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教师专业化与教师教育政策的选择   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
改革教师教育,推动教师专业化发展,提高师资质量,是我国教师教育必然的选择。教师专业化是教师教育政策的基础,为保证教师专业化,我们必须在教师教育政策上作出选择。  相似文献   

教师专业化是当今世界教师教育改革的一个热点。教师专业化与教师教育政策密切相关,教师专业化是教师教育政策的基础,教师教育政策影响着教师专业化的发展。  相似文献   

日本:导入教师资格更新制 近年来,日本政府为建立符合新时代要求的教育,满足人民对教育日益高涨的要求,在全开展开了关于教师教育改革和教师资格更新制的导人问题的大讨论。日本中央教育审议会(简称中教市)教员养成部会在征询各方意见后,于2005年10月21日审议报告中,肯定了导入教师资格更新制(简称更新制)的必要性和重要性,提出了更新制的具体设计方案。[第一段]  相似文献   

为适应科技革命与社会发展的要求,国外注意从制度上保障和引导高等师范教育向更高的层次和水平发展。师范教育要求“学术性”和“师范性”整合。教师资格证书制度是对教师素质的规范和教师任用标准的确定。教师教育的概念更将师资的职前培养和职后培养一体化了,这昭示着教师职业生涯也需要可持续性发展。  相似文献   

当前我国教师教育制度改革的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨天平 《中国教师》2008,(20):18-20
<正>教师教育制度是以职前职后一体化的教师教育与教师资格认证为基础,以促进教师职业专业化为核心的关于教师教育的政策、法规、程序、标准、原则、模式、体系和机制等的统一体。自20世纪80年代中期国家推行"既要开放教师教育体系,又要确保师范院校主体地位"的政策以来,我国师范教育制度的改革取得了突破性进展,封闭独立的师范教育体系日  相似文献   

我国教师教育的转型与政策导向   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  

本综述了教育部师范司召开的“教师教育改革与发展研讨会”(暨高层专家咨询会),并主要从我国新时期的教师教育改革发展的总体思路、师范院校的历史使命、开放灵活的教师教育体系建构和教师教育改革发展的措施等几个方面作前瞻性的思考。  相似文献   

教师专业化是当前我国教师教育改革的核心问题。为满足教师专业发展的方向和要求。确保教师职业的专业化进程和质量,国家有关部门正在制定《教师教育标准》。其制定至少应该具备并满足以下三个条件。  相似文献   

试论教师专业化的政策选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本认为:教师专业化是引领教师教育改革之纲,是开启教师教育全面改革的钥匙;实现教师专业化的条件是教师专业化政策选择的基础;我国基础教育和教师教育发展的实际状况决定了我国教师专业化的政策应该是渐进式的;教师专业化政策可分为标志性政策、配套政策、保障政策;教师专业化的实现必须是这三类政策的合力推进,不可偏废。  相似文献   

For the last 70 years, since the establishment of the Republic of Korea, Korean education has achieved universal expansion of educational opportunity from elementary to secondary to higher education. Planning, centralized policy making, top-down implementation, and administrative control had been the standards of the first few decades of Korean education. The so-called May 31 education reform implemented in 1995 made a turning point for these approaches to education policy and administration by highlighting autonomy, openness, diversity, accountability, consumer centeredness, market control, and governance for quality education. However, these government-driven education reform initiatives have resulted in limiting the expected outcomes. In this paper, the authors call for a new approach to education policy and administration and propose supporting school innovation, empowering an internal accountability system in governance. The authors also suggest a search for normative values for democratic communitarianism as a new philosophical foundation of education policy framework, beyond instrumental values of education.  相似文献   

This study examines the theoretical and practical implications of ranking teachers with a one-dimensional value-added metric when teacher effectiveness varies across subjects or student types. We create a theoretical framework which suggests specific tests of the standard teacher input homogeneity assumption. Using North Carolina data we show that value-added fails to empirically meet these tests and document that this leads to a large number of teacher misrankings. Thus, critics of potential value-added teacher personnel policies are correct that such policies will terminate many of the wrong teachers. However, we derive the conditions under which such policies will improve student test scores and find that they will almost certainly be met. We then demonstrate that value-added information can also be used to improve student test scores by matching teachers to students or subjects according to their comparative advantage. These matching gains likely exceed those of a feasible, value-added based firing policy.  相似文献   


This article aims to describe the general framework of the teacher training system and its recent reform in Japan. As elsewhere, Japanese society is moving into an era of mass higher education provision. Since initial teacher training is provided by universities, the reform of teacher training is a part of the higher education restructuring that is also under way. At the same time, Japan is facing educational problems in compulsory education. The Educational Personnel Training Council of Japan is recommending reforms, which attempt to create a new type of teacher to cope with these educational problems. This opens the way for the Japanese state to develop more direct control over the curriculum and assessment of teaching staff in universities. The Ministry of Education is attempting to develop new control methods of 'Evaluative State' strategies. The reform of teacher education system exemplifies this shift.  相似文献   

Recent policy changes in teacher education have had a significant impact on equality of educational opportunity for the teaching profession. Improving standards of excellence in the school system while at the same time insuring equality of opportunity has become a major concern. The policy maker interested in promoting equality of opportunity will have to balance the need for teacher quality with the notion of equity. This paper examines some of the policy changes in teacher education and focuses on how they impact the recruitment and retention of minority students.  相似文献   

Bhutan is embarking on a comprehensive education reform process, with teachers and teacher education at the centre of a number of initiatives. This study describes the current state of affairs based on interviews with key informants and semi-structured focus groups in Bhutan. Several major themes emerged, including issues of quality of students and teaching, the integration of theory and practice, organizational structure and culture, and working conditions at the present Colleges of Education, and in the broader education sector.  相似文献   

The devolution of control over education policy in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao of the southern Philippines has led, in recent years, to efforts to Islamise education in the region, a trend reflective of similar efforts in other Southeast Asian Muslim countries but often seen as worrisome by secular observers concerned about the alleged radicalising influences of Islamic education. This essay critically examines two approaches to the Islamisation of education proposed by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas and Fazlur Rahman, arguing that Islamisation of education in Muslim Mindanao is more likely to take a pragmatic than fundamentalist course.  相似文献   

新课程背景下的高师院校教师教育改革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为基础教育培养高质量师资,是高师院校生存和发展的立足点和生长点。基础教育新课程改革给高师院校提出了前所未有的挑战,而高师院校教师教育课程几十年来变化不大,教学内容与基础教育脱节,教学理念落后,教学方法陈旧,高师院校培养的准教师不能完全适应基础教育新课改的需要。为此,高师院校应更新教育观念,优化教师教育课程结构,改革教师培养模式,加强与基础教育的合作与联系,形成教师职前培养与职后培训一体化的教师教育新体系,以彰显高师院校教师教育特色。  相似文献   

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