业教育特点。福州船政学堂的创办对中国近代职业教育的形成和发展产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

根据教育生态理论,以上海市实验学校东校家校合作办学模式实践为案例,文章阐述了如何抓住学校作为教育服务的提供者和家庭作为教育服务的接受者这一学校教育各要素、各环节间的重要矛盾,开展家校合作,建设和谐的教育生态环境,为学生和家长提供更好的教育服务。其重要内涵是通过家校合作变革学校的管理机制,形成更有活力的现代学校制度。  相似文献   

美国"中学学生参与调查"以"学生参与"为核心调查内容,用以描述、理解全美中学教育活动中的学生参与情况,并为教学变革和学校改进活动提供信息。"中学学生参与调查"启示我们,应重视从学生的角度理解学校环境和教育改革,构建过程与结果并重的学生评价体系,并且应将大规模改革与基于个别学校调研结果的学校层面变革规划结合起来。  相似文献   

Learning while playing: Children's Forest School experiences in the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Children's outdoor play is declining, despite clear links between play, learning and development. Alternative learning initiatives which provide children with a diversity of play opportunities, including the chance to play outdoors, are therefore needed. One such programme, Forest School, is increasing in popularity in the UK and internationally, yet little is understood about its impact on children's learning, or how alternative approaches are informing learning in mainstream settings. This novel study examined primary school children's experiences of engaging in a Forest School programme in relation to this intersection between formal and informal approaches to learning. It explored how children interpret their experiences when faced with a fusion of learning environments and critically evaluates the benefits children realise, when asked to reflect on their learning engagement in both classroom and outdoor settings. Interviews were conducted with 33 children from two mainstream primary schools in England who had recently completed a 6-week Forest School programme. A rigorous phenomenological thematic analysis revealed three inter-related themes: a break from routine; learning through play; collaboration and teamwork. The findings suggest that the blending of Forest School with mainstream settings contributes to children's social, cognitive, emotional and physical skill development through experiential learning using play. These findings are significant because they not only emphasise the values of social constructivist play-pedagogy which underpin Forest School practice, but also highlight the need for primary schools to consider learning outside of the classroom as an effective pedagogy.  相似文献   

论学校心理学的中国化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学校心理学的中国化有两层含义:一是中国必须引进学校心理学;二是我国的学校心理学必须有中国特色,必须适合中国的国情和教育状况。引进西方学校心理学很必要,建立和发展具有中国特色的学校心理学更加必要,在此基础上,根据我国学校和教师的情况,在中小学逐步普及学校心理学工作。  相似文献   

This article investigates how risk perception amongst teachers within an outdoor educational initiative, Forest School, both shape and are shaped by their understandings of childhood, pedagogy and their own professional identity. Drawing on a social constructionist perspective in theorising risk and childhood, the article argues that contemporary, hyper-sensitised concerns regarding children’s vulnerability emanate from both fears of the modern world, and the proclivity towards over-protection which these fears precipitate. Rather than treating this hyper-sensitivity as irrational or paranoid, the paper draws on socio-cultural theories and qualitative methods to interrogate how risk is perceived, managed and performed by teachers within an initiative which aims to reintroduce risk into children’s lives. The research found that while these teachers’ motivations to participate in Forest School were derived from a desire to expose children to formative risk-taking in the outdoors, the hegemonic cultural and institutional risk aversion which they were attempting to counter, aligned with their contested occupational identity, created tensions in how they managed and performed risk which militated against the full realisation of a Forest School pedagogy.  相似文献   

Heads of three types of schools discussed in the Warnock Report describe their policies. First, Peter Turner, of Whitefield School, Waltham Forest, which is developing as a resource centre
Dennis Bavan, of Winsford Hebden Green School, Cheshire, describes a partly residential school with flexible boarding arragements  相似文献   

校长作为学校内涵发展的引领者和实践者,要确立校本发展理念。确立校本的办学理念是校长发展学校的灵魂,开展校本建设是校长实现办学理念的关键。育仁中学在多年的教育实践中,坚持面向全体学生,扎扎实实开展校本建设活动,在校本课程、校本管理、校本研究和校本培训等方面逐步形成了校本办学特色,促进了学校的内涵发展。  相似文献   

学校管理具有教育性。在诚信教育的现实努力中,学校管理具有独特的功能,是诚信观培养的重要途径。学校管理的这一功能主要通过隐蔽课程和创建学校道德氛围来实现。建设诚信道德社群,是学校管理实施诚信教育的应然之路。  相似文献   

基础教育改革需要以教师素质的提升和教师教育的改进创新为基础和动力。大学与中小学的相互了解,彼此协作有利于改变师范教育脱离实际的状况。大学对中小学教师的校本培训和以需为本的培训,与中小学合作开展教育研究,合作培养师范生等活动,能够有效增进大学教师的实践性内容知识和解决现实问题的能力,衍生新的教师教育课程资源,改进教师教育课程的教学策略,改善教育实习的效果。  相似文献   

学校分区图是根据基础教育的不同层次和接收学生的能力,确定学校招生地理区域的政策规定。为了实践教育平等的政治理念,法国政府自1963年开始编制学校分区图。学校分区图在教育均衡发展上发挥了重大作用,但也暴露了学生分化等严重问题。学校分区图也许最终将被取消,但是法国公共教育的平等原则不会改变。  相似文献   

帕夫雷什中学是苏霍姆林斯基的教育思想实践基地。由苏霍姆林斯基撰写的《帕夫雷什中学》一书所建构并传承下来的学校文化令很多前往“朝圣”的学者和校长们所叹服,从组织文化的视角探讨它的内核不仅可以更深刻理解其蓬勃的生命力,同时对当前追求均衡视域下的我国基础教育学校文化建设具有启发意义。  相似文献   

学校多元文化具有启迪智力、养成道德、发展个性等育人功能。在多元文化背景下,强化学校多元文化育人功能的策略主要有:确立"和而不同"的教育理念,是强化学校多元文化育人功能的先导;亮化道德教育,是强化学校多元文化育人功能的核心;运行国际化办学模式,是强化学校多元文化育人功能的保障;创设学校多元文化氛围,是强化学校多元文化育人功能的默化。  相似文献   

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