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体育课程内容标准从运动参与、运动技能、身体健康、心理健康和社会适应5个方面描述了体育课程各领域的学习结果。基于课程目标分类理论,提出一个六维分析框架,从“展示完成多样的体育活动所需的动作技能和运动模式的能力”“在体育活动过程中获取、运用体育与健康的认知性知识并证明对它们的理解”“有规律地参与体育活动”“达成并维持一个增进健康的体能水平”“在体育活动中尊重自己和他人、展现负责任的个人和社会行为”“理解体育活动对健康、娱乐、挑战、自我表现和社会交往的价值”6个方面来理解体育课程内容标准,为开发基于标准的体育课程提供分析工具,以期指导当前的体育课程实践。  相似文献   

体育公共服务的理论框架及系统结构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
结合体育公共服务自身独特的范式、内部存在必要的结构和张力.从体育公共服务的定位,体育公共服务的模式、结构与政策,体育公共服务体制与机制,体育公共服务管理4个层面建构体育公共服务理论分析框架.体育公共服务实践系统为:体育公共服务管理、体育公共服务的规划、体育公共服务的融资、体育公共服务的提供和体育公共服务绩效评估5个系统结构.  相似文献   

The purpose of the research was to develop an instrument to examine physical education teachers' priorities for curricular decision-making. The purpose dimension of the Purpose Process Curriculum Framework (PPCF) was used as the theoretical structure for content decisions. Three studies are reported that investigate the reliability and validity of the proposed instrument. Items were evaluated for relevance and validity of the proposed instrument. They were evaluated for relevance and theoretical consistency by physical education teachers (Study 1) and curriculum specialists (Study 2). Acceptable items were then placed in a ranking format and field tested with physical educators in three school districts (Study 3). Results from Study 1 indicated that secondary level physical education teachers supported the relevance of items to reflect the educational setting in their classes. In Study 2, mean ratings of curriculum specialists established that 19 of the 22 categories were theoretically consistent with the PPCF. However, internal consistency coefficients (alpha) for 10 of the 22 purposes were less than .70. Follow-up field tests with physical educators in Study 3 indicated that only one category, joy of movement, had a coefficient above .70. In this research internal consistency coefficients were too low to make a claim for the reliability of the concept scales of the instrument. The multidimensionality of the purpose concepts raised questions regarding the validity of the PPCF and prohibited the use of the framework as a theoretical basis for instrument development.  相似文献   

为了建立一个体育课与健康理论相融合的新型"体育-健康课程模式",并对其实验效果进行研究,根据学生对<大学生健康常识知晓顺序问卷>结果,在大学一、二年级体育课内设计相关健康知识内容,每次课15 min,实施1年,共36次课.实验前、后分别发放<大学生健康生活形态调查表>,考察大学生对健康常识的掌握及与生活形态的联系情况.结果设计出符合大一、大二年级学生特点,与体育课相融合的"体育.健康课程模式".实验后,一年级和二年级之间无显著差异,但和实验前相比各自均有非常显著差异(P<0.01);实验后一、二年级和三年级均有显著差异(P<0.05);三年级和实验前比无显著差异.结果说明,接受过"体育-健康课程模式"指导的学生明显比实验前及没有参加实验的学生拥有更健康的生活形态,能更好地根据所学的"体育一健康"知识优化实际生活.高校体育课与健康教育融合模式具有较强的可行性.  相似文献   

高校体育课程评价体系的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用层次分析法,对高校体育课程评价体系进行建模和实证分析.构建出一套有5个1级指标和13个2级指标构成的评价指标体系,经实践检验该体系既能反映大学生体育课程学习现状,且具有操作性强的优点.  相似文献   

崔伟 《体育学刊》2007,14(7):76-79
依据后现代主义思想和后现代课程观的基本主张,阐述了在后现代课程语境下我国体育课程改革理念的转变:体育课程的目的应聚焦在全人发展上,体育课程内容应体现多元化取向,体育课程实施应注重创造性和重建性,体育课程评价应彰显多元与差异,体育课程决策和管理应走向权利分享。后现代主义课程观对体育课程改革将会产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

论体育课程目标——评贾齐与解飞厚的课程观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对体育课程设置的原则和目标规定及对体育概念的历史考察,指出体育课程的目的在于培养有修养、有能力、健康明朗、积极向上的人。体育的目标应该具体到"运动技能学习、社会行动学习、认知和反思学习及情意学习"等方面的目标。体育课程建设应当遵循科学发展观的需要,利用体育课程历史上出现的身体观和育人观的成果,将育人观和运动观相结合,使我国的体育课程建设更加完善。  相似文献   

