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张琳琳  游苏宁  高宏 《编辑学报》2018,30(5):506-509
学术会议在科技期刊发展中具有重要作用。《中华放射学杂志》在办刊过程中举办了众多品牌学术会议,本文系统总结了本刊所举办的会议,包括:1)寻找热点,传播创新成果;2)把握方向,促进学科发展;3)搭建平台,培养青年人才;4)针对不足,助力专家成长;5)了解需求,与企业合作共赢。最后对学术期刊举办学术会议进行了思考总结。  相似文献   

We propose a method to identify the journals or proceedings that are most highly esteemed by a research group over some time frame. Using open publication databases, we identify the experts in the community, and analyse their publication pattern, and then use this as a guideline for evaluating scientific outputs of other groups of researchers publishing in the same domain. To illustrate the practicality of our method, we analyse the scientific output of Korean researchers in the security subject domain from 2004 to 2009, and comparing this groups’ output with that of well-known researchers. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that there is a persistent gap between these two research groups’ publications impact over this period, although the absolute number of journal publications greatly increased over recent years.  相似文献   

魏瑞斌 《图书情报工作》2016,60(24):107-114
[目的/意义] 从微观层面对某种研究方法的期刊论文进行内容分析,从创新视角分析研究方法的研究成果,以期为研究图书情报学领域的论文研究方法的创新提供参考。[方法/过程] 对国内外相关研究成果梳理的基础上,提出一个研究方法创新的分类体系和分析流程。利用内容分析方法,选取国内181篇共词分析论文进行实证研究。[结果/结论] 研究发现:国内学者对共词方法改进性研究的成果相对较少,而在共词方法应用方面的研究较多。在共词分析改进性研究中,国内学者的创新性研究主要体现在共词分析某个过程的创新,原理性创新缺乏。在共词方法应用研究文献,国内学者在数据源、数据分析或数据可视化工具等方面有一定的创新。  相似文献   

应用引文共引聚类-内容词分析法对学科发展的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
侯跃芳  崔雷  吴迪 《情报学报》2007,(2):309-314
将引文共引聚类与内容词分析法相结合揭示专题发展,通过引文共引聚类描述妊娠糖尿病专题研究的发展历史,通过高频引文的重要来源文献的内容词分析描述该专题研究现状,同时计算来源文献类内相似度、关联度及类间差异度,验证引文共引聚类的效果.  相似文献   

滕蓉  郑晓蕾  曹洪武 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):371-374
当前,越来越多的科技期刊在探索多模式经营,举办学术会议成为一种新的期刊发展途径.对此,以“中国控制与决策会议(CCDC)”为实例,讨论以科技期刊为根本,举办学术会议的可行性.介绍将小型学术会议成功转型为大型国际学术会议并树立会议品牌的4项措施:1)主办体联合化;2)构建强大的学术共同体;3)充分利用互联网提高工作效率;4)会议程序安排人性化.认为会议的持续发展对提升期刊影响力和拓展编辑能力具有促进作用.指出了会议发展的新方向.  相似文献   

宋娜  王迪  王东雨  王川 《情报工程》2017,3(2):100-107
运用可视化分析软件 CiteSpace 对相关数据库中收录的移动医疗范围内的文献进行分析和价 值挖掘,从发文量、关键词、作者角度绘制国内移动医疗研究范围内的知识图谱,并对该领域的热点、 核心作者和相关研究情况等进行分析,简述了国内移动医疗研究的机遇和挑战,为国内移动医疗的发 展提出建议和展  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 梳理和总结现代图书馆学研究方法的演变历程和发展特征,对于图书馆学研究者理解、选择和使用研究方法具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 采用内容分析法对Library quarterly创刊至今所载研究性论文使用的研究方法进行归类、统计和分析。[结果/结论] 结果显示,现代图书馆学研究方法的演变过程实则是对实证方法的扬弃过程,当前图书馆学研究呈现出研究方法多元化的特点。  相似文献   

利用SWOT分析方法,分析了高校图书馆科研工作的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战,得出高校图书馆科研工作的战略选择:增强图书馆科研意识,提高馆员素质,培养科研带头人,组建科研团队,积极调动各方面的积极因素等。  相似文献   

任健  郭杨潇 《编辑学报》2016,28(3):209-212
从构建我国科技期刊云平台目标出发,基于“内容即服务”这一核心理念,结合中国光学期刊网、中国知网和SpringerLink等国内外数字期刊出版平台案例,从语义化、可视化、交互化和再生产化4个层面进行系统思考.在此基础上,提出当下科技期刊云平台基于内容资源优势,在构建新型平台服务产品体系时所面临的内容资源组织模式、利益分配机制、平台治理结构、内容产品化、商业模式和细分维度等问题及其对策.  相似文献   

研究型论文与综述型论文引文量的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱大明 《编辑学报》2010,22(1):33-34
研究型论文和综述型论文是2种不同类型的科技期刊论文。本文的抽样统计表明,综述型论文篇均引文量远大于研究型论文。对其原因作了简要分析。认为在论文写作、编辑以及文献分析时对这2种不同类型论文的参考文献引证数量应区别对待。  相似文献   

李根 《编辑学报》2018,30(2):178-180
为深入把握研究前沿,并了解其中高被引论文的特征,以ESI 数据库中(数据截至2017 年6 月底) 全球最受关注的前10 位(TOP 10) 研究前沿中的高被引论文(共计486 篇) 为样本,利用Excel 2010 对其涉及学科、来源期刊特征、作者地域分布3 个方面进行了统计分析,希望能为国内期刊在追踪前沿学术论文,以及提升论文影响力方面提供参考.  相似文献   


