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儿童文学是读者意识最强的文学样式。儿童文学的读者研究是儿童文学研究的重要领域。儿童文学的读者群是一种双重结构,由儿童读者、成人读者构成。儿童读者有两个基本特征:他们是儿童文学的主体读者;具有年龄阶段性。成人读者包含两种类型:主动的读者和被动的读者。儿童文学的双重读者结构一方面使儿童文学变得更加难以创作,一方面又可以使这一创作获得活力和张力。  相似文献   


This article focuses on low-performing adult readers in the Scandinavian countries, seeking to identify and describe some of the literacy-related problems that they face. Following a presentation of the Reading Components Assessment (RCA) used in PIAAC (Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies), we provide profiles for those informants who completed the RCA. Then we compare the RCA results of adults having well-functioning literacy skills with the results of adults identified as low-performing readers. The presentation includes both results for items correct and information about the time used to complete the items. The findings indicate that the gap in performance on the Component task sets is wider between adults scoring Below level 1 in literacy and those scoring on Level 1 than the corresponding gap between Level 1 and Level 2. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Significant numbers of children (6% of 11‐year‐olds) have difficulties learning to read. Meanwhile, children who receive appropriate support from their parents do better in literacy than those who do not. This study uses a case study approach to investigate how digital games designed to support struggling readers in school were used at home, by the parents of six children to support their children’s literacy. Mostly, the children enjoyed playing the games and believe that it helped improve their reading. The parents all valued the opportunity to participate in their child’s learning and believe that the games’ approach to learning is effective. The study considers key influences on the successful use of games to support struggling readers (repetition, feedback, motivation, self‐efficacy, parental beliefs) and raises questions, further consideration of which might usefully inform the future development of effective game‐based learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this report is to provide education professors teaching early literacy methods courses with information for beginning teachers to support struggling first-grade readers. This analysis identifies the specific word structures children are expected to know by the end of first grade, and shows the actual learning rates of these sound-to-letter correspondences by students who are not achieving on grade level. The evidence presented herein shows the need for preservice teachers to fully understand how to assess and enhance phonemic awareness in young children, a building block for decoding, and to identify and concentrate on teaching alphabetic relations as part of the early literacy curriculum. Given the increasing numbers of students with diverse ethnic/language backgrounds and special needs in mainstream early childhood and primary grade settings, teacher education programs need to provide preservice teachers with the knowledge and skills required to meet the instructional needs of children from these populations. Education professors have a great responsibility to ensure that preservice teachers have the necessary background knowledge to prevent reading failure for young children struggling with learning sound-to-letter correspondences. It is important that this aspect of early reading instruction be clearly explained and promoted with preservice teachers receiving certification in teaching children in Grades K–3.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that children with reading difficulties show impaired auditory rhythm perception and impairments in musical beat perception tasks. Rhythmic musical interventions with poorer readers may thus improve rhythmic entrainment and consequently improve reading and phonological skills. Here we compare the effects of a musical intervention for poor readers with a software intervention of known efficacy based on rhyme training and phoneme‐grapheme learning. The research question was whether the musical intervention would produce gains of comparable effect sizes to the phoneme‐grapheme intervention for children who were falling behind in reading development. Broadly, the two interventions had similar benefits for literacy, with large effect sizes.  相似文献   


Although readers theater has traditionally been recommended as a method for improving reading fluency, this 18-week quasi-experimental study examined the effects of a readers theater instructional protocol that updates and expands on traditional approaches by adding specific tasks that engage students in various reading comprehension and vocabulary activities. Because the students were not randomly assigned to either condition, propensity score matching was used to minimize potential bias between the groups. After the matching procedure, the overall total of second-grade students decreased from 145?to 76. A repeated-measures analysis of variance was conducted for all three measures. The results revealed statistically significant time effects on all three measures of the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test, including decoding, word knowledge, and reading comprehension. Only the reading comprehension measure was qualified by an interaction effect, and the results favored the readers theater treatment group. Implications for instruction and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

数字图书馆时代的读者教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
读者是构成图书馆的基本要素之一,数字图书馆是图书馆的发展方向,通过比较数字图书馆与传统图书馆的异同,探讨了数字图书馆时代读者教育的必要性及方式。  相似文献   

读者工作是帮助读者利用文献、开发文献资源的桥梁,是改进和发展图书馆诸多工作的动力,是提高馆藏文献质量的关键。  相似文献   

高校图书馆主体群是学生读者,其主要的服务对象也是学生。因此,分析学生读者的文献信息需求,并最大限度地满足他们的需求,是搞好、搞活读者服务工作的重要依据。  相似文献   

