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高Q值的片上集成电感是单片集成射频电路、微波电路中不可缺少的重要元件。衬底损耗、金属损耗及电感螺旋线之间磁通量的相互抵消是限制集成电感品质的主要因素。首次提出了一种利用常规硅工艺实现的新型立体集成电感设计,先在介质层上刻蚀出一个锥形柱面,然后在凹面上镀金属层,利用平面螺旋电感的制造方法,就可制造出立体电感;分析了该集成电感在金属损耗及电感螺旋线之间磁通量的相互抵消等多方面的优势;提出了该型集成电感的两种仿真模型;利用ASITIC软件近似仿真发现该型集成电感能获得较高Q值。  相似文献   

分析了五种模拟电感器,阐明了各自的特点及其适应的场合,提出了改进模拟电感器性能的具体措施。  相似文献   

过敏敏 《林区教学》2012,(12):87-89
针对传统PQ下垂法在并联工作中存在的不足,提出了相应的改进方案。相对PQ下垂法增加了一对功率修正环,提高逆变器在并联工作时的动态性能,相应提高了并联系统的均流效果。  相似文献   

文章介绍了提高功率因数的意义,分析了感性负载电路中并联适当的电容器,提高功率因数的方法,指出了确定并联电容器的容量及提高功率因数应注意的事项.  相似文献   

异构数据库的集成是当前数据库研究领域内的一个热点,它能更有效地利用信息资源及实现数据共享。论述了一种基于XML中间件的异构数据库集成方法。首先介绍了异构数据库集成系统整体框架结构的层次模型和每一层的服务功能,然后对其中的关键问题,如关系数据模式到XMLSchema模式转换及查询分解方法进行了讨论,最后阐述了该异构数据库集成方法的优点。  相似文献   

针对信息集成中的语义异构问题,提出了一个基于本体的语义信息集成模型OSII,并给出了逻辑框架.OSII采用混和本体方式建模,以OWL描述本体,通过局部本体与全局本体之间的映射获得多源统一视图.提出了一种基于树结构的多策略本体映射算法,该算法包含4个步骤,即预处理,名称映射,子树映射和映射矫正.其特点在于:按照数据类型分类进行映射,并采用启发式规则,提高映射效率;同时考虑概念的语言相似性和结构相似性,提高相似度计算的准确性;采用迭代矫正,最终得到正确而完整的映射对.通过一个挑战性的实例说明了算法的有效性.OSII能很好地解决信息集成中的语义异构难点,实现多信息源之间的互操作.  相似文献   

用坐标向量变换法对3-TPT型并联机器人进行了运动分析,建立了运动学正、逆方程,为进一步分析运动特性提供了帮助。  相似文献   

不平衡数据在各个应用领域普遍存在。在处理不平衡数据时,破坏原始数据的分布特点和丢弃多数类样本的潜在信息都会降低分类精度,为此,提出一种不平衡数据集成分类方法。从多数类样本中依据计算得到的综合权重进行随机采样,并与少数类样本组成新的训练样本子集|为了保证基分类器的差异性,将投影得到的不同样本子集作为各个基分类器的训练样本,通过多分类器集成学习获得最终分类结果|在UCI数据集下进行实验。结果表明,该方法不仅能够提高少数类样本的分类性能,而且能够有效提高整体分类精度。  相似文献   

本推导出了顺、反并接线圈总自感系数的计算表达式.并对其变化规律进行了详细的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

从电压的观点计算与分析了已被充电到不同电压的电容器并联所引起的静电能损失△W与并联后的最终电压Vf,并讨论了△W与Vf的物理意义。  相似文献   

提出了利用类贝塞尔螺旋相位滤波器实现提高图像边缘增强对比度的方法.给出了普通螺旋相位滤波器和类贝塞尔螺旋相位滤波器的点扩散函数,并利用圆孔、汉字和洋葱表皮细胞等三幅图像进行了边缘增强的模拟计算,发现与普通螺旋相位滤波器的图像边缘增强结果相比,基于类贝塞尔螺旋相位滤波器的图像边缘增强对比度得到显著提高.  相似文献   