承袭课程改革思潮和人文奥运理念,佐以文化学、教育学等阐释体育课程文化内涵,多角度下剖析体育课程文化时代特征、社会意义、价值取向及发展趋势,审视体育课程文化的影响力,为体育课程文化的深入研究做铺垫,有利于逐步进化体育课程,指导体育课程文化自觉性建设;有利于贯彻落实马克思主义文化观,满足世界文化转型的时代需要;有利于民族文化综合创新,引导和谐文化的构建。  相似文献   

高师体育教育专业课程体系中教育类课程改革的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曾吉 《浙江体育科学》2000,22(6):18-20,22
我国高师体育教育专业课程的知识结构不尽合理,表现为整个课程结构的专业性太强;教育类课程与国外同类专业相比,存在课程门类少,教学时数偏低,且教学内容陈旧等现象;教学过程中重视学科专业知识,轻视教育理论和教师技能的训练,使得师范教育缺少师范特点,远不能适应未来教师专业训练的需要。因此,加强对课程体系中教育类课程的研究和实践,对于提高体育教育专业人才培养的质量和特色,具有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

基础教育体育与健康课程改革(以下简称“新课改”)的进行,引发了学校体育自建国以来在全国范围内最深刻的一次反思。历史总是惊人地相似,在此次新课改中,我们也同样经历了从大量地引进国外先进课程理论到有针对性、目的性地甄别课程理论这样一个过程,这与100多年前清末民初之时  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):308-316
Organisational performance has become an imperative management function within the non-profit sport context as increased pressure is placed on these organisations to provide a quality service to stakeholders in an accountable and transparent manner. The case presented here examines the issue of developing and implementing a robust performance management tool that can potentially help national sport organisation managers with the multitude of performance challenges now facing these organisations. The theoretical underpinnings of a performance management tool are presented followed by background information to a fictional national sport organisation (Racquetball Australia) and views from the CEO of the organisation in relation to the topic of performance management. The case is written from a fictional perspective so that instructors may adapt the case to suit the geographical context in which the class is taking place.  相似文献   

Aerobic exercise and resistance training have been proven to be beneficial for patients with heart failure. Current reimbursement guidelines exclude these patients from our traditional cardiac rehabilitation program, so at Newton Wellesley Hospital a clinic model was developed for the disease management and exercise of heart failure patients.Key Words: heart failure, physical therapy, exercise  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of delivering a body of knowledge based on biomedical research as a school physical education discourse. The paper attempts to deconstruct the ideology of healthism upon which the discourse is based in order to show how ascetic practices in school physical education are promoted as a way of combating the hedonistic tendencies of modern lifestyles of the young. A critical examination is presented of the claims made by biomedicine in light of the paucity of evidence, the unresolved questions of individuality, the ineffective response to the consumer culture of modem youth, and the moral imperative that seem to be associated with the requirements for healthy living. The paper concludes that without reflection on what is being assumed in the recontexualization of biomedicine, a central tension will continue to exist between the dominant discourse of healthism and those it is attempting to influence. More specifically, the reduction of the disparity between healthism and the reality of consumer culture of modern youth must be achieved in order that the objectives of the discourse may be realized. Physical education teachers and biomedical experts will require a similar understanding of youth culture to those in the advertising industry if the values of physical activity are to be fully accepted.  相似文献   

与高中体育新课程相衔接的高校体育课程研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
新一轮的体育课程改革,使高中体育课程的理念、教学组织形式和内容、学生的学习方式、体育课程评价体系等发生了根本的变化.高校与高中的衔接,由于体育的特殊性决定了它们是连续的体系.为了适应高中体育课程的变化,提出在高校实行学分与积分管理相结合的制度;建立与高中相衔接的选项教学体系;建立校内单项体育俱乐部;针对不同水平的学生实行分层教学等设想,为促进学生的健康意识和终身体育能力,实现教学目标服务.  相似文献   