建立良好的馆员与读者关系是图书馆工作的重要组成部分.通过实现馆员与读者的良好沟通,可以使读者充分地利用图书馆,馆员也能够更好地体现自身价值,从而推动图书馆事业的发展.  相似文献   

读者管理是图书馆管理的核心,而科学的读者管理设计是图书馆管理得以实现的根本保障。文章以服务读者的图书馆管理设计理念为出发点,从图书馆的环境布局、读者借阅图书、书库管理、收费工作和图书馆管理制度建设等方面,对图书馆读者管理设计提出一些建议。  相似文献   

图书馆的读者导读工作是图书馆服务工作的重要组成部分,是图书馆提高服务质量的重要方面。图书馆员业务素质和技能的高低,决定着读者导读工作质量和水平的优劣。  相似文献   

构建大学图书馆与读者的和谐关系有赖于大学图书馆服务理念和服务宗旨的根本转变,取决于正确地处理好读者,特别是大学生读者与图书馆的各种关系,真正树立"以人为本""以读者为本"的服务理念,践行"一切为了读者,为了读者一切"的服务宗旨,这样图书馆与读者之间就会互相支持、互相理解、互相配合,形成良性互动,从而构建起大学图书馆与读者之间的和谐关系.  相似文献   

儿童文学是社会、成人和少年儿童的文学对话.它既要适应儿童的兴趣、能力和成长需求,将儿童设定为隐含读者;又要表现成人的理想、愿望,是一个成人自我满足的寓言.或表现与儿童相通的情感,或为实用的目的要在作品中说服老师和家长,或在对童年的回忆中渗进成人的情绪,或在写儿童的作品中表现对成人也有教育意义的内容,儿童文学都常把成人也设定为隐含读者.所以,许多儿童文学作品存有双隐含读者是一个正常的现象.  相似文献   

This is a follow‐up study regarding one of the early readers whose metacognitive reading strategies were explored in my 1991 qualitative case study research, published in Reading, 29 (2), 30–33. Unique factors in the original study involve the inclusion of young children as informants related to self, task and text. Six‐year‐old ‘Jan’ is now almost 26, and a semi‐structured interview method was used to examine effects the previous study may have had on her development as well as her current preferences regarding reading strategies, comparing her profile to that of her past reading self. In addition, the contemporary qualitative study explores conclusions regarding the reading process that might assist educators in the teaching of reading as well as facilitate further research with young children. Results of this follow‐up study support involving young children as informants regarding their literacy events and imply the need for further research regarding adult readers, related to further understandings of the reading process and best educational practice.  相似文献   

随着社会发展,读者特别是学生读者对读书学习产生新的需求,通过为读者创造良好的信息交流环境,组织各种交流活动,满足读者快速获取知识,提高自身实践技能,及对知识的个性化需要,提高高校图书馆的信息服务水平,更好地实现自身所具有的教育职能。  相似文献   

接受美学提出了很多创造性概念,但忽略了"作者的读者身份"问题,因此很有必要从中西文论的历史梳理中提出其概念,并论述其内外涵义。"作者的读者身份"的核心、内在涵义,就是作者在创作过程中的读者身份,就阅读与创作的关系来说,它有同时性、同质性、异构性和严格性等几方面的特征;它的外在涵义,是创作之后或非创作状态的作者的读者身份,特别是作者阅读自己作品时的理性和感性层面。了解作者的读者身份,对研究接受美学和创作美学都具有深刻的意义。  相似文献   

管献祥 《南平师专学报》2005,24(2):76-77,90
高校图书馆是高校的文献信息中心,图书馆的主要工作就是读者服务。随着社会的发展进步,读者服务工作正发生着巨大的变化,加强读者服务工作,提高馆员的素质,提高服务质量,才能更好地、有效地为教学、科研服务。  相似文献   

在图书馆读服务工作中,馆员为主体,读为客体,二各具主体性,又互为客体,形成互相依存,互相影响,互相教育,互相促进的统一关系。充分认识二的关系,有利于从认识论的角度把握读工作的客观规律,提高读服务工作的水平。  相似文献   

地作为报纸把关人的编辑,在坚持正确的办报方向的前提下,应努力提高宣传艺术。要提高宣传艺术,编辑就要牢牢树立读者意识,研究读者、了解读者、把握读者,不断创新报道内容,积极策划和编发读者喜闻乐见的新闻。同时,要用好“版面语言”,不断创新报道形式。  相似文献   

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