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The mathematics education community has been widely recognized as a leader in the standards-based reform movement. Despite the widespread interest and attention that reform documents such as the NCTM Standards have generated, what has yet to be fully understood is the impact of these types of reform documents on the preservice teacher preparation process. This paper examines the state of the standards-based reform effort in mathematics teacher education by presenting the results of a three-year study of six cohorts of secondary mathematics student teachers (n = 63). Examined in particular are the ways in which these student teachers' professed beliefs about and knowledge of the NCTM Standards contrast with their teaching practices. Possible explanations for the mismatch between belief and knowledge statements and teaching practices are examined, along with other implications for mathematics teacher preparation.  相似文献   

教师教育中的反思性实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试从哲学上的“反思”谈起,进而从几个不同的方面论述教师教育中的反思性实践,包括:反思性实践的由来;反思性实践的突出特点——突破理论与实践二元分裂的传统;教师的实践知识和实践智慧;并在此基础上揭示反思性实践对于教师专业成长的意义。  相似文献   

数学反思性教学的特征有:反身性、回顾性、内省性、深究性和反诘性.数学反思性教学的本质就是教师从学生已有数学知识进行"反思",产生新的数学问题,并对问题进行反复地、持续地分析与探究,引导学生进行反思性学习,来建构数学新知识和新方法.  相似文献   

Intentional, systemic philosophical change on an educational program level and on an individual level is often a slow and cyclic process. In this article, we reflect on the journey of philosophical change and growth from a traditional philosophy to an inquiry-based, Reggio-inspired one that occurred on both levels in an early childhood teacher education program and laboratory school over a period of 7 years. As an inquiry group, we reflected on the change we experienced in our own teaching methods, our interactions with staff members and each other, and our perceptions of change in interaction with our students. After carefully and systematically reviewing our reflections, five trends in change were identified. They were (a) recasting the image of the teacher and reevaluating the process of teaching and learning, (b) valuing dialogue, (c) cultivating a reflective mindset, (d) valuing outside perspectives, and (e) building meaningful relationships. The process of reflecting on and documenting our journey has improved our ability to articulate the change we made and to see our growth. Further it has illuminated future teaching and learning directions and aims that we intend to pursue. Finally, we hope that sharing this process will encourage others to examine what, how, and why of their teaching and learning in order to enhance their own professional development journey.  相似文献   

批判反思型教师的反思实践方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
批判反思型教师以自己的职业活动为思考对象,对其进行审视和分析。通过对批判反思的涵义与溯源进行探讨,揭示了批判反思的本质、过程与核心。并主要从四个不同视角介绍了批判反思的实践方法,展示了一般教师成长为批判反思型教师的学习变化过程。  相似文献   

The Artist Teacher as Reflective Practitioner   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article it is argued that in order to be an effective artist teacher it is helpful to be a reflective practitioner. Initially a working definition of the artist teacher is formulated and the artist teacher scheme that has developed in England over recent years is discussed regarding its importance in offering both accredited and non‐accredited personal and professional development for artist teachers. Potential problems with adopting this dual practice or identity are then highlighted and reflective practice is evoked as a means by which such problems can be tackled, with particular reference to the theories of Schön.  相似文献   

课程改革中教师的身份认同——制度变迁与自我重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度变迁与自我重构是分析身份认同的两条基本路径。课程改革为教师的身份认同提供了新的社会情境与制度期望。借鉴鲍曼的朝圣者、观光者、流浪者等概念,可将教师在新课程改革中的自我重构分为四个类型,这一划分为我们理解结构-个人互动中的身份建构以及课程改革的一些基本问题提供了启示。  相似文献   

数学教师的数学观和数学教育观   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
作为数学教师素质结构的先导性成分,数学观由数学知识观、数学本质观和数学价值观构成.数学教育观包括数学教育目的观、数学教育过程观和数学教育价值观3个主要部分.数学教师的数学观对其数学教育观有重要影响.数学教育文化观、数学教育哲学观和数学教育价值观之间有着复杂的互动关系.  相似文献   