分析椭圆生成算法的特点,在Bresenham算法基础上引入并行机制,并利用C静多线程模拟实现.  相似文献   

A number of psychometricians have suggested that parallel analysis (PA) tends to yield more accurate results in determining the number of factors in comparison with other statistical methods. Nevertheless, all too often PA can suggest an incorrect number of factors, particularly in statistically unfavorable conditions (e.g., small sample sizes and low factor loadings). Because of this, researchers have recommended using multiple methods to make judgments about the number of factors to extract. Implicit in this recommendation is that, when the number of factors is chosen based on PA, uncertainty nevertheless exists. We propose a Bayesian parallel analysis (B-PA) method to incorporate the uncertainty with decisions about the number of factors. B-PA yields a probability distribution for the various possible numbers of factors. We implement and compare B-PA with a frequentist approach, revised parallel analysis (R-PA), in the contexts of real and simulated data. Results show that B-PA provides relevant information regarding the uncertainty in determining the number of factors, particularly under conditions with small sample sizes, low factor loadings, and less distinguishable factors. Even if the indicated number of factors with the highest probability is incorrect, B-PA can show a sizable probability of retaining the correct number of factors. Interestingly, when the mode of the distribution of the probabilities associated with different numbers of factors was treated as the number of factors to retain, B-PA was somewhat more accurate than R-PA in a majority of the conditions.  相似文献   

在六朝动荡不安的政局下,往往出现有大量的骈体的诏、策、劝进文等反复劝进揖让的表面文章,这种现象是六朝贵族政治和唯美文化的表现,集中体现了在六朝这个注重文采的时代,骈文不仅是一种艺术美文,更具有重要的政治功用和社会影响力.  相似文献   

分析了目前学校思想政治教育接受现状,认为影响思想政治教育接受效果的主要因素在于思想政治教育接受个体的主体性被压抑,思想政治教育主体与客体之间的关系不和谐,思想政治教育的介体与环体的影响。提出了将案例教学法应用于思想政治教育实践中,进而提高思想政治教育接受效果的具体策略。  相似文献   

研究双孔并行隧道双洞间距对隧道围岩稳定性的影响,根据有限元强度折减法数值模拟计算得到的不同线间距条件下的隧道安全系数和围岩及支护结构内力、位移、塑性区的结果分析,对嵩山隧道的线间距进行了优化设计,确定了最佳、最小线间距.  相似文献   

It is well known that measurement error in observable variables induces bias in estimates in standard regression analysis and that structural equation models are a typical solution to this problem. Often, multiple indicator equations are subsumed as part of the structural equation model, allowing for consistent estimation of the relevant regression parameters. In many instances, however, embedding the measurement model into structural equation models is not possible because the model would not be identified. To correct for measurement error one has no other recourse than to provide the exact values of the variances of the measurement error terms of the model, although in practice such variances cannot be ascertained exactly, but only estimated from an independent study. The usual approach so far has been to treat the estimated values of error variances as if they were known exact population values in the subsequent structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. In this article we show that fixing measurement error variance estimates as if they were true values can make the reported standard errors of the structural parameters of the model smaller than they should be. Inferences about the parameters of interest will be incorrect if the estimated nature of the variances is not taken into account. For general SEM, we derive an explicit expression that provides the terms to be added to the standard errors provided by the standard SEM software that treats the estimated variances as exact population values. Interestingly, we find there is a differential impact of the corrections to be added to the standard errors depending on which parameter of the model is estimated. The theoretical results are illustrated with simulations and also with empirical data on a typical SEM model.  相似文献   

教师继续教育应以提高教育科研素养为突破口,这是基础教育改革和教师职业专业化的必然要求;为此,在教师继续教育中,采取行动研究、反省思维学习策略;以院校培训、校本教育、网络交流为教育模式。  相似文献   

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