Consistent with other sciences (e.g., Kass-Simon, 1993; Tang, 2006), the field of kinesiology has been called a “masculine domain,” which has an institutionalized culture biased against women (Brackenridge, Mutrie, &; Choi, 2005). This paper represents the second part of a larger project that examined the life histories of eight trailblazing women in sport and exercise psychology. In the first paper (Krane &; Whaley, 2010) we made the case for re-placing these women into the history of sport psychology, based on their contributions to research, teaching, and service to the field. In this study, we explored the experiences of these women with regard to the challenges they faced and how they overcame or coped with them. The specific themes emerging from the data analysis were the trailblazers' graduate school and early professional experiences, general campus climates, departmental politics, gender or discipline, coping and the cost of caring, and giving back and moving forward.  相似文献   

大学生体育课学习满意度测查量表编制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据访谈、半开放式问卷施测结果及理论假设,编制大学生体育课学习满意度量表.结果表明:探索性因素分析确定量表包含教学氛围与内容、教师教学能力、同学关系、场地器材和成绩评定5个因素,解释总变异的63.898%.总量表的α系数为0.933 3,分量表的α系数在0.8081~0.890 5,重测信度为0.835.各分量表与总量表的相关在0.692~0.873,且在0.01水平上相关显著,量表的内容效度较好.各分维度之间的相关在0.261~0.483,说明量表具有一定的结构效度.该量表具有较好的信度和效度,可用于大学生体育课学习满意度的测试.  相似文献   

Bodily knowledge has attracted significant attention within the humanities and other related fields over the last two decades. Although theoretical discussion on bodily knowledge in the context of physical education has been active over the past 10 years, these discussions lack clear conceptual analyses of bodily knowledge. Using a phenomenological approach, the purpose of this paper is to clarify the notion of bodily knowledge, furthering epistemological discussions of the topic within reflective, embodied practices. Instead of seeing bodily knowledge inherently connected to the acquisition of motor skills or improving physical fitness, we will discuss physical training as a reflective, embodied process that can turn sensuous information about the moving body into knowledge. Using outdoor running as an example, we describe the process of forming bodily knowledge, which includes: (1) the exploring and identifying of movement qualities, (2) developing capabilities of registering changes in the body and (3) directing and modifying one's own training processes based on bodily findings. Contextualizing this epistemological discussion with adults’ recreational physical activity, this paper argues that bodily knowledge can cultivate individuals to trust their own body awareness and embodied responses to take more responsibility for their own physical exercise. When biomedical knowledge of the body in sport sciences tends to shrink the body to physiological attributes, such as muscle mass and fat percentage, our analysis stresses the agency of the lived body as a source of knowledge in physical activity.  相似文献   

Through the use of narrative inquiry, this research study explores the collaborative curriculum making experiences of six teachers (three males; three females) in one physical education (PE) department in an urban middle school in the U.S. Collaboration; as defined in this work, this has to do with teachers’ voluntary interactions and their shared decision making in support of common goals. Where curriculum making is concerned, it refers to interactions between and among the four commonplaces of curriculum (teacher, learner, subject matter, milieu). The paper features the perspectives of the department head (female), experienced teachers (male and female) and teachers new to the profession (male and female). The narrative accounts of the individual teachers are set against the backdrop of the PE department with which they identify and within the storied history of the school in which they work. The story constellations representational form conveys the interrelatedness of the narratives and instantiates the teachers’ experiences of collaborative curriculum making. In the final analysis, this research enterprise makes a major contribution to the study of PE as well as to education generally. To date, no inquiries have focused on the collaborative curriculum making of teachers lodged in a PE department in one school context, despite collaborative curriculum making most closely reflecting how PE teachers typically approach the teaching task due to shared classrooms/gymnasiums/fields and the communal use of equipment.  相似文献   

As a lens through which to read and understand a subject area and its curriculum content and issues, a sociocultural perspective is a recent and arguably significant change for the Health and Physical Education (HPE) Key Learning Area (KLA) in Australia. Its significance lies, first, in the fact that it seems to represent a notable departure from the predominantly medico-scientific, bio-physical and even psychological foundations of the learning area as it stood throughout the second half of the twentieth century, and second, because its attention to social and cultural influences on health put it in direct opposition to notions which locate health almost solely in the individual and his or her decisions. Despite the potential ramifications of these shifts for practitioners, to date there has been little research that has examined this change within the context of the classroom. This paper reports on a research project conducted in two classrooms in the Australian state of New South Wales, which began with the question ‘what happens when you introduce a unit of work planned with the aim of developing a sociocultural perspective into the HPE classroom?’ I respond to this question by drawing on teacher and student interviews, planning sessions, and classroom observations and recordings to discuss the most prominent discursive tensions and organisational constraints that stand as impediments to a sociocultural perspective as a practiced curriculum change.  相似文献   

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