This study used the 2017 Las Vegas and 2016 Orlando mass shootings as case studies to explore alleged double standards in reporting of events featuring Muslim and non-Muslim mass perpetrators of violence. The study used framing theory and content analysis to examine Los Angeles Times and New York Times coverage of the shootings during the one week immediately following each event. Findings are consistent with previous literature and the researchers’ expectations. The Orlando shooting, carried out by a Muslim, was allotted more coverage despite the fact that it produced nine fewer fatalities than the Las Vegas shooting, perpetrated by a white non-Muslim. The analysis also showed that the examined newspapers were more likely to employ a “terrorism” frame in their coverage of the Orlando shooting than in their coverage of the Las Vegas shooting; link the Orlando mass shooting with the global war on terrorism; and to humanize Stephen Paddock, the white perpetrator of the Las Vegas shooting. Framing differences found in this study may contribute to downplaying the threat of white male gun violence, and to reinforcing fears of Islam and Muslims.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于使用与满足这一视角,对国外社交网络用户行为相关的文献进行系统的梳理与分析,以期对国内相关研究提供参考。[方法/过程]采用内容分析方法,遵循Webster和Watson的两阶段综述方法,共获取社交网络用户行为研究相关的实证类文献54篇;逐一阅读与分析这些文献,主要关注与分析每篇文献所应用的研究主题、理论基础、因变量、自变量与实证结果。[结果/结论]研究发现:已有研究通常整合多种理论来构建实证模型;认知需求、个人整合需求以及社会整合需求相关的影响因素被学者关注得最多;与此同时,情感需求与压力释放需求相关的影响因素也逐渐受到关注。后续研究需要关注不同层面的需求满足对社交网络用户行为产生的不同影响、不同代际的用户群体使用社交网络的行为以及社交网络沉迷行为这些日益浮现的重要议题。  相似文献   

喻国明  耿晓梦 《新闻大学》2020,(3):61-70,119
新一代信息技术革命正推动着新一代内容范式的建构。作为一种新的内容范式,内容在作为资讯传达的深度价值之外,还具有作为情感和关系表达的宽度价值,以及内容作为一种传播场景的媒介价值。虽然资讯内容的价值属性未改变,但专业媒介面临工作重心从直接内容生产向数据挖掘与生产组织协调的转型。泛众化传播到来的同时传播的情感和关系属性被放大,视频表达的宽信息容量彰显了内容作为引发关系认同和情感共鸣的宽度价值。面对碎片化传播语境与流动中的用户,无所不在、无处不有的内容作为一种场景的媒介价值显现出来--通过内容聚合趣缘用户,再通过数据驱动建构场景连接,最后促进供需双方的价值变现。  相似文献   

This article explores birth representations through a content analysis of two seasons of the U.K. program, One Born Every Minute (OBEM) (Channel 4, 2010–). Reality television (RTV) has been a fertile ground for the mediation of birth, but has also stoked controversy among feminist critics and the birth community about how birth is represented and the impacts this might have for women and society. International research has explored problematic over-representation of white, heterosexual couples, as well as noting a predominance of medicalized birth experiences. However, this research is formed largely of qualitative studies that are necessarily based on small samples of episodes. To contribute to this literature, we apply a quantitative and interdisciplinary lens through a content analysis of two seasons of the U.K. version of OBEM. Paying attention to the geographical and temporal context of OBEM, this article confirms over-representation of white, heterosexual couples and medicalized birth on RTV birth shows while also providing novel insights into the ambiguous representation of birthplace and lead caregivers, the medicalization of birth through the routinization of supposedly minor birth interventions, and the absence of the representation of women’s choice over such interventions.  相似文献   

从信息分析的现状调查看发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据一项对我国若干科技信息机构中信息分析工作的最新调查统计结果,就信息分析的内容与形式,在服务对象、研究分析的手段与方法、服务效果等方面的现状进行了较细致的分析,说明改革开放20年来,信息分析工作取得了相当的发展与进步;也表明当前存在的问题和困难。随后提出,信息分析工作如何以需求导向,利用好经费和当前的条件,加强合作与交流,争取在为政府、尤其是为企业的竞争情报服务中走出新路。  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyze the behavior and attitude of authors from scientific papers towards keyword selection, investigate the habit of authors in keyword retrieval, and explore the method of keyword optimization. We design a questionnaire about the keyword selection, including keyword retrieval habit, selection method, processing attitude, expectation, etc. Two hundred questionnaires are sent to the authors of Computer Systems and Applications and 152 valid ones are retrieved. In comparison with other modes, authors are inclined to retrieve papers in the subject or keyword mode.71.62% authors pay much attention to keyword selection. 76.97% authors select Keywords only from titles and abstracts. 73.65% authors believe that Keywords are set to reflect the article content and technical points. 79.73% authors have investigated hot Keywords. 89.19% authors think that valid Keywords can increase article display. 93.10% authors hope editorial boards to recommend Keywords. Since authors are lack of effective method, they are powerless in keyword selection. Editors of scientific and technological journals should make in-depth studies in keyword optimization and make efforts together with authors to select more standard and valid Keywords.  相似文献   

The general aim of this paper is to show the results of a study in which we combined bibliometric mapping and citation network analysis to investigate the process of creation and transfer of knowledge through scientific publications. The novelty of this approach is the combination of both methods. In this case we analyzed the citations to a very influential paper published in 1990 that contains, for the first time, the term Absorptive Capacity. A bibliometric map identified the terms and the theories associated with the term while two techniques from the citation network analysis recognized the main papers during 15 years. As a result we identified the articles that influenced the research for some time and linked them into a research tradition that can be considered the backbone of the “Absorptive Capacity Field”.  相似文献   

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