知识性质的转变与教育改革   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
本文扼要分析了长期以来支配教育生活的现代知识的“客观性”,“普遍性”和“中立性”,总结了20世纪60年代以来上述知识性质所遭遇的尖锐批判以及由此所发生的重大变革,阐释了“文化性”,“境域性”及“价值性”等新的知识性质,在此基础上,本文对我国当前教育改革中的一些相关问题如教育目的问题,课程问题,教学问题等进行了深刻反思,提出了与新的知识性质相一致的教育目的,课程和教学改革建议,试图为我国当前的教育改革提供一个新的知识论基础。  相似文献   

The Use of Reflective Journals in Initial Teacher Training   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The intention of this article is to examine the role of reflective journals in Initial Teacher Training courses, and, in particular, how they can enable students to develop critical independence for professional self-appraisal. It explores the value of journal writing in the process of learning about teaching by reproducing an edited extract of one PGCE (Post-Graduate Certificate in Education) student's course journal, and by offering both a student's and a tutor's perspective of the significance of the journal.  相似文献   

美国教师教育制度的改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育制度是当今美国教育改革的重大课题。本主要阐述美国职前教师教育制度的传统框架以及20世纪80年代后期以来教师教育制度的改革与发展,并简要说明20世纪90年代以来美国教师教育制度改革实践中出现的教师专业发展学校的新动向。  相似文献   

数学教师希望通过反思性教学研究提高教学水平,达到教学相长的目的。在新课程改革背景下,数学教师需要强化教育意识,完善反思性教学的途径,坚持以人为本教学理念,做到教与学的统一,提高学生的课堂参与度和学习热情。笔者通过分析数学反思性教学的意义,进而提出数学反思性教学的有效策略。  相似文献   

论数学反思能力   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
数学反思能力是在数学反思活动过程中表现出来的一种稳定的个性心理特征。分析数学反思能力的基本含义、特征、发展特点以及与其他数学能力的关系是准确把握数学反思能力的实质,是提高学生数学反思能力的重要保证,对提高教学效益、推动数学课程改革也有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,人们对数学教育的要求会越来越高.为适应这种要求,为使中学数学课程改革能够深入下去,使新的中学数学课程标准能够顺利实施,并达到预期的目的,中学数学教师应转变教育观念,努力提高教学水平.  相似文献   

反思性数学教学是指以解决教学问题为基本点,对自身的思维过程、结果与行为进行再认识与检验的过程,具有探究性、主动性、批判性。理论依据有元教育理论等。一般步骤为四步,实施主要通过教师的教学行为与学生的学习行为研究。  相似文献   

刘鑫 《铜仁学院学报》2005,7(8):62-62,93
随着社会的发展,人们对数学教育的要求会越来越高。为适应这种要求,为使中学数学课程改革能够深入下去,使新的中学数学课程标准能够顺利实施,并达到预期的目的,中学数学教师应转变教育观念,努力提高教学水平。  相似文献   

教师在教育改革的过程中曾只是作为被改革的对象,在通过培训、指导、引领等关于改革知识、能力的认识更新之后,只剩下压力、疲惫与挫败感,教师面对一次次的改革也渐渐无动于衷。文章试图从改革的复杂性和渐进性理论入手,解读改革过程中的复杂性和教师改变的困境,进而提出四点反思,希望对当前的教育改革衣坼启示,  相似文献   

新世纪高校数学课程的改革正在全国范围内逐步展开,其改革成败的关键在于数学教师。为使数学课程改革能够深入下去,使新的数学课程标准能够顺利实施,并达到预期的目的,要求教师转变角色,更新观念,提高施教能力,才能使高校数学教育的质量有一个大的飞跃。  相似文献   


This article is an attempt to answer some of the criticisms of the notion of reflective practice in teacher education. It is argued that in a democratic society personal autonomy is an important ideal of education, including teacher education, and that therefore the notion of reflective practice should have a central place. The relationship between autonomy and the reflective self is clarified with reference to different models of the self. In the light of this, the purpose of teacher education for autonomy is defined in terms of the nature of the committed as well as the reflective aspects of the self. The argument is further illustrated and elaborated by examining Schb'n's attempt to reintellec‐tualize professional practice through an analysis of the reflective practitioner as artist. In addition to facilitating self‐analysis and reflection, teacher education should raise awareness of the need to produce and reproduce the milieu of democratic reform. In conclusion, the role of the disciplines is reviewed as a resource for pursuing the goal of autonomy in teacher education.  相似文献